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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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on the night of friday, the third of shaban al-mubarak in the year 60, after five days, the imam entered the city of mecca with his small caravan , and chose the place of shab ali, the house of abbas bin abdul muttalib, for his residence . his goals and motives are revealed to the people by opposing yazid. umrah pilgrims and people
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from different provinces and tribes rush to meet the imam, and the number of people increases every day , but you cannot build on the faith of the tribes, that is , maybe a few of them will convert to islam, even if it means fearing the victory of islam after the conquest of mecca. the acquisition of these tribes. waft al-madinah mahnae al-rasul means the selling of the rasul in the 9th year of the hijra, known as ``um al-wufud'', which means pledging allegiance to politics and not to faith . emphasis means that they didn't know the time, they
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didn't know the correct understanding of the incident, they didn't find that insight, which means they know what is happening in the moment . an approach has been created in the eyes of the elders who do not dare to oppose the status quo. the subject of yazid's superstition has been talked about and imam hossein is busy enlightening and guiding people in every assembly and on every occasion. some of the companions and followers of the imam give advice and some object to him . about properties. what came back to them
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were many factors, for some of them wealth , wealth, worldliness, and interest considerations, for some, age requirements of old age, usually conservatism and loss of revolutionary spirit and sense of responsibility, for some, jealousy, some of these were the main factor in the lack of jealousy that regarding hazrat aba abdullah, having the muslims as sahabah is the most important thing companions of al-mu'din, i saw the absence of yazid's departure, the absence of al-hussein's departure on ali yazid bin mu'awiyah, and this was the dream of the palace of abdullah bin abbas bin abdul muttalib. and
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abdullah bin umar bin khattab are among the elders of the companions who often come to the presence of the imam in makkah and sit down to discuss the political and social issues of the day. but what results can these discussions and meetings have at the community level? imam al-hussein did not stop to think about the situation of the isha congregation. and it was revealed in al-madinah that she was the daughter of ibn bint of the messenger of god, but she walked with examples for those who were in need , when the position required it, and when she wanted the truth from you. when allah swt wants you to stop immediately, then stop immediately. the issues that hossein was human issues that all
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human beings can resonate with, what do we do when injustice is foot? do we resist it or do we somehow give into it? what do we do in the face of tyranny, or if we are leaders of a community, of family, of society, what responsibilities are placed upon us, so we can think, here was imam hussein faced with this injustice, other people are looking to him, if he gives in and is seen not to take a stand, then other people will say, the imam did it, we can do it too, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil are two duties that are recommended to the audience many times in the imam's words. imam hussain , peace be upon him, two years before this, while performing the hajj and in the desert of mina, he told the congregation
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: almighty god has made it obligatory to do what is good and forbid what is bad. because he knew that if this duty is carried out, and there are hungry people, there are elders, there are deprived people, there are you, and you are silent about this darkness caused by the actions of the umayyads because of their property.
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they were neglecting the interests of islam, especially the elites of the society who are responsible for awakening the people and mobilizing the people against the atrocities, they were short and did not move. the imam continued in his sermon: "you have failed to fulfill your duty and claim divine rights in most cases." you underestimated the right of divine leaders. you have oppressed the rights of the oppressed and the deprived classes of the society. you have neglected the rights of the weak and deprived. al-hussein is the son of the messenger of allah. he is a product of rasulullah's school. ho afraz for
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islam and kafi. al-hussein is a school for everyone. he is the source of knowledge. wise and knowledgeable for everyone, and we should not pretend to belong to this thought of his, without diving into his personality, and if he abandons the command of the good and forbids the evil, the oppression and corruption will spread in the country, then there is no yaman al-jar on the slave , nor yaman al - akh on the akhiya. the cost of reformation. in the ummah of the prophet muhammad , may god bless him and grant him peace, because the almighty god, when he gave the human being, this religion is the last religion , this religion is the final religion, which is the evolution of all its elements
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. al-kabirah tatum, i am among the men of men, allah ta'ala has prepared me in the stages of moinah bikifieh. irfanieh tarbaviyy mo'inah lada haso al-wajib kan al-imam al-hussein wahadah min al-qamat al-shamkha in islamic history and by the consensus of all the scholars and by the consensus of all the thinkers. being in the house of god makes the imam use the opportunity to socialize with the people and spread his reformist thoughts. the month of sha'ban. and 3 months pass after that, and according to many hadiths, imam fasts all these days. in these days, people from kufa send letters to the imam. the number of letters is added every day. the first letters
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the tenth of ramadan arrives. but what news or requests do all these letters contain? well, we are mr. mohammad hossein. we have malikian from isfahan, he may be for the second time , he sings a brilliant poem, friends , we are at your service for the yoharshat epic . i offer my greetings and respect to your service. on the failure of that day, but not the covenant and the pact, not one by one
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, on the failure of that day, but the covenant and the pact, not the sorrow of religion , in the thoughts of the people, the sorrow of bread, not a dark and dark night ruled over tehran. by the grace of the sun , we were happy with the precious doves in khorasan the arrow disturbed our hearts, we regretted it, no , well done, well done, the whole stage was filled with the pigeons' regiment so much that it was empty several times, the magazine that day and
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the square, no, well done, well done, someone shouted , shame on you, don't shoot at us , but not at the porch. someone shouted at the dead body , i will hand it over to the razor and to the neck , not for him who sees killing as his own good , it doesn't matter if you are young or old, not so much, your religion prevailed over politics, yes, the world understood that reza jan is the king. the people of iran, reza khan, no reza khan, no, well done,
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well done, your religion prevailed over politics, yes, the world understood reza jan is the king of the people of iran, reza khan , the pahlavi hat didn't fall off the people's head, i didn't go, we put the bully's hat on them. you have said no to the islamic republic of iran , no to anything other than the islamic republic of iran. no , where have you seen an oppressor be so strong? where
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have you seen an oppressor be so strong? although our power can be sanctioned? well done. the defense of the shrine means, if there is a war, our campaign ground. lavio is tehran, nehran, well done, well done, well done, well done, thank you very much, it was a good review, it was very good well, this is also an important point. they raised the issue of goharshad after many years in 1314. yes, goharsha is now 97, 80 years. maybe by chance it is an oppressed issue, that is, it is one of the issues that
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the many years of the reign of the pahlavi kings caused this issue to remain silent. thank you for your presence until one or two years ago when mr. vahid jalili started this conference and so did we we helped , we had less than 10 poems about this topic, but a book was prepared, more than 100 poems about goharshad, and this was one of those poems .
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the late bahloul was a preacher of the people, the late seyyed abulhasan esfahani, marja taqlid, told him that it is our duty to defend islam, and this is what happened. mashhad, my father had said that when it got dark, you and your brother , who was in the corner, should come to their mosque. i
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was 10 years old at that time . we went to goharshad mosque with my father. we didn't want kenan to do something that shouldn't be done . now, no matter how little helplessness we show to government officials, the cruel and deadly government won't stop killing us to avenge the mayor.
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when i was away from shirmal korea for three or four days, this was the case in the mosque, so that people did not go outside. my elder brother said that we saw a number of machine guns brought and placed around the same gohrshad mosque. there were a lot of cars behind us, people go to your houses, people don't stay, people go to your houses, they informed that they are firing machine guns on
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the back of the open mosque, people were not afraid. outside they said from harram khayabon tehran, khayabon imam rezai, that tanks had come in front of him , they had been standing in front since 12:00. sir, one time the sound of machine guns and the sound of these rifles could be heard up to that line of muhalla
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. no one slept at all that night . we were all gathered together, men and women, and they were crying and shouting. the grand father of the bride was saying that when i came from the shrine, one time i saw the sound of a machine gun
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i threw my document on the ground, it said that i did everything, so i was about 17 or 18 years old. on the same day of the speech, i had gone to the mosque, irshad said that i went there, god, what should i do, what should i not do , the stairs are going up, he said, i went under the same stairs of our father's garland to see that the situation is awkward for all the people who wanted to escape. kenan, he goes to the back of your bed, sleeps on your lap, you know everything about this day, he writes the pilgrimage letter and this, he sleeps there until
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dawn, when the machine gun went off, i got up in the morning. our father was injured, all the people who were wounded or dead were thrown into the cart
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and in the special car of our great man, he was one of those who took him among the wounded and threw him in the air. to take the corpses, he always said that i was alive. only one soldier, when he was lifting us up, said to him, for example, his officer said that this servant of god is alive, for example, he is shaking. after the car started moving , this same soldier was standing in front of the car. i felt that he was a good person because he said, "this man is alive. " at first i was injured, she said, can you
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jump out of the car, for example, i said yes, a cousin of ours picked us up and left us in a decon, a pakistani driver, a four-story tailgate in fatakhan alley . taking them out of the mosque and keeping them, those who were injured, those who were dead, they were whatever , in short, they put them all in the car.
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if we went here, where the mine's father was in public, he would say, "yes , i put all the martyrs in the pit. three days later, we dared to leave the house." we went outside and saw that the goharshad mosque had 50 brick doors, the floor of the mosque was covered with blood. i said i was full of blood in my jaw.
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each of the people who are here and in this meeting, despite the difference in dress and accent, have one thing in common , we have common martyrs in the 8th war, and
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during saddam's attack on iran, we were on the battlefield with imam khomeini and the fighters. paying attention to the fact that iraqi shiites at that time, even if they prayed, were punished by saddam for the crime of complicity with iran. there are also iranian fighters in the ramadan camp, for example, rasul heydari the first iranian martyr was in besni. sir, giving orders is the next need of iran, now that the war is over, we have to go to defend islamic countries. camp ramadan changed its name over time. but his mission became wider. ramadan camp was the center and mahdi for cultivating great commanders who today are prominent figures in our country and in the islamic world, and a powerful chain of these great commanders with great martyrs
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, whether iranian or non-iranian, iraqi or iranian , was a starting point from a long way and this initial core has been multiplied today, this resistance was able to to be reproduced in lebanon, in palestine, in iraq, in yemen , the ramadan camp in various operations during the holy defense period and after that more than.
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of household appliances. we are at your service with some news at 20:30. afghan shiites should not worry about the security of muharram mourning ceremonies. this was emphasized by the political deputy of the taliban prime minister in a meeting with the deputy and members of the afghan shia ulema council. in this meeting, shiite scholars and conservatives discussed the better conduct of the ashura ceremony and ensuring its security spoke.


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