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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 30085 , get 60% of your educational resources completely free. now , get 60 of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 308 55. hello, at 4 in the morning, the purchase of wheat by farmers exceeded 7 million tons. sohrabi, the implementer of the wheat project , told the ministry of agricultural jihad that the amount of guaranteed wheat purchases in the country reached 720,000 tons since the beginning of this year. so far, more than 7 million tons of wheat. azad is purchased according to the needs of farmers and
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we have more than 700 thousand tons of purchase growth compared to last year. it will continue and our forecast shows that we will exceed the amount of 11 million 500 thousand tomans , so far 52 tenths of the effort has been paid and about 445 percent of farmers' demands have been paid and follow-ups. to pay the remaining claims, the second round of the national exam of four groups of mathematics, humanities, art and foreign language was held. this exam was held for the second time this year in dubat, with 50% of academic records included. the first day had interesting text and margins. when the entrance exam is held, the text and
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its margins will be interesting. in the name of god hossein darabi , i am the first person in the human ranking. yes, i am cheerful and enthusiastic. and enjoy the entrance exams. everyone is ready for the entrance exam now. stress, the stress you don't have, has put you to the point of humor of some of them. how much did you study? now, the last days of the boarding school, when you were sleeping , i know that we studied at this time last year. we started alternating every day. it still has its own excitement. study for 12 years and you will see the results of this entrance exam.
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i was carefree, i didn't read anything, dad, why did you come like this, sir, be tall, show me, god willing , i'll take a chance, you'll take a chance, and some of them don't know what to do because of the stress, everything we read is gone. why are we stressed? what is the secret to success in the entrance exam? what is the secret to calmness, calmness, self-confidence? someone had a snack at the meeting . the entrance exam is not all the ways , i didn't get one of the ways, god willing, there is another set of working conditions , not everyone is in government jobs now, many people like government jobs, but i can't have different opinions about the two-stage national exam , as soon as you get to know the space, it's stressful for you. in the second period, we will have two opportunities . first, he made a mistake
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. the second chance is to make up for it. the effect of 50% of my grade is included it was their concern, this year was the first time that it was 50%, the final, yes, it's good, it's not bad, some people get sick during that time, for example, i have some problems for them, maybe they won't be able to pass the final exam . give me a breath, today is the exam of the groups of mathematical and technical human sciences. the preliminary results of the entrance examination will be announced at the end of this august. hosseini bai of sed and broadcasting agency. farmers of kandor city in asan, khorasan, razavi succeeded in setting up a solar power plant . caused by the power cut of the water wells in this
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area and damage to production to be prevented. this power plant is 3 megawatts. this power plant has a power of 3 megawatts with the investment of farmers. it was made by me personally. i had 30 garden plots because the motors were turned off. i wanted to cut 15, not seven. the power cut of agricultural wells is the concern of the producers these days. now is the time to fertilize this pistachio . if not, pistachios will cause irreparable damage to the farmer. it has been happening for almost 4 years now between 5 to 6 hours of electricity in deep agricultural wells and others agricultural activities will be interrupted, this will harm the production of mr. zabankhet, deputy minister of water affairs of the ministry of energy, says that the permits issued for
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deep water wells are 2000 hours for one year, and the ministry of energy is based on the water exploitation permit issued by the ministry of jihad and agriculture. is acting ministry. the power is obliged to supply agricultural wells with electricity within 20, i.e. within 24 hours, in all seasons of the year . this is a concern that the minister of jihad of agriculture also responds to. production in the ministry of agriculture is a committee form a joint venture with the ministry of energy, our colleagues. they are following up to minimize this interaction. now some farmers have come up with a solution to solve this problem.
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we established the first people-oriented solar power plant of 3 megawatts in the country at the level of the city district and especially kander city. we have come with these solar panels and the electricity will not be interrupted anymore. our motorized wells are activated and in this way we can even prevent hundreds of thousands of damages. and the support of the ministry of agricultural jihad for this people's project, the incident that happened here today is the basis of the jump in production with the participation of the people in addition to the gardens. agriculture 2 million hectares of wheat production land are irrigated, and according to the statistics of the ministry of trade, agriculture, water , 52% of them are supplied from deep wells with exploitation licenses. the ministry of agricultural jihad announced an 80% increase in oilseed rape production this year. mr. taimur khazai has 40 hectares of agricultural land, of which
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we planted rapeseed on 16 hectares this year. because of one of their water issues, the costs are really low. its pests are very less compared to other ships. other farmers are planting rapeseed. welcoming 25 hectares of land we planted our fields under rapeseed cultivation, god willing, between 3 and 4 tons, which is likely to have a harvest. 30 four-person groups supervise the harvest and the operation of the combines. let's reduce the fall by 1% in a farm that has 5 tons yield , 50 kilos per hectare will benefit the farmer. i asked about the benefits and merits of rapeseed. diseases and damaging factors that cannot be controlled in wheat can be controlled in rotation with rapeseed, such as fusarium diseases and foot and mouth disease. wheat can play an effective role in providing animal and poultry meal and providing oil. rapeseed oil
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in the current crop year, nahavand city is expected to produce 624 hectares from each hectare. about 5 tons of rapeseed should be harvested in nahavand city. the purchase price of rapeseed is 35 thousand tomans per kilogram. this year, we had about 250 hectares of rapeseed cultivation in darghzin city. it is expected that we will produce more than 750 tons of rapeseed. this year in hamedan province, farmers planted about 30 thousand hectares of rapeseed. it is predicted that from this amount of clever level with. it starts and continues until the end of july every year. mohammad ali rouz to nahavand sada and sima news agency. until the next part.
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the land of iraq in the year 6 of the hijri, on the edge of the desert west of the euphrates river, tens of thousands of people against one man, on the tenth day of muharram, a great epic takes place, and the soil embraces the blood of god. why because there is no one else like the prophet himself. the movement of the imam
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was a migration with all the characteristics of the migration of the qur'an, but there was an insistence on the killing of imam al-hussein .
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attracts death with dignity is better than life with humiliation. it is now 13 centuries since the epic of that man of god passed this is karbala, the destination of thousands of pilgrims in love and a name etched on all hearts and the mention of all lips. hussein b. umayyad tricks against the people are successful . and yazid sits on the seat of government. imam hussain
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, peace be upon him, decides to leave medina after rejecting the pledge of allegiance. muhammad bin hanafiyah has a request to the imam. o brother, the most beloved people to me. i am worried about you being in the war between two groups and becoming the target of spears. now go to makkah, if you are happy, stay there, if not , take refuge in the rivers and mountains, the imam said, brother , you have shown kindness and compassion, i hope your opinion will be useful, caravan. ahl al-bayt is moving towards mecca . it was the move of imam hijrah. all the characteristics of the qur'anic emigration that i am the homeland of
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allah and this is the end of the world, although we may not understand it so clearly, the history makers of two groups are those who shape history in order to make one the characteristics of the pioneers. those who think and investigate, those who are influential, those who understand, make decisions, know what they are doing. in contrast to these, there are other groups that follow, are subordinate, and follow these. they are affected very quickly. and when yaqal kharj al-hussein, this means the meaning of lis ghadra, it means him in the sense of anti-entering, kharj was in the sense of rebellion
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, yaqal kharj tha'ara, he spent on the authority of the last days of the month of rajab in the year 60 of abu abdullah, peace be upon him. this sentence was narrated from the mouth of prophet moses in the qur'an, which he muttered when he left egypt because he did not feel safe. imam, you say a mustache. well, when we follow the asari except for the mustache in the qur'an, when moses, peace be upon him, was forced to emigrate from egypt, and
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the circumstances did not require him to stay in egypt even for a moment, we understand that imam hussain, peace be upon him, was also forced to. and moving with a family and a woman with a child was also part of this emigration. when he wants to go to the command, but the conscience of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the knowledge that is the inheritance of man and the seeds in man, in the nature of man and in the mind of man, are present in his mind . ho al-mahfez al-asasi, so that he may be a defender and a causer , i will be near to him. he is near to me. he is near to me. ibn zubair, who is considered one of the opponents of yazid
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, has gone astray to mecca. go through the paths to avoid the government people who are chasing you. imam says: no, i will not leave this way until god decrees whatever he wants. but why mecca? what was the reason that made mecca the best choice for the imam's destination? first of all, baitullah haram. and during the prohibition of fighting, imam al-hussein, who was on the side of al-bayt al-umayyad, could stay in the sanctuary while waiting for the conditions to be prepared for the confrontation. this is the reason that two cities
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were very important and influential during the time of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. medina, which was the center of the islamic government and the islamic state was formed there, many of the elders of mecca after the conquest of mecca. moving, migrating, coming to reside in medina , and the second reason for abdallah abdullah bin al-zubayr's stay in makkah indicates that makkah is the largest opposition force in al-madinah, which forms the center of al-muwiyya forces in al-hijaz . but many people who suffer from ignorance, worldliness and
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short-sightedness have the ability and desire to follow such a character. this is how muhammad bin hanafiyah, after proposing to go to mecca, has another request to the imam. send your messengers to the people and invite them to you. if i swear allegiance to you thank god. and if he does not accept your invitation. your honor and excellence will not disappear and you will not be harmed. for now, with the attributes that were famous for yazid, if al-hussein pledged , the matter would be mixed with the people, how would he accept this, the
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great man, the leader of the youth of the people of jannah, who would rule the muslims with such and such and such and such. and the danger in me is based on the fact that the islamic nation did not define the system of al-qaysari, the empire that is in power, and then i am the one who gave these people this authority and the right of inheritance . in the religion of allah, there are forces, and as imam ali bin abi talib said, by god, we do not accept islam, but we do not surrender, so when we find it, the factors that divide the civilization may be internal and external
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. ibn ali was satisfied with all the divine and muhammadan culture, so he decided to establish this civilization and connect it to the later ages.
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but when this pledge of allegiance not only does not serve any purpose , it has no benefit for the islamic society, but it also leads to the destruction of islam, and this pledge remains the only part of its humiliation. pledge of allegiance is interpreted as humiliation . know what went in imam hussain's mind, but i think he believed in the principle that this kaiif is illegitimate, he doesn't have an authority to be leading the muslim world and top of it is corrupt and
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unjust, and that he would refuse ba , it was, it was more of moral objection, a conscientious objection to accepting illegitimate authority that he was actually challenging it physically. the hijaz region and at the top of it the city of mecca as the central core of the jahili period is where the prophet lived to change the turbulent situation, it suffered a lot. one of the most difficult obstacles was the tyranny of the tribal chiefs, which existed in other areas as well, and this was not compatible with the anti-authoritarian message of the islamic religion. for islam , o asbah al-wala ho, for brotherhood in religion, for
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islam, for islam, and for reference, al-tawheed, and hoon basir , the central difference. therefore, we see that quickly after the death of the prophet, some of the values ​​of jahili return, because there is no one else like the prophet himself, who prevents the emergence of values to be ignorant stood up for, that islam as revealed by prophet muhammad was supposed to be practiced in a pure form. its leadership had to... on the night of friday 3rd of sha'ban in the year 60, the imam entered the city of makkah with his small caravan after five days,
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and chose the place of shab ali, the house of abbas bin abdulmutallib, for his residence. this is not pleasant for someone like ibn zubair because it pushes him to the sidelines and his goals and motives are not opposed to yazid. people are revealed. umrah pilgrims and people of different provinces and tribes rush to meet the imam and the number of people increases every day. you can't adoption of the faith of the tribes means that maybe a few of them will convert to islam, even if it means the victory of islam after the conquest of mecca. the adoption of these tribes took place in al-madinah in the month of the prophet, that is, the sale of the prophet in the 9th year of the hijra. but
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if we want to rely on an element that shared almost all of its properties or was more general, we should emphasize on the element of insight, that is , they did not know the time, the correct understanding
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fell on the tongues, and imam hussain in every assembly and on every occasion he is busy enlightening and guiding people. some advise the companions and followers of the imam and some protest against him. about properties what goes back to them was several factors. for some of them, al-mammal al-fun. worldliness and interest considerations for some of them, age requirements of old age, usually conservatism and loss of revolutionary spirit and sense of responsibility for some, jealousy of some of these is the main factor in lack of sense.
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ibn umar ibn khattab is one of the elders of the companions who often come to the presence of the imam in makkah and about political issues. socially, they sit down to talk. but what results can these discussions and meetings have at the community level? imam al-hussein did not hesitate to think about the situation of the tribe of the tribes and his appearance in al-madinah, and the daughter of ibn bint of the messenger of god, but the steps of examples for those who are in the world. that is, when
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the situation demands it, when it is desired by the truth, and when it is desired by allah, the exalted be he, to stop standing immediately, then to stop standing immediately. i think in lots of ways the issues that hussein was facing are human issues that all human beings can resonate with. what do we do when injustice is a foot? do we resist it or do we somehow? give into it? what do we do in the face of tyranny? or if we are leaders of a community, of family, of society, what responsibilities are placed upon us? so we can think, here was imam hussein, faced with this injustice, other people are looking to him, if he gives in and is seen not to take a stand, then
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other people will say: if this obligation is fulfilled, other obligations will stand. they remain and are acted upon. there are hungry people. there are elders .


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