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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, our viewers are welcome to the economy and market news from the khabar network. harvesting of golden rice ears from mazandaran rice fields has started. the governor of mazandaran said during the rice harvesting ceremony in babol: the amount of rice production, which was 1 million 500 thousand tons last year, will reach 1 million 700 thousand tons this year. mr. noori added that the good spring rains made the amount of rice production in mazandaran increase compared to previous years , the governor. mazandaran said: removing the preferential width
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for importing rice is a serious demand that must be implemented and is one of the first issues raised. during the provincial visit of the martyred president to mazandaran , the problem of the rice farmers of the province was resolved. mazandaran province supplies 42% of the country's rice. unequal competition of domestic elevator manufacturers with foreign competitors, as the manufacturers say, steel companies. it supplies sheets used in the elevator industry to domestic manufacturers at export prices. deputy minister semps says that the solution to this problem is to reform the pricing mechanism in the commodity exchange. until 10 years ago, one billion dollars worth of imports were taken out of the country, but now not only do we not import to all the countries in the region we are exporting now. now more than 500 units. industrial and workshop
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are active in the production of all kinds of elevators and meet the needs of the country. fortunately , our producers were able to meet the domestic demand with pride, but the unequal conditions of domestic producers and foreign competitors have made it more difficult for them, for example, to supply sheets the steel whose domestic price is twice its export price is the sheet that iran's steel companies have exported. if they provide us with the same export price, then we will be able to compete with the countries of the region and export more. the way is for the field of market regulation to work more actively and not just the commodity exchange mechanism for pricing, that is, if by any means the price in the commodity exchange is higher than the global price.
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it is better to have mechanisms that automatically , either from the place of importation or from the place where the rates are applied , which approved the price to prevent the speculation of some units that sell their goods at a price higher than the international rates , and hope that the first grade materials will be taken. we are the upstream industry to solve this problem in many cases of pricing in different industries and products. the clamp is actually a disorder . in my opinion, multiple prices have created a disorder, and naturally , one of the issues that we deal with in the economic commission is the same issue of price disorder and how to form a system like i said to support competition. . now, the elevator industry has changed from an import and production industry to a production industry , and if the production obstacles are removed, in addition to meeting the domestic needs, it can get its share from the world markets. imam khomeini airport city said that
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the second stage development plan of imam khomeini airport is being implemented with 40 physical improvements. according to mr. chaladari the first part of the second phase of the airport development plan will be put into operation by the end of this year and the whole plan will be put into operation in a period of five years, so that this airport becomes the first hub for cargo and the second hub for passengers in the region. this airport, which is being built in partnership with a chinese company and khatam al-anbia headquarters, is supposed to be completed in the next five years. in the first phase, the runway lighting control tower and navigation assistance system will be completed by the end of this year, according to the promise of the airport officials. a credit of 500 million euros, the main part of which is the design and the provision of equipment, which has a lot of defects in the existing bands, and the overall design. now phase 2 of the airport, of which 40 of this phase
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belongs to sahm, now it is a camp, the plan given by that chinese company will be reviewed by our working group in our supervisory board. and after our approval , akan energy company will be notified to prepare the phases of its phase one plans. according to the ceo of the airport, the first phase of construction is 40 physically advanced. it is the construction of a new airport, in this new airport there will be a runway with relevant taxiways without any restrictions will be established for all flights, and a 410,000-meter terminal and all the side buildings that an airport needs in phase two will cost one million.
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this airport is going to be built in a smart, green way and will kill iran. it turns into air in the area. in the special economic zone and the free commercial zone of the airport city, where industrial, commercial and high-tech activities are carried out , a route will be built for the attack of cargo from the southern part, which is the place for maintenance of airplanes and cargo, to transport cargo through the railway line and road. do not allow heavy vehicles to enter the airport area. the credit considered for the whole project is two and a half billion euros. leila saki , radio and television news agency. buying farmers' surplus wheat from the border 7 according to the manager of the wheat plan of the ministry of agricultural jihad, about half of the demands of the farmers have been paid. so far, more than 7 million tons of wheat
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have been purchased in excess of the farmers' needs, and compared to last year , we have increased the purchase by more than 700,000 tons. pick up and purchase operations until the end of the city. we will continue and our forecast shows that we will exceed the amount of 1150 thousand tomans . so far, 52.6% of the farmers' claims have been paid and about 445% of the farmers' claims have been paid, and the follow-up for the payment of the rest of the claims is ongoing . ministry of agricultural jihad isdar receive an official invoice.
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entering the field, they do not have a clear identity, there is no bill of lading , we write, we bring it, and there is no news of a legal invoice when leaving. it has a text, no weight is specified, no type is specified, no quality is specified, no date is specified. tomorrow, the inspector will go to his shop. he will say, sir, what was the quality of the product ? he says it was first class. if he bought a second class load from you, they know that you should give a notification
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, which we told them, an invoice. it should be issued, invoice , date, date, buyer's name at all . in whose name is it written, it should be clear whose name it is in, what it is dated with he bought a price, this is not illegal at all . in fact, no, you have to be more specific. you have to have python, i didn't have a series. we liked each other. the law , the regulations, there is nothing to tell you that as you are working as a trade union, all the information of your trade union information should be how you should operate. you should know the rules of nizamfi. when we go to the store , we say i bought this sweet from you . he gives people 30,000 tomans per kilo. we say 60,000 tomans. grade two and must have bought a kilo of, for example, 15,000 tomans, nothing we have no evidence to prove that we bought 15,000 tomans per kilo in the last two months. we
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filed 160 cases regarding the non-issuance of an invoice for the non- standard price of simba . the ministry of jihad and agriculture says that the monitoring of fruit fields and central planning will continue in the country, and the major fruit suppliers must pay the invoice in compliance with all the rules. follow-up on the implementation of a one-year promise of the officials of the headquarters to fight against goods, who promised to approve and notify the executive guarantee of the recognition of clothing from july last year, but that promise the guarantee, which if approved and communicated, will have an effective effect in dealing with smuggled clothing, has not yet been implemented. it bothers us to talk about the lack of identification of goods on clothing in the market
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, in domestically produced goods, unfortunately, due to the fact that the identification of goods is not clear. the ministry had previously announced that the non-approval of the executive guarantee of a legal provision was the reason for the non-implementation of another country. clothing id is the executive guarantee or executive agent of this approval note 4, article 18 of the anti-smuggling of goods law is in the central headquarters to combat the smuggling of goods and currency. it must be approved since the beginning of july 1402. the first meeting will be held and , god willing, it will become effective after the approval . yashak's id was implemented, but
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there was no news about the approval of its executive guarantee until february 1402. i then know that it will take another two or three weeks and repeat this promise in march 1402 before the end of the year. inshaallah, the meeting of staff members will be held at the beginning of 1403 the spokesperson of the headquarters for combating goods and currency smuggling made a new promise. it is certain that the 136th meeting of the headquarters members will be held in may of this year. this document will be proposed and approved in the 136th meeting. in may, there was still no news of its approval. we have dealt with the loss of the martyrdom of the honorable president and his companions, and god willing , if the meeting is held, it will be his duty for the main members of the headquarters. you said that if the president does not organize a meeting, the chief of staff of the fight against goods and the widening of this law will make this note. it approves. well, now that this happened, now you the situation was there, what will happen now? as a rule
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, a series of new arrangements should be made . the spokesman of the headquarters for combating goods and currency spoons this time did not give a deadline for the approval of this note. the clothing sector is a barrier against the smuggling of about 60,000 billion worth of clothes per year, mohammad ali lahiari of sed and sima news agency, ceo of tavanir company, referring to the record low temperature in the country, said that for every one degree increase in the temperature in the country, about 1,800 megawatts of electricity consumption it will be added. according to mr. rajabi mashsheh despite the sharp increase in temperature and the growth of electricity consumption, all the country's power plants are in service. we do not have any power plants outside the circuit. and they are often in orbit and
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are working with maximum capacity and production. we have 12,000 megawatts of electric power plants , the production of which was 1,060 megawatts at peak consumption this year, but their water regime is such that they are at minimum or completely off at some hours, and in some hours they actually have maximum production. the thermal power plants are also almost proportional to the peak consumption in their maximum production. approximately around 55 thousand megawatts we were able to get production from them at the peak of the night load and we have approximately 64,65,000 megawatts of power plants at our disposal. specialists of a technology group managed to produce and internalize the new generation of car cooling system. with the production of this product in the country, at least 7 million dollars of land will leave the country every year. this breathing device, which is responsible for
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moving the coolant inside the engine, now all its parts are localized, we have a lot of variety in the matter of water pump, we produce all domestic cars in this collection, even the production of two main parts that improve the performance of the product. optimal and stable this is a felt bowl, which is effective in this issue of leakage, and blurring is also very important in this issue of leakage. now, in addition to this localization , technology has been used for the test stages that can reduce the leakage to zero. the tests were already done with water. it could be done, but now the tests are done with air, which means that even the smallest leakage can be shown and prevented with this method. on the other hand , the alloy grade of the part must be according to the standards in order to increase the life of the product
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. it has a negative effect on product life with raw materials, quality and price competitive compared to similar foreign models, more than 6 to 7 million dollars, the minimum foreign exchange expenditure has directly made the automakers welcome this product. there are about 400 thousand pieces per year for the current cars, but our plan is that in the next one or two years, god willing, this capacity will increase. we have planned to
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export at least 50 d of production that will meet the needs of the domestic market in the first step, and in the next step, export to neighboring countries, even africa. the asian market is following signs of easing pressures inflation in the world's largest oil consumer increased. cents per barrel. the price of west texas intermediate oil traded at 46 cents, equivalent to 6 tenths of an increase of $83 and 8 cents per barrel. the us department of energy announced that despite the oil price being higher than the desired figure, it intends to buy four and a half million barrels of oil to help restore oil reserves . by sending representatives of several specialized companies and scientific institutions to syria, iran has identified investment opportunities in the reconstruction of syria's oil and gas industry. experts of our country say after field visits that iran can make a good contribution from the syrian reconstruction program. the
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rise of the islamic republic of iran for capital. investing in the oil and gas industry of syria, due to its presence on the mediterranean coast, syria can be a suitable area for the re-export of energy and fuel reserves and petroleum products. and examine the gas. we are ready to provide services to syria in the field of technical engineering services, epc project implementation and process projects related to various integrated process units. let's get this road map shows the reconstruction and development plan of two refineries in the cities of banias and hamez
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. addition to the fact that the syrian government plans to build a refinery. sometimes it includes a new one. we hope that we can witness the expansion of these services and bilateral partners in all oil fields, especially refining fields in syria. at the same time, a senior expert delegation headed by the deputy oil minister of our country has traveled to syria. meeting with the syrian authorities and also participating in a specialized workshop to introduce the capabilities of our country in the field of oil industry. islamic republic of iran for investment in industry oil and gas welcomed this country. essam helali
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of damascus radio and television agency. we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your company. have a good day. god bless you. greetings again, dear compatriots , in terms of temperature, this friday in the southern parts of the caspian sea, the southern slopes of alborz, and the northeastern parts of our country, we are witnessing a decrease of one to two degrees in temperature
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, but until monday in the southwestern parts of the southern parts of the southern parts in the eastern part of the country , we are still witnessing the persistence of hot weather in these areas until monday. in terms of rains, we expect rains in the northwestern parts of our country today. also in the rider. south of the caspian sea in golestan province, in the northeastern parts of our country, in the provinces of north khorasan, razavi, and also in alborz highlands, in the southern parts of our country, we can witness scattered showers in the afternoon and early night hours in parts of kerman province and we are witnessing the northern heights of hormozgan province. today, the intensity of the rains, which lead to the flooding of public roads and the rise of the levels in the rivers and canals, in the eastern parts of khorasan province. and the northern regions of khorasan province, we are witnessing , therefore, we recommend that during this period, our compatriots beloved,
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avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals. tomorrow, saturday, the rains will continue in the highlands of elbert and in the northeastern parts of the country, for the northern areas of razavi khorasan province , but in other parts of the country , we are witnessing a steady state, and from sunday to tuesday, it can almost be said that in most it is a dominant phenomenon in parts of our country. another phenomenon that will be seen in the next 5 days is strong winds in the northeastern parts of the eastern regions. the southeastern parts of the country, the southern slopes of alborz, the central areas, the southwestern parts, in some hours the speed of wind increases in these areas , strong winds cause dust and reduce air quality as well as reduce visibility. in addition, until the next 3 days . with the wind blowing, we expect the eastern parts of the oman sea to be rough. thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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reza khan went to turkey on his first and only trip abroad. in those days, atatürk, the first president of turkey, by removing the hijab, had the intention of stepping on the path of modernity. the king of the gun in the hand of iran
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was also constantly exposed to the idea that the way of civilization is what atatürk did. after the meeting between reza khanan and atatürk was stimulated by intellectuals like ali asghar hekmat. the minister of education at that time , reza khan , was the key to the discovery of the hijab in iran. at the beginning, he sought to pave the way in other cities by putting pressure on the two cities of qom and mashhad and implementing the plan to discover the hijab. the situation led the scholars of these cities to as a result of these meetings, haj agha hossein qoumi
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decided to go to tehran on the 9th of july 1314 and convey the protest of scholars and people to the pahlavi king. haj agha hossein qoumi was a mujahideen, a fearless mujahideen, who went on this journey with only his two sons put. mullah hossein had said that i will go to tehran and tell the shah that if he listens, if he does not listen, i will strangle him there myself. when the authorities learned about the arrival of haj agha hossein qoumi in tehran , they kept him in shah abdul azim and after some time exiled him to iraq. on the other hand, the enlightenment of sheikh mohammad taqi bahloul in the mosque. ayatollah akhmadeh and sheikh hashem qazvini seriously opposed this
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opinion and these protests led to their arrest or martyrdom. 21st of july 1314. the news of the deportation of haj agha hossein qoumi, a huge gathering by the people of mashhad in support of him and the announcement he was disgusted by the discovery of reza khan's hijab. following this gathering. a terrible and bloody massacre was launched and a huge number of innocent people were killed in this incident. an hour later, trucks empty of soldiers were seen in mashhad
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, but nobody knew that there were corpses and half-dead bodies of people in these trucks. it is said that they were buried in a strangely large pit in alamdasht region. they used to say that fish is fresh whenever you eat it. what does it mean to start doing things that we have not done ourselves? it is never too late, such as continuing education , starting a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the modification of consumption habits.
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a small part of people's consumption of electricity is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and their consumption is 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to the devices that are not used, i.e. when they are ready to work or when they are asleep, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave ovens. computers, tvs, etc., these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are turned off and they should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the toilet and bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get used to it and remove unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them
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, you will eventually see it. not only have you done a great favor to your own pocket, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. from wherever we are going to buy food, it is better to pay attention to these points, the consumer price remains the same. what does cash mean, i am telling you now, let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans , now it remains. calculate together, if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans , now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price , that is, 20 minus 4, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. ok, the commission of the transactions should be from zero to finally one percent. city of household appliances.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , we are at your service with some news in the news section at 12 o'clock. the fire in the region.


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