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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm IRST

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in most parts of our country , we have the persistence of hot summer weather, although the temperature of the air in the south-west of our country will decrease temporarily by 2-3 degrees. interview with my colleague ms. emami. hello. thank you very much , mrs. hosseinzadeh. greetings to the dear viewers of the national media, in tonight's special news interview , we would like to talk about the article of mr. bezikian in the tehran times newspaper, entitled "my message to the new world." i hope you will make a plan. and accompany us. we have two guests . follow the beginning of this conversation with us on the khabar network.
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thank you very much for being with us, as you have seen and heard in the news, mr. dr. masoud bizikian, the president-elect, by publishing an article in the tehran times titled "my message to describe relations with countries in the african region, china, russia, europe and america. to review this article, as well as the reflections and approaches of the elected president regarding relations with the countries of the region and the world, tonight's special news discussion is directed towards this. we assigned topics. mr. dr. seyed mohammad kazem sajjadpour, a university professor, along with mr. mohammad sarfi, a journalist and editor of tehran times , are with us. they are with us. mr. dr.
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sajjadpour, i greet you. you are very welcome, my official servant and dear viewers, mr. sarfi, welcome to the interview studio. hello , i am at your service and your esteemed colleagues. with the permission of mr. sajjadpour, mr. sarfi, let us discuss the issue that has attracted the attention of the media and discuss the issue of publishing an article regarding the topic of foreign policy. today sir history had in a domestic media in english. in the name of god. i offer my condolences on the days of muharram, your mourning and dear viewers , god willing, may it be accepted by hazrat haqq. we honor the memory of martyr raisi and his companions, martyrs of service. look. it is true that the government
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of mr. medzikian has not officially and legally taken over the government yet, and this change of power has not been done, but foreign policy and many other categories, in fact, these cannot be stopped, and these are still moving and continuing, and we can. let's say that mr. medzikian is actually with you by writing and the publication of this article started their own work in the field of foreign policy. before this or before, we had an article of this consistency and with this style published by a president that you just mentioned, their own work. not officially starting.
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at least this has never happened in our country, and for this reason, we can say that it is considered a diplomatic and media initiative, and it shows the intelligence of mr. bizikian . doctors in communication with the foreign policy, the policy of the neighbors, the relations with the countries that we just mentioned and that we had in the news , what is your analysis about what is the most important axes, including the policy of relations with the neighbors, the policy of relations with countries like africa, china, russia, the united states, that before i have to emphasize from the entry into the specialized year of the government , following sirfi's order, that this initiative is a very significant initiative. it is, and in my opinion, the result of a
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coherent expert's work, that is, in a relatively short article, almost all the frameworks are covered. it is written in a specialized and technical way, and it is clear that behind these words is thought and consultation and the use of experts and in my opinion, this is significant along with the attention that is given to the media and its message through the domestic media that has been published in english for a relatively long time since the revolution, so this initiative. remarkable, but in terms of content, in my opinion, the most central concept that i can deduce from the whole article and explain everything based on this concept is balance and equilibrium, that is, the article is about that our foreign policy is a balanced
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and balanced foreign policy and these key concepts like balance, it explains everything, that is, on the one hand, we create balance and balance between realities which are continuous and the facts that talk about change , many things are continuous, such as iran's geography has not changed and will not change, so the neighborhood is in its place, it is continuous, but how to prioritize and pay attention to the issues of how to express how to manage the implementation of these things. which is usually a natural change with any government, but the balance between the two, in my opinion , is very significant. another balance that we see in broad areas is geopolitics, that is, the neighbors are prominent, china is prominent, russia is prominent, africa
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is prominent, europe is prominent, that is, it is nowhere. in this balance, naideh was taken and it is not like that that is to say: that we are only dealing with one issue based on what we see in this article as a foreign policy text, this is the concept, and for this reason, in my opinion, it is significant, and also the balance between iran's internal needs needs to be developed. the need for progress, the need for economic issues, the hope of the economy in this issue, along with taking into account the changes, that is, from the principles and frameworks, now the concepts that we are all familiar with have been discussed, so in general, in my opinion, if
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i want to answer your question in one sentence, the article is balanced. and it tells about a balance in foreign policy that you mentioned that this balance and it is a mixed balance. continuity and change in the field of foreign policy. yes, this means that it means no. there is 100 % continuity in that we cannot ignore the continuity. the issue of which case should be discussed in the first stage, well, these are the details, which of course are not all in this article. but these usually change with the team and group that manage the foreign policy . very well, mr. sarafi was chosen to convey these very important benefits, a domestic media.
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what do you think is the importance of choosing tehran times to convey important concepts in the field of our foreign policy and its effects in english with the influence that exists now? well, tehran times is the first post-revolution newspaper, less than 3 months after the revolution, this newspaper actually started its publication, and it has been published without interruption until today, that is , we have entered the 46th year of publication of this newspaper, and its history is one of the main foundations. in fact , the credibility of a media is that choosing to publish is actually their own words and their own message to the region and the world.
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thank you and it shows his and his team's attention to the role of the media in diplomacy . the media is one of the main tools of diplomacy , you cannot ignore the media in your diplomacy , and countries are many goals. they and he actually follow and follow their plans through the media, and we can even say that it is the initiative of the government of mr. bezikian when he chooses a domestic media to publish his words and his message to the world. kanan gives this message that, god willing, in his government , the media will actually be used effectively advance their own diplomatic goals and foreign policy
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, and since almost last night when we published this article and the page of a newspaper was published, this message was transmitted to the whole world and the reflections that i actually observed and followed in less than approximately 24 hours. recently, this message has reached the whole world, and many media have addressed this article and the message of mr. bizikian, because at the end of your sentences, you mentioned the reflection of the media , the next topic and my question is about the reflections of the media of the article published in tehran times, mr. dr. sajjadpour . one of the topics in this the article mentioned is the neighborhood policy and of course the relationship with the emerging powers. the points mentioned in this article are about these issues and of course. what will be the position of this issue in the government of mr. mezikian
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? i see that it is important to give importance to foreign policy in your opinion, not just the place of its publication. but foreign policy is a fundamental issue for every country the example of our country is our country, due to its geographical, political and economic position, foreign policy is a much more serious issue for him and for anyone who is interested in iran's issues. it is for all the people of iran, it is related to all classes, and in my opinion
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, this is the issue. if i want to refer to your year, the neighborhood policy is emphasized in this article and the so-called method is discussed , which means that the neighborhood policy is actually one of the bases of it is basic foreign policy, but about the powers emerging, my conclusion is that the article is based on one aspect of international relations , what is that aspect that the world has changed, the world is no longer the world of a few one or two or three great world powers, and we in the world are really in a stage of transformation and transition. we are where they are talking about, we crossed the traditional patterns and entered the new world order . this is gradual, that is, gradually in the last 30 years, that is, after the collapse of the bipolar system
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, imagine that the americans thought that they could create a unipolar system. but all these dreams and fantasies became an equal role look at what happened, the power that was concentrated in the west and the wealth that was in the west is no longer a monopoly there . the wealth and power that has been formed under the title of emerging powers, some of which are really playing global roles , such as brazil, south africa , and even in turkey, in a sense, the current turkey and iran itself the opinion of international experts is one
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of the emerging powers, of course, each of these powers they have something in common and they have some differences, so we believe that the basis and default or the understanding reflected in this article is based on change and that we must identify these changes and adjust ourselves to them . for example, it is mentioned in brics brics is one of the canonical of emerging and emerging powers, which are regional powers with some extra-regional influences, so from this point of view, in my opinion, it is a significant kingdom within the framework of our all-round interests. especially a word that has been repeated several times in this article
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his arrival is remarkable, and that is the global south, that is, us now. we have a reality in this emerging world called the global south. the global south is not in favor of the war in ukraine, for example, it is not in favor of america, it is not in favor of russia. the west tried very hard to turn the major countries of the global south against russia, including russia. he tried to use this in the so-called battle with western nato. otherwise, they say that this is not a war in the global south, the main problem of the global south, from india to south africa to indonesia and the rest, is the issue of development and development, not sandwiching between powers. those who have a geopolitical dispute for themselves to exert hegemony in the world, mr. sarfi, let's review
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the reflections. well, i told you that this article was published late last night. and from the very beginning , in fact, the publication of the article, which was published this morning in the printed version of the newspaper, had a lot of reflections , that is, perhaps more than a few hundred world media and important news reports of the world's most influential mothers reflected on this article, of course, every woman self-yar , in fact, became the message of the doctor to the new world. for example, one of the headlines that resonated a lot was that iran is not willing to accept under pay ransom to american pressure, and in fact , he does not respond to coercion and is not pressured by the united states or the issue of iran's cooperation and the acceptance
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of mr. bezikian's cooperation with china and russia. as two countries that did not abandon iran in difficult times during the sanctions days, this was also reflected. the article was translated into dozens of languages . in fact, different parts of it were translated from korean media in south korea. i saw japanese, chinese, and especially arabic-language media in the region. it had a very wide coverage from famous and non-famous newspapers and news sites. this article was reflected in the spanish language area, and now in english the language of the article, since the original article was english , had a lot of impact, and it can be said that mr. mezikian
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was actually successful in conveying his message to the world. peymanan and your friend and supporter remembers the hard times and points out that china and russia were always friends and supporters in hard times. we value this friendship very much. what exactly does mr. dr. sajjadpour mean by friendship and support during difficult days and an important point. this close relationship and strengthen this relationship between the powers that we mention , what benefits will these two emerging powers have for our country? a very good question was asked, so i told you to see continuity and change. our relations with china and russia are very important relations, and contrary to some of our perceptions and ideas, while
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they do not pay attention to the issue of iran's independence and iran's activism. by maintaining independence and emphasizing on iran's activism , we have extensive relations with great powers, including these two countries, and for these relations, let me say that a lot of effort has been put into the relations with russia , relations with china. on the one hand, especially with important countries like these , it is like planting trees that need regular watering. extensive efforts have been made in the past decades to develop relations even though these two countries are facing difficult times. it is not that in the past decade, you review the behavior of western countries , especially the united states and europe, always wanting
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to use different tools against our country and in this context, they wanted to take china and russia with them, so to speak, but china and russia except for one step that goes back more than a decade, in so-called some cases of cooperation with in general, the west and the united states evaluate the pressure of the west and the united states on iran based on the so-called hegemonic tendencies of the united states, that the united states wants to implement its words in the world, so to speak , to use iran, and they also say that each of us is an independent power. and we have our own so-called frameworks, so let's assume that in the issue of sanctions, in issues related to economic reactions
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, political reactions in voting in international organizations . to say that we emphasize that and really believe that the reflection of this belief it is true that our relations with china and russia will not only change negatively, but the path will continue, and this does not mean that we will be included in the chinese bloc, nor that we will be included in the russian bloc, that is the independence of iran's actions. in this context, it is important and this, along with other foreign policy issues , gives iran an all-round approach. you mentioned that you looked at the reflections, reviewed , observed, apart from the point you mentioned
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, that each of these media made headlines according to their own interests. and they addressed one issue of that , what is the message of what was published in tehran times by the elected president of the islamic republic of iran for both friends and enemies of the islamic republic of iran. maybe you can start the message from the title of the article itself . see the title of the article says that my message to the new world, this new world, in fact, in my opinion , is an important and tolerable and attention-grabbing phrase . dr. to be fair, the world has undergone many changes, especially in recent years, these changes have accelerated
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and in fact , you can't look at the world with those old models of old calculations, in fact, any country in this chaotic market and in this special situation. in fact, it can be said that we are facing a complex puzzle in the world. we are facing a complex puzzle . this complexity is twofold in our region in west asia. that the assad government must go, today we see that in the last one or two years, all the same countries that until yesterday said that assad must go , have opened their arms to bashar assad, and the embassy
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reopening their houses in damascus , for example, this is an example and we have many other cases, so i want to say that this new world is tolerable and when we get into the text of the article, various issues have been discussed, see almost at the beginning. the article mentions various countries, the neighboring countries of iran, turkey , saudi arabia, qatar, bahrain, kuwait, and the united arab emirates are mentioned among these countries and the continuation of the neighborhood policy and close relations with them. it has been emphasized to the enemies that europe cannot be considered as an enemy yet, but it has actually been warned that
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you have 11 commitments. after america's withdrawal from the jcpoa , you did not act on these things, this important message has been given to america that iran will not be forced to talk, and the government of mr. mezikian will not pay you ransom mr. dr. sajjadpour. mr. doctor, in their article , referring to the issue of declaring readiness for constructive negotiations, referring to the violation of the european covenant after the withdrawal of the jcpoa, and saying that countries expect iran to unilaterally fulfill all its obligations in accordance with the jcpoa. the question is why , despite numerous negotiations and follow-ups in the government mr. rouhani, in the martyr raisi government, the europeans did not fulfill their commitments, and the second point is what tools and facilities does iran have in the face of this policy and behavior of the europeans. let me tell you
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, in the first stage, we must say that europe has a problem with itself, you may wonder if europe is in a strategic confusion. never in europe after world war ii in the last 70 years has europe faced so many special geopolitical and internal challenges. not out of the question. it has taken a long time to deal with issues related to extreme right-wing groups, and therefore we face a divided europe and a europe that is facing strategic dizziness. we are facing the issue of the sixth relationship with the united states , which is very complicated and requires different debates on whether europe really has independence, especially considering the debates in the american elections, so we
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are not dealing with a european. two, in the article, there is a skillful mention of something that talks about european arrogance and supremacy. i think this is very important. it means that in the behavior of europeans, we seem to be superior to others and we can dictate to others that this is not accepted by any country in particular. iran cannot be a slave. the third point is that in this sense we don't want to. to have our relations with europe in a locked state. we are ready to resolve issues with europe, but this does not mean accepting europe's supremacy, on what basis , on what basis, on common interests, on common challenges, we are ready to resolve the issue, and this depends a little on how europeans are. to be able
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to reach a reasonable point of view and not to refer their own internal issues to external issues


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