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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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right, this shows the strength of the resistance and the zionist regime is trying to do this. well, mr. doctor , if we make a point to see the news, we will come back and be at your service again. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , we are with you with economic news. the national license portal issued a notice and announced that the licenses issued automatically are fully valid according to the law. in response to the non-acceptance of some government officials in the field of these permits, the national permit portal announced that the license holders who were delayed in their review by the issuing authorities will be automatically removed from the portal.
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national licenses are issued under the protection of the government . the national license portal also announced that unique id owners do not need to go to government offices and can start their business. according to the law on facilitation of issuance of licenses, if a government official obstructs the economic activity of a legal license holder , the license holder can file a complaint at the national license portal. to deal with the offenders legally. the managing director of tavanir company announced that the second stage of the lottery for the electricity consumption reward scheme will be implemented until the end of july. according to mr. rajabi mashhadi , 100 cars and hundreds of donations were drawn in this ceremony the cost of buying goods is given to household subscribers who have saved electricity. household subscribers can
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get details of power saving bonus by dialing 21/15 square star command id on mobile phones. according to the reports of the meteorological organization, with the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in southwest asia, the average air temperature has increased by 3 degrees compared to the long term. we expect the hot weather to continue in our country, which, according to the officials of the ministry of energy, has caused a 15% growth during the peak electricity consumption in the domestic sector, this figure per year. in the past, it was 5% on average, and on the 20th of july, the quota of electricity consumption reached more than 7750 megawatts. it was the fifth time that we exceeded the record of last year . it is not
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possible to be sure that the electricity of household customers will not be cut off , if the previous cooperation of komaf is like the previous years , we will provide electricity without any worries, but if the costs increase in the same way, we hope that the ceo of tavanir company will not say the reason for the excessive increase in electricity consumption in the sector. domestic use of cooling devices that do not match the water conditions. the weather is different in the northwestern provinces of the country, where it was not customary to use gas coolers before, and for example , 15% of them use it, this number has reached about 30%. now, experts in the electricity industry say that in this situation, household subscribers can install canopies for water coolers. or reduce the use of these coolers in the slow cycle and gas coolers with a maximum temperature of 24 degrees celsius, and
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also do not use high-consumption appliances during peak times, that is, high-consumption appliances such as ovens, vacuum cleaners, and irons should be used in hours other than 13 to be used until 18:00 and 20:00-23:00 or, if electrical devices are not used for hours , they must be unplugged, and in addition to not turning on all the lamps at the same time , you can use new led lamps with special low power consumption instead of the old ones. it reduced the brightness to 90%. ruqiyeh hoyda , radio and television news agency. the minister of economy said that in the last 3 years, the property organization has assigned 94 thousand billion tomans worth of goods. mr. khandozi
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announced this figure as ten thousand billion tomans in the previous government and said that very good achievements have been made in the field of goods return and sales and 11 the auction item has increased to 500 items. the minister of economy said: today, we have reached a point where if the goods enter the warehouse, it is possible to immediately observe the condition of the goods in every province and city. khandozi expressed his hope that the second and third stages of the one-cloth system of property organization will come to fruition in the future government. more than two years have passed since the deadline for handing over shares of car manufacturers, but it has not been achieved yet. it has been recorded that the minister says that he is looking for the transfer of the management of the automobile industry. according to the latest report that iran khodro saipa and pars khodro submitted to the stock exchange under the title of consolidated financial statements they said that their total written losses have reached 2050 billion tomans, a loss that according to
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experts has a fundamental cause. the result of the non-implementation of the executive and notification policies of article 44 of the constitution is that the government wants to take ownership where it should rule, and the transfer of the government's shares in the automobile companies was one of the eight decrees of the martyred president, and now the head of the privatization organization says in the last meeting council of principle 44 emphasized on the implementation of the transfer of shares of two car manufacturers by the end of this year, naturally, this year, in fact , it will be important to carry out this action not only but also the list. at in fact, the companies in which the government has partial shares, but sometimes due to the requirements , the government actually has the management, based on
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its approval from 44. but the minister said that the transfer of shares is not advisable and the first step is to transfer the management of car manufacturers. now we are ready to hand over the managers also believe that the first step for handing over these two cars to the private sector is handing over the management to reduce their losses . the operation leave the management to the private sector and do the governance properly, which is not being done now. you should hold an annual meeting , appoint the ceo according to that, appoint the board of directors , evaluate the plans and act accordingly, and
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if you make a loss. you have to change your path. it's as simple as that. currently, the government has 5.71 percent shares in iran khodro and 16.81 percent shares in the site. their managers are determined by the opinion of the government and the ministry. fayez shabani, radio and television news agency. the minister of economy asked his colleagues to establish the new customs system in the remaining days of the 13th government set an agenda mr. khandozi said that publishing financial statements of private sector companies should be on the agenda. get online the comprehensive system of all the warehouses of 31 provinces in the organization of acquisition and transfer of insurance damages is one of the other orders of the minister of economy until the end of the government. the total and equal weight indices
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moved in a negative direction in saturday's trading. on this day, the total index reached the limit of 2 million 200 thousand units. hall indicators. glass started the first trading day of this week with a decline. the total index of tehran stock exchange with a negative return of 411 equal to 997 units is at the border of 2 million 200 thousand units were placed. equal weight index also reached the level of 7384 units with 308 units equivalent to 43 percent decrease. on this day, the glass hall witnessed the exchange of 5 billion and 600 million shares. billion tomans, which shows a decrease of 42% compared to the average of the previous week, but the symbols of kechad, beh mellat, folud and fars
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had the biggest negative impact on the red of the total index, and in contrast to the symbols of mobin shabdis sefars and parsan maneh , kland's person showed a greater decrease. pure saturday the change of legal ownership to real money in the market was negative for the fifth consecutive day and 394 billion tomans of real money it was withdrawn from the stock market. the most outflows of real money were made from the groups of basic metal stock funds and banks. the most inflows of real money were allocated to the groups of oil products, food products and computer products. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 248 symbols were positive and 491 symbols were negative, so that the market saw 66 of its symbols become negative. also, 36 symbols were encountered with the purchase page and 97 symbols with the sale page. the value collection of shopping pages is 170 billion tomans. the total value of sales queues was announced at 190 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. ceo
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farabourse of iran announced the beginning of initial stock prices in the noafrin market in the coming weeks. according to mr. shirazi, a company that is active in the field of manufacturing telecommunication and communication equipment, as the second symbol of the new market, this saturday in the panel of scholars of this market. mr. shirazi said that on the 17th of july, a textile company was also listed as the first company in the growth board of new afarin market. according to mr. shirazi, the initial stock offering and the official start of trading of these two symbols in the afarin market will officially begin in the coming weeks. the managing director of the foreign exchange also said this which is a type-creating market for the admission of medium-scale scientific companies last year.
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thank you very much for your support and god bless you. greetings again, dear viewers , we are at your service with a special continuation of the quds road program , mrs. shubiri, please let me know the latest news and reflections and reactions to the recent crime of the third regime, as more time passes, more details of this crime will be published in the media. including what explosives and weapons were used in this crime , including ibrizban newspaper has published that the bombs used in this crime are american
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and a remarkable point that can be seen in the news coverage of this new crime of the zionist regime is that more than pointing fingers at the zionist regime as the perpetrators of the problem , it is pointed at the united states and they blame this regime. on the other hand, news from, for example, channel 12 of the zionist regime published that four 904 kg bombs were used in addition to 250 kg of other explosives in this crime. thank you very much for your explanation, mrs. shabiri, reporter of the international desk . well, doctor, there is one point that is discussed in political expert circles anyway. there is a point that mrs. shuveri mentioned , the americans themselves presented the ceasefire plan , but after that we see that according to biden's order , the equipment, the deadly weapons, which are sent
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to the zionist regime, how can this contradiction be justified ? well, you know that according to the resolutions of the organization the united nations and the security council sell arms to a country that commits war crimes, genocide, and infanticide . it is prohibited and subject to legal and international prosecution, and the americans, as the largest supplier of equipment and weapons to the zionist regime , are proud that we bombs of a tonymon we gave the zionist regime 500 kilos , and now they are giving them 38 billion dollars, they again agreed to give them weapons , what is their ceasefire plan
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, and to save the zionist regime, even this plan was proposed so that they can use this opportunity. otherwise, show that ipec's zionist lobby policy. in the united states, which is the co-author of the policies of the republicans and the democrats on the issue of palestine , they are seeking to close the gaza issue for years. and the problem is over
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they think they should solve it this way, they should solve it this way, but well, maqam. the people and the actions that the jihadi groups are taking show that they still consider resistance and stability as the main solution . very well, mr. dr. seidaei, you have my voice . the approach of the americans towards the gaza issue was that they see the ceasefire plan and send deadly corrections to the regime. there is a similar zionism in the negotiations and these things as well, as we have seen during this time, how much hamas comes in the negotiations. he used to be flexible, but in the end, netanyahu somehow failed. some experts believe that the zionist regime
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continues to fight for its own survival . yes, yes. look at the latest plan proposed by the united states, which is also known as the biden plan, in the security council. all countries voted in favor. for the first time, the united states, which is the proposer, voted in a meaningful way, but the representative of russia voted against it. everyone was surprised that the russians themselves they planned and also very much. the doors are voting yes for the ceasefire, what is the vote this time? he gave a negative response to the russian representative in the organization , asking him, "it is strange, sir, why did you say this time that this plan was bombed, in the sense that the united states has actually inserted a series of vague sentences
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, which is a way to evade acceptance." any concessions or flexibility shown by the other side, hamas and other palestinian groups , would be a way to escape from this plan. well, here , for example, america has tried to kill two birds with one stone . and i myself did not object anymore, as there is no way out of this. that's too much pressure that's why we saw the regime. the last time mr. ismail haniyeh said that we agreed with the latest proposals and adjustments that were made, both israel sent its representative and the head of the network to cairo, and apparently the head of the mossad to doha, qatar.
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true, but in the door during the negotiation of these, in fact , they are not open here, according to our own words. please, we are resigning. resignation means dissolving the cabinet and moving towards early synagogue elections. then mr. netanyahu will have to go to the court and answer. so, this is actually a dilemma, a trap that
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is stuck in itself. what are the americans doing? just one sentence i think america is trying to protect israel. but he is willing to make netanyahu a victim, so this polygonal game and this multi-unknown game is still going on. right, thank you very much mr. dr. seyed and senior expert on west asian issues. thank you for your participation and explanations. let's hear your final sentence, because we talked about the negotiations. it has been known that probably after this recent crime, the process of negotiations for his exchange will end in a truce, as well as now. the general discussion of the ongoing negotiations will probably be stopped for some time, the calls for holding international protests are also slowly it comes, including what i saw in jordan and the west bank. a protest call has been issued for this new crime. thank you very much, mrs. shovari, thank you for your participation and help. mr. dr. brim , how do you see the outlook, and one
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more thing, anyway, the conversations that are going on, the reflections, the reactions, now, for example , the international courts, now, for example, especially the hague court , the court, now the discussion of the criminal court. why are they not heard, mr. safiyeh? first of all, we have to look at the situation in general according to the events that are happening in the region. this debate cannot be analyzed for the war crime committed today, of course, fortunately , our elected president has taken very good positions in the past few days regarding the resistance of the palestinian issue, the apartheid zionist regime. and well, it is expected that they will wait to see what approach mr. medzikian seems to me, which shows that he is following the path that the martyred president followed, the connection of the field and
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diplomacy , and this movement must be done with force. this was followed by both his message to sayyid tazat and the answer he gave shows that the positions of the republic islamic in a situation of palestinian groups in strong positions against the zionist regime and resisting to the last drop of their blood
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was agreed upon by all of us in that meeting and supported by the islamic republic and we hope that this path will be followed by a support mr. doctor, what should we do? find the amount of supply to the countries of the region, now the discussion is about the arab countries. now, considering that the foreign minister has not been appointed yet, our foreign ministry should request that the islamic country hold an extraordinary meeting of its foreign ministers in the framework of the islamic conference organization. we have international laws now. you yourself pointed out that now america is giving weapons to a country that has committed a crime anyway, this can be condemned according to the international laws of the united states, that is , we should go towards making a let's put pressure on the islamic countries on the zionist regime and provide aid and put pressure on the other side through the un security council resolution against the salam regime. thank you very much
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, dr. thank you for your participation. dear viewers of the khabar darood network may god protect you. zahra's life is full of sacrifices. she can
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make me a harrass. baby, god has nothing to do with zahra . tonight, my eyes will fall for you. my tears will bring you a healthy life. where did my work go, sir, i myself realized that your hand is the best of all , abba abdullah, all is better, abba abdullah, shadow on the head, abba abdullah, shadow on the head, abba abdullah, all is better , abba abdullah . the kaaba has one
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zamzam, if in all the world it has the eyes of lovers, you are cute, it has two zamzams, wherever god's property is, hosseiniyeh , wherever i look, it has the passion of muharram, the people of the world, i am from the generation my sadness is drunk forever. the scholars of the world are forever drunk , the owner of my knowledge, on the seventh day of muharram, the width of my fast will be the same , god willing, our promise is karbala, the shrine of abi abdullah, say a reference to the shrine, remember all the martyrs, for a minute , i want to recite the shrine
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or hussain, or hussain, or hussain, or hussain, or hussain, or hussain, let them go, hussain, or hussain, here in yazd city, hussain, hussain, hussain, or hussain. hossein or hossein or hossein salam aliik or aba abdullah on this friday evening, the seventh day of the month of muharram, yazd hossein iran, in this old hosseinieh of yazd, the beloved ones of the delegation.
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yazd councilors have gathered together, god is in our hearts god has framed your name in my heart, the sweetness has made my mouth melt.
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or lahde to our people, our people, our people, nazla, nazla, nazla.


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