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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:02pm IRST

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and we can dictate to others that this case cannot be accepted by any country, especially iran . the third point is that it does not mean that we want to have our relations with europe in a locked state. we are ready to resolve issues with europe. we have, but this does not mean accepting the superiority of europe. on what basis, on what basis, on common interests, on common challenges , we are ready to resolve, and this is somewhat dependent on how much europeans can agree on a point of view that is reasonable. reach and refer their own internal issues to external issues, as they say they don't know and with some management they can enter into a so-called discussion with iran. the part of the article that is related to iran is iran's declaration of readiness, and
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this is in theory. thank you very much, dr. sajjadpour, for your analysis. tonight's news, the president-elect of the islamic republic of iran published an article in tehran times titled "my message to the new world", looking at the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. good night to you. goodbye.
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in the name of allah, rahman rahim, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to today's world. five american bombs were dropped on al-mawazi refugee camp. local sources have announced the bombardment of al-mawasi with advanced american bombs named j. am done that before washington. after this crime , what solutions are there to try america in international and human rights forums? before the conversation, a selection of images of today's crimes of the zionist regime.
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violent targeting of kharbeer , his perpetrators, the carriers of his children, his followers, his followers, the people of aman , the connection to the region, the arrival of my israeli pilgrims. the type of forces and the conquest of weapons fire in a responsible manner on the planet al-asafaq, the civil defense of the event. hasbi allah and naim al-wakeel be upon you all
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, leaders, or chiefs, or arab rulers, all of you are united , those who celebrate the martyrs of gaza, break the ashla with the fast of the qaidin, i am in the hajj, i have children, and those who are on the table, don’t say in the name of god, we will not be able to do anything except for the bomb that descends on us . now al-khaimah, all of al-khaimah is subordinated to the above . how much trouble do you have, asaf, my mother, nor your daughter , nor your wife, nor your children? man al-khaimah, man halaweh al-ruh, means that you will find the words of the kaf al-khaim, the incident of the ashes in every place, the dead bodies everywhere, the big women , the women, the children, the little ones, the cuts
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, god willing, and the blessing of al-wakeel . the people of al-hayyyoon are praying for the noon prayer and they are targeting with the rockets.
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let's go to the case of the world today. first, an overview of what happened today in palestine. in the first crime of the zionist regime, under the pretext of assassinating one of the leaders of the resistance, the tents of the refugees were bombarded and rockets rained in the area of ​​mawasi khan yunis . according to the latest statistics, 90 martyrs and 300 were injured. instead of laid
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their second group in the gaza strip targeted palestinian worshipers in a mosque in the shati camp in gaza city. in this attack, at least 15 people were martyred and 20 people were injured. other areas of gaza city as well as deira and anusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip were also bombed and shelled. at least 13 people were martyred and several were injured in these attacks. several of the martyrs were children. the number of martyrs in the gaza strip in the past 9 months has reached 384 people
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and the number of wounded has reached 88,481 people. i am talking about this with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on west asian issues, who is a guest of the jahan today program mr. turabi, hello and welcome to you, i will go to my question, that today in the media, when the news of the crime of almawasi bastab was reported, the finger of blame was directed towards the us rather than the zionist regime. why do you think the role of the us in this crime is even greater than the zionist regime ? it is being seen. yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you, your respected colleagues and all dear viewers
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. my condolences. america is completely honest with the zionist regime and always has been we can use whenever the israelis take an action that is out of the ordinary and out of the routine or process that is being done , you know that it is with the cooperation and coordination of america , they cannot do this without coordination at all. i have been here for you many times in the past , and i told you there that even when i mentioned my name at all, they signed this plan, so see, first of all, equipping these missiles and bombs that are in israel's possession is not an american job. this is what happens, the israelis need the americans to cover this issue
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in the media space and with the coordination of these , a crime like this is happening anywhere else in the world. but now we can see that they are not doing anything to themselves, such a painful incident, and of course i have to say this, sometimes it is not the case. they specify a formula for each of these to get permission from the united states, saying, "sir, if this happens, we will take this action ." there are various reasons for this issue at this critical time, which i will tell you in the following. considering that it appeared in the media it has been that these types of weapons that were used, the bombs that were used in this crime , were suspended by washington, and they were sent to the zionist regime in such detail. now it is being talked about in the media, do you think the reaction of american public opinion might
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be more severe? yes, it will definitely affect the public opinion of america and the world will react strongly to this issue, but we must pay attention to the fact that what is happening is a part of a plan and sometimes israel has a strategy from the first day of the war. having a media space is what normalizing this issue means it will become so normal that it will be forgotten. well, now we have the european nations, the finals are near, then soon we will have the olympics. they are using these lambs and trying to normalize the issue. it didn't happen and this is bothering them a lot, but it will definitely have an impact. yes, so your point of view is that although this time this type of bomb and weapon and its americanness
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is being highlighted in the media, it is not something new and is it a new opportunity ? it creates for america to be condemned in international forums in international courts internationally, i know this issue very poorly, because after all, from the first day, the americans have been following and supporting this work. the republic has also started and they will have a competition to attract the opinion of aipac and the zionist lobby in israel, and when you put all this together , the americans will be proud of this issue, and what about the condemnation of the zionist regime because i just saw one after another, as the hours pass since this crime was committed , the foreign ministries of different countries have issued statements my field they condemn, it is true that the problem of the zionist regime's crime against gaza against
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the palestinians has become normal, but we see the situation we are in now after the al-mawaasi crime. he made a statement that yes, jordan, egypt, all of them condemn this incident, of course, i will explain the reason, if you allow me. let me see why they are doing this. there is a discussion about the ceasefire, and now it is time for these people to call for the ceasefire to be suspended. we have come to the conclusion that good things can happen . this is a discussion. this is a scenario. this is another thing. the discussion of muhammad himself is weak. see, muhammad is not a weak person . these are the second-in-command of hamas, the military branch of hamas, vahdat yahya sanwar. well, these are the types. from a military point of view, bombardment may strengthen these two options better. see
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, they sent 5 single bombs and dropped them there, and this is a very strange thing, similar to this. for example, when was it done to want to use weapons on such a wide scale? last month, in these 9 months in this way, what makes this issue exceptional is that in the landing place was a refugee tent. the israelis spread a picture that, sir , there was no tent here at all. this picture is for qibla. there was a tent there, they were looking for mohammad zaif to beat mohammad zaif. the type of bombardment means that when they are bombed, they do the next bomb in the second series of bombardments so that the aid does not reach there. this is very strange, i don't know , it's brutal, it's also dirty work. but a few minutes ago
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, netanyahu had a press conference after 100 days and he himself admitted that no, we consider the possibility to be weak, for example, there will be a reaction to the story of marvan isa by hamas. he did not show it, but he quickly and strongly denied that mohammad zaif was assassinated. he is an important character and the commander of the epic battalions, and as you know, he is the second person, after yahya senwar. this is because muhammad. they are able to assassinate zaif and make an achievement, they are willing to commit such a crime and this character of mohammad zaif, in my opinion, we should not forget here at this time that they were unsuccessful anyway and you, so this possibility and this scenario that this crime with you know that the target of mohammad saif's assassination is probable
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, but what about the ceasefire? yes, i want to go to the ceasefire case and see the effect of this incident on me. i saw in the media of the zionist regime that these negotiations will be delayed or postponed until further notice , or at least for weeks. there is a tent to support the bomb, and in short , there is a massacre there. now , i have counted more than 100 people, now the statistics are that it was declared a safe zone. having said that the area there is safe and that we will not attack there, these other options and other scenarios can also be investigated if they want to do something so that the ceasefire will not take place. that the story will drag on. now, if i have time , i will tell you something. i have stated many times that netanyahu is trying to drag out the issue
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of trump's arrival, but i will tell you something in parentheses. first of all, to avoid our own presidential election, i would like to thank mr. dr. medzikian for taking very appropriate positions, intelligently and at the right time, and this article that he published showed that his policy and his policies and strategies are the direction of the resistance front. in my opinion, this article should not be lost here and i appreciate this issue. i'll tell you if that side of trump square wants to come, well , i want to tell a story from now on , what will happen if trump comes?
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netanyahu is supporting biden, trump also picks up the phone, puts it on the loudspeaker and calls netanyahu, all the reporters are here, sir, they are saying that you want to support biden, and he says in the sentence, we are every if someone comes, we support him, trump will be very upset. i want to say that trump's relations netanyahu is not as close as you think, and you know these policies, if there is a policy on the other side of the field, for example , if trump comes, mr. biden. what did he want to do that trump didn't do ? he is doing all kinds of support. it might be different in the type of tactics . i will close the parentheses and go back to the discussion of the ceasefire. well , now netanyahu is stretching this story until this happens. this is a scenario, which means we have this. well, a scenario that can be rejected according to the historical record that you mentioned, yes, it can be rejected, but the word
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this is what i told you before about the phase of the ceasefire. is it too far or too close? it means that it is extremely close. it is close to the people who are present there . the head of the mossad goes there. many of those who have an influence go there. well, it means that it is a serious matter and it gets serious every time. it creates a problem and postpones this issue for a few months to at least one month, and hamas will definitely react to this issue quickly, and it is interesting for you to know that their fear is now on the front. north and now they are afraid how will lebanon's hezbollah react to this issue, and i saw that they are even saying that they will close and block the galilee roads tomorrow, and they are afraid to see what hezbollah's reaction will be to this, mr. turabi, regarding both the ceasefire and the front. the north or lebanon, some of whom the officials of the zionist regime
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talk about very frequently, i want to continue the conversation with you, but before that , let's see some pictures of the critical words of the minister of war of the zionist regime, gallant, at the graduation ceremony of the infantry corps , who said that there should be an investigation committee. national should be created to replace the role of the zionist regime authorities investigate their actions as the cause of the 7th of october or the al-aqsa storm. these critical words of gallant were in the presence of israeli prime minister netanyahu. we are required to conduct an investigation at the national level, an investigation that will convey the facts, allow us to draw conclusions, and bring. לתחקיר ברמה الנעטיליט יש
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שם: עדע הפקירים ממלקטיט. the investigative committee should be objective, it should check all of us, its members. the decisions of the executive, the government, the army, and the security bodies, in this government, and in the governments of the last asor, which led to the seventh event in october. she needs to check me, the minister of defense, she needs to check the prime minister. she should check הרמתכל and רושה השבק.
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you are still a viewer of today's world and i will continue the conversation with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on west asian materials. mr. turabi gallant points out that a national investigation committee should be formed and investigate the role of those who caused the al-aqsa storm or the issue of october 7 and the case that was opened, now he talks about a trial. gallant's talk is not a new talk, and i will tell you what happened now, and i will tell you the history of it, and i will tell you the history of 9 months. the scene that is being expressed in the media is expressed with the presence of netanyahu, the presence of reporters and behind the podium is being expressed, this issue makes the issue important
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. to close his case forever means the year 206. yes, this is exactly what happens after failures, even command. after october 7, the mouth of the israeli army said that we are ready for the humiliation committee to be formed, but for now it is a war, but in the course of history, it is infamous. this regime has never been a 9-month war and a war of attrition for them, and this is very heavy for them , and a war that has not achieved anything, the international psychological pressure is extremely high on them from the other side. the achievements of 75 years are being destroyed. whether these achievements are the oppressed , they are always behind the oppressed, and the
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jewish people are telling the legend of the holocaust against the oppressed people. in this way , it is coming out. let me tell you something. some things , like the temperature, for example, this old water heater. if you have noticed, for example, there is a thermometer, the temperature is below it, and when this committee is formed, then it will be visible, that is , i will predict what will happen and what kind of trial atmosphere i will create. . right now, for example, the story of netanyahu's son is living with a bodyguard in america at the expense of the israelis, well, this is due to the corruption
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that has occurred, the failures and shortcomings that they have done in terms of the military, which of course, in my opinion, was the providence of god. the signs are that this fight and the multi-polarization of the political environment will soon the intensity will become radical and they will face each other , obviously this difference. what effect does this polarization have on the discussion of the ceasefire negotiations? if you want to open the discussion of the ceasefire negotiations once and for all , and tell the effect of this, or not , let's start with the effect. they are waiting for it. it is mentioned in the media and it has ups and downs. it means that it is brought up every now and then, but it has led to failure . now, i almost do. since ramadan , the issue of ceasefire has been discussed many times, but it did not come to a conclusion. yes, it is already sour. that is, from the time that one an initial exchange took place, everyone was waiting. the second step
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of this ceasefire was to give a general explanation. people ask why the ceasefire does not take place. i explained this reason once before in this program, but now i will look at it from another perspective . let us know what is the thinking of the regime and what is the thinking of hamas. let me open a parenthesis again. all the resistance fronts from yemen to lebanon will negotiate with them when they leave. he said let's go to hamas. seyed hassan nasrallah officially announced it. he said, sir, we have nothing to negotiate with. hamas groups inside gaza, sir when he talks with islamic jihad, he says that hamas means that everyone should submit to a unity here. well, this is an issue . let me go back to what i am saying. why did i say this ? i want to say that hamas is decisive. now , he has something to say. hamas is saying that, sir, they have the same thing over there, the israelis. the women are very interesting. they both say the same thing. now that we have come this far
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, there is nothing to do in that area, and they have to talk to netanyahu. they say, well, if we accept the ceasefire , it means defeat on the part of hamas. what does he say , sir? the number you mentioned is very heavy, more than 40 thousand people, only 38 thousand martyrdom. well, until we come here, this is how he says something. israelis say, sir , release our prisoners, then let us finish, and we will come again to attack. with all this
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, they stated a series of conditions. keep these two issues in mind. hamas stated a number of conditions, now the 6 main conditions are one that, sir, everyone is in the document for everyone , that is, we say all the prisoners, all the prisoners have deviated from this condition and failed under the pressures brought by the qataris and the egyptians. bringing the americans to the qataris, well, under the circumstances of this issue , it was 1 to 100, it was 1 to 50, and that you there are three stages of freeing the captives, first the women. civilians, then civilian men, then military men, they all say this in the same process, who are they talking about, mr. marwan barghousi, i said marwan barghousi, who is the most popular person in the west bank, what will happen if marwan barghousi is released , fatiha mr. mahmoud abbas has been read, and all of this with a popularity among people
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. they do and then accept that there is no problem, sir, that marwan marhousi should be released, but where should he go in gaza? i want to accept this. it is a negotiation in which one person says one million and 100,000 tomans until they arrive at a number . they are discussing these small things. the next issue is the issue of reconstruction. the permission to rebuild is a very important issue that hamas insists on. the issue is that the end of the war means that mr. we don't have anything happened , now he said first from the first day, then he said ok. in terms of the second stage, it means when the second stage , another thing that was added was the mediations that hamas said that mr. russia and turkey should be added to this issue, which the israelis strongly oppose to this issue , then the next issue that emphasizes this again. hamas is arguing that the siege should be removed , reconstruction should be allowed. when you put all these conditions together, in one detail, they are working . mir
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is talking there in egypt indirectly with the mediation of egypt, qatar and america, then when they come back two things happen, one netanyahu does not give them the permission and authority to negotiate and they have to leave and come back every minute, two things happen. in short, they say, sir, first of all, first of all, two examples , such as the crime of al-mowasasi, turns your meaning back on the subject, for example, he says, "sir, we are closed on this issue." sir, if it is 10 to 1, for example, he will come once and say no, 5 to 1, sir , we discussed this once, a new draft will come exactly, it will mess up the game because hayat sees his life in the continuation of the war. like the story of the consulate building of our embassy, ​​it was also a part of it. if you remember those days , the ceasefire was moving in such a way that it was getting close, but with a crazy move , what did they do
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? after a few months of this happening again , i can tell you that netanyahu is now himself the israelis say that his wish is to die in the evening , and this death for the prisoners who are there is one of israel's wishes because it is looking for one of the things that is very interesting. tell me who is dead and who is alive. this is because he wants to reduce the psychological pressure that the families are putting on him, so that when this man gives his consent, let him go, and you should know that it is very important for the jews to be a prisoner, the whole 33-day war. it was about two people that later it turned out that both of them were killed oh, in the middle of taking prisoners in one of these operations , it happened that hamas still kept this and will do so when the time comes
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. they added this winning card that they took several captives, and this in itself is an issue that all this. let's see in a package. now let me tell you something . netanyahu said something very interesting a few minutes ago in his press conference. he brought it to his own field and threw the ball in his field, and on the other hand he says that i will not allow hamas to belong to him what president biden said to go back a millimeter, well, this means that the media game that is playing with people's thoughts is working.


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