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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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send a text message in the name of god. hello. the minister of communications increased the level of coverage of the fifth generation internet. reported in tehran. according to mr. zarepour, the speed of the fifth generation internet, which is connected to the network with optical fiber , reaches 1000 megabits. about 40% of the city of tehran has been covered by the fifth generation in the last 6 months, and if the phones support it, because the phone itself is a problem, the phone must support the fifth generation. one or two phone manufacturers in iran have activated it, which some phones have. because of sanctions and issues like this. it is not activated
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, but some phones are now and people can use it use the speed that the 5th generation sites are showing, which are connected to the network through fiber, it is even up to a thousand megahits per second, 600 , 700 , 800 and up to a thousand megahits. issuing a notification announced that the licenses issued automatically are fully valid in terms of the law. in response to the refusal of some government officials to accept these licenses , the owners of the licenses that the issuing authorities have delayed in their review and in the form of licenses are issued automatically from the national portal under the support of the government are located the license portal also announced that the sole proprietors do not need to go to the government offices and can start their business. according to the law on facilitating the issue of magistrates , if a government official.
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two books on the subject of ayatollah shahid raisi were published and launched in the book market. these books are designed for older children. mr. alahashem, can you hear me? how are you? the desired item is not available. it is the title of a book that deals with the ardibehesht flight . the incident that happened to the martyred president. the story is from the heart of this the book begins. that confluence and the enthusiasm of the people in those few days became the subject of this book. i came and recorded the events of those few days. that's mean. from the 30th of may to the day of the death
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of the martyred president, i recorded the things that i saw in the community, even in the virtual space, and the eavesdropping that took place between the people, so that this will go down in history . this book may not have been born yet. this is the feeling that i have about the tragedy of the republican party or the martyrdom of rajai, who i could not see and understand those moments. i have the same impression that someone who later, he is going to be born and these events will be explained to him, he may not understand the feeling of the society that day. i tried to convey this feeling to the main audience of this book. people have been involved in this incident for five days, from may 30th to the day of the burial of martyr raisi, and a
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small wish is also the title of the book, which the author introduces the book in this way. this work is a child's work , it contains 22 pages and 12 frames that are illustrated based on a real memory of a child who wished for a prayer tent and it was fulfilled by the honorable martyr. it is possible and these two books were unveiled in a meeting called the week of the pen, god bless ali muhammad. ahmad askari , the experts of daneshmanian company succeeded in designing and producing a new generation of negative pressure wound healing device, the technology of which was owned by the united states, england, france, and china, to treat wounds caused by burns. is used localization of the new generation. the device for treating wounds with negative pressure or
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vacuum therapy of daneshmanian company specialists in isfahan scientific and research town was successful after two years of work. research of the seventh generation of wound treatment device localize with controlled negative pressure. the capability of the device is limited to the fact that it can be used individually for silicone dressings, and if the dressing has secretions, foamian dressings with medium dimensions can be used to perform this task. one of the features of this device is its small size, easy portability for the patient, and less energy consumption. it can be attacked and it is very easy to charge for up to a week. negative pressure wound therapy is a method that uses controlled negative pressure to accelerate the healing process of chronic wounds, boils, and burns. about 3,000 simplex terry models we produced it, which
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is working in all government and private medical centers. before this, the technology of producing negative pressure wound treatment devices was available to countries such as america, england, france and china. all the equipment of the iranian wound treatment device with negative pressure in a clean room. let's take advantage of our 1000-class cleanroom, which is related to the production of medical products with a risk-free class. localization and production of wound treatment and negative pressure devices
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have created jobs for more than 200 people. mohammad ali sohilpour, radio and television news agency, isfahan. advances in dual biological systems to the base report saitech daily information japanese researchers improved their appearance and performance by gluing engineered skin on robots. this innovative method improves the self-healing mobility and sensory abilities of robots. manipulation of soft and wet biological tissues creates new capabilities in medical research, plastic surgery, making more natural robots. scientists hope with. the use of sensors can improve the robot's environmental awareness and their interactive abilities. but harvesting and buying wheat in west azerbaijan. by reaching the middle
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of july, the harvest of golden wheat ears in the city tea break has started. in the city. the agricultural lands of this city are under the strategic wheat crop, and of this amount, more than 2,200 hectares have been irrigated and 350 hectares have been sown, and due to the good rains this year, we expect a 30% increase in the production of rainfed wheat. thankful farmers. are god at the same time as the wheat harvest, the purchase of wheat has also been started by the rural cooperative department. the purchase of wheat in chai parare city is done by the rural cooperative network in two shopping centers . it started on july 10th and until
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today, approximately 1,300 tons, 350 tons have been purchased from done and it is carried out in the form of silo warehouses of the grain company . this year, as we harvested last year, in 183 , we harvest about 5 to 60 tons . it is expected that more than 15 thousand tons of wheat will be produced this year by the wheat farmers of chaipare city. sima chai parareh, the next part of the news at 2 o'clock:
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greetings, courtesy and respect to all the viewers of the economic table program, we want to talk to mr. mousavi, a member of the economic commission, about the allocation of justice poisons to the remaining places. majlis and mr. hajivand , adviser to the head of the stock exchange organization in the affairs of equity shares please let me know what the latest news is, where exactly we have reached, so far today that we are talking to each other , how will this share of justice be finally allocated to the survivors? dear islamic iran, well , as you know, dalt's stock explanation project started in 2004 and 2015. in our country, at that time, 6 deciles and 18 groups were finally identified. nearly 50 million people are getting equity shares , and some of them, for example, members of the relief committee or the
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welfare organization, have the conditions to receive equity shares. but due to the lack of equity shares, in the past one or two years, it was decided that equity shares should be given to the survivors or the new beneficiaries as well. in the end, as it was in my report and the honorable minister of economy said something, 4 million 700 thousand people identifying mainly the members who were covered by the organizational relief committee and sacrificers. which are covered by these three titles but do not have equity shares and in the end it was decided to give each of them 10 million tomans something close to 50 thousand billion tomans shares or capital needed to be allocated if we want to refer again to the last news and comments mr. khandozi said a few months ago that this proposal is on the table of the ministers and they should create a formula and conditions for this allocation of shares to happen. thank you mr. mousavi. in your opinion , this is the most important obstacle. he is talking about the fact that the justice that was promised to jamonde and
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i think what has happened to jamonde so far , these fake text messages and frauds that we have seen so far, what do you think is the most important obstacle? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, the honored guest dear viewers, i offer my condolences on the martyrdom days of hazrat seyyed al-shahda and muharram days, and i pray for his nation. my dear, we are in these days and nights. the fact is, as mr. doctor said, the discussion of equity shares started in 2004 , and today we sat down and we are still talking about its actual implementation. a sad story has come to an end or not. in fact, we are witnessing it, unfortunately, and i hope that, god willing,
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this issue will end as soon as possible because it is really a game dealing with the psyche of the society that we, especially in these recent years, when we actually took some decisions emotionally and could not provide an effective response to them, because you insist that the islamic council when it passes a resolution it actually passes. rand must have consultations with the government, and if we say now that the dimensions of the case were not seen in the first year, the dimensions of the case were not seen in the second year , these are the 3 years that are at least mentioned in the budget law , and these 5 million people from akshjar are actually our vulnerable people, especially in the circumstances the economy of our society is in a critical situation today we created expectations, but we didn't actually make anything happen, so they hinted. that the necessary portfolio for these shares is not available, bank mellat, bank
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tejarat, these were the cases in which it was actually approved that the shares of these should be given to friends , but anyway, what should we do now ? we transfer this every year. we went to the next year without actually making a more serious decision or correcting our own decision . the 12th is the first day of the start of work, and the commissions have not yet started their work respected representatives are always sensitive to this issue, because we are witnessing an enrollment of at least 5 million people. in this period of time, meetings were held when commissions had not yet been formed. respected colleagues give the necessary warnings to the respected government . i hope that the fourteenth government will now let's look at this issue with priority.
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there is almost no will to hand over the management of state property and state shares. these handovers are mainly faced with a series of challenges that if there was a will, it was actually an obstacle. the necessary courage was also taken from the managers in these transfers, which if you remember last year, the topic of generating assets was raised
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. hazrat agha gave a special order to a committee regarding these transfers, which are outside of a framework. in fact, this matter should be pursued more seriously. i see the main problem in the fact that the respected government does not see the will to hand over its own property and assets, and by delaying this decision , we have actually challenged the implementation of this law. how much do you agree with this statement that the unwillingness to give up? management and government shares have been talked about a lot in these two or three years. placing shares in the remaining members of justice shares has been the main obstacle to prevent this from happening. now, maybe we can understand this issue to a certain extent, but i think that now that we are talking about the remaining members, it means that the new government of the new parliament is not bad. do a pathology and see what damage this equity share has had in the past two decades, at least in the area of ​​resource allocation and giving shares to the beneficiaries
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. income tithes. some of the people who were employees at one point said that they should get equity shares. at the same time, we had a deputy minister to whom we gave equity shares. they are in good condition, they have equity shares, some people were not included in these 18 groups at that time, and this happened, one of the damages of darto's shares, which now leads to the fact that after two or three years, we still don't see the implementation of the discussion of the survivors. in my opinion, we do not have a single command in saam adalat. one at one point, the work was in the hands of the self-build organization, and at another point in time , it was in the hands of the stock exchange organization. at one point, it was in the hands of a depository company. what happened to not having a unit commander? it has happened that in the past two years, a member of the parliament came and said that we want to give justice to 20 million people. someone came and said that we will give equity shares to 5 million people. someone came and said that we do not give equity shares at all. and maybe
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there was an imposed psychological burden on the 13th government because it has to allocate a resource. now let's get over this damage. we must say that perhaps one of the biggest obstacles is that there is only one government left he should divide the assets of 50 thousand billion tomans among approximately 5 million people. on the other hand, mr. dr. mousavi also said that the governments generally do not have the heart and soul to ask them to take an asset from themselves. i think that if equity shares let's look at it this way , it can be one of the ways to privatize or reduce the state's ownership, conquest and abundance of the government, and the government , in a general sense, has shares in our country , it has assets, and it can do this now that we are talking, there is no discussion about appropriation. there is no equity for the survivors. people are fooled by fraudsters don't listen to the messages that are spread in cyberspace and other places. if one day equity shares are to be allocated , it will
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be communicated through the national media, including television and radio. i have one thing to say, dear mr. bozormehr. look, are we sitting these days? during the last two years , we sat in we are talking about the allocation of equity shares to 4 million 700 or more or less, out of the population to whom we gave equity shares , there are 1 million and 800 thousand people. assigned to them, now we are coming, my question is that you are part of the government anyway, and you obviously have medals in your life , to the head of the organization, i invite you to appear as their advisor. who was the command of the unit in the 13th government, and you yourself confirm that this work has not been achieved until now due to the unwillingness of the government to hand over its resources, or there were other reasons besides this reason, so let's analyze why. you know that until 2009 , almost all the affairs of adalat were related to the command of a single unit
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after the issue of liberation happened, a part of these duties came to the core of the tasks of self-development organization. it was transferred to the capital market and specifically to the stock exchange organization, and this period of transition was a bit long, and i think that this command was not a single command, and a situation arose where there was a voice from everywhere. i think we were serving you in the same program a few months ago. we suggest that we have a spokesperson for equity shares. the issue of equity shares has 50 million owners of equity shares plus 30 million who do not have equity shares , so i think it is an issue that should be he should have a speaker and let us hear all the words on the issues from his mouth. regarding saham adalat, so that there are no more frauds and many other incidents. the transition caused some consolidation of the duties regarding equity under the control of a management or a home ministry, which did not happen very well . that is, we are saying that the government does not want
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to do something on its own. obviously , we are talking about the last three or four years that this was supposed to happen, yes, but you know that even if the government wants to give 50 thousand billion tomans , it needs an allocation of resources, a mechanism, and a government that is facing a budget deficit of several hundreds of tons, this is an implicit issue that i think i think that both in the parliament and in the government and in the various organs, they have not always come up with a single and consistent version for the allocation of the remaining shares. he saw obstacles, well, anyway, he should have announced these obstacles to the majlis and majlis in the following year he used to be kind and actually took these things away . i think that because nothing happened, we were just emotional. we kept a part of the society, 5 million people, hopeful and showed a mirage , unfortunately , we had no will to make this happen because
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, as i said, we are now involved in nearly 50 million of our country's population. these are from 1984 until now, we didn't have a single structure, we didn't have a single spokesperson, we didn't have a single mechanism. whose profit is that it has been deposited ? well, in any case, 50 million people of the country are involved in this matter. this has been a matter of heirs for some time. now , anyway, what was the situation of those who died? sometimes, this is sold. what kind of education system do you see in bainam? every day there were new topics, that is , he wanted a structure. in fact, as a spokesperson said, unfortunately, in the privatization organization , for example , we did not even design a specific unit for this matter. i think that , anyway, a serious shortcoming happened through the last parliament
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i won't accuse my friends now, but anyway, i expected that this matter would be determined if we are not really going to hand over shares, why are we having an interview ? indeed. it is not a guide for the people , in any case, the expectation has been created, and since the expectation has been created, we have to implement it. well, the government now has some properties in its possession , it should hand over these properties, then convert them into shares of the companies , take these shares of the companies. it is one of the ways, you can actually think of a method, but whatever now, i don't think there is any will , then every now and then, for example, they announce the petrochemical industry of mobarak national steel of egypt, so-and-so, then they say, well , so-and-so, instead of the government, said no, well. get your permits , coordinate with each other, and then announce it. look , the parliament can't. i'm the representative of the people. people come to us and say that, sir, i'm covered by
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the base system. actually , i 'm seeking help from the relief committee. all of us who have received the right to kill have happened to this person. multiply this by 5 million and you will feel like a right to kill. happened. then you sit down and say, "well , why has our social capital gone down, why is there dissatisfaction, with our same words, with my same words, well, i am a representative, the parliament and the government should solve these problems anyway, and i think that there are solutions, not if the government we came to the conclusion that we really don't want to implement this , let's announce it, dear citizen , it's not just you, 5 million people, 10 million people or 20 million people would have been included, which we didn't give to these, now friends are thinking. citizens, who we are in contact with people anyway, think that for example all the receipts belong to them, for example, now they are included in the aid committee, and the base system is also not assigned to them , for example, they are not assigned
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, unfortunately, we do not clarify our duty with the people, and this is the case , god willing. i saw from my colleagues the warnings i gave and the follow-ups that happened. inshallah, with the establishment of the new government, this will be one of the primary issues and cases that should definitely be investigated and a task determined. after 20 years, anyway, this case at least it should be closed and god willing we will be in the future let's sit down and talk about the benefits of this and its goals and its effectiveness. let's see what measures should be taken to correct this issue . let 's see the report of my colleague. and do you think this is the main obstacle or not, i do not refuse to say this. for example , you couldn't give up foulad mubarakeh, well, friends , you couldn't give up foulad mubarakeh, well, before announcing this , they would have announced it, sir, before i announced that
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i can't leave sadaret bank. let me tell you that the collection of the ministry of economy has shares. tell me, sir , i have reached the red line for saderat bank. i can't approve bank mellat tejarat . these are outside the scope of the ministry of economy. now, let's say that mubarak steel is with egypt, for example, the ministry of home affairs is baghli, now until i find someone there. i should do it and write a letter and someone answer my phone. this is inside the ministry of economy, in the next room. anyway, if there is a will , we will see and announce the dimensions of the issue . i feel that this is not the will, this will is also a the general issue is that governments do not differ, any government hands over property anyway the second challenge for them is that there is no will even now , despite the various approvals in recent years
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to buy popularity. expert and legal opinion is behind the case where the discussions behind this aspect of expertise were not respected. now, naturally , we can say that unfortunately in some of our markets or economic levels, we are talking without expertise. i entrust my general as an expert. i was saying let's assign a task to those 1,800,000 people who have stock certificates , don't do all the work and give them the documents. then we can raise a more general question as an expert , whether the plan to explain adelt shares was approved when we came. and we implemented it. our plan was to come back once every 20 years and see if we can open the door and give them shares . the next question that arises is to assume that we gave shares to 5 million people tomorrow . is it going to be 10
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this is the new number that will be added to the aid committee of the organization next year. whether they are or not, we should close our hearts in this stock and get to its problems. in any case, these are among the issues that have been raised , mr. mousavi. with you sitting here in the studio of the economy table, there was this lack of expertise before the announcement of the positions of your colleagues in the place of the government or not . friends, how expert is this topic, but i see the media atmosphere when a representative the parliament says that we will give equity to 20 million people. in a way, you can say that the government wants to put the government in an act that has already been done . it means that, in my opinion, these are not very ineffective. it was fame, it was position, or , for example, he wanted to get the vote , he came to make a promise, i was a representative in a certain province , they came to tell me that mr. jamandang, they came to say that, sir, i should do justice to everyone, but
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after all, i am definitely an expert to some extent. when we have a plan with this population, we now have an equity portfolio in general, there is a lot of effort, a portfolio of a thousand efforts with a population of 50 million people , we can definitely say that it is not the case that a bachelor's degree is not done in it . everyone stayed, but i believe that if we want to give shares , we should go, do everything, consider the resources , and then come and mediaize the issue. if not, then there is no need for us to come. as the famous saying goes, let's confuse the public opinion and then sit down and talk about whether the shares of justice have finally been settled whether we give it to the survivors or not , there were also a series of provincial companies with modalat shares, which were almost closed since 2009. where did this come from ? what stage are we at now? well, as you know, it was november 1402, when the supreme council of the stock exchange passed a resolution that in my opinion, a good plan was thought out for the provincial investment companies of dalat shares to hold their own meetings in the provinces of north khorasan and
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zanjan. being selected as a pilot in the first stage and last year until the end of the year, we saw that on 23 bahman, yes, it was gilan this year, 23 bahman last year, north khorasan, 3rd of march, zanjan and think on the 16th of farvardin, gilan province held its own assembly. on thursday , the 21st of central province, the central province held its own assembly. the stock exchange organization of almost 26 provinces held meetings to review compliance and explain the implementation process in the province itself. investments have held meetings in detail . there is another province, west and east azarbaijan, these meetings will be held next week. there are 28 provinces in alborz , tehran, semnan, because of the problems they are having, their acceptance did not happen. well, for example, when the equity shares we gave stanborz separate from tehran was not


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