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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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that this productivity does not exist, what plan have you come up with now, and you, as the one who is in charge of the country's employment administrative field, what is your interpretation of the government of manpower and what is this utilization, mr. doctor ? let me learn our martyred president. we said to conduct a survey because the behri organization is a subsidiary of us. we conducted a survey. during these 33 months, mr. president spoke about productivity in 64 official meetings, and this is one of those important points that he always emphasized, even the last meeting when he came to qom. being a slave as a player i was also a provincial servant on that trip to serve them . when their conversation was over, they said again, "okay, let me spend a day on productivity."
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it is a necessity and today it is a necessity for us in the sixth plan and in the seventh plan that productivity should have 35% of the country's growth share , if we consider the growth of 8 years, 35 28 of the place of utilization should happen. but how is the country's productivity record in the decade ending in 1400 , our average productivity is negative, negative, nine, zero, negative six tenths, unfortunately, productivity has 4 effective factors, one of which is management productivity, which increases it can be used if there is jihadist management in the field, if there is a management that can use the elements well, it can be used. but the second factor
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is human resources, elite specialized human resources , human resources that are recruited with equal and fair opportunities and based on merit, human resources that have the necessary motivation to work, human resources whose service compensation is connected to the system. the third element is capital. sometimes you make an investment and buy some equipment for your car. this helps to make the work easier and faster . the fourth element is technology. the technology that you there is space. we can use all four of these must grow together. our national organization is obliged to do this. designed and updated the exploitation cycle . in his ip as a role model, this is confirmed and interesting. it was one of the things that we had to export knowledge and technology and it was raised as one of the popular desirable models. we launched behrbi promoters in the country. a network of people. who
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are in this field, i personally had several meetings with the national behri association and the industrial engineering association. specially, this was the order of the president . among the components that are effective in it is in the utilization of human resources and even in the field of management, how much did you try to use the elites in these recruitments during these 3 years. at all, a solution was found . almost in march, there are 1400 resolutions of the board of ministers to recruit elites in our executive body. before recruiting the elite board in the academic faculty of the university , we had a similar set of orders in the executive bodies. call by the national elite foundation
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, we had permission to recruit nearly 8 thousand elite people in the executive branch, especially in the fields we need, such as the field of law, the field of information technology, or the fields of economics and management , we tried to create this space. alhamdulillah, this cooperation with the foundation the national elite is also continuing, and by the way, now that you said that i used this capacity in parentheses, let me return to our discussion in the field of productivity that i served you. i was telling you that in the field of productivity, we have come for the first time to evaluate the productivity of state-owned companies , mr. doctor. last year, we looked at the profit and efficiency calculations, and made the financial statements and reports that were prepared for the approval of the ministry. from
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the collection of about 300 companies, the bonuses of ceos and board members are paid based on productivity. that sometimes up to 3 months of receiving these rewards. 130 of our companies scored so low that we said to remove these bonuses altogether. management bonus was not paid to them at the end of the year. and this helps us to enter the field of companies let's increase our government, alhamdulillah, we see our productivity in the field of oil, industry and mining is growing , and it is growing in the field of information technology. in some fields, we are a little behind in the field of construction, we are a little behind in the field. our agriculture and our productivity have a problem when we came, what we did was that we got help from the universities. 16 universities today
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are in the field of productivity. make a program according to it for the productivity of the body for each device in the seventh program it is predicted that we should have a 35% growth in terms of productivity, compared to the growth of cabbage, which is 8%, and the productivity awards of the national productivity system are foreseen in my law, and god willing, this issue will be seriously pursued, mr. doctor, i have a question about corporate forces, because one of the issues that they raise on a continuous basis is where their employment ends, how did it happen, what is the status of the service now, this civil service law says that the government can hand over a part of its services to other companies. should transfer it in the form of manpower supply companies
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let the service provider leave some loved ones in the companies, we said what we followed up, if they are doing the current affairs of the government. you know , we issue employment permits , so please take the exam, let us help you, like purchasing services in education , the 18,000 licenses we gave to education were for the purchase of services. we said that this is the purchase of services. i would like to tell you that it is necessary to use other devices , sir, for those who are doing your current affairs, not the affairs that were supposed to be handed over to you. we issue employment permits. part of this employment permit is in this space. we did not wait for the law to pass. we used the legal capacities that exist right now. the guard of the expediency council was waiting for the law
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to be clarified, and as soon as it is clear, we will know exactly what should be done according to the law. we are seeing it in the field of corporate power unfortunately, some of the companies on the other side have not implemented their own national business class plan with the executive body. if they implement the business class plan, their earnings will be better . of course, in the 13th government, we tried our best to make these payments on time. you remember that in the past years, sometimes the companies on the contract side, for example, 6 months, sometimes there is an accumulation. it used to be that we don't hear it anymore because this mechanism has been created and it is part of the supervision of the ministry it is the labor and social welfare cooperative that is obliged to supervise these companies according to the law of the organization of the budget plan, it must supervise them as the companies that provide
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human resources for some project matters are the executive body from that direction, god willing. if it is an ongoing task, i said , we will see in the executive body that this work is part of the current affairs . we will gradually give permission for these dignitaries to take the test so that they can be used in the executive body for current affairs. service law kashiri also says that the affairs of management and matters related to handover should be done through the companies. yes, thank you. my colleagues prepared a report . we will see this report and then we will talk about the issues raised in this report. the biggest and the first event of employment and job search for the lasting memory of martyr president ayatollah raifi. all
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devices have a mission. provide a ground for growth and prosperity and jobs for the disabled. because despite having this physical defect, today they are effective at the level of society.
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political science. i am happy that something has finally happened i say that god has made it difficult for us to raise him to university, and i took him to tehran blind school all by myself. the future of the children is that we, the parents, will finally be happy. it was my wish . i was very happy. i mean, i am so happy that i can see the result of all these 24 years of hard work. at least if we want to leave this world, we will be at ease. our children are in the community. we are husband and wife. we have come to tell you that we are going to be evil, in the hope of god.
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after all these presidency, this was the first time that it was done by the order of mr. raisi. i hope that this hope will continue. well , doctor, we have seen the report , what do i think was the 1% that was considered for those who have physical disabilities for the community in the government system? some quotas are considered. according to the law , there is a 3% quota for our dear disabled people. in the past years, what
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used to happen was that the machine specified a percentage and gave it to this person, but on the other hand , it was not filled because the person was disabled. he did not want to know how many physically disabled people were accepted in these tests. i said that we must consider three percent for our dear disabled people in the recruitment tests. in the past years, this 3 percent was not filled, that is, for example. we gave a capacity for a dear deaf person in a city that was not deaf at all , for example, he was not blind. well, i was also a member of that meeting we met with dr. qadri, the head of the national organization of welfare organization, to understand each other. we said, sir , come and specify where we
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have a disabled country that has the conditions to fulfill our jobs. dr. chezar and more than 4100 people identified local jobs so that we can use the capacity of the disabled. this is happening for the first time in this country . this is happening in this test 1,700 people from behsist organization came to help those who are known to be able to do their work, for example, aziz. my heart was bright, couldn't you see , help? my dear, i can help you with
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the home phone of collections that you don't need to see, and by the way, it's true that maybe you can't see, but your intelligence, memory, and hearing power are much stronger than ordinary people. let's use this capacity to preserve the dignity of these loved ones. mr. president emphasized this many times . it is useful for the community, the effort that has been put in has paid off. alhamdulillah, this happened for the first time and i will say it again, one of those tests that we held in the name of shahid. we will use mr. doctor, many times in different periods, the discussion of unification of payments to government employees was discussed. in the end,
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where has it been drawn to now? during these three years, well, i know that there are discussions in this field. did you come to a conclusion? yes, alhamdulillah, i would like to tell you that in the first days when i took responsibility, mr. how many are there? can you tell me ? i said mr. raisoor, i can't say because we don't have a coherent system. it was a task for us to do this. it was both a legal task and a request from the president . it was because a toman could be moved, so finally on the verdict. the recruitment of our employee shows his salary slip. since last year , our system has been upgraded. first, we started from three places : the organization of the employment office, the organization of the budget program and the ministry of economy and finance. we gradually brought the devices to your service from march. every month, all our executive bodies who are paying their salaries from the treasury, which
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are about two and a half million people, are paying from this system right now, right now that i am at your service . it is now active for this month. if there is a mistake, it will be returned. the executive body will make the necessary corrections so that we can control it. at the same time, the deposit of money in the accounts will be prevented, because this happens, the credit system determines that we are employees and confirms our conditions. the organization specifies the allocation program , the treasury to the account. person on this system it goes exactly into the person's account, that is , it goes exactly into the account of the person who helps even in the financial management and liquidity of the government when there is no need , some money gets stuck in the accounts of the executive branch, this is totally in that system and bank. the center will finally transfer it from esan of the general treasury to the executive body. now
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, in the last two or three months, all the executive bodies that i have received from the treasury are the ones that have it from the treasury. by the way, the place where he helped us a lot in the government was during the corona period, when he was under him, he helped us in jobs where this is possible. had in our 13th government, for the first time , we added a new concept, again, this concept has scientific support under the title of floating working hours
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of employees. this happened when it happened in the first year and in the same government , it also happened when the flotation happened. we had a 30% reduction in traffic in tehran on some days because the entry of our employees to the government instead of 7 in the morning is fixed between 7 it was floating until 9:00 a.m. from that side, because there were fewer employees from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m he comes, but when he comes at 9 , he leaves at 5 in the afternoon, the time to serve the people. another thing that we were following was the reduction of working hours. we checked that it will not necessarily increase with the increase of working hours . working hours are also being reduced in the world.
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it is on the way to carry out the discussion of flotation and discussion of diversity. the climate that we have, now in razavi khorasan , it is 3:00 a.m., now the morning call to prayer is the duration of the sun. manage the beginning and end in the provinces , we have an energy problem, right now we are facing the problem of lack of energy. in some places, we have to move the clock . naturally, one of those things happened. . in the morning, the sunrise has not yet happened. in some of our cities in azerbaijan, our conditions are much different than in khorasan. regarding the reduction of working hours, some provinces still have this demand from us, why should we, for example,
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tehran, working days of government workers are saturday to wednesday, 5 days a week, thursday, we come to work , let us also summarize that this was our proposal, which, of course, underwent developments and changes in the parliament, which have not been finalized yet, but we are looking for that. one of the topics that can increase productivity. give him the same attention to the fit and balance between work and life . there is a literature in management and seasonal discussions in the field of human resources management that we can create a balance so that our employees can come to the workplace with a calmness and less stress, which god willing. it is better to present to the people. yes, doctor, we have about two minutes to restore the employees' rights, and of course. retirees is an issue that is always followed by those who are working . did you initiate the plan or
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do you have a plan on the agenda? we have submitted a bill to the government board. the presidency , god willing, this will happen. the prediction we made there is also related to the organization discussions related to job classification areas, because the main story is the payment, if we want to deal with it logically and scientifically. the job classification should be done well first , then the job evaluation should be done, then the service compensation system should be connected to this. use the knowledge of job evaluation day. this happened. this layer
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was signed one day before his martyrdom. it was finalized because he went to the government several times and it was discussed. there were shortages and shortcomings regarding him. alhamdulillah, it was approved by the government. we are waiting. which, god willing, will be notified as a bill because this is not part of the authority of the government, it must be a law. may we be allowed to move the points of the 10th chapter of the civil service law a little bit , increase the points there , raise the salary a little bit , consider special jobs for special jobs, we have special jobs , it is predicted that you can get 30,000 points there. let's do the work, this has been assigned in the cabinet , god willing, as soon as it is announced, naturally , it has to follow its own legal path , so we have to do what we had the capacity to do in the government , then we tried to protect the family according to the law. let's consider the youth of the population in our payments. please consider what number was the right to family and children's rights at the beginning of the government. what is the number now? if
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we want id, we should give it according to the family size. it is possible, god willing, to adjust it in accordance with justice and the family . god be great. this is nadaym, this is nadaym. once upon a time, muharram had a different mood in the fronts. karmi and haj mansour nourai, who spent part of his life in the fronts they just praised, now they have unspoken words , the atmosphere of the fronts, the spirit that prevailed in the fronts
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was the atmosphere of spirituality, and by appealing and seeking help from the holy 14 innocents, especially hazrat seyyed al-shahda and hazrat zahra, peace be upon them, one of the things that the front bob became the type. all people know that we have a lot of operations.
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you can see the children's laments, the closeness of the so-called laments, the closeness of the fasts, the condolence, as if he had gone away, as if he had gone away .
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it was a poem belonging to mr. ashani, it was a mahoor device, i was singing it with a mahoor, the children of the battalion were all singing in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. manure
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hello, welcome to the half-day news, describing the approach of the elected president. regarding foreign relations in the form of an article, doctors of western countries, including america, should learn from past miscalculations. the west supports israel while it is a racist regime that has added genocide to its dark record.


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