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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, dear viewers, at 12 o'clock, we are at your service with some news. the head of the civil registration organization announced the launch of an interactive name system, according to mr. kargar of the civil registration organization, to provide better services and help families to choose a suitable name for saman. the intelligent society has designed and made it available to people under the name of taalali system. the head of the civil registration organization added that this system is the reference system for consulting services for naming babies and providing special services for choosing iranian and islamic names based on national, ethnic and local requirements. mr the worker said that parents can refer to the share mark of the civil registration point.
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the deputy of traffic operations of faraja highway police announced the implementation of the new table of traffic violations from today. saying that the fines include 174 violations, which are divided into three categories: big cities, small towns and villages, sardar salimi said: the increase in the amount of crimes. driving is also different for all offenses. for example, the fine for illegal speed varies from 100,000 tomans to 500,000 tomans. today, the price of dollar bills in iran's currency and gold exchange center is 46,594 tomans. dollar remittance it is traded at the rate of 4356 tomans. well, to find out about the new width rates and the extent of supplying width
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to the country's import needs, i will talk with the vice president of iran's width and gold exchange center, mr. tarzli . in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you and the esteemed viewers, the latest land price status. i am offering this land to you in the exchange center. today in the banknote hall, the dollar rate is 46594 tomans, euro 50797 tomans and dirham 1268 tomans. and also in the currency exchange hall, the price is 4356 tomans, 4743 euros toman. and dirham 11,846 tomans
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were traded. since the beginning of the year, the total amount of supply has reached 19 billion and 975 million dollars, of which the share of basic goods and medicine is 4 billion and 771 million dollars, commercial and commercial goods are 10 billion and 749 million dollars. . dollars and exports were provided in exchange for 4 billion and 75 million dollars, and in the service sector, 380 million dollars were secured. the average exchange rate during the past month was 398 tomans for the dollar, 42717 tomans for the euro, and 1069 tomans dirham.
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the amount of foreign exchange for basic goods and medicine at the beginning of the year , it reached 4 billion and 771 million dollars, of which the share of basic and agricultural goods was 3 billion and 87 million dollars at the rate of 28,500 tomans, the share of medicine and medical equipment was 964 million dollars at the rate of 28,500 tomans . in the industry sector in the nima system, it was 10 billion 749 million dollars, and in the import sector , it was 4 billion 75 million dollars , and the largest share was related to the hamad and transport industry, the automobile industry, and the electrical and electronic equipment industry. thank you for assigning to the exchange center, mr. terzli, vice president of foreign exchange iran's currency and gold exchange center. the minister of interior said
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that due to the measures taken by the khuzestan governorate and the iraqi government, suitable conditions have been provided for the pilgrims at the shalamcheh and chazab terminal. to use basra. the minister of interior of iraq , we visited all the western borders from khosravi to shalamcheh together, and we visited the facilities of the iraqi brothers inside the territory of iraq. well, they did good work . a suitable road from shlamcheh to basra , a new runway, and other facilities it was necessary to give the necessary instructions at the place where all this was determined. from the beginning of the month of muharram, youths and
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teenagers, women and men serve the mourners by starting a procession in the streets and alleys. more than 110 processions in the city.
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everywhere in the city, everyone built a tent according to their ability, and the lives of hosseini mourners were calm. everyone has gathered here thanks to the mercy of the martyr of karbala.
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thank you so much for being with us , in the name of god, in the name of god. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god. light upon light . in the name of god. light upon light
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. in the name of god. praise be to god who created the light , praise be to god who created the light, and sent down the light. the images and the descent of the light on the images in the book of al-mustoor at the time of the charter in the book of al-mustoor at the time of the charter as much as is possible for the prophet, may god be great, may god
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be great. allah is great. allah is great. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger. allah
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is the highest, and allah is the highest. hajjah allah is the salah, living on the salah , living on the al-falah, living on the al-falah. hail ali khair al-alam hail ali khair al-alam
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, god is great, god is
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the first row, the row of service, the row of humanity, your stronghold is your stronghold you are at this table and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . greetings to you, dear compatriots . welcome to the first page program, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation. they stand in front of the camera to
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talk about policies, strategies and, of course, decisions that can be very effective for the future of the country in the field of human resources. the seventh program is one of the topics that will be explored in this meeting. of course, in terms of human resources, although the issue of human resources, which drives the development of any country, requires a very long time he has to talk about it, but in this conversation, we want to talk with the head of the administrative and employment organization of the country, mr. dr. maisham latifi, about the policies of the 13th government of the martyred president. mr. dr. raisi has been investigated. welcome to the program
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on the first page. in the name of allah , the most merciful. i have the memory of the noble martyrs , especially the martyrs of ardibehesht flight. ayatollah raisi and i pray to their noble companions and to god, the blessed and exalted, for the right of these days and the right of the blood of the martyrs. this situation that happened to our loved ones in gaza will end in the best possible way with the victory of the islamic front, god willing. one of the most important issues in the field of human resources, and now we can say it is an administrative and employment issue, is the issue of its relationship with governance, that is, the government. and
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governance in various fields, which naturally provides administrative and employment organization. for the past 3 years , there have been policies in this field, the most important priorities of which are the ruling government and now various issues that you have what did you design? maybe at the beginning when i arrived at the organization, almost 3 months ago , the organization is viewed more as a recruiting organization . and there is employment . by the way, we tried to see this issue of governance as a prelude to employment in the field of governance . sometimes we create an institution. this institution does not require the government to enter. it is not a matter of governance . it is a matter of
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management . and sometimes, unfortunately, they don't have the necessary productivity if they are available to people and the people themselves will take over its management, naturally, they will be more productive and the size of the government will be smaller. let's know that according to the main missions of the government, let's go towards the work that the government does in the field of guidance. there is support and supervision. the government should not enter directly in its implementation area, except where people do not enter, they have no motivation , there are no facilities, it is in deprived areas , it is in remote areas, there the government should enter, but in otherwise, it seems that this incident should not have happened. we had this problem and naturally, the
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thing that was most important to us in the first place was the issue of justice, and in these 3 years we have created a slogan for iranian islamic governance under the title of governance. iranian islamic justice-oriented, productive people base , we raised this by using a series of studies that had been done before on this topic , which is in the narrative interpretation of amir al-mu'minin, in letter 53 , he says, "i love you, i love you, i love you, i serve you for the satisfaction of my subjects , the meaning of the satisfaction of the general public." i would like to tell you the concept of service, that averages are true, right, justice, and satisfaction people, please take into consideration the issue of justice in government services, dr. now in the field of government governance and human resources, if it is an issue, it means, for example, in
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terms of land use, in terms of locality, in terms of strength, what is this? where is the justice? when we are talking about the distribution of power, why should the distribution of power be concentrated in tehran? anyone who has a job should come to tehran. the work should be done in the provinces, not only in the provincial capital, in the city where the service is provided the most. to have the authority, that is , we are in the direction of manpower throughout the country now we are far from a ruling justice , we have to look at it. we are in the 7th plan . this is what we have predicted. article 14 of the 7th plan, which was also our proposal, stipulates that 75 % of the powers of the center will be transferred to the city and province, if a decision is to be made in the same city and province. let me give you an example. in my seventh program, we predicted that god willing, this will happen. public companies
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are working in the city. dust, cars , traffic and noise. mardemeh, its head office is in tehran when a bank wants to give a loan, its financial resources are concentrated in tehran, these resources are coming here , while in the city, if financial resources are invested in the banks there, the bank will find an authority to be able to invest that capital there. the area should be dusty for people to use it, the road is dangerous for heavy vehicles to cross. ok for people. in the 7th plan, we also predicted this clause , in this chapter of reforming the country's administrative system, one of the issues is that we obliged the entire ministry of economy to ensure that all government companies that are involved in mining have. i don't know, let me tell you , there is an industrial dispute. those who are owned by the government or those who are its shareholders must have their own offices in cities, centers and provinces. when
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we say justice, justice means justice in the distribution of facilities, justice in the distribution of opportunities. recruitment should be done, we should go to localize people in the same area, their longevity is higher, they can see the conditions of the region, and later they can deal with the problems that the area is facing, it is better to touch and solve the problem there. a native we have considered a point, which means that justice does not mean equality. it means that somewhere we have to give more facilities to areas that are facing historical shortages. i am a more successful manager, i have a higher ability than others. one of the events that happened in this government was of course in the previous governments, we strengthened this. the discussion
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was about evaluation and development centers for managers. we gave licenses to centers for the development and evaluation of managers. any manager who wants to be assigned should go to this center to be evaluated. create a competitive environment. only our government management training center these days has nearly 5 thousand people. the justice that we are presenting is justice in equal employment opportunity, justice is in exams, justice is in payments, justice is in promotions and appointments , and justice is in government structures and creating an environment where we can use all capacities, alhamdulillah , for example, if you want a report card present let me know the number of those who were recruited and recruited. is
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this geographical justice respected? in terms of population, it is less, of course , it needs less force to recruit. well, a province is bigger, wider , has a larger population, and has there been an effort to comply with this , it must have been the same. i can tell you that one of the honors of the 13th government is that we have 22 comprehensive exams we conducted a comprehensive and general recruitment exam, mr. doctor, when the exam is held, it is not known who will be accepted. anyone who is more capable in that exam, we had a case, for example, from the remote villages of the country, where there is no one to order or introduce him, he took the exam. in our passed exam in these 33 months we held 22 exams. this is one of the honors of this government. i was telling mr. president shahid that we should do this, and he
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emphasized on this issue. how is it, for example, 5,000 people were supposed to be recruited, what happened ? finally, i decided to do this. i am begging for prayers for the respectable worshipers of these exams. when it is going to be held, something must happen before it. sometimes it takes 6 months to a year. let's get to that test space that we really have the cooperation of the executive bodies of the benazi management organization of the province and our colleagues in the organization resulted in a very good thing, and that was that we went to determine exactly what the point of the location is, what is needed in the future, that is , us, for example, in the area of ​​the clinic and the hospitals that we are going to build
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became gold from the services of these dignitaries . go to each province to check the needs of the provinces. a formula for this should be designed based on that formula to calculate, for example, a license of 25,000 for the ministry of health when we have or have recently i have a permit for khuzestan province, which some of our provinces should pay special attention to, such as khuzestan province, sistan baluchistan province, such as hormozgan province, which are provinces that have special needs due to travel and presence . that the local point is determined how much we need , while we should also consider the upcoming technologies in our recruitment. a person who is being hired in some cases, well, in general, it is 30-35 years , we have to see whether we have this job in the next 30 years, 15 years, then we are members of the supreme council.
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we are also artificial intelligence. our opinion is that artificial intelligence will affect 40% of jobs in the future and a different kind of jobs will happen . could it be that we designed a test under the title of shahid zindin's test, this test was exactly the test that was designed according to the provincial ambassadors, mr. president. with the transformation program that was predicted for the province, the needs of the province itself were determined, that is province by province needs of that province under the title of this test, the governor should now come and tell me what do i need, in addition to the need announced by the ministry itself, this happened, we held the shahid zindin test , we used this opportunity to be able to fit in with transformation in the province itself
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, the plan that the governor and the group of the provincial development planning council have is to be able to recruit special forces for the same province from the province itself, that is, from other countries. let's solve it today when i'm in i am at your service because the devices, when their recruitment process is done, will finally need a user identification from us. understand that now, of course , it sometimes takes a long time in the executive branch, which we have repeatedly had meetings with the deputy human resources of the branch, that you clarify, sir , don't delay, think that your son , your brother, your sister is being hired . we have the experience of fostering education , with such a large volume of recruitment in less than four to five months, the entire recruitment process and how
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many recruitment tests. for education, we are for education let me tell you that only 87,000 people in farhangian university have been given permission to start working, and they have been ordered to eat in the education system . let's do it for the future of our education system . the upstream documents must be from farhangian university. if we have them from article 28 of the farhangian university statute law , we have a number of them. education is a shortcut for the short term , that is, in fact, we have to make this happen from farhangian university. farhangian university in the previous government sometimes had 5 thousand people, 9 thousand people, sometimes it had no recruitment, while we in these years 25 thousand people. sometimes
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there are 30,000 applicants, students are interested , for example, we have very good grades now among the cultural universities, and by the way, it helps because they are also being recruited in the province, the worry that they will move later and these relocations it makes us have a shortage of teachers we had a vacancy for a teacher, which we are facing right now, and this situation has improved for us . we should have the capacity to use, especially in our elementary schools , the model of combined education that is in education , we can use the combined methods of education , which will reduce our need for teachers and use the rights and teachings of our dear teachers. attraction of course, let's be informed. we have the most attraction in the education of a home ministry that is
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capillary in general. the country has about 1 million employees in education and education and is directly in touch with all families. after that , there is the ministry of health, which has about 600,000 people . apart from these two parts, education and health, these 22 exams are held. for the so-called more recruitment, apart from these two , in what other areas were we in the field of the ministry of economy. its absorption has been relatively good. tax affairs organization due to developments in the field of taxation and the duties that the executive body is obliged to do in the field of taxation. for now, i can't say it's the first time, but at least we had a very good recruitment in the ministry of oil with the employment test, we gave permission to nearly 3 thousand people to take the test, especially considering that we are in the field of oil in these 3 years.


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