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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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by the end of the year, pharmaceuticals and pharmacies were 4 thousand billion tomans. back to our treatment , in this period it was achieved by the grace of almighty god , of course, the parties to the contract. the number has also increased in the few days since this happened . initially, 52,000 medical centers were contracted with us, and now it has reached 57,000, which means that they are more fortunate to have a contract with us. and in just a few days, the report that our colleagues had in some of the places that had problems with us , especially in isfahan
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, we had some problems in a special way. find the number of people who are covered by social security now, how many of us and their families are now approximately 4, nearly 47 million people are covered by social insurance in the social security organization, 534 communities are covered by the organization. they are social. we are associated with about 1 million and 300 workshops in the statistics of insurance , for example, this number was about 10 million people before the government, the development of the business space of new discoveries has increased to more than 11 million people in the new compulsory insurances. d up to the plan. in this period, we have implemented the
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housewives insurance plan and student insurance plan, which a significant number of social insurance companies have used this time. this year, in order to expand the insurance coverage again , we have put the issue of atba insurance on the agenda. god willing, the business sector and respected employers will help in order to advance the business environment in the sense of real employment, and in other words , to provide open rome insurance for all employees, both domestic insured and foreign nationals , we are pushing this plan strongly and we believe that at least one we can get millions of people in this period of nationals, from now on 4 million to 5 million nationals who usually say that it is under their backs, and this path will also help the space where they have to
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use the gift of insurance from their loved ones in any business situation. and that real income that should happen before now for the insurance system you would also allow me to fulfill the commitments that should be made in the field of retired services. i will say a few things because it is very important that in this period , the dear and hard-working retirees who have invested a lifetime in the field of treatment were a priority for us in this period. they already had supplementary insurance. i remember that at the beginning , the organization helped them with about 23 thousand tomans . after the first time we came, it was 45 thousand tomans , then 90 thousand tomans, and now it is 305 thousand tomans. the contract of these dear ones is also the quality of the supplementary insurance contract. to really pay out of pocket in the field of treatment, we wanted to reduce for these loved ones . and before, it used to help the organization with 30% of the cost
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, and now the organization has accepted 50% of the cost of supplementary insurance, which is 305 thousand tomans, and now we are supporting our beloved retirees with supplementary insurances amounting to 10 thousand billion tomans. being able to provide part of the treatment costs for loved ones is not an answer, of course, and we are still developing new plans in this field. the discussion was about the necessary needs and the payment of the loan, which was 7 million tomans, and we made a figure of 12 million tomans. million tomans and this year, by the grace of almighty god, this amount will be 30 million tomans, a charitable loan for dear retirees from refah bank, the resources of which are shared with us, and rafah bank pays , it is completely non-personal, and the whole process does not require a guarantor, very educated it also happened
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that these loved ones were not bothered last year as much as 250,000 items were paid, and this year we will definitely pay more than this number, that's another discussion. for the dear retirees, the pilgrimage trip to mashhad was sacred . we send these dear ones 100 free of charge last year. we will continue this free trip to musharraf and this year with the grace of god almighty . this will be done by issuing rulings that we are currently negotiating and determining the limits and legal falcons with the supreme center of social security pensioners, there is a question of proportionality of our dear retirees. well, the 7th plan was announced in the last few weeks, and in the law of the budget plan, it
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was also discussed that we should discuss proportionality and livelihood assistance to dear retirees. the decision made in the government is causal the bill of 1 million every month for the first 3 months of the year, 3 million tomans was paid in installments in the past weeks, and god willing, this path will continue with the issuance of rulings, and what is legal for our dear refugees in the discussion. god willing, we will have it, because they will be responsible, they will ask, they are worried that i will tell them. do not worry at all , we will implement what is in the law for our dear retirees. dear doctor , one of the issues for retirees is that they may not be able to go to the centers if they are too old. well, of course you should
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a place like the social security organization has a plan for this. we see a report of my colleagues preparing this. then we will talk about this issue and the work done by the social security organization. we are at your service . it was the summer of last year when the ministry of health announced that it has created an electronic medical system for the convenience of the patients. the government hospitals are all connected. it was decided that the hospitals of the social security organization should be connected to this system. the officials of this organization promised in november that it will be connected to this system by february it means that within 3 months , the social security hospitals will be connected to this system of the ministry of health. god willing, behman's turn came and there was no news about this connection, and another appointment
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will be completed in two weeks. you will not say another date, no, no , now after recently, the officials of the ministry of health stated that more than 70% of the hospitals are funded. societies put their appointments in the electronic appointment system of the ministry of health, out of 80 hospitals, 59 of them are connected to a number of other hospitals, and we have the links to exchange information about appointments with it doesn't work for us , there are a series of software problems in some of our centers, this is also being fixed , and then the new charge will come to this hospital exactly. we have a question about the current capacity of social security hospitals , how many are there? now, between 20 and 30% are electronic. well, this is not low
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, why not? the people of niyan, from onur, bayan, to tehran, the hospital of iran, for one shift, sometimes sleep between them, or from tehran to different cities, if there is a capacity to make a shift, then they will sleep between 203. it is electronic. i said that it will continue to increase. when will it continue to increase? i think we can reach 50. well, this year is the end of hosseini's year by sed and sima news agency. well, mr. doctor, we saw in the report that the appointments, fortunately, are not complete, but about half of what they promised. 50%, god willing , they will move in this direction and in addition to other issues , for example, someone wants a loan, does he need to come and refer, or other services that the social security organization should pay to the people under its supervision, this is one point. what is more important is
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that institutions in the world are moving towards intelligentization miren, have you made any plans in this regard? has it started or not? yes, i will answer the first part first, and then i will come to the discussion of intelligentization, which was a very important discussion for us in relation to scheduling , as you have seen, the legal duties that were on the shoulders of the organization, almost our dear ones. however, there is a problem here in operationalization, and that is that because the treatment in direct and owned social security centers is 100% free, it is recommended that everyone likes to go there, so the demand is almost unlimited because, for example, some surgeries are 100% free in these centers. it may happen, for example, in discussion orthopedics, orthoses, and prostheses that exist
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can exceed 100 million, 50 million, 100 million, even sometimes, most everyone wants to use private centers. well, when the demand is unlimited and the service provision is limited, a queue usually forms, and that wait that dear ones we are not being satisfied and sometimes we really have no choice because for some of these services we have to wait in line. specialized and super specialized and usually applied the burden that is happening and the part that is face-to-face, because sometimes it is face-to-face , you saw in this report that, for example, 50% are put in the electronic appointment system, the reason is that they also have non-electronic face-to-face referrals and when they are referred it is necessary
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that service should be provided there. when it is not provided , we sometimes see dissatisfaction and in other words, issues in this field. well, first of all , we hope that this service development will be able to provide a part of the need , and secondly, it will do a good job in our social security organization. we started, which is remarkable, ali especially for the elderly people, we have announced that for 65 years and above, dear retirees , those who are older in government centers, if they go to the ministry of health, we signed this contract, like social security, all their bed services are free, that is, even the 10% deductible. they do not even realize that this is part of these problems. of course, the appointment system that we have now
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can refer to the non-attendance appointment system directly on our website, and it can also be accessed from the government's electronic services platform , which was one of the first devices. all the social security services are included in the electronic government system, in addition to the fact that we have developed our own systems, in addition to the fact that now we have almost all social security applications , or my security, which can be accessed on the mobile phones of all dear ones, they can be used in the electronic system as well. our services, mr. dr. ino, when we asked, almost all of our services are done in person, in addition to the fact that i told you about the loan payment and these, my dear ones, he almost reported to me that they provide 57 services in this application. in absentia we are providing services, there is a history of registration
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, i don't know, there are discussions about buying soldiers , there are days of pregnancy compensation in this government , it has increased from 6 months to 9 months, in line with attention to the excellence of the population , and all these services can be provided in person, it is not necessary to go to visit our branches and almost all of our services in this field were non-personal at the beginning of the government. it was really a revolution for our loved ones in this field. this is more important in the discussion of intelligentization that we human interventions in addition to reducing referrals , human interventions should be reduced to a minimum or to zero. one of the important things that, in my opinion, in
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the field of insurance, a revolution has been achieved in this period , is a big leap, the issue of smart list. you are aware that there was always a difference between the employer, the worker and the social security organization in the list, in insurance premiums, in various financial discussions. some of them turned into serious cases, some went to the receipt boards. primitive and reconsideration and unfortunately sometimes the influence that occurs because finally discussions about insurance consulting and these things have flourished and you know you know that unfortunate events sometimes occur between this board and that board . in any
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case, we implemented the discussion of the smart list for the first time in the insurance system. now, our dear ones , in the whole country, before these disputes arise, our electronic systems enter this insurance premium and this interaction with the employer , and all the problems are given intelligent feedback. the amendment is made and deposited, and this smart list is a prelude that, god willing, our next step is to break up with the insurance system, the banking monetary system, and the tax system. various people sometimes say, sir, how many times do you drag us, for example, giving money, tax comes to us once, insurance comes to us once, i don't know
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, so-and-so happens. continue and this. the intervention that is already for between the employer workers and insurance happen, and i don't know many problems even for the administrative justice system. given that this can actually increase the trust and social capital of our respected and dear employers, that really a large part of the financing of the insurance system is done by these loved ones, and this rail should be continued strongly, god willing. in the field of investment, thanks almighty god, based on the financial statements
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, although the last financial statements have not yet arrived , they arrived in 1401. we had a growth of more than 45%, of course, this is not the benefit we were looking for. good things have happened. some portfolio changes are happening. basically, we need to get out of business ownership and move towards equity ownership. the structural reform that needs to be done is prepared. basically, i believed in this , i believed in this, and it is the future of the fund. in the field of investment, it should be seen that all the funds are of the same life span, which basically passes in the middle of a year they are going towards increasing or in other words old age, like all phenomena, their strategic focus is mainly on the areas of investment, and unfortunately, this issue
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has been neglected until now, and sometimes the extreme crises that they say i don't accept. we have problems, we have challenges, but in order to solve the challenges in the future of intergenerational commitments , more work must be done in the field of investment. the standard we have in this field is something like 18 to 20 percent of our income. our share of income must be from the field of investment in the fund. hi debi, for example , we are a debi fund, and unfortunately, it is now about 5 to 6% share of our resources. the new investment must be made in this field. i make a promise to the dear viewers and that is that for the first time in the last 10-15 years, our estimate is that in the second 6 months, this is an event that has not happened in 6 months. second, with
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this estimate we have positive liquidity in our income. it will happen and for the first time we will enter into discretionary investment, thanks to the almighty god, because most of our investments are mandatory investments, the handing over of this gift of debt has not happened in the past 10-15 years, and this planning has been done for income. the fund and this approach that we have, definitely in the second 6 months, plus or positive liquidity means that we will fulfill continuous obligations. we will fulfill other commitments for medical treatment, sickness compensation, and short-term commitments, and part of our income will increase, which, by god's grace, should be invested. let us know that in this period this incident is actually a rare or unique incident that is happening. we have a second time to say where did the insurance of these
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construction workers end up? it fell unfortunately, the attention that should be paid to these dear workers and hard workers, who may be one of akshari. there are things that should be paid more attention in financing , unfortunately, this did not happen. we estimated that the deficit of this fund was approximately 20 thousand billion tomans, and there were about 500 thousand people behind this fund. in the social commission of the parliament, very good plans were prepared and it was passed. unfortunately , it did not pass the vote, but last month we announced a few that will be covered . the basic task is that this amendment of article 5 should happen in financing and mass employers
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dear builders , thank you very much for the help of these dear ones so that we can develop this workers' insurance . god bless you. thank you very much. you were ready before they left, i wish we had kissed the mother, la la la la la la
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lailai from the child in school, wow, wow, really , a person's liver is on fire, i came mostly because of my son, that the path of hazrat ali asghar and his imam hossein would be safe. hazrat ali asghar , continue the
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path of imam hossein. we came to sympathize with hazrat rabab.
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i promise, god willing, they will train the best soldiers for them. god willing, my son is a soldier of imam zaman ok, and you will be on their path, god willing, i will be able to raise him in such a way that he will benefit from the pain of mr. imam zaman . i
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will name my son mahdiare as a friend of hazrat mahdi. the atmosphere of this ceremony is different due to the war in southern lebanon and gaza. in this war, the zionist regime's crime in killing children is reminiscent of laleh khaza's body blast.
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yes, it works, we wash it by hand, you were heavier , you didn't buy household appliances, no, unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no, why buy household appliances, why, because i have quality, discount, discount, discount, not discount amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of home music in the city.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, dear viewers , it is 20 minutes and we are at your service with some news, the field of investment in afghanistan has been prepared, some representatives of the trade union. kabul, in a meeting with the political deputy of the deputy prime minister of the taliban, they said: the amount of their investments is increasing and the value of their properties is in a suitable situation. in this meeting, the representatives of the kabul merchants union thanked the political deputy of the taliban for solving the problems and handling the proposals and said that the close relations between the officials and cause traders


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