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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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at three o'clock arbaini coordination of tehran, baghdad, minister of interior , who with his iraqi counterpart from khosra border. he visited and said that this year, zovor traffic from the border of khosravi, mehran , chezabe, shalamcheh, bashmagh and tamrchin will be operational. first, the journey of our cars
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can take our pilgrims to a terminal , in addition to our porters who can transfer their needs to that side, now we are going to visit the border points closely. if there was a problem, it will be solved in the meeting we had today with the honorable minister of the islamic republic of iran regarding the transportation of pilgrims and also the service of the pilgrims' processions. irani was coordinated in ragh, and one of the new measures that have been taken is the opening of the manzareh crossing, which will provide 24-hour services to the respected pilgrims. mr. vahidi also announced an agreement with the iraqi government regarding the activities of the red crescent during his visit to the martyr soleimani border terminal of mehran and tibari border terminal. regarding. the red crescent discussed that our red crescent can
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easily recover its cars as well as its wings in case of an accident he happened to be able to be there, which was agreed upon by the iraqi friends, regarding the arrival of our buses to help with public transportation there, which was also agreed upon by them, that from a certain date onward, the buses will also be able to help. be there. the bail for military service officials to leave the country for arba'in was removed. announcing this news, the head of franja public duty organization stressed that the absentees should not go to the borders to leave the country and visit atbat. those who were born in 2005, those who are planning to leave and
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want to take action for the trip of atawat aliat, do not need to they don't have to register an application, they can apply directly through my police system or apply to the police electronic service offices, plus 10, apply for a passport and leave the country. regarding the soldiers, those dear soldiers should go to their own unit, to the manpower and command of that unit. a separation system is planned for them at the border and they can participate in this spiritual journey. arbaeen is offered in seven banks based on the central bank
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will start offering 4 dinars in seven national banks, tejarat saderat mellat, postbank, parsian and sepe from the 7th of august. the sale of land to arbaeen hosseini pilgrims will be for a maximum amount of 200,000 iraqi dinars at the selling rate of iran's currency and gold exchange center without fees . 89 years ago, the attack of reza khan's soldiers on people who did not go under the burden of discovering hijab and pahlavi hats left iran with hundreds of dead and wounded. reza khan's war with iranian culture lasted for 7 years. in the alleys and passages.
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two days after the publication of this ad, any woman with a sneak peek will be seen in the streets and passages many people died in iran against these curtain doors. the number of victims of the goharshad massacre among pro and neutral historians fluctuates from 300 to 1,600 people, but this story has a less heard story. let's say that he was born to hazrat. the province of bushehr says from the days that by the order of reza khan, the pahlavi hat and the discovery of the hijab were worn, and reza khan's soldiers followed its implementation to the most remote villages of iran.
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the men and women of pulu hami sit down and pull their juice from his head. the length of them was pulled from their faces. arab, waboi , waboi, waboi, no, kich gatti also came and cut his hair short . he said that the government is no longer useful to us. they all left. reza qadirian, now known as haj reza qadirian
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, should emigrate from iran, for example, to qom and khush, considering the state of hijab . to meet the gift of the homeland they forgave and went away, the emirates of this repetition of the name of iran in the sentences of the virtual active emirates of these windbreakers, which has details of iranian architecture and bastaki's letter. which sits on this region has its roots in the same story in the chaste migration of the people of the south. the massacre of the east khanyounos school was carried out by american bombs. the american channel cn, which
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exposed this issue, had previously reviewed the videos related to the bombing of schools in the al-nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip, and the martyrdom of 40 palestinians. he had reported with american bombs. the zionist regime committed a terrible crime on tuesday night the attack on the school in the east of hanyourus in the south of the gaza strip killed more than 30 palestinians. most of the martyrs were women and children. this is the fourth attack by the zionist regime on a school in the past few days, which were introduced as safe places for the people. a day after this crime, the wall street journal. reported: the biden government has agreed to send 500 pounds of 250 kg bombs to the zionist regime. the device for the mass production of osmotic valve
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was designed and built by iranian technologists. according to the scientific deputy of the presidency, this rubber valve made of silicon is in a protector it is firmly positioned to provide a one-way path into the vessel. this equipment allows the movement of the tools used in vascular interventions by sealing the path , preventing excessive blood leakage and air entering the patient's vascular system . thank you for your companionship.
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the world shirgan hosseini conference is held every year to commemorate the nineva plains shirkhara, and volunteer groups of people who do the work of sewing the clothes of the children to make this conference more beautiful . which we prepared for infants in 2003-2004 has now arrived
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a workshop was equipped for 200 hands by these ladies whom we are here to serve. they are about 10 to 15 years old with about 15 to 16 vital wheels that the ladies are busy working on the way to serve the ahl al-bayt, may peace be upon them. i love ali asghar very much , i know that i want to do something. for 56 years , we have been doing tailoring for ali asghar. this is not what we do. my child and my family are sacrificed for imam hussain. beit and in a way they pay their vows in their way. we have a sewing production workshop that every muharram the workshop is at the service of ali asghari board. we place the city and we would like to share in the rewards of this delegation and the works of ali asghari. i
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have been working here since i was a child and i have always taken care of myself from ali asghar. with this work, i have insured my child hazrat ali asghar , he has given us a lot of meaning, and god willing , heal all the sick people, we remember all my sick people , always with arabla every year. every year, on the first friday of the month of muharram , the world conference of hazrat ali asghar, peace be upon him , is held in 20 locations in all of aramgol city .
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morteza, you had a son with an eye for aqla's message to your najaf
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gabriel is the message of al-ghama, o gabriel, aftab had a lunar religion, what happened? in the name of god, the light
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. in the name of god, the light. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that allah is the most high . hai ali al-falah , hi
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ali al-falah, hi ali khair alam. hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar, allah akbar, no god, no god , no
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organization, no device, just as you accepted it you are calculating compared to the previous ones, he says, sir , don't shorten this work, do n't attribute my work to such and such a person, you shouldn't make room for unnecessary things.
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very important indicators of management, in fact, in these management discussions, it is one of those important indicators of management that amir al-mu'minin teaches us all, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, ms. matworiko and mr. waludin, honorable presidents. ladies and gentlemen , i am pleased to attend the meeting of the brics parliamentary assembly in the beautiful city of st. petersburg from the federation council and the state duma of the federation of the friendly and
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neighboring state of russia for their warm hospitality and actions. worthy i would like to thank those in charge of holding this important meeting. first of all, i would like to express the sympathy of the authorities of the countries present in this meeting with the government and people of iran regarding the tragic martyrdom of president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and the honorable minister of foreign affairs. mr. dr. hossein amir abdullahian and his companions , i would like to express my gratitude to their memory and their outstanding role in advancing the multilateral diplomacy of the islamic republic of iran, especially in brics.
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dear colleagues. the presence of new countries and the growing trend of desire and countries to join this organization multilateral international expressing its importance in international relations and establishing the position. it is in the global arena. the current world system has not been able to take remedial measures in the field of resolving regional and international disputes, ending wars, strife and inequalities, and based on this , new collective economic and political capacities in the framework of multilateral organizations in how is he it will take shape until global governance based on the principle of multilateralism takes shape in the world. in this regard, our usual position
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is the need to pay attention to a multilateral system. based on such an attitude, the government and the islamic council of iran with strong determination and desire for your participation and cooperation. it is beneficial between the members and the practical realization of the lofty goals of brics. madam president brics member countries should seek to play a more effective role in the global value chain. i believe that the economies of the brics member countries have many capacities in different and strategic fields. they complement and reinforce each other and this is a valuable capacity for the mutual development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation
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, including the important measures followed in brics , dollarization and the use of alternative currencies for trade between members, which cut off one of the levers of the main pressure of america will be on emerging economies. the recent financial agreement between iran and russia is one of the successful examples of cooperation for de-dollarization of bilateral relations. expansion of cooperation in determining money transfer processes between member countries, as well as development of trade corridors for the transfer of goods and services of brics members, including. which should be followed up and activated by the member assemblies. the four main axes of transit, energy, trade and banking
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are among the most important axes among brics members. the islamic council and the new government of iran are fully prepared to cooperate with their partners in all these fields. collaborate, madam speaker, and the presence of parliaments of the member countries play a vital and important role in the success of brics, and they can define facilitating laws for the development of trade and remove the legal obstacles to the expansion of trade cooperation. british parliamentary session. by promoting discussion and political cooperation and defending the rule of law, it can create a foundation and build capacity
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to improve relations between member states. alignment of brics member assemblies with member governments can increase the government's capacity to quickly implement more open economic and trade policies. in the previous meeting in south africa, the islamic republic of iran proposed the establishment of the brics parliamentary friendship group in the parliaments of the member countries to facilitate and strengthen bilateral parliamentary relations. it is suggested again in this meeting to implement this issue. necessary action should be taken. we also suggest that the issue of economic sanctions and confronting unilateral coercive measures as a
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major threat to the security, well-being of the people and ordinary citizens of the brics members should be placed on the agenda of the brics assembly. we believe that the use of legal solutions and collective work mechanisms and as a result collective action in this field can have effective results . dear colleagues. parliament. iran considers the expansion of relations and promotion of parliamentary interactions as part of its core principles and evaluates it in line with national interests and strengthening multilateralism . on this basis, this side prepares the full work of the parliament of the islamic republic of iran for cooperation and targeted active interaction with its counterparts in the parliament.
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brics member sitting in the matter of strengthening welfare in the matter of strengthening the valuable approach of convergence, i also wish for this summit to have an effective outcome for the dear colleagues present in the meeting and daily success. thank you thank you
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the world shirgan hosseini conference is held every year to commemorate the nineva plains shirkhara, and volunteer groups of people who sew and embroider the clothes of the shirkharas do the work to make this conference more beautiful. we are proud of the fact that from the 10 clothes that we used to make for infants in 2003-2014, it has now reached 200. thanks to these women, a workshop has been equipped . on the way. serving
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the ahl al-bayt, may peace be upon them, is small and big. i really like ali askare when i want do something 56 years that we have been here for you ali asghar. this is not something that we do, my children and family, to sacrifice imam hossein. from morning until sunset, we come to serve hazrat ali asghar. and the people who love ahl al-bayt and in some way pay their vows for them. we are a sewing workshop. every muharram year , we put the workshop at the service of the ali asghari board of the city and we would like to share in the reward of this board and the works of ali asghar. he meant a lot to us and a lot may allah heal all the sick people , we remember all my sick people. every year, ali karbala, what
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happened to me, had not seen the sun, nor the colors of the world conference of hazrat ali asghar, peace be upon him, every year on the first friday of the month of muharram in 20 places in aran city. it will be held by hossein kod, the gods of radio and broadcasting, aram bid glor , o head and day, what kind of blood have you spilled ?


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