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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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the people of the world who are the decision-makers and are present, this is very important in your negotiation, when you have this feature, you can get points from the side. we in shahid raisi, one of the very positive achievements that they had in 3 years was that iran's self-belief approach turning to this direction that shurka and our allies came to the conclusion that iran's plan is serious and space was opened, iran entered shanghai and brics, which means that this was an unexpected issue and it has been in the queue for a long time. in any negotiation, he should speak with a very superior hand in the conversation and get points because of the strategies that he has set up now in these organizations, fragile solutions to sanctions are the main focus that has been established in the brics bank , the emphasis of brics members on the expansion of exchanges outside the framework of the dollar's dominance, this is our topic, just a few weeks ago mr. putin during his trip, the first
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topic that was raised by mr. ping he said that almost more than 80% of our trade with russia was modified based on the national width of mr. putin, he said 90%, then he said yes, more than 270 billion dollars of trade between the two countries that russia, which has 16,000 sanctions , has not had any effect on its economy. using this approach, china is ready to enter america by sanctions, it means that now the tool of sanctions has become a non-significant tool for the west and by the west and the united states . why are the independents creating policies to get out of this control when the foreign theorists themselves say that we ourselves should go to the side of negotiations? with these independent countries , a significant achievement, the next axis is to see that for more than 20 years, the west was very worried that iran would become the axis of transia and used every effort to disrupt the north-south dispute for us when we become the axis of transia.
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as a geo-strategic axis in fault propagation we are placed in the international system. the essence of our problem is that our transit can help and complement the missing link of the united nations system. the issue of our transit, the north-south passage, is an ineffective defense for iran. it's not just about balance. this balance has many benefits. it is a discussion of many services, the discussion of the cities that these pass through . this is a significant achievement, the situation of the islamic republic of iran is discussed in terms of transit , but let's not forget security, the security axis is very significant. the threshold of the threats made by bakim and the white house, today the world knows that iran is a great security power, why are china and russia returning with imam manor, why did we
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appear in the axis of the oceans? let's be together, so see , this is a series of things that if we use it, we will move forward, it will help our government, our foreign minister, our diplomats to get high points . thank you , mr. bahman, let's discuss the issue of dollarization in this meeting. it was emphasized in the news, mr. madbar also mentioned that the brics members emphasize this issue and use national widths. first of all , how important is this emphasis, and secondly , can brics reduce the share of the dollar in the world market ? you see, the process of de-dollarization of the world economy is actually not a new issue, but in recent years it has gained much more momentum and intensity in such a way that only
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countries like iran, russia or countries that are actually under sanctions by the united states are moving in this direction. but also the countries that are among the traditional allies of america anyway they are taking this path. today, for example, the government of turkey, the united arab emirates, or saudi arabia are traditionally allies of the west and the united states. they are also entering the process of de-dollarization, because they actually understand this concern and know that if for any reason, in the future, their relations with the west will become dark, they may be under sanctions and these pressures will be applied to them as well. well, in this process, things have actually gone well for the countries
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like russia and china, they are actually leaders, and iran has always had this idea. there is another issue regarding foreign exchange reserves of countries, which is actually moving a little slower. but in the case of the first one, i.e. de-dollarization of commercial and financial transactions , very important things have happened. in fact , bilateral contracts and agreements have been concluded between countries, and the brics group has played an important role . see how it played this important role in the years after the end of the world war. second, the americans, as a country far away from the war environment , played an important role in shaping the economy between nations. the arrival of various institutions at the international level , such as the world bank, the international monetary fund, or even the swif, which is being discussed a lot these days, today brics is coming , and it is building institutions parallel to these, the development bank, as
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opposed to the world bank. the reserve against the international monetary fund has been created or is in the process of forming an institution like swift that can communicate. in fact , it is advancing finance between the banks of different countries without the need for that political view of the west, and at the same time , it is de-dollarizing economic relations, that is, commercial exchanges as well. it is being done without the use of dollars, and another important thing is that brics is moving towards the creation of a horizontal single territory that can replace the dollar in determining the national currency rates of countries , how long will it take? well, this is a process that has actually started in the last few years. it is predicted that considering that the americans are using the sanctions tool very intensively , it is predicted that this will actually happen quickly, which means that it can take its place. open to
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the welcome of different countries, yes , many countries, not only brics member countries rather, many countries that are outside this group have expressed their desire to actually join such a mechanism. however, because different countries understand the dangers caused by the possibility of us sanctions, they join this process, and the important thing here about brics is that brics is not a closed group, the group is completely a game, it is completely willing to cooperate with other countries, even non-member countries. cooperate or even accept a large number of countries as members . there are currently 13 countries, but this is an opportunity. about 20 other countries are actually in the queue for membership there are those who want to join brics, expressing their desire , or anyway, their case is ongoing, and this will make it more difficult for america, if it wants to , yes, the more these countries are, the more the number of these countries will be , the more the american's work will be in using the tools. sanctions also make it difficult to deal with this
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issue because in recent years there has been an issue in american foreign policy that america should not use the sanctions tool so much and widely because this excessive use will cause the sanctioned countries to be surrounded by each other. get together and look for alternative mechanisms, but today yes today, the anti-sanctions forum or sanctions club is actually being formed, and brics can be said to be a leading group in this field, mr. madbar, let's look at this issue from another perspective , brics will have a significant share of the world economy in 2023. the share of more than 30% should be said compared to the share of the seven largest industrial countries of the world . the same process that mr. bahman explained in the issue of dollarization and the share that he has found now, how can it continue if currency exchange is done with something other than dollars and with a width other than dollars in commercial transactions?
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let me give a real example of the current conditions of the international system to my dear compatriots. look, now the countries of the world are not going in this direction to see if in what direction are the american threats directed against them , so which country is the ally of the client now ? india is an example. this week, the indian prime minister was in russia. india's imports last year in 2020 were 22 billion dollars. the us put a lot of pressure on india to reduce its trade relations with russia, india is a member of the bric, one of the economies like india, knows that this type of product needs this service. with the best quality under these conditions
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, it can be supplied from russia, so today the independent countries in the united nations system are moving towards bypassing the sanctions, replacing the sanctions and waiting for a reaction against the sanctions policy of the west and the united states . china is another example. a malaysian who has now applied as it is another example , you know that now malaysia has been ranked first in the international system in the field of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based policies, so this shows that the independent coalitions in the international system have gone in the direction that they are against these unilateralists. has it provides a solution, so we must use these opportunities in a practical and operational way . it is predicted that in the next 4 years, due to the many crises that we are witnessing in europe, especially after the ukraine crisis, our differences are now
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divided in nato. hungary has created a new group for itself in nato , which is contrary to nato's policies. on the other hand, other parts have differences with the united states. it is a northern group of nato and they cannot present their approach against the united states. the situation is the same in the european union. in the next 4 years, the share of brics will increase increasing the share of the brics portfolio in the international system is also effective for the members, so we must pursue this multi-dimensional diverse market in a special and serious operational manner without paying attention to any kind of margin . the issue is an important issue . now, is the new development bank or ende to the brics bank, one of its goals is this. is to help the brics member countries to remove some of
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the infrastructural obstacles. for the first time last year , the brics bank came to the united arab emirates, held a meeting , opened a branch office, opened an office and worked, because the principle of the bank's cooperation brics was founded and formed with the same four original members, but brics has opened its circle , what is this action against the world bank, which when it wants to lend, has a unilateral policy. and on friday, one of the agendas between brics was the role of the councils in reaching a solution to deal
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with the fragmentation of the financial system of brics members. you know that tehran has made financial proposals to brics, and one of its proposals is to reach a banking network for bank exchange between brics members. recently, we were able to we want to bring our financial network closer to mircea . you know iran has a bank in russia called mir. business bank has been active for several years, but the mir and shatab networks were not integrated. this experience can help us to move in the rest of the financial exchange networks. this is effective for our merchants. if there is a problem with the currency exchange, he can open a special bank account, he can easily use this network. this program that all brics members have is going forward, because everyone is waiting for america to embargo others because of the same embargo policy that it has. and he is seeing the damage himself
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, use it, let me tell you an important thing, this is the election now america is in these days of american elections, america has not sanctioned russia, we were sanctioned every week, i say 168 sanctioned titles of russia, why didn't it sanction, because the sanction it imposes has an effect on the prices of its energy carriers, so it is clear that the embargo policy is the policy it is fragile and more countries are waiting to deal with this. well , this can be a significant achievement for us . it should be included in our economy, it should be included in our market network, and our merchants should be included. they should know that this is an opportunity it is suitable and they can get maximum benefits in it , god willing, thank you, mr. bahmand. in various parts of the program, it was mentioned that the brics member countries, of course, some of the brics member countries are under us and western sanctions. the question that
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arises is what will be the effect of the opportunities and capacities of de-dollarization on the part of verix and the use of alternative and national widths for our country, for the islamic republic and other member countries, and what opportunities and capacities will it create? great help with exchanges. it finances countries in the sense that, well, we at least through intermediaries sanctions that have actually existed against iran in the past years, well, in fact , we experienced the dollar tension at least in our own country or , for example, closing the swift network on our banks. firstly , dollarization means that we can use our national currencies with the member countries of the brics group should actually have a commercial exchange. well, here we don't need to exchange dollars anymore. the
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important thing is that our banks can communicate with each other without the need of that western mechanism, that is, the swift. this is a very important thing that the banking network of the countries brics members can do without in fact, the need for swif, which is under the rule of the us and under the rule of the dollar, to communicate with each other . well, this issue can make it easier for our businessmen, for example, if they want to buy goods in china or vice versa in tehran or any other city. in fact, bypassing sanctions is basically meaningless because iran wants to sell goods, the problem of sanctions has been bypassed by this mechanism, and there is no need for all financial transactions to go through the swift system or now. westerners try to obstruct his way, so it helps to facilitate trade exchanges are exchanges that
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can happen in the economic field, and this is actually a very big event, that is, it is not a way around the sanctions, it is not a complete abandonment, it is actually a rejection of the sanctions, and this is something that we must pay attention to inside the country, see the islamic republic of iran. iran was one of the first countries to talk about de-dollarization in the international economy , but unfortunately, we have gone through a slow process until today, other countries are ahead of us in this field, while in fact, one of the theoreticians of this problem it must have been iran it is necessary that our various institutions and organizations advance this project with more intensity . i wanted to ask one thing about the ineffectiveness of sanctions, i.e. becoming ineffective. you mentioned the effect of this issue on the economic prosperity inside the country. definitely, whatever we to be able to develop exports , this development of exports will help us to
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have more production inside the country, so more production means more employment and more employment . see more prosperity inside the country. we have a completely interconnected chain here . on the one hand, the level of employment and social welfare will increase, and on the other hand , we will have the development of foreign trade , we will have an offer for the country, and we can strengthen the country's economic base and spend the income we earn on investment. let's do our bio-construction so that it will come back again in the field of production. in fact, this cycle can turn and continue . we have a short time until the end of the program . there is also an important point that we must address . please help us to turn the discussion to a good point. it was mentioned in the previous sections that various countries have applied for brics membership and are waiting to join brics
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. they look at brics as an alternative institution to international institutions, institutions that we can say are under domination. there are america and the west and they hope that by joining and joining brics they can benefit from its benefits, especially in the economic field. how realistic is this view and how can it be realized? the development of moving to become a member of this agreement is increasing, indicating that, well, this it has its effective achievements, seeing its effects and choosing it for this reason. this is the reason for the enthusiastic reception of many countries, because the first issue of foreign policy is interest, when your interests are secured, we will move in any direction, and we are seeing that from the asia pacific, latin america, even some european countries are willing to become brics members, this is an issue. it is very important that they want
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to expand their commercial exchanges, but the issue of concern is the dominance of the united states. i would like to give an example of informal cooperation with my administration. now in russia, there is a city called astrakhan, russia. it is a port city, it has 4 14 ports, a free trade zone called lotus, which is one of the axes of the north-south corridor, which is closely related to the islamic republic of iran . they took the lotus area to have a port in this north-south passage. having a subsidiary company and sending them, the americans also know, they know , after all, this is a matter of global exchanges, or anyway , the territory of belarus that you have, you can see how many differences there are with countries like latvia, lithuania, the province they are fundamental and they have fundamental tensions, but they know that in order to connect with this transit network, the north -south passage must cooperate. well, this shows
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the effectiveness of this new coalition that has been created, so we must pay attention to this issue, and i think it is an important point. let me say that we should set goals. at the same time, please give a final point . my final point is that the most important thing in the field of economic diplomacy is that you set goals . as i mentioned, they know that certain marketers of their products, for example, russian diamonds , have the best features for them. provides without any sanctions he doesn't pay attention, he goes and buys and threatens america that you don't have the right to embargo russian diamonds, and if you embargo, i will buy them. which can supply the brics market . the next point is that we should pay attention to tourism. today, tourism is a problem in the world, this is also a problem in brics, shakan, and in the economic union of russia, mr. i will not ask questions for a
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minute. the world and for iran's participation in the international economy is at a high level, but the significant capacity and potential of our energy, transit routes and corridors that iran can actually create. both brics has a very high capacity and potential that iran can use to effectively neutralize the sanctions and develop its foreign trade and economic prosperity inside. the important issue is that we, by actually being present in brics , are the leaders in those macro-policies. we were able to be present at the high level of the international system and we really deserve this opportunity we should note that in different sectors of our economy , we must take advantage of this opportunity
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. thank you very much, mr. bahman, mr. modbar, and also mr. safari, who were with us on the phone during the part of the program. and rest in peace, god bless you. sanj damam playing is one of the rituals of ashura which is registered in the list of national heritage . and the sound of the horse's feet and a trumpet is played like a war trumpet and prepares the mourners for the performance of this ceremony.
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it is a special tradition of the southern provinces, i.e. busher of khuzestan and hormozgan, this mourning is performed by the same instrument, but in different ways, the drum player of different mourning ceremonies. we have and this generation of generations should continue . the palm is made temperature components. there are different components, of course, sometimes those old damams were made from the skin of redwood and the skin from the skin of a goat or sheep that they slaughtered.
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they would leave the skin in a place to dry, then they would shave the hair on the skin and cover the skin with a special rope that was planned for the work from the two ends of the round stick that they made, and they would make the so-called damam. which is played on my forehead, the wood that is played is made of a palm stick, that palm trunk, from a tree that is cut from a palm branch and that wood, and they are shaped and laid on my forehead. the mirror of damam nawazi is the prelude to the main mourning ceremony for imam hussain (peace be upon him). after the cause came down from the pulpit , i started taking my thermometer to gather the people and then it is made of dammam stone. in recent years, during the muharram days, sanj dammam nawaz groups travel to different cities of the country and perform
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native and special mourning ceremonies for other compatriots. communicate and get to know imam hossein. where did you come from ? we are at the peak time from around 12:00 pm to
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around 6:00 pm . until the 23rd, due to the darkening of the air and the simultaneous use of lighting devices, the consumption will increase. as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, the electricity consumption will also increase. now , what can be done to reduce the possibility of blackouts and power cuts? do ironing the clothes in the morning before 12 o'clock or, for example , instead of electric samovar , use a samovar or a gas kettle , use water coolers in temperate areas, and go less for spilt and duct spilt in office departments, if we can start work earlier in the morning during the peak hour of electricity consumption consume less. what i said is not a difficult task at all, it just requires a little attention, and it is enough to think that our inattention may cause a blackout and many people will suffer irreparable losses due to a power cut.
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it is better to pay attention to these points from any place you intend to buy , what does the remaining cash consumer price mean now. i'm telling you, let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now calculate the remaining cash. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price. let's do it, that is, 20 minus 4. in this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so the installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. also, be aware that the fees for installments should be from zero to nine
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in the islamic republic of iran. in the name of god. he arrived at mehrabad airport on friday night. mr. ghalibaf said that one of the most important goals of the brics agreement is to counter one -sidedness and open new financial and commercial paths among the members of this agreement.


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