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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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at 5 o'clock, the head of the country's employment affairs organization said that by the order of shahid raisi, for the first time, the permission to recruit 8,000 elites in the executive bodies was approved, and the implementation process has started with the cooperation of the national elite foundation . mr. latifi also said that in order to unify and organize the payments to the government employees, a centralized system has been set up so that the payments of all executive bodies that pay salaries from the treasury are made through it. all our executive bodies should
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make the necessary reforms so that we can control them, and at the same time, depositing money in the accounts will be prevented, because this is what happens to the credit system. we confirm that he is an employee and his conditions , the organization determines his allocation plan , the treasury goes to the individual's account on this system , it goes exactly to the individual's account, the head of the employment affairs organization also states that in the 13th government , with the floating of the employees' hours, the hours are the same. the peak traffic was managed and the hours of service to the people actually
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increased and he said: the bill to reduce the working hours of government employees, which was prepared with the aim of increasing productivity , is awaiting the decision of the parliament. mr. latifi said about the measures taken to restore the rights of government employees and pensioners, a bill in this regard prepared to classify and evaluate jobs in the payment system with scientific methods. in the approved government , we are waiting for it to be promulgated as a bill, god willing, because this is not part of the authority of the government, it must become a law. let's consider special jobs that are extremely special . it was moved in
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the cabinet, god willing, as soon as it is announced well, naturally, he has to follow his own legal path to make a path from it. pledge of allegiance of hosseini mothers and infants to martyrs of karbala the world conference of hosseini infants was held simultaneously with the first friday of the month of muharram in more than 8,000 locations across the country. in this ceremony, mothers of iran made their babies think about the uprising of imam zaman. do not touch your hands and feet. they had come to raise their six-month-olds in hossein's tent. away from mother's eyes. what if you want to raise your child as imam hosseini? imam hosseini to train him, i brought him here. every night i take him to the love of mr. imam hossein, who is under the flag of mr imam hossein be moral, be a human being with
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faith, follow the path of imam and the fourteen innocents and go ahead . i really want this from god to let them know why imam hussain, peace be upon him, was martyred and what was the purpose of their uprising . the aroma of small soldiers with big headbands
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is childish. all these years, i always went to pray, i mourned, they cried , but this year it's completely different because when he puts himself in their place, it's really hard. it is enough to age a whole family. they came to tell the mothers about hossein when the children grew up i took my child from ali asghar . i am talking about his size. i am talking about his thirst . they came to study in ashura's classroom. imam hussain's family was all immersed in imam hussain's province. that is , all of them were imam hussain. let us try
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to be like this. mr. ali asghar intercede for him. his intention was to be a soldier of imam al-zaman . what did he do if we want to narrate today more briefly, the importance of women's role on the day of ashura or hossein is the political deadlock in france at the same time with the resignation of the speaker of the parliament in france, there is currently no news of the government. due to the political crisis in his country, the president of france shortened his stay in america for the nato meeting. several days after early elections, the
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french parliament and its representatives are still in limbo. the speaker of the parliament has resigned and there is no news about the prime minister. some moderate personalities are facing the heads of the triangle of power in the parliament , none of which have won an absolute majority to get out of the bombast, have they proposed to nominate one person from among the republicans or the middle party to the president for the post of prime minister , or should macron do it himself? currently, the leftists say that the prime minister should be from us, and the right and the macronistas expect the same , none of the parties
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think about the national interests. in order to get out of this complicated situation, new organizations should be given in the composition of the government. he put a lot of pressure on the president to get rid of him as soon as possible giving the coalition to introduce the prime minister will lead the government in the right direction. the political bombast and confusions in the country's legislative center have worried foreign investors so much that they are considering leaving france and transferring their funds to another country. the political uncertainty in france has caused unexpected events and unprecedented crises to the extent that some even associate france's failure in the euro 2024 football competition with it. what makes this political situation and statelessness in france even more critical is that
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the olympic games will be held in paris in two weeks. shahrar hosseini of paris radio and television news agency. thank you for your cooperation. peace be upon you kab.
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in tonight's special news talk, we are going to talk about the bric issue, following the meeting of the speakers of the countries' parliaments on the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for development and fair global security, it was held in st. petersburg , russia, the speaker of the islamic council of our country a parliamentary delegation was present at this meeting and on the sidelines of this meeting met with the presidents of the parliaments of the member countries as well as mr. putin, the president of russia . brics members discussed the importance of dollarization and emphasis on the use of national currencies. the importance of this issue as well as the economic and political benefits of brics membership, we are going to talk
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, see the report, we will come back , i will be with you along with the guests of the program. increasing commercial exchanges between countries, forming a development bank and foreign exchange reserves against western institutions is one of the economic goals of brics member countries. iran, a member of the brics group , plays an important role in the economic exchanges of the member countries. the unique north-south transport artery, which includes the astara growth railway, is a major contribution to the diversity of flows. transports transportation along the new corridor will have significant competitive advantages. in the 10th periodic meeting of the brics assembly, the speaker of the islamic council emphasized iran's cooperation with its partners in all fields. the four main axes of transit, energy. trade and banking is one of the most important axes among brics members. the
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islamic council and the new government of iran are fully prepared to cooperate with their partners in all these areas. the five permanent members of this group have 25% of the world's gdp share , which is the highest compared to the blocs competing economy like j. the islamic republic of iran has unique capacities and is ready to participate in all three main areas of brics activities, i.e. political, security, economic, financial and social areas. it was 11 months of last year that the islamic republic of iran became a full member of the brics group. mohammad ali qaimi, radio news agency , mr. dr. shoaib bahman, an expert on international issues, and
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mr. dr. ruhollah modbar, an expert on eurasian issues , are with us in the studio of a special news discussion , mr. bahman. hello, good night . and i respect and also offer my condolences . peace be upon you during the days of mourning for hazrat aba abdallah al-hussein . in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you , your respected colleagues, all my dear compatriots, and i offer my condolences on the martyrdom days of the master of martyrs, abu abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him, and his faithful companions, god willing, may your mourning be accepted, god willing, but before talking to let's start with our guests . i will have a short conversation with mr. dr. safari, deputy minister of economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs, who spoke on the phone with we are with you, mr. safari. hello, good night . salam alaikum. good night. please, mr.
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dr. safari, your excellency, along with mr. qalibaf , speaker of the islamic council , attended the meeting of heads of parliaments of the brics member countries in russia. bilaterally and multilaterally, please tell me what economic benefits the islamic republic of iran's membership in brics will have for our country, in the name of allah , the most merciful. well, you are aware that this was the second parliamentary session that mr. ghalib attended . his first meeting was in johannesburg. in this meeting, there were three main issues that were raised. that his statement was also signed by brics members, which are 10 countries. one is that the issues related to the annual meeting of the french parliaments will definitely be held.
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it used to be held, but not regularly. the second issue is that the youth of the brics countries should cooperate with each other. my third point is about the issues of joint economic and security commissions . and it was signed . the most important thing in this meeting in the speeches is now 28 to 30% of the world, and you have nothing to do with this, but the point that was raised in this meeting is the story of dealing with local currencies and monetary agreements
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should be signed with each other. well, you know , we did this with russia recently, and they are slowly following the example of having a single currency. the way to cooperate with each other means that they are aiming for de-dollarization, they are working to increase trade with each other, one of the advantages of these meetings is the heads of the honorable brics parliaments and also the guests of brics, who are between 20 and 30, for example, in the meeting of the council of ministers in novy grod mizhin was held last week, about 30 guest countries in addition to these 10
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it was the same way i was here until the meeting was today. but mr. qalibaf's bilateral meetings with the two honorable heads of the duma. and the russian federation had a separate meeting with mr. putin , had a separate meeting for 50 minutes, in which bilateral issues were discussed in detail
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, and follow-up work was planned in the future. in addition to this , parliamentary relations and bilateral relations, especially in the commercial sector of projects, the export of engineering services with these countries were brought up. in my opinion, the trip was very successful. it was a mixture in different dimensions and soon also the essence of the youth of the brics countries, plus the guests. the point that we are aware of is that brics will be an organization that has the same oppressions that are happening in the world bank and other places that are internationalized and
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are moving one-sidedly. it makes countries tend to this direction so that they can solve problems. what should they do with themselves in terms of economics, politics, security and tourism? yes, this was a summary of our very good work, mr. bahman . do you have a point about mr. sefri's speech? it was about creating new mechanisms actually in brics that could compete with the existing ones. for example, the development bank or the reserve fund that was created in brics, well, these are completely parallel institutions to the world bank or the international monetary fund. well, we know that in the past years, if you tell us briefly, that we want to have travel answers, the view of the western countries that created these institutions was a political view, and based on the political view, they actually behaved with other countries
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, but now in brics, this is the political view is being abandoned and a completely different view it is happening in different countries. mr. modbar , please be brief. mr. dr. safari pointed out that this meeting and the meeting of dr. ghalibav were very fruitful. the meeting with mr. putin and with mrs. metvenko, the head of the federation council, and mr. valodin, the head of the state duma of russia. the very important issue of deepening the relations between tehran and moscow in the current situation and in the 14th government was taken into consideration, just as the president-elect of the islamic republic of iran , mr. dr. medzikian , emphasized this issue in his phone call with mr. putin, this shows that tehran's relations moscow deeply with the speed will be growing. the message that the supreme leader of the revolution sent to mr. putin last week through mr. mokhbar is to raise this important point, why this issue is very important to the russian side. another very
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important meeting was the meeting of mr. qalibaf with the vice speaker of the armenian parliament, where the speaker of the islamic republic of iran once again emphasized iran's unchanging policy of not making any changes in the geopolitics of the region, which was a significant opportunity. that with the change of political governments. by facing each other, many bilateral issues are raised, so we in the commercial sector are in the sector
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energy in the energy transmission sector, which includes electricity and energy itself, in the transit sector in various fields in the free zones, these are points that are very effective in our business relations, the growth of our business relations , there are sectors in the technology sector , technology exchange, technology transfer that we are very active in this sector, it can be very effective in the direction of exporting our knowledge bases to these countries , as well as guest countries, etc., as well as the transfer of the technologies we need, which have grown very well in some countries, we can be in this committee
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we had an increase in our literacy and the growth of our work so it's a two-way thing, we can export our basic knowledge to these countries and we can also export the technologies we need. exchange an article, an article about trade, an article about transit. just yesterday, our first train was launched from china. sitting down and exchanging insults about economic and banking cooperation, last week, mr. farzin in
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st. petersburg, being a monetary alliance with the russians. signing and discussing the exchange of financial affairs and monetary agreements with other countries and one. it is also possible for the atmosphere to be bilateral. see how it can be very effective in bilateral work. so , we are active in shanghai in eurasia and also in eko. yes, there is cooperation that can be very effective. thank you very much, mr. dr. safari. i will say goodbye to your companion , sir, and we will be at your service to continue the discussion , membership in the shankai, which was also the last part of mr. safari's speech, the signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union and brics, which
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the main topic of our discussion is membership in this organization and these groups, especially brics, what benefits and economic conditions will it have for our country. we were able to enter. to become regional and international mechanisms such as the shankai cooperation organization of the brics group or to establish close relations with the eurasian economic union. iran under economic pressure through sanctions they pretend or pretend that iran has actually become an isolated country in the world, while it basically
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shows the presence in this assembly in these institutions in this organization and important international and regional groups. that both the isolation project of the islamic republic of iran has failed and the expectations that the americans and westerners had of the sanctions have not been met, so a part of the case is related to the issues of policy making in the international environment. well managed this matter by actually being present in these mechanisms, another part to actually relations iran's economy connects with these organizations, institutions and member countries from within . anyway, today if we want to talk about brics , brics is considered a very important geopolitical economic block in the world, which actually plays a very important role in the transition process of the international system. well , as a rule, iran's presence in this bloc means
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participation. iran is actively involved in policy-making , decision-making and advancing macro and strategic strategies at the level of the international system. in the field of transportation, it can have its own effects, in the field of energy, it can have its own effects in the field of commercial exchanges, in fact , it has its own special importance, as
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we were at a summit of the 75th anniversary of the formation of nato, which nato leaders held in washington, and the output of which the war-seeking summit was war-mongering, threatening independent countries and emphasizing unilateralism, and a summit was also a meeting of the heads of parliaments of brics independent countries, which resulted in peace, cooperation and multilateralism. you know that it was about two decades ago, for the first time, almost the leader the supreme revolution of the term multilateralism in the international system. brought up and at that time, he was discussing the decline of america . i was watching stephen walt's speech the day before. he said that we are coming to the point that nato is on the verge of america's decline. iran's membership in brics is a very important organization that accounts for more than 30% of the world's gross domestic product, and now with the increase of new members and members who are waiting for membership, this
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amount is even more significant. and according to the announcement of brace leaders, this agreement is not just an economic agreement , it is a multilateral agreement that even to deal with economic terrorism, which is the same as sanctions , has formed mechanisms as you know. the agenda of the summit was held today. the issue was the same global just security , one of its sub-sectors was to reach an inter-parliamentary mechanism that would address this economic gap, which is included in the scope of sanctions. face. your hands must be full. what does a full hand include in a military , security and capability field? well, we honor the national hero of iran, shahid soleimani, who in any case worked hard in this field. the second issue is whether you are a member of an important coalition. are you in the category of world powers that decide?
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receiver. they are and they are present. this is very important in the negotiation. when you have this feature, you can get points from the side. we in shahid raisi, one of the very positive achievements they had in 3 years was to take iran in this direction with its self-belief approach. when shurka and our allies came to the conclusion that iran is serious about its plan and space was opened, iran entered shanghai brics , which means that this was an unexpected issue and we were in line for this membership for a long time, so this helps the diplomat. we have a very superior hand in any negotiation with our foreign minister let the dialogue talk and get points, because the solutions that have been set up in these organizations are fragile sanctions solutions, the main axis that has been created in the brics bank is the emphasis of the brics members on the expansion of exchanges outside the framework of the dollar's dominance . this is our issue just a few weeks ago , mr. a trip that


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