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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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we are my dear, every year, ali karbala, what happened to me, he had not seen the sun. the month of muharram is held in 20 places in aran bid gol city. hossein kodkhodaian of aran beid glon news agency , who sang laleh khazad's song, you are the blood now? what have we
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done to become henna? the message of karbala in najbraeel, the message of karbala, the tower of the pak
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, in the back alleys of the south of tehran , we found someone who has been the servant of imam hussein for a long time . they said yes, it's their tea house the chair of this mosque is ali abdarkhone, we will take it to my service. his name is haj ali.
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for many years, he has been lovingly serving hosseini mourners in the ardebili mosque. he is 71 years old. he is exactly 60 years old for imam hossein shahid . i can only describe the love of dino and the love of aba abdullah. i can only describe what he does. he loves this work. mehram, which now starts from the year at least 5. i feel like i was born again. he says that serving the mourners does not recognize age. imam hossein's system does not recognize age, nor does it recognize the guilty, nor does it recognize the innocent.
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heal the afflicted and the sick and guide the youth to the right path. seyyed hossein mousavi of sed and sima news agency. sefa tefalane is a rebellion, we know that it is a rebellion.
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iranian teenagers , we have come to mourn here. only their presence in the mourning gatherings of the martyrs is not for beating their chests and mourning, here they are learning to be hosseini . now we are organizing for ashura pilgrimage . karbala's 13-year-old teenager is also morally and ethically hazrat qasim bin al-hassan has become their model for their self-sacrifice, being brave with their authority, or keeping their word, let's continue his way, let the enemies know that we are in front of the imam of our time, next to
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these young people there are coaches who considered themselves responsible for the future capital of the religion and the country. you can be so brave. forget about yourself, our main approach is teenagers. these young people are the future builders of this system, and in a sense, it can be said that the uhad strait of the islamic revolution is now these young people, during the 8 years of the holy defense of hazrat qasim, they set their example , alindi was a young man who sacrificed himself and he saved several people and was martyred there himself, hazrat qasim ali kazemi news agency.
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it is registered in the national heritage list. the sound of cymbals brings to mind the sound of clattering swords and the sound of horse hooves and a trumpet is played like a war trumpet and
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prepares the mourners for the performance of this ceremony , which is special for the southern provinces, bushe. it is like hormozgan, this mourning is the same style, but in different ways , we have different types of mourning, and this should be continued from generation to generation. it is not special , it is usually handmade. and raw materials such as animal skin and wood and palm leaves are made with hair. the parts of the damam are different, of course, sometimes the old damams were made from the skin of red wood and the skin was made from
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the skin of a goat or sheep that they slaughtered and left to dry in a place . predicted . this poster was made by covering the two ends of the round stick that they made, and they made the so-called damam , that which is played on the damam. his palm the wood of the palm trunk is made from wood that is cut from the palm branch and that wood, and it is shaped and it is good for the temperature. in recent years , sanj damam nawaz groups
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travel to different cities of the country and perform their native and special mourning ceremonies for other compatriots. i make both my temperature and my temperature. in our own delegations, the southern delegations based in tehran, in different types of places where we were we held these ceremonies in groups. we came here so that our children can learn how to communicate with imam hossein and know imam hossein. where did you come from? under the tent of imam hossein, imam hossein .
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kashani sought the help of art to interpret love . what kind of rebellion is this, what kind of rebellion is there in the creation of the world? what kind of punishment and what kind of mourning is this? farsi is in the safavid period , mohtsham is one of the leaders of the style we call the school
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the occurrence and finally the manner of the narration of the 12 stanzas of the story is a story of kindness, and the devotion of hazrat zahra , may god's prayers and peace be upon him, is seen in the world of dreams, and they complain to her that you recited a eulogy in the souk of your brother , but you did not say anything to my son, imam hossein, what a riot. it is that he is in the creation of the world, he is referred to and inspired, and he begins to admire, and you will sing these 12 eternal and unique stanzas, the 12 stanzas which are the salt of fasting and the reason for the revolution in the heart of the listener. what a torment and what a maze as soon as poetry. i want to whisper, first i will be upset because i consider this revolution to be the result of signing
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hazrat zahra, the prophet of the ahl al-bayt himself, imam hossein , 12 bandsham kashani in the city of muharram mirrors chavash mohtsham singing on the tomb of mohtsham has a long history . muharram is the day of mohatsham in our country's calendar, and ritual poetry and literature is the day when poets and praisers get help from the poetry of mohatsham for the service of abba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him .
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night and day, no fakes.
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in addition to the sadness of his heart, his house and his family will be black-clad hossein, all your neighbors with this device, everyone takes a corner of work, someone pairs shoes, someone sweeps the carpet, someone pours tea, a small support, now something very magnificent has come. i thank god a thousand times
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when we go home, i say imam hussein, i hope that accept a servant here for his children. the school of love and affection also accepts students in its summers. mother knows that this house has uninvited guests. first dilachan of imam hossein. amma. hazrat zahra's maidservant, would you accept it? in the houses of my city , everyone is growing tall on the path of hossein . thank god, we have this success this year, once again. we are in this device, we can serve here , the city of pir gholaman, may you love me, karim mohammadi
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, zanjan radio and television news agency. teflaneh
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pies that you don't know the name of. khyber, which is near madinah, didn't roz suggest to the then king of saudi arabia that you come and sell it to them , don't they have a claim
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to iraq and your holy lands. i swear we are oblivious. this is the story that made hossein bin ali's heart bleed. if we want to value ourselves, if we want to mourn. we should give value to hussain bin ali, we should think if hussain bin ali was today and he said to mourn for me, what would he say chant? wise, scholarly and knowledgeable ladies,
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alhamdulillah, you are everywhere and this group of you here is a handful of examples, it means that you are a flower from a big flower garden. all over the country, thank god , there are women who understand, considerate, studied with a lot of information. thank god, and the hope we had that they will grow up, these young believing girls will become learned and knowledgeable women, thank god. hope was fulfilled.
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i am vasiqi, i have a doctorate in quran and hadith sciences, i am a child of tehran, and that is where i lived and where i studied. and after i got my diploma, i went through various courses, including english, and i was very interested in art courses. hazrat imam in the alevi school pledged allegiance to his wife from the first days
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of the revolution until now, with the grace and grace of god and the saints and the grace of the saints of god, glory be to him and the culture of the islamic revolution. it has had remarkable successes one of these successes has been my own success . i can tell you that more than half, but not all, of the successes that i had during my service, it must be said that the patience of this woman's resistance has been my wife's defense during this period. and being present in an imposed war, and since god gave us four children , they were less at home and most of their activities and presence
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were in the front and in different parts of the war fronts, we can say that they are really exemplary mothers, that is, i really don't want to let me exaggerate that from the beginning they really adhere to the revolution. being really they are interested in participating in basij activities and also have a great interest in education from the very beginning of their youth until now. most of our activities in the field of population are held in mosques. we have both individual counseling and group counseling, and we invited most of the mothers and encouraged them to
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encourage their children to have children with mrs. waseghi since 2019 . and coming to damavand city , they put many classes for us in hosseinieh , mahdieh ab sard hosseiniyeh, among the classes that included quran classes , quran memorization classes for elementary school children, mrs. vathghi from socially, they are very active, they are good ladies , socially and morally, their behavior is very good, they are very comfortable with juna. they communicate with young people, for example , especially the elderly, women who are middle-class , for example, you, about family conditions, social problems
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, in any case, about the questions they give advice on about the family , they easily explain the people and occasions that they have. it is possible for them to have a ceremony at their home, for example , it is very easy for everyone to come and go with them in the field of entrepreneurship according to imam's orders, which we started to train on having production in tehran. first, there was sewing training, especially young people and people who had this talent and had many sewing classes were taught, and then they themselves started producing since i entered the cold water area, although my father had the garden before us for several years. even though
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we were living in tehran. but we used to come with my wife and help them and collect the products for them in any way, but after the death of my father , we were given the responsibility of the whole garden, and now it has been about four years that we have been producing cherries and only apples in the field of apple production. we do not sell so-called rather, we process them into many products , including apple compote and apple vinegar. apple leaf jam.
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here at gymnast publications, we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today we are going to offer you 600 educational resources for free, just by
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sending the number 5 to the system. hello, at 4 in the morning, the purchase of wheat by farmers exceeded 7 million tons. sohrabi, the implementer of the wheat project , told the ministry of agricultural jihad that the amount of guaranteed purchases of wheat in the country has reached 720,000 tons since the beginning of this year. so far, there is more than 7 million tons of surplus wheat.


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