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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to follow the economic news this morning, with the presence of the minister of economy, the first phase of the one-cloth system of the organization for the collection and sale of property or siat was put into operation. the managing director of the organization for the collection and sale of acquired property said that all items of acquired property must be identified in order to enter the warehouses and continue the auction sale process.
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according to mr. ejtaha, with this method, the route of smuggled goods from the time of discovery to the execution of the sentence is completely transparent. this system is one of the system there are those that are connected with different devices from the time of discovery of smuggled goods or the entry of abandoned goods into the declaration and its entry into the ownership property until the assignment is determined with different devices and with different systems . they go to the case management system of the penalty organization and get a code one from the product identification system, but since this situation has not yet been established for some of the major discoverers, there is a possibility that they will provide a physical discovery directly to the acquired property at the same time as the product is delivered. . through this system to
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in any case, the system of product identification receives the system of the trading community, the system of the warehouse community and sends it to the receiving authority, which is now the punishment organization , god willing. the transfer of the car is the responsibility of the seller, following the dispute between car buyers and sellers in the payment of transfer tax, the association of exhibition owners and car dealers of tehran announced that from the beginning of september, all transfer tax costs will be settled for the annual dues. municipal debts for transactions of zero kilometer and used cars are the responsibility of the seller, and for
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transfers before this date , it is the basis of action according to what is stated in the contract. the net settlement of government bonds reached more than 59 thousand billion tomans this year. the treasury of the country announced that the government from the beginning of the year until the end of the working day last week, i.e. july 20. it has financed billions of tomans through the issuance and sale of wahadar bonds. also, during this period, the government has paid 599 billion tomans for the settlement of principal and sub-bonds. accordingly, during this period the total cash attracted to the market through the issuance of bonds has reached a positive of 837 billion tomans.
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more than two years have passed since the deadline for handing over shares of car manufacturers, but it has not been fulfilled yet. the minister said that he is looking for the transfer of the car manufacturing management. according to the latest report that iran khodro saipa and pars khodro submitted to the stock exchange under the title of consolidated financial statements, their accumulated losses reached 245 billion tomans, a loss that according to experts is a fundamental cause. the result of non-implementation of executive and notification policies of article 4 of the constitution is that the government wants to rule where it should another concern was the transfer of government shares in automobile manufacturers , among the eight decrees of the martyred president, and now the head of the privatization organization says that in the last meeting of the council of principle 44, the implementation of the transfer of the shares of two car manufacturers was
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emphasized by the end of this year. this action will be important not only, but also the list of companies in which the government has partial shares, but sometimes due to the requirements, the government actually has control over the management based on the number of 44. we are determined that this year, god willing, this important matter. to the shareholders themselves, in fact, the non-government that owns them but the minister said that handing over the shares is not advisable and the first step would be to hand over the management of the car manufacturers. i think that we in the automobile industry, after we are now ready to hand over the managers, also believe that the first step for handing over these two cars to the private sector is handing over the management. in order to reduce their losses, the main issue
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of outsourcing to the commercial system is for the government to hand over the operations to the sector. private and do the governance operation properly, which is not being done now. evaluate the plans and act according to them, and if you make a loss, you should change your path. it's as simple as that. currently, the government has 5.71 shares in iran khodro and 16 and 81 shares, and their managers are appointed according to the opinion of the government and the ministry. due to the increase in temperature in the country, electricity consumption has increased by 88 percent compared to the same period last year. in this regard, i am currently
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discussing with the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tawanir company, mr. ahmadi. hello, have a good time. mr. ahmadi, please regarding the amount of electricity consumption in the last 24 hours. please tell me how much electricity you expect to consume allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i am at your service and my dear viewers. first of all, it is necessary to express my condolences on the days of mourning for the martyrdom of imam hussain, peace be upon him. some provinces were working offline, the number of electricity decreased and reached more than 76 thousand megawatts. regarding the effect of temperature on the performance of electricity networks, there are a few points that
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, if you allow me to mention very briefly, there is a thermal dome to the topics that have been raised and the investigations that have been done it is currently on the middle east. according to the statements, this thermal dome will increase the temperature by about 3 degrees compared to the long term. on the other hand , we will have an increase in demand of about 1800 megawatts for every one megawatt of temperature increase. we live in a country where, unfortunately, the intensity of energy consumption is twice the average. if you look at the same neighboring countries, for example, in turkey, which is almost similar to iran in terms of population, the number recorded for the demand and the peak demand is about 55 thousand megawatts, and this number is compared to iran, which is 77 a thousand megawatts were recorded last week, well
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, it is a tolerable number, it shows that there is a lot of work to be done in the management of electric energy consumption in iran, and our loved ones can help us a lot in this field. it should be noted that the main consumption of the country's electricity network is related to cooling loads in the summer and most of it is related to the domestic sector. the second point that the bagh-dar network faces with the increase in temperature is that from a scientific point of view, the functional capacity of the network decreases in the conditions of an increase in temperature , which means that on the one hand, we will face an increase in consumption, on the other hand, the capacity of the network will decrease. department both in the production sector and in the work transfer network sector. we will decrease. the third issue that is very important to us is that last week we had a hot week ahead and the consumption increased, but this week we expect the consumption to decrease due to the fact that the temperature conditions will be moderated, but unfortunately there is a discussion. we have it under the topic of stickiness
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of consumption, which is for a while when the weather is hot for a few days, then the temperature drops again, unfortunately, the discussion of the habits that are created and the discussion of my habit last week, the temperature conditions are lower and we expect that our consumption conditions will be low it's better, i request all my loved ones, especially during the days of mourning for imam hussain, peace be upon him, on the two days of taswa and ashura , not to forget the discussion of consumption management, and at the same time, like last week , follow up on this issue with all seriousness. tawanir khodangadhar's new company , the spokesperson of the electricity industry, has set a target for the construction of 22,000 megawatts. the new power plant announced. mr. rajavi mashhadi said that these power plants should
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be put into operation in the next 3 years, which are a combination of renewable and combined cycle power plants. according to the managing director of tavanir company, 2 to 3 per year in the last 3 years billions of dollars have been invested in the power industry . rajavi mashhadi added that based on the law of removing barriers to the development of the electric power industry, the electric power industry has to build a power plant to meet its needs. they are obliged that so far about 1700 megawatts of power plants have been built . the head of the transport fleet renewal headquarters announced the start of the call for registration of used vehicles in the system of this headquarters from today. according to mr. salari, the owners of used cars can refer to the used car fleet renewal system. be replaced in
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the implementation of this project, the owners of used cars, including passengers, heavy vehicles, and motorcycles can choose the type of plan including cash, cash replacement, facility or leasing after visiting the website of the transportation fleet renewal headquarters and finalize their request. the minister of economy asked his colleagues to put the implementation of the new customs system on the agenda in the remaining days of the 13th government. mr. ehsan khandozi said that publishing the financial statements of private sector companies should be on the agenda. planning a comprehensive system for all warehouses in 31 provinces in the property organization , speeding up the payment of insurance claims from other the orders of the ministry of economy are until the end of the government. the
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national permit portal issued a notice and announced that the permits issued automatically are fully valid in terms of the law. in response to the non-acceptance of these licenses by some government officials, the national permit portal announced that the license holders who were delayed in their review by the issuing authorities and were automatically issued from the national magistrates portal are under the government's protection. the national license portal also announced that the owners of id 1 do not need to go to government offices and can start their business. according to the law on facilitation of issuance licenses if the government official prevents the economic activity of the legal licensee, the licensee can be revoked. the violators
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should be dealt with legally by filing a complaint in the national license portal. saving more than 3,600,000 tons of flour by implementing ardonan's smart subsidy plan. the executive director of the project announced this news and said that in order to reduce the cost of bakers in the form of this project, liquid dough is needed from now on. bakers are intelligently supplied with flour at the appropriate rate in the flour purchasing system. ardonan's smart subsidy plan that started two years ago. checking the latest status of project implementation making ardonan subsidy smart. in this 25 -month life of the intelligentization project, the amount of savings in terms of
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flour production is approximately 3 million. it dates back to the year 1400 and is not observed at all in the country's cities. from tehran and one or two of the big cities , we rarely see the issue of not respecting the approved price. we didn't have it. i mean, last year, you may have witnessed that some provinces made reforms in the issue of restoring the economy of their bakers. well, this is in the hands of the ardanan working groups of the provinces.
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when you come , give me 15 tomans for a kilo of dry bread. or, excuse me , the worker's salary, the cost of renting the property, and this year , all of this has gone up, how can he bring the card house machine there, then come with the 1400 credit card and work properly, so when he doesn't work properly , he will be fined, his share of flour will be reduced in the phase of intelligentization of the basis of flour allocation. supporting the operation of a unit well, for example , he received and bought 10 tons of flour for a period of one month. we have implemented bread supply routes for different purposes in tarahoshzazi . well, in kartkhana, there are uses that are in the form of ceremonies and in the form of commercial purposes. it also has a separate route, that is, each person
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has a demand for bread of any type, so it can often be supplied from all over the country. what percentage. our bakers have the experience of increasing or stabilizing the share of their flour or having access to their subsidized flour , and actually about 30% of us let them perform . kenas dollar today, 46,594 tomans have been announced in iran's currency and gold exchange center. dollar exchange is also traded at the rate of 4356 tomans. in order to know more about the new land rates and the amount of currency supply, the import needs of the country, we were supposed to talk
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with mr. terzli, the deputy director of iran's gold and currency exchange center . thank you for your cooperation with the economic news . have a good day, dear ones, and god bless you. in the name and memory of god, greetings and have a good time . dear viewers of the khabar channel, we expect
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a calm and peaceful atmosphere for the next 5 days in the country. let's have a stable weather, but during this period, for the next few hours, for today, in parts of mazandaran provinces, for the heights of mazandaran , the heights of alborz and the heights of tehran, sometimes there will be an increase and scattered rain, as well as in the eastern areas of north khorasan province and the northern areas of razavi khorasan province. in the next few hours , we will have an increase in rainfall in these areas for north khorasan and razavi khorasan, an orange weather warning has been issued for the possibility of water flow and flooding of the khan river. there are also seasonal rains, because of these rains there is a possibility of damage to the farmers it has been seen and we request that the necessary measures be taken into consideration. it is calm in other areas of jab. similarly , during the past day and night between the centers of the provinces, ahvaz is the warmest center of the province with a temperature of 51 degrees and
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ardabil is the coolest center of the province at night time with a temperature of 11 degrees. and it was recorded. also, among the meteorological points we had in the country, in ilam province , dehloran with a temperature of 53 degrees was the hottest point in the country during the last day and night. similarly, in khuzestan, shush with a temperature of 52, bostan, 51, and omidiyeh, we expect to report and record a temperature of 51. that is a bit of the intensity of the heat in the country if it decreases , we will have a temperature drop of about one or two degrees, but we still predict the persistence of hot weather for the next few days in our country . due to the fact that the weather is hot, we have a request. let's make the necessary savings in electricity consumption so that we can spend these very hot days without power outages in our country. another point is the strong winds blowing in the eastern belt, which
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rise up and bring dust with them. these winds will rise, especially in the north of sistan baluchistan province, areas of south khorasan, south of razavi khorasan, and will reduce visibility and air quality. it is causing disruption in road traffic in the center of al borz slopes in the west, southwest and south of the country, and the wind speed is increasing for hours. due to these strong winds , we will have a decrease in air quality in these areas. we expect that there will be an increase in clouds in the heights of tehran province, as we mentioned . there is a chance of rain in the highlands , and in other areas, the wind speed sometimes increases . from your attention and companionship. mane, thank you , have a good time and may god protect you.
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پیهرو دینی استان yo yata hudai yo bato hudai yo باتو هدای يتا تللی
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this truck, there's a guy in that truck, i
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guess there's a guy in this brown truck right here.
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definitely during peak hours. or have you heard something about the so-called peak consumption? well, now that we are in the hot months of the year, the peak consumption time starts from around 12:00 noon to around 18:00. due to the darkening of the air and the simultaneous use of lighting devices , the consumption increases. as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, the electricity consumption also increases . now, what can be done to reduce the possibility of blackouts and power cuts? you can use a vacuum cleaner to wash and iron clothes in the morning before 12 o'clock, or for example
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, use a samovar or a gas kettle instead of electric samovars in crowded areas. we want to use water coolers and not go to splits and split ducts in office departments. if we start work earlier in the morning, we can use less electricity during the peak hour. this is not a difficult task at all, it just requires a little attention and it is enough. let's think that our negligence may cause a blackout and many people will suffer irreparable losses due to power outages. the sixth day of the month muharram of rural people. in the south of semnan city, according to a long-standing tradition , they mourn for imam hussain and his companions, the age of marriage of the bani asad people, they came to shion, they cried , they threw stones at their own heads, it is a symbol of the day of ashura, when imam hussain's companions were martyred, or according to the people, stoning this program is the ritual measurement area that the village people hold on this day. i am 80 years old.
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to be a hossein and to remain a hossein, that is the heart
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of imam hossein. what we should learn from imam hossein is the knowledge of commanding good and forbidding evil from 128 spiritual works registered in the list of works of milli shahr 46 the work is related to special rituals of mourning. the ritual of stoning or stoning in 2008 was registered in the list of spiritual works of the country. nemati of the news agency sai ala in the south of semnan city. it is better
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to pay attention to these points from any place where we intend to buy khazafi. price. what does consumer cash balance mean? i will tell you now. suppose the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. let's calculate the remaining cash together? if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract these 4 million from the consumer price. it means 20 minus 4. give like this we can get 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. in addition. pay attention, the transaction fee should be from zero to 1%. home appliance city.
12:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, dear viewers, at 12 o'clock, we are at your service with some news. the head of the civil registry organization announced the launch of the supreme name system, according to mr. kargar of the civil registry organization, to provide better services and help families to choose the proper name of the smart society system is designed and made available to the people with the name system. head of the registration organization ahval added that this system is the reference system for consulting services for naming babies and providing special services for choosing iranian and islamic names according to national, ethnic and local requirements. mr. karger said parents


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