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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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thank you very much for your attention , i wish you a nice day. bismillah rahman rahim, good morning , welcome to capital market news, the serious desire of the government to hand over the management of car manufacturers, the minister of the state, in the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange on the 20th of july, announcing this news , said that the ministry of the state is willing to implement the government's management policies in the khadros factories, in accordance with
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leave it to the government and the company. mr. aliabadi also said about the car production capacity in the country, due to the existing limitations in the car sector, while trying to intensify the supervision in this sector, the supervisory system has already been established until the car manufacturing companies. to receive the required width , send your plans specifically to this ministry. minister of state expressed hope that in july and august. production should increase and by the end of the year production will reach 1,700,000 cars. hall of glass finished the third week of july with a positive return of five and one-tenth percent of the total index and 47 percent of the equal weight index. in the past week, the value of retail transactions reached the highest value in the last 3 months. the tehran stock exchange
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started the first two days of the third week of july with a record low increase, but continued to face the weakening of the demand flow and the increase of the currency. but with all this, the total index was able to recover the range of 2 million 200 thousand units after 36 trading days. the total index was able to record more than 18,000 units in the whole week, equivalent to 5.10 percent of the yield, and in this sense, it was a very good week. for the investors of the capital market , we expect a slow and continuous growth from the market, but the problem is that the main current of the market will return to the time of the formation of the cabinet and the introduction of its key members in the field of economy . index makers and then towards medium and small stocks of the stock market according to the market perspective
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, on the second day of last week, the value of hord transactions reached the highest value since april 19 of this year, and the average daily value of hord transactions was 53300 billion tomans . the result of the entry and exit of money also indicates the entry of 512 billion tomans of real money into the stock market. the main issue is that if we want these conditions and the state of the capital market to continue , there should be stability in the regulatory laws that can predict the situation of the companies. and to
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in general, any interference in the financial statements of companies does not affect the economic situation of the capital market. experts believe that the stock market needs to inject positive news and make them operational in order to climb and conquer high peaks. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. supply of 20 fav tractors at a price. 4 billion and 392 million tomans , the deadline for placing orders for these cars was until 8:00 a.m. minutes ago, and the brokers blocked applicants' access to manage the orders received from 8:30 a.m. minutes ago. every a natural person could register only one car and any legal person could register up to three cars.
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individuals who succeeded in buying cars in the previous listings in the commodity exchange and bought cars from automobile companies since the beginning of 2018 are also able to register. were ordered the delivery date of this product is 23 september this year and the prepayment percentage is 10%. the total credit supply of petrochemical products in commodity exchanges reached more than 10 thousand billion tomans. according to the development manager of the downstream petrochemical industry, the credit value of petrochemical products in the commodity exchanges in khordad this year, compared to the same period last year, 40. increased and its value reached about 1400 billion tomans. mr. shahmirzaei said that this figure was 5800 billion tomans in the same period last year. the director of development of the downstream petrochemical industry also said that in april and may of this year, 14 thousand
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billion tomans worth of petrochemical products were sold in the capital market. 165 thousand products worth two.
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the companies presented their goods and products in the halls and the sub-market. also, melli sanaye misr iran , sar and roi complex, angoran and mobarak steel of isfahan were the top three companies based on sales value. a news and report on the oil of the iran energy exchange, today, saturday , we will offer all kinds of products in the sub-category of oil, gas and other energy carriers, in the inner hall, more than 45 thousand tons of products, including isofid azuri cycle of kam oils
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and in the last trading hour of the week, per barrel of american crude oil on channel 82, brand oil is also on channel 85 dollars. oil prices rose slightly on friday, july 22 , but according to reuters, investors feel that oil consumption in the united states has a weaker weight than hopes for the federal reserve's interest rate cut in september, so the increase in prices was limited. oil remained on the path of price reduction. after the it turned out that the texas energy industry was hit by a warm storm. the prices of brand oil and west texas intermediate decreased by about 3%. hurricane beryl in the state of texas, where 40% of
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the us crude oil is produced, had increased market concerns about the risk of supply disruption. however, the reopening of the kreps ship channel. and the probability of resuming the activity of hostan port has somewhat reduced the concerns. financial market analyst tang, referring to the data of the chinese consumer price index, said: expectations for the reduction of tensions in the middle east and weakness in the data of the oil price index in china are a downward trend. the price of oil increased. last week, the head of the federal reserve announced the reduction of interest rates in the future . it limited the downward trend of oil. the high interest rate of the federal reserve usually slows down the economic activities, which reduces the demand for oil and leads to a decrease in the price of oil. according to analysts, despite all these
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statements and even opec's statement that the oil index will decrease by 2.2 million barrels per day until the end of september 2024. brent could not cross the price of 90 dollars per barrel. maryam fadaei, sed and sima news agency. goodbye. the one who loves me, they say, tasher, the air of the glasses of my public jaw the hearts of labarrouh al-hinain. khlooni next to hossein khlooni has
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become the tar of my mind, i am crazy, i am jealous of your jealousy , and i am sorry for you, and the world is with us, karbala, we are with you. and he is the most beloved, and i am a virgin, and i am a virgin, yes, i am the master of imami, grahami, and umri, rukhsa lasneena , all the year of the heart, the sorrow of the labo, the spirit of al-hinaina
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, we lived for a year with the love of this moment, until we made up again in the assembly and in the circle of his people. cheragh afroozim and o basuzim mohammad baqer al-aitha is from iraq and grew up in england since childhood. ucl university studied but was brought up in the school of hossein, peace be upon him. when he talks about the hosseiniyya, which was established with the efforts of london's shia youth , the light shines in his eyes, yes.
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we used to discuss with the professors and students of the college about the proofs of god, then when i went to the university , i became a member of the university islamic association, although the university islamic association was actually run by the sunni brothers , but i also worked closely with them and was like one of the i was them myself until the return page of the association's management fell into the hands of the wahhabis. since then, we thought that islam should be let's introduce the shia and show everyone that our way of thinking is different from these wahhabis and the way and custom of violence. this was the starting point through which collections called ahl al -bayt islamic associations were established.
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but the truth is that the wish of many is to be the servant of imam hussain. to be honest, we consider ourselves the only servants of imam hussein's servants. this is our real position. the interesting thing that i have experienced over the years is that
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there is no need to call for help in imam hussain's majlis. this happens by itself. for programs and conferences that are held throughout the year, you should plan long-term and announcement announcements to help in the plan to gather forces. but in the case of imam hossein , there is love for this work. inviting or employing people.
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they mourn for imam hossein in their own way. the problem is that we are now facing a second generation that grew up with the english language. they speak english when they go to school. they watch tv programs in english. their understanding is done in english. the main problem is that if this young generation does not understand their religious issues well, naturally they will not act according to the divine law. some of them are missing. but there is a difference what we created was that we set up the assembly entirely in english, which means that the speech, the blood lamentation, the eulogy, and the breaststroke are all performed in english.
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without exception, everyone is capable of doing something in imam hossein's majlis. if you think that i don't have a good voice, you can write an article on the internet, do something, say something , send a message, do something that will make
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someone more familiar with imam hossein. yes, if you could, go to a council to help. the benefit of this action goes back to you, not to the members of the parliament. i myself when the first day to prepare the assembly to the place i follow him, like other people, i have an indescribable feeling. a feeling of solidarity, a feeling of brotherhood, a feeling that we are doing something very big. it is really hard to describe. you just have to experience it yourself.
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i wore black, full of my hope, i wore black , thank god, i saw your beloved again, thank god , i want to cry again in a world of mourning. in islam , special attention is given to silence, restraining the language and using signs. knowledge is introduced, but in some cases it is silent. imam hussain (peace be upon him) taught us that we should not be silent or compromise in front of the oppressor. every muslim has a duty to stand up against the oppression of justice and oppressors to fight the spirit of islam is seeking justice. do not give in to oppression. hena and the greatness
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of yahsin deloni and his highness, the almighty, the protector of the al-jood and the raya , the soul of the complaint, the least of the complaints, or the badir, the year of the satisfaction of the people, and the satisfaction of the people.
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everyone is aware of the importance of ashura and the uprising of imam hussain (peace be upon him). the important question is why, despite all these oppositions, the importance of ashura did not decrease and every year more and more people pay attention to it. indeed, the uprising of imam hussain, peace be upon him , brought true islam to life and introduced the real values ​​of islam to the world. and if it wasn't for the uprising of imam hussain (peace be upon him), true islam would not be in our hands today receipt. from the past until now, some people have always wanted to offer islam.
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we were explaining and we explained to them the reason for the gathering of so many people. for example , we gave them a bottle of water, which is a symbol of
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being thirsty and make the day of karbala a symbol for them. alhamdulillah, except for a few people, maybe in about 5% of the rest of the feedback has been relatively good, maybe half of the people to whom we gave this water and those leaflets were curious, and from that number, some of them were really willing to have a conversation with us , they asked questions. a few things i would really like to know what this fact was a few years ago and what was its historical background and what effects it had on us today, which we tried to answer to the best of our knowledge. as one of the oldest and most active independent student organizations outside of iran, the london production center has always tried to
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be influential, and in these fields , especially cultural and now religious activities , it can be influential for others. iranians are actually here. every year in london ashura has a different atmosphere. i do not know what this seed is hussain's pilgrims are like pilgrims. they become mahram to god , it doesn't matter with what status and honor they become mahram and wear the ihram clothes of the servants of abu abdullah , it doesn't matter where you are, in karbala or here in london, you are old or young, big or small, whatever profession you are in. your name is registered in the chain of lovers of aba abdallah. i am one of them
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. we have an engineer . we have a dentist . a servant of god comes here unemployed there is nothing to do. do it because of high unemployment. it is not like this at all. all the people who help here, most of them, i know, most of them have different specialties , they are very busy in their lives, because it is really hard here, your lives are very busy, but from their work. they spend their lives helping here . i am sure that 100 people who participate here are not those who help, those who
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participate here are beggars. and if you open your eyes, you will see the heads on the spears and the tents burning until the hearts. is that
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it never ends. your washing machine is running. yes , we wash it by hand. you were heavier than sharazam . you didn't buy
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a home appliance. no, unfortunately, no. good morning, dear compatriots, at 9 o'clock, another part of the news, electricity consumption on the half-day off from 76,000. the latest statistics on electricity consumption in the country show that more than 76,000 megawatts of electricity were consumed on thursday, july 21. this figure is 6 thousand megawatts more than the same day last year is. the managing director of tovani company asked people to avoid using high-consumption electric devices during peak hours, i.e. 13 to 18 and 20 to 23. temperature k


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