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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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we are talking about this topic , i will say goodbye to you for now, of course, we will be with you in the special goharshad narration program, let us go to the news studio and join azin khalji with the latest news. greetings to you , dear viewers and fellow countrymen , we present the 17:00 news together with my colleagues. for every one degree increase in temperature in the country, about 1800 megawatts are added to the electricity consumption. the managing director of tavanir company said that 39 shares of celsius overtemperature in the country is a very large number. according to mr. rajabi mashhadhi
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, the temperature has been over 50 degrees for more than 7 days in ahvaz the heat has been unprecedented in the last 50 years. the number that set a new record is 775 megawatts, which has added more than 4 thousand megawatts to the electricity consumption of the country. well, this number , if we want to build a power plant for it, we must build nearly 6 thousand megawatts of power plants, which is the same amount of growth. be responsible for consumption. half of the bonds issued in the 13th government were used to repay the debt of the previous government. the ministry of economy announced by publishing a notice that 7343 billion tomans of financial bonds were issued in the 13th government, half of which is for repayment. the debts of previous governments.
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in this announcement, it is stated that the ratio of the issuance of financial bonds to the gdp increased from 5 percent in 2019 to two and a half percent in 1402, which indicates that the decreasing trend of the issuance of financial bonds has occurred. from the beginning of the year to july 20, 1403, 8,257 passenger cars were cleared by the customs and entered the country. the head of customs announced the value of this number of cars at 165 million dollars. last year, during the same period, 277 self-facing devices with a value of more than 8 million dollars had entered the country and cleared the customs. currently, another 520 cars worth 90 million dollars are in the final stage of clearance procedures. the security deposit for those subject to military service to leave the country for
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arba'in was removed. in announcing this news, the head of faraja public duty organization said that non-absent soldiers can register to participate in the arbaeen ceremony on the sakha website or my police software, and they do not need to post a bond to leave the country. according to sardar mehri, people whose entry to the country was not registered last year can resolve this issue by referring to the general duty of the province. the head of arbaeen's central headquarters announced special arrangements for the management of pilgrims' travel in the summer season. a group of hosseini's servants and iranian and iraqi processions gathered in khorramshahr with the aim of providing more and better services to the hosseini arbaeen pilgrims. on the eve of hosseini's arbaeen with the global slogan of karbala tariq al-aqsa. the western and
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southern borders of the country are going through the final stages of preparation, we are making floors, we are making canopies for the pilgrims who will pass by, hoping to god, they will be comfortable . on the other side of the border, the iraqis are waiting for the arrival of the pilgrims. the most important concern of trustees and officials. in recent years, the management of this pilgrimage is in the summer season, the development is actually the sprinklers, the water fountains, the provision of ice water and favorable weather conditions, the construction of tunnels. the cold and anticipating the medicines and serums required for self-observance, dear pilgrims , also help in managing their own journey against the heat of the air
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. to serve the same network . what they can do to help us is to make their journey a little shorter and return as soon as they visit, so that there is room for others. officials say that for the pilgrims to travel easily and smoothly, the conditions for crossing the sea route are also available. it was decided that through the sea from arvand river in khorramshahr area. with this account, up to now seven borders to cross pilgrims are considered. navid salemzadeh of abadan radio and television news agency. the fire in the warehouse of a large dairy company in rasht was contained. the head
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of rushd municipality's fire department and safety services said: the warehouses of this company caught fire at 10 o'clock today , with the efforts of the firemen. became. no one was injured in this incident. the cause of this fire is under investigation. america deploys long-range weapons in germany for the first time since the end of the cold war. the us government has announced that it will deploy long-range tomahawk missiles and our ultrasonic weapons on german soil by 2026. it will be said that this action will be taken deterrence against russia is used as an excuse. russian deputy foreign minister sergey rybapkov responded by saying that this us decision will increase tensions and that moscow
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will respond militarily to washington's plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany. this news was announced at the same time as the nato summit in washington on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the formation of this alliance. nato's dual mechanisms regarding ukraine and the gaza strip resulted in the strong criticism of a member of this coalition. spanish prime minister pedro sánchez said: if we demand compliance with international laws in ukraine, we must gaza should also respect them. he warned that the use of dual mechanisms will have the opposite effect and will also weaken the support for ukraine . these statements of the spanish prime minister came after the final statement of the nato summit in america did not mention the gaza crisis and the need to stop the crimes of the zionists. meanwhile , the main focus of this statement is the promise of nato members to provide more financial aid and weapons to ukraine for the war with russia. the washington post newspaper wrote
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that while the united states and europe are angry about russia's attack on ukraine's infrastructure they have remained silent in the face of israel's attacks on medical and educational infrastructure in the gaza strip. thank you very much for your attention. i wish you a good evening. hello. o aba abd allah , i salute you forever.
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in the name of god, i greet you , dear viewers, and have a good evening. meteorological maps show that in the next 24 hours there will be cuts in some parts of the country, in parts of the north and... in the south of our country, in the northwestern regions of the country , the central alborz highlands and the eastern alborz highlands , parts of mazandaran provinces, golestan, khorasan. we will have rain in the northern and semnan province, in the southern half of the country, including the highlands of kerman province, the eastern parts of fars province , the northern regions and the highlands of hormozgan province . the rains mainly occur in the evening and early night . in addition to the parts that i have presented to you, in parts of the northern provinces of tehran and
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alborz provinces, in fact, in the heights of these two provinces , we expect to have showers and lightning. another phenomenon that we should talk about is strong wind blowing for 3 days in the future, in the north-east, east and south-east of the country , on the southern slopes of alborz , we will have parts of the center and south-west of the country, where the increase in the speed of the wind will lead to the rise of dust, decrease in air quality, and decrease in visibility and horizon in these areas, in other parts of the country. the weather will be calm and stable. the temperature has been increasing in most parts of the country for the past few days. we predict that it will decrease from tomorrow, especially in the northern part of the country, in the north and northeast of the country. .
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the days of mourning and mourning for the martyrs of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him yes, and as you have seen, shirgan hosseini's ceremony will be held tomorrow on the first friday of muharram. in the studio of khabar network in the national media, we are talking about goharshad's narrative. on the occasion
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of the arrival of the 21st of july, the day of modesty and hijab and the year of goharshad's uprising, let us go to the mashhad studio without interruption , and accompany my good colleagues in the mashhad studio, mr. haqbin to i greet you . may you have a good time in these days of condolence in the name of god, the lord of souls and the world, the lord of forgiveness. more precious than the threshold of pir moghan's head, the government is in this house and the opening is in this door, with the offering of thousands greetings and respect to you, the proud people of iran and the land , who are accompanying us from the thick of the popular khabar network, my respected colleague sarkar mrs. emami and my hardworking colleagues in khabar network, who made this possible. we can
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present live and direct images of the holy shrine of razavi in ​​the thick of the image and riding on the waves. this is the holy land of khorasan, the city of blessings and dignity, the city of heaven , the spiritual capital of iran, the cultural capital of the islamic world, on the national day of modesty and hijab and in the 90th year. which is like a bloody uprising in the courtyard of goharshad mosque. it happened that people stopped to inform about their religion we are with you, an experienced religious expert, the venerable seyyed hajj, mr. tabatabaei , are with us, hajj sir, greetings and peace to you , and may you rest in peace. i am greeting the dear viewers of the garshad mosque uprising. it is one of those uprisings that , unfortunately, has not been seen. our knowledge about this uprising is very limited. although we do not have a long time gap since this uprising , unfortunately, many works
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have not been written about this issue and many of its documents have not yet been published. let's print it. we have nearly 30 documents related to the incident of the gohrshad mosque, which are actually documents of the interrogation of the uprising of the gohrshad mosque, that is, those who were arrested in the mosque and then went to court, were deported, were tortured in their own time. there are many of these documents. i am one of them. the documents came across a document about the suspicion of harassment and torture of one of the gatekeepers of the shrine on the night of the incident. well, when the gunshots were heard, it was almost two o'clock. in fact, we heard the sound of gunshots in the whole area of ​​mashhad. when the situation calms down, one of the gatekeepers of the courtyard. azadi, which
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was known as new sahne at that time, sees several people in the darkness of the night this door is getting close. because he was ordered to close the door , so i close the door, but they ask him to open the door to save their lives, this old man opens the door, and these few people run away to the nearest point where khairat khan school is, and they take refuge there. they run away from there, it is not known who, but someone exposes this old man and this old man is arrested even though he is almost over 70 years old. he is being tortured, the torture documents of this old man, the arrest documents of this old man really burn the hearts because of why, in order to save people's lives, this man was tortured. it is possible that a large number of people were killed in this incident. the government never announced the number of martyrs. they always
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write about 30 or 40 people in their newspapers, while there are many numbers of people in the courtyard of goharshad mosque. one of the soldiers, in fact, reza khani, who recounts his memories later, nearly 20 years later, 25 years later, says that when we wanted to walk on the ground , there were so many corpses that our feet could not reach the ground, that is, these corpses. all of them are on top of each other and within a few hours, the cars are actually between around the shrine and this gentleman. until today , i have not found any sign of the existence of the graves of these nobles and these martyrs. thank you very much. really, when we turn the pages of history, these memories and events are very memorable for human beings, and today we
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are honoring the present appearance of the pictures that my colleagues present to you in the holy shrine of razavi. they do. it is known from the goharshad mosque that a grand ceremony is going to be held in this place until the next minute . people are gathering from shahada square in mashhad and are moving towards the razavi shrine. presence dear representative of vali. and the honorable imamate of the holy friday of mashhad, hazrat ayatollah ulemalah, will be held from wherever you are watching us in the great islamic iran . i wish that the means of travel will be provided soon and we will host and welcome you in mashhad, hazrat khursheed. see in the picture frame. some of the events are supposed to be, so let's continue the discussion about
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the remains of haj agha tabatabai 90 years ago from that day. what is our task now, how should we be on this path, the struggle to preserve culture has always existed, the supreme leader announced years ago that today, sir, is the field of cultural invasion and the war is a cultural war. well, the enemy 90 years ago changed the clothes of the people by pulling the veils off the people's heads. it is very strange after the incident of discovering the festive hijab. they force muslim women to sit in front of the cameras and take pictures without hijab. they wear hijab during the celebrations of kashf. dress-up parties are compulsory. people who don't have bread to eat are forced to go and buy clothes made from fastton fabrics, sew pants and
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make pahlavi hats. after a short distance, they change the type of hat. if it is necessary for the country to progress, it will not progress like this with these changes we need today's youth to be aware of the experiences that happened in the past . those who are in this thinking should be informed, let's inform our youth so that they can. he knows what happened in the past so that this rich iranian islamic culture was passed down from generation to generation and reached us, and we have a duty to preserve this culture, which is actually the result of the efforts of our elders. let's continue it, god willing.
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thank you haj agha, perhaps one of the challenges we are facing today is how to deal with the issue of hijab. today, if today's young people become aware of the category of hijab, a speech of the late martyr soleimani said that this young man who is in the arena today is our child. if the youth becomes aware, i have experienced many times regarding the category of hijab. why do we emphasize the hijab now ? in the same sense that there is a cover, maybe now some people don't wear veils and veils, but those veils that cause chastity in the society, which means that it preserves chastity in the society, means we have a minimum
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, we have a maximum, so that this young man is aware that in order to have a pure and healthy society with a proper family. ok, it should enter this cycle and go through this process to be able to do this for the future generations of this culture. ghani should protect himself . i think we can actually save this young man with this structure and move him in the field. yes, thank you very much for your presence in the program. at 93:00 in the morning, we have the honor to live and directly from haram meter razavi in ​​the morning section from the porch of goharshad mosque. we present this program to the people who watch news from various provincial networks and now the national network on the anniversary of the bloody uprising of goharshad haj agha mosque
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. i would like to introduce, for us , we have two methods. one is oral history, which is the memories of the people who were present in the goharshad mosque uprising. there are books written in the 60s and with the memories of people who were themselves present at the scene of the uprising . there is another book that the collection of documents is actually a part of the documents. there are a hundred of the documents of the uprising of the gohrshat mosque. well, this book is actually published by the revolutionary documents center islami has actually reread some of these documents. it gives us good information. we also have another book. i recommend that you definitely read this book. this book is written by mr. kohistani nejad. it is actually
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an interview about the history of the irshad mosque uprising. it is actually an interview with a military force who was at the scene of the uprising. the mosque was present and it gives strange descriptions of the number and statistics of the martyrs. it does not say the number, but it refers to the number of martyrs, and it says the volume of blood in one body. the volume of blood from the martyrs of the mosque and the second part of the book are the memoirs of the late nawab ehtsham razavieh, who is actually the second character of the goharshad mosque uprising, who was from the families of servants in the shrine, whose memories have remained for us in the 30s. these are some books. there are good ones, but efforts should be made in universities in different centers a scientist who
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can see better works about the uprising of the gohrshad mosque, god willing, thank you very much and thank you for using your presence, and i would like to thank my good colleagues in the khabar network and my colleagues in the studio of the blessed hall of the revolution, the holy shrine, we are a member of the scene of the revolution. it is said that there is an ancient scene or sahan atiq in the heart of this house where the pilgrims of his holiness live in this hot summer weather and there is a steel window that is safe for the lovers of the sun. i don't know where you are watching us from anywhere in iran you are and you see these moments now your heart is imam rezai, i wish that we can visit the shrine of hazrat khursheed as soon as possible. anyway, we have in our heart, god willing, that if it is good and good, it will be fulfilled in these nights when the mourning flag of hazrat seyyed al-shahada is raised from good prayers. please benefit if you remember.
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if you stayed and it rained , make a prayer for the desert, we are definitely your pure and holy pilgrims here, and i request you to take advantage of our prayers, pilgrimages and good mood in those moments. sahib nafsanand used to say that everything is the end it will be fixed, if it is not fixed, it is definitely not the end . the best people in the world, god bless you. thank you very much for my respected colleague, mr. haqbeen, your guests , as indicated by imam rezai , who will be our vicegerent and pilgrim, and everyone who needs prayers in the studio of the khabar network in the national media. we are talking about goharshad and goharshad's narrative of goharshad's uprising and rozaf and hijab. we have two minutes to reach the
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studio. the era of mohammad reza pahlavi, but since it is a detailed era, we want to talk about the change in the style of politics and crimes. in general, as far as what we have so far about goharshad's narrative, the truth is that behavior along with the authoritarian dictatorship of reza khan was perhaps the only means by which this man died. the illiterate appointed, in fact, a suitor and a lover of position , dignity and kingship , we should refer to the statement of the imam, may god's mercy be upon him, who said that in reality a sharp blade fell into the hands of a madman , so that england arms them and gives orders. which he should do because of the same position he wanted and wanted
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to be in that position and to get their opinion who was finally appointed by themselves and dismissed by england and exiled to meris and caused their death and so on. well, we do n't see this process after the second pahlavi era, as you said. what will that authoritarian dictatorship turn into, will the war become soft? okay, well, you mentioned that the dictator's era will turn into other issues. yes, we will talk about it . very.
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what happened? we decided to employ the young man . coil motor decided to cooperate with the foundation this year the prisoners of isfahan province have to sign a contract , that's why we have allocated a production line to support the applicants. i hope other factories
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will enter as well. and kabir motor will help the welfare of these loved ones' families with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , i am at your service at 17:30 with some news from the field of science and technology. the device for the mass production of hemostatic valve or blood stasis valve was designed and built by the efforts of iranian technologists. according to the scientific deputy of the presidency, this rubber valve made of silicon is in a strong case
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until the.


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