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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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and there is a step forward to the atmosphere bilaterally , you can see how it can be very effective in bilateral work, so we are active in the shanghais in eurasia and also in eko, yes , there is cooperation that can be very effective, thank you very much, mr. dr. safari thank you for your companion . i say goodbye to you, mr. wahmad. we will be at your service. let's pursue membership in shankai, which was the last part of mr. safari's speech, the signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union and brics, which is the main topic of our discussion, membership in this organization and these groups, especially brics. economic conditions for our country. yes , first of all, we should pay attention to the fact that what has happened in recent years in the field of our foreign policy and we are able to enter regional and
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international mechanisms such as the shankai cooperation organization of the brics group or with to establish close relations between the economic union and asia, this is considered an important event because in the past years, the american and some western countries tried to put iran under economic pressure through sanctions or pretend that iran has actually become an isolated country in the world while basically, the presence in these assemblies in these institutions in this organization and important international and regional groups shows that both the project of isolating the islamic republic of iran has failed and the expectations that americans and westerners actually have from the sanctions. not so a part of the thesis to the subjects. in fact, macro-policy-making
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is related at the level of the international environment, and iran has managed this issue well, by actually being present in these mechanisms, another part is actually related to iran's economic relations with these organizations, institutions and member countries. find anyway, today if we want to talk about brics, brics is a geopolitical economic bloc. it is considered very important in the world, which actually plays a very important role in the process of transition of the international system. well, iran's presence in this bloc means iran's active participation in policy-making, decision-making, and in the advancement of verbal and strategic strategies at the international level. there is an international system that , of course, this presence and this participation can
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have an impact on different components in different economic sectors. in the field of transportation , it can have its own effects. in fact , it has its own special importance in the field of commercial exchanges, which can be discussed anyway, thank you mr. mandebar, when iran's membership in brics happened, some people analyzed it like this and predicted that this membership would happen. it is only a nominal membership, sir. if you could give me an example of what benefits iran's membership in brics will have for our country in the economic field, i would like to say one important thing . nato held in washington, and the outcome of that meeting was warmongering, warmongering, threats to independent countries and emphasis on unilateralism, and a meeting was held. the heads of the parliaments of the
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independent countries were brics, which resulted in peace, cooperation and multilateralism. you know it was about two decades ago. for the first time, almost the supreme leader of the revolution said a few words. he brought up partiality in the international system, and at that time he was talking about the decline of the united states. we were watching stefan valto's speeches all day long. he said that we are coming to the point where america's stubborn nato is heading towards the decline of the west and the west itself. i also believe this they have it, but brics is iran's membership in brics as a very important organization that accounts for more than 30% of the world's gross domestic product, and now with the increase of new members and members who are waiting for membership, this amount will become much more significant. and according to the announcement of the leaders of brace, this agreement is not just an economic agreement, it is a multilateral agreement that has formed mechanisms even to deal with economic terrorism, which is the same sanction, as you know , the agenda of the summit
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was held today. his goals were to reach an inter-parliamentary mechanism this economic gap, which is included in the circle of your hand, is a military and security field, and what does it know? are you globally important? are you in the category of world powers that make decisions and are present? this is very important in your negotiations . when you have this feature, you can win points. we in shahid raisi are among the very positive achievements that we have had in the past three years. it was with iran's self-belief approach towards this taking the direction that shurka and our allies
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came to the conclusion that iran has a new plan and space was opened, iran entered shanghai and brics . this will help our diplomat and our foreign minister to be able to speak with a very superior hand in any negotiation and gain points because the solutions that are now set up in these organizations are fragile sanctions solutions , the main axis that was created in the brics bank. brics members have emphasized on the expansion of exchanges outside the framework of the dollar's dominance, this is our issue last week mr. putin during his trip to china. the first issue that came up mr. ping said that almost more than 80% of our trade with russia was modified based on the national width. mr. putin said 90% , then he said yes, more than 270 billion dollars of trade between the two countries, which russia, which has 16,000 sanctioned items
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, today. sanctions have not had any effect on its economy , because china has used this approach and is ready for us to enter sanctions, which means that sanctions are now a non-significant tool for the west and its allies. west and america have become why independents are creating policies to get out of this control when foreign theoreticians themselves say that we ourselves should go towards negotiations with these independent countries, a significant achievement. the next axis is to see that for more than 20 years, the west was very worried that iran would become the axis of transia and used every effort to discuss the opening of the north-south route will cause disruption for us, when we become the transition axis, as a geo-strategic axis , we will be placed in the contagion of the faults of the international system. the main point of our problem is that our transit can help and complete the useful circle of the united nations system . our transit discussion is a north-south passage ghirleh defense for iran. it's not just about balance.
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this balance has many benefits. there is a lot of discussion, there are many services. discuss the cities that these pass through . this is a significant achievement that is permanent. both in shanghai, brics, economic union and russia, the situation of the islamic republic of iran is discussed, but let's not forget security , the security axis is very significant. buckingham and the white house today, the world knows that iran is a regional security power, why china and russia is holding maneuvers with us. why did we appear in the axis of the oceans? this is a message because we can also be a provider of transit security. just look at this. this is a series of things that if we use it to move forward , it will also help our government and our foreign minister. for our diplomats to get high points
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, getting points in our economy shows this. very well, thank you, mr. bahman. let's talk about the issue of dollarization, it was emphasized to him in this meeting. in the news, mr. modbar also mentioned that brics members emphasized this issue and the use of national latitudes, firstly, what is the importance of this emphasis, and secondly, whether brics could. it has gained much more momentum and intensity . it is not a new issue, but in recent years , you have seen the trend of de-dollarization of the world economy in a way that not only countries like iran, russia or countries that are actually under sanctions by the united states are moving in this direction. they do, but the countries that are among the traditional allies anyway. either
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the uae or saudi arabia, in any case , being traditionally allies of the west and the united states, they also entered the dollarization process, because they actually understood this concern and know that if for any reason, in the future, their relationship with the west will be darkened, they may also be subject to sanctions and this pressure. enter them too . in the issue of de-dollarization, we have two different issues. one issue is the issue of financial and commercial exchanges between countries, and in this process, good things have actually happened. countries like russia and china are actually leaders, and iran has always had this idea. there is another issue regarding the horizontal reserves of the countries, which is actually moving a little slower. but in
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fact, it is a contract and bilateral agreements between countries it was concluded that the brics group played an important role . see how it played this important role in the years after the end of world war ii. well, the americans , as a country far from the war environment, played an important role in shaping the international economy. having the americans come and build different institutions at the international level, such as the world bank , the international monetary fund, or even swift, which is being discussed a lot these days. the reserve fund was built against the international monetary fund or he is actually forming an institution like swift that can provide financial communication.
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it actually promotes the banks of different countries without the need of that political view of the west, and at the same time, in economic relations, it is de-dollarizing, that is , commercial transactions are done without the use of dollars, and the other important thing is that it has brics. it is going towards the creation of a currency unit that can replace the dollar in determining the rate of national lands of countries. how long will it take for this to happen? in the last few years , it is predicted that due to the fact that the americans are using the tool of embargo, it will be very intense it is predicted that this will happen quickly, in fact, it means that it will open its own place with the welcome that different countries are giving . to actually join such a mechanism, naturally, america will not be unemployed. however, because different countries
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are actually understanding the dangers caused by the possibility of us sanctions, they are joining this process, and the important thing here about brics is that brics is not a closed group , the group is completely a game, it is completely willing to other countries, even non-member countries, should cooperate or even accept a large number of countries as members. currently, there are actually 13 countries, but this is an opportunity that is actually a country. about 20 other countries are actually in the membership queue to join brics, they have expressed their desire or in any case, their case is ongoing and it will make everything more difficult for america . it makes it difficult to use the sanctions tool and to deal with this copper because in recent years there has been an issue in american foreign policy that america should not use the sanctions tool so much and extensively because this excessive use will cause the sanctioned countries to gather together and look for alternative mechanisms
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, but today, yes, today that anti-sanctions forum or sanctions club is actually in it is now forming and brics can be said to be a leading group in this field. mr. debar , let 's examine this issue from another perspective. the share of the seven largest industrial countries of the world group. exchanges commercial currency exchange should be done with something other than the dollar and with a currency other than the dollar. first, i will give a real example of the current conditions of the international system to my dear compatriots. look, now the countries of the world are not going in this direction to see if the threats of the united states against them are for what purpose. a path is guided, therefore , in which countries is the united customer now? for example
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, our example is india. this week, the prime minister of india was in russia. last year, india's imports from russia in 2020 were 22 billion dollars. india is an ally of america and a partner of america in different dimensions. the us put a lot of pressure on india to cut its trade relations with russia reduce india is a member of birix which is moving from the emerging economies to the top economy . with the threat of the us, india doubled its economy with russia, the import of russia from russia. now 51 billion dollars are imported from india. why is russia? because india knows that this type of product can provide the best quality services from russia under these conditions. so today, the independent countries in the united nations system are moving towards bypassing the sanctions, replacing the sanctions and waiting for a reaction against the sanctions policy of the west and the united states. china is another example.
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malaysians who have applied to become members. artificial intelligence and the policies of scientists have gained the rank of the international system, so this shows that the independent coalitions in the international system have gone to the direction where they are offering solutions against these one-sidedness, so we should take advantage of these opportunities. to use it practically and operationally, it is predicted that in the next 4 years , considering the many crises that we are witnessing in europe, especially after the ukraine crisis , we have known differences, we have a gap in nato, hungary has created a new group for itself in nato with nato's policies are contradictory, on the other hand, other parts have differences with america, a northern group of nato cannot present its approach against america , the situation is the same in the european union, so this is why
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it is predicted that the share of brics will increase in the next four years. the contribution of the brics portfolio in the international system is also effective for the members, so we must follow up this multi-dimensional diverse market in a special and serious operational manner without paying attention to any kind of marginality, make it operational and bring its achievements to the floor of our own economy. this is the issue. it is important whether we have a new development bank or where brics bank is one of its goals is to help brics member countries to remove some infrastructure obstacles. for the first time last year , brics bank came to the united arab emirates, held a meeting , opened a branch, opened an office and worked, because the principle of cooperation of brics bank with the same the four original members were its founders and founders, but brics has opened its ring
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. you know one of the agendas between brics is the role of parliaments in reaching a solution to deal with the fragmentation of the financial system of brics members. tehran has made financial proposals to brix, one of its proposals is to reach a banking network between brics members. recently, we were able
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to bring our financial network closer to mir russia. you know iran has a bank in russia called mir business bank. this has been active for several years, but these mir and shatab networks were not integrated. this experience can help us move in other financial exchange networks. this is effective for our businessmen. our businessmen don't need to worry about any kind of cross exchange, he can open a special bank account, he can easily use use this network. this is the program that all brics members are carrying out. why? because everyone is waiting for america. he should use the same policy of embargo disease that he is embargoing others and he is seeing the damage himself. i would like to say one important thing, this is the american election, during these american elections, america has not sanctioned russia. every week russia was sanctioned, i say 16,863 sanctioned titles , why didn't russia sanction because the sanction it imposes has an effect on the prices of
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its energy carriers, so it is clear that the sanctions policy is a fragile policy and more countries are waiting. they are dealing with this. well, this can be a significant achievement for us, which should be entered in an operational way, not just by slogans and participation in meetings. american and western sanctions are in place. the question that arises is the opportunity and capacity of dollarization by brics. what effect will the use of alternative and national currency have for our country, for the islamic republic and other member countries, and what opportunities
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and capacities will it create? due to the sanctions against iran in the past years it actually existed. well, this is actually a body. at least we have experienced the dollar in our own country or , for example, closing the swift network on our banks. first of all , de-dollarization means that we can actually trade with the brics member countries with our own national currencies. we don't exchange dollars, the important thing is that our banks can do it without the need. it is very important for the western mechanism, that is swif, to be connected with each other, so that the banking network of the brics member countries can connect without
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actually needing swif, which is under the rule anyway. america is under the rule of the dollar, so they can communicate with each other . well, this issue can make it easier for our businessmen, for example, if they want to buy goods in china or vice versa in tehran or any other city in iran. sell ​​it, the problem here is that bypassing the sanctions is basically meaningless, because the sanctions have been bypassed by this mechanism and there is no need for all financial transactions to go through the swift system , or as westerners call it. don't block it on its way, so it helps to facilitate the trade exchanges that can be made in the economic field it has happened and this is actually a very big event. it is big, it is not about circumventing the sanctions , it is completely abandoned, it is actually about abandoning the sanctions, and this is something that we must pay attention to inside the country. you see, the
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islamic republic of iran was one of the first countries to talk about de-dollarization in the international economy , but unfortunately we have gone through a slow process until today, other countries have overtaken us in this field, while in fact, one of the theorists of this issue was iran itself. it is definitely necessary that our various institutions and organizations carry out this project more intensively. i wanted to ask one thing about the ineffectiveness of sanctions, i.e. becoming ineffective. you mentioned the effect of this issue on the economic prosperity inside the country. definitely, as much as we can develop exports , this development of exports will help us to have more production inside the country. well, more production means more employment and more employment means more. see more prosperity inside the country. we have a completely interconnected chain here . as much as we have a production boom inside the country , on the one hand, the level of employment and social welfare.
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it will increase, and on the other hand , we will develop foreign trade , we will have an offer for the country, and we can strengthen the economic base of the country and spend the income we earn on investing in our bio-structure , which again with in the field of production, in fact , this cycle can turn and continue . we have a short time until the end of the program . there are also two important points that we must address . please help us to bring the discussion to a good point, mr. modbar. it was mentioned in the section in the past, various countries applied for brics membership giving and waiting to join brics, they are looking at brics as an alternative institution for international institutions, institutions that we can say are dominated by america. and the west , and they hope that by joining and joining brics, they will be able to take advantage of its benefits, especially in the
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economic field. moving to become a member of this increasing agreement is an expression that these effective achievements have been seen and for choosing to be present, this is the reason for the enthusiastic reception of many countries, because the first issue of foreign policy is interests , when your interests are secured, you can move in any direction. we do and we are seeing that from asia pacific to latin america, even some european countries are willing to become members of birx, this is a very important issue, they want to expand their trade exchanges, but the issue of concern about the dominance of america has caused them to cooperate informally. let me give an example. now there is a city in russia called astrakhan, russia, which is a port city with 4 14 ports and a free zone.
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there is excitement. the name of lotus, which is one of the axes of the north-south corridor, which is closely related to the islamic republic of iran. the germans, who have the biggest differences with russia now, especially in the ukraine war , came to take a part of this lotus area to have a port in this northern corridor. to have a subsidiary company in the south and to send them, the americans also know, they know that after all, this is a matter of global exchanges, or in any case , the belarusian area that you have, you can see that they have fundamental differences and fundamental tensions with countries like latvia, lithuania, and poland. they know that in order to connect with this trans network , the north and south must cooperate. well, this shows the effectiveness of this new coalition that has been created, so we must pay attention to this issue, and i will say one important thing, we must set goals at the same time. please also give a conclusion that after janbandi, my final important point is that in the field of economic diplomacy, the most important issue is that you have a goal, as i mentioned
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, india. they know that a certain market for its product, for example , russian diamond, has the best features for it, it supplies it , it does not pay attention to any sanctions. buys and threatens america that you have no right to embargo russian diamonds and if you embargo i will buy them . the next point is that we should pay attention to tourism. today, tourism is an issue in the world, this is an issue in brics as well as in an economic union and in asia. the international economy is at a high level, and we
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have considerable capacity and considerable potential. which we actually give to brics, such as our geographical location, our energy, transit routes and corridors that iran can actually create . both brics has a very high capacity and potential that iran can use to actually neutralize the sanctions and develop its foreign trade and economic prosperity inside. the important issue is that by actually being present in brics, we were able to participate in those macro and strategic policies at the highest level of the international system. we should really pay attention to this opportunity , in different sectors of our economy, we should definitely take advantage of this opportunity. thank you very much, mr. bahman , mr. modbar, and also mr. dr. safari, who was with us on the phone during the part of the program, and i thank dear viewers , have a good and peaceful night, god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today. as always, we start the program with palestine. today, the 28th day of the gaza genocide ended. the day when dozens of children were bombed and killed while playing, and the day when mothers were looking for their children's graves.


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