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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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i think it was a good plan, north khorasan and zanjan provinces were selected as pilots in the first stage and last year until the end of the year we saw that on 23 bahman, yes, gilan was also this year . zanjan, and i think on the 16th of farvardin, gilan province held its own assembly . on thursday, the 21st province of central province held its own assembly. the stock exchange organization has held meetings in almost 26 provinces to review, explain and explain the implementation process, and has been present in the province itself. economic affairs are the property of cooperatives they were the cooperative department , the welfare department, and the investments department. they held detailed meetings . there is another province, west and east azerbaijan, where these meetings will be held next week. there are 28 alborz provinces, tehran, semnan, because of the problems they are having , their acceptance did not happen, and banati, for example. at the time when we gave equity shares, stanborz was not separate from tehran.
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semnan province also has a problem that it has not been accepted in the capital market. in general , what is the problem with the latest news? now it has a series of legal issues that need to be addressed and resolved by many correspondences. and it has happened many times at the levels of the ministry of different houses. i hope that semnan province will also come and do its work. in general, we want to tell the latest news from the assemblies of provincial investment companies . four provinces or companies have held their own assembly and almost four or five other provinces as well. its history is specified , including isfahan. kurdistan of qom and some other provinces can we tell the history, i think we have isfahan in 24th of august, 4th, 5th, excuse me , 24th of august is kurdistan, in early august we also have qom provinces and isfahan provinces and one more province and the rest of the provinces as well has the work is being done. after all, it's been a few years since they did not hold their own assembly. some of them have audit problems. some of them, anyway
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, the process of holding the assembly is slow. now, apart from the discussions we had regarding the transfer of shares , which i said, i will do it again. i see , it means that we passed a resolution last year to the supreme council of the stock exchange to hold two-thirds of these assemblies by september of the following year
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. the manager and responsible and trustee of these provincial assemblies are sometimes seen that has the necessary characteristics and competencies. not having these for management and not making the necessary follow-ups. in the first 6 months of the last year, which is actually the first 6 months of this resolution, two of our councils were actually able to implement their own meetings, and the supreme council of the stock exchange, in my opinion, has done something short . they would quickly organize a meeting and these assemblies would feel the problems and
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turn the rail back. anyway, it was predictable that when you reach the date in the first 6 months after your approval, from, for example, twenty or so up to this one it is predicted that nothing special will happen until the end of the second 6 months. this is the negligence that i mentioned and the lack of will . let the people manage it. let's see, until this election happens, the people will still not be satisfied . there were a number of points regarding the composition of these members, which caused it to slow down , regardless of the will that you have. you should anyway it should be reformed immediately so that god willing we can see their elections. we are actually with our friends to investigate if there are legal problems in the parliament . what happened
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is when we can say that this poverty alleviation program through dalt shares, which actually started in 2084, can actually have both the will and the back of the card. it is being followed up very well, what is happening is the holding of the assembly, and i would say that out of 28 provinces whose assembly should be held, 26 are within the province itself. colleagues from the stock exchange organization, visiting one by one , talking one by one, taking your own time, this is the decision of the supreme stock exchange council, our main thing is to work for a bachelor's degree in the specialized commission of the supreme stock exchange council and the supreme stock exchange council itself, it is our will, after all these companies also know that we for two decades , we have held the shares of adelt. the assemblies of these companies have never been held . they said that in 1400 , there was some interruption due to the corona issues, but it seems to me that it was a very good performance and a
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good diagnosis was made. this is the recent meeting of the supreme council. the stock market , which was last week, was about dalt stock issues in particular, a report was presented to the congregation. we hope that with the efforts of the congregation, the decision that was not made to extend it is not for the time being. my opinion is that you should keep in mind the meetings and topics that you are behind the schedule . it is behind the schedule, but overall, i think it is satisfactory. after all, there are resistances in those boards of directors not to hold it. as you said, we have companies. who have no financial statements for years. after all, not checking the account, it will take time to coordinate these , we need a budget. the delay that took place was supposed to be done by september. nothing was left until september. it was supposed to be done by september . what was the biggest challenge? how many challenges did mr. mousavi say? you said this is not the will, but the will, in
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my opinion , is within the stock exchange organization, the supreme council of the stock exchange, but well. there are also problems, like all other issues, including the obstacle that you know when we talk about mion, the highest level of approval of the capital gate qualification. friends in the supreme council of the stock exchange , for these provincial investment companies , they should be considered because there is a large amount of investment in them, and worthy people should say that the qualification of this we are seeing that in some of these companies , if the party comes to hold the assembly, he does not get the qualifications in terms of educational qualifications, experience and many subjects, and this is one of the obstacles that he does not follow the work, this is an obstacle, a problem. or another damage, we can say that finally some companies have their own financial statements. not doing an audit, they will want to do this at some point, and anyway, i said that these companies have not held their meetings for years, and i hope that now the chart that has been held so far, our prediction is that until at the end of august, four more will be held, and
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god willing, i think this is the resolution that if the supreme council grants and extends this time , with the help and support of the parliament and the new government, we will be able to hold at least an acceptable number of these assemblies by the end of the year. it ends completely. our prediction is that if efforts are made and this process continues, god willing , assemblies will be held by the end of the year, and by the end of the year it will all be over if there is cooperation and the damages are removed, but do you think that this cooperation, which, for example, is mentioned by the tid majlis you do, for example, what should happen now, even you interviews, even in the decisions that are happening, i think all of these can be effective, internal injuries, serious legal injuries , these are not the point of pointing out that there are people who do not have the necessary qualifications. do they feel it is legal, or in fact, we need to amend the law to implement this ? it is an issue that i mentioned that nearly 50
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million people of our country are directly involved in, and we, as representatives, should really welcome any reformation. people, and on the other hand, it is really one of the mechanisms of poverty alleviation and in fact, justice in the economic field is the same plan of equity shares that happened, but unfortunately it was not taken care of . unfortunately, the necessary decisions were made late. that the governing assembly can you know that in the composition of the supreme council of the stock exchange, we have two supervisory members of the parliament, who are mainly from the economic commission of the parliament. god willing, mr. mousavi, you mentioned that there are solutions and
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that it is easy to solve the problem of the line. . there was no delay in the implementation of the law , and there was no suitable portfolio of stocks. anyway, i am now one of the cases. now, stocks are a part of the case. he turned the other government into shares and handed it over. you see, this decree has been implemented for 3 years, we can't say about this decree now, because that day we did not make the right decision and will leave it aside. not the expectation created in society. in any case, we have to find a way to identify the property or in fact the assets of the government. and these should be turned into shares and handed over to the people. this is a legal duty. unless the new government actually means in your opinion. existing and state assets , our government is a wealthy government, it actually
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has many assets, that's why we use the word productivity, it is actually one of the ways to get out of the current economic situation of the country due to the lack of resources, which is called productivity strategy. hazrat agaham has actually mentioned the importance of having even a special authority to the committee several times. in the government, it is actually the 13th to make this matter operational. now, i have not actually seen a report from my friends regarding this resolution , where did hazrat agha and the authority that hazrat agha said, anyway, but there are so many assets that actually exist. it can be converted into shares, our shares, which actually exist, can be bought from the stock market, from those companies, it will at least become a little bolder , it needs legal permission, anyway, we are with the parliament , the supreme council of leaders, in fact, we can now. facilitator in this case, even now, when we say that in any case, the respected government expected it, if
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it had seen the legal removal and expected it, and if there was the will of the one that i said to remove this problem, then it would have made a really great deal. the leaders agreed not to go there, but as a parliament, we are ready to examine the solutions that the government needs to implement this resolution . from your point of view, there is now, if friends, anyway, this conversion of assets, which should happen anyway, for the purchase of new assets handing over these, i feel that there will be a need for approvals, the economic commission will have its first meeting in this regard , considering that we are at the beginning of the work of the commissions of the 12th parliament, when will it be and when will you follow up on this issue? you see , justice is an important issue. we had a meeting in the economic commission of all the parliamentary commissions. the board of directors and members of the commissions have been formed, and god willing, we will try to investigate this issue with the presence of friends of the government and every now
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let's reach an agreement, but there is one issue: the new government it is being established. anyway, we have the review of the honorable ministers on the agenda. there is a situation that, god willing, i hope that we will reach a conclusion as soon as possible, and if necessary , legal amendments or permits through the parliament. ready. at least it comes to our budget law, so that we can solve this problem in the last year, in fact, in a given year, because a legal opportunity is actually this budget law of next year, when the parliament and the new government should do the cooking, i think. at that time, it will be a good opportunity to solve this challenge in the last 3 years in the budget rules in fact, it can be said that we can solve it anyway . you mentioned that now the next government of the 14th government is coming to power. i think about your proposal in order to finish this issue as soon as possible
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. different officials promised them to receive justice in different ways . what will be your suggestion for the next government ? well, fortunately, mr. president -elect, we are from the parliament and have been in the parliament for many years and have been involved in the issue of justice shares. the follow-ups that happened. during in the field of economy, economic development based on justice is one of their slogans, and equity equity is one of the tools of this matter, as i said, it is a rhetorical debate, but i would like to know how one of the solutions is equity equity, and therefore, forecasting of course , only one person has been elected in the new government , the structure has not yet been formed, but i predict that, considering these slogans and the knowledge they have of mr. dr. medical, at least personally, this issue will definitely be one of their priorities. that this
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happens and that it happens to everyone now, this case, which was on the table for the last 20 years , was actually the economic managers of the country, god willing, with their support and support, we will reach a conclusion in the parliament , definitely, mr. hajivand, these provincial companies will be reviewed. the condition of reopening is the symbol of these companies. well, we know that the main reason for not reopening or continuing to stop is the symbol of investment companies. in the capital market, the conditions of the capital market are the same. the meeting is being held. i hope that the conditions of the capital market will be such that this happens. we know that the order to stop the symbols has been issued through the supreme council of the stock exchange, and it is necessary that the supreme council of the stock exchange is ready to issue another order whenever it sees fit, because the symbol of these assemblies is the symbol of investment companies in the stock exchange. for example, now that their assemblies
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have been held, they have to wait for the rest of their work to be completed. now, our expert suggestion is that gradually , a percentage of the shares of every company that has held its assembly will become tradable in the capital market. it is possible for the rest of the company and province those who don't hold their own assemblies are more motivated to express their symbols, that is , hold their collections, their symbols should be reopened first, but these symbols should be opened to capital, but i say that we were our experts' proposal and we gave it to the council . tamari also wants to have a meeting on the subject. we almost have to see what kind of minister the new government will have . if i have time, i can say two or three points very briefly. our suggestion to the new parliament and the new government is to come and analyze the events.
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after all, we know that we have been involved in the equity market for 20 years , and it has some major challenges, and i say that considering the discussion that took place in these 3 years and the preparations that have been made , no one can accept it now, exactly yes. there is one point that needs to be done . we have 49 companies, some of whose shares have been allocated to equity shares. we are talking about 36 companies, which means there are 13 and 12 companies left, which are non-members. unfortunately, the assignment has not yet been completed. i hope that the new parliament of the new government
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will come and determine the assignment if the conditions for admission to bursa are accepted he is going to bring them to the capital market and make this basket 49 companies on the stock exchange and capital market. you know that when you had the plan to explain the shares in your heart , it was said in that notification that the shares of the companies that are capitalized are unfortunately 13 or 12 companies. there are those who are not in charge of capital, that is, all this story of liberating assemblies goes back to those 36 companies , there are 13 other companies. this is also an issue that we hope the parliament and the new government will think about. it was a very good action last year. incident means the point because. you are mentioning that you had a lot of challenges you see, this requires a special precondition that requires the help of both the government and the parliament. now, in any case , there are legal bases somewhere. if these companies really cannot be accepted in the capital market , their shares can change. i am saying that , for example, in this for two or three years, the work is going on anyway, nothing happened in this particular case. you know that almost a few years ago, there was an issue of
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having a mother holding company, the shares of those 13 companies should come into this and 50 million shareholders. to be fair to the shareholder, this plan never came to fruition after all, having opponents and supporters is an issue that should be done. if you let me know the opportunity and the spoils, last year, the deceased of saham adalat tain was assigned the duty. from the deceased and other deceased modalat shares, i.e. the heirs of the deceased modalat shares, they could not receive their dividends, in spite of everything, maybe what was said was done, what was the reason and what should be done. body now, in two or three minutes, we will say that the first one is that we unfortunately have more than 3,700,000 justice shareholders who died and with their families , the first population is approximately 15,16,17,18 million people . verras, who is sajami , take the documents that i am presenting
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, go to the branches of banks or service agencies in the country, he must go, he must be physically present. what kind of documents should he have: death certificate or national card and birth certificate of the deceased person, inheritance monopoly certificate, a copy equal to the original national card and birth certificate, all of them, one of them, this we emphasize that he should take the documents and only go to the branches of the selected banks or brokerages all over the country to find out where these selected branches and operations are located. there are four banks including bank mellat and 3 banks. more and more work. deposits can be determined there, which branch to go to and give the documents, you take the name of the site for people, yes, the name of the depository company, if they refer, yes , there are the names of this company. he must be sajami . ok, he got the stock exchange code. yes, if he goes to take action today, in the next few days, this distribution of the
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equity shares will happen. it is necessary for the others to go and get the stock exchange code. let's say that someone died in 2010 and has not received the equity dividend since then, in the first stage when the equity dividend is distributed. all this money that has been accumulated will be divided among the heirs according to the inheritance law. last year i think we had esfand and ferundin for a two-year period. if one person is not on the scholarship , this deposit cannot be made for the others. it didn't happen that we had many clients who, for example, even though he had done everything.
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inheritance of adalat shares is completely free and can be fooled. however, don't be fooled by fraudsters, and there is no transfer monopoly .
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from the number you mentioned, i think there are hundreds of thousands of people doing this it's not a day, but there are still many people who don't do this, so we suggest that they do what we have to do and do justice to the monopoly of the shares. very well, we have almost two minutes less time . one minute is your summary. okay , please, let me tell you that i think the equity of justice wants a speaker, that a single word from a single authority or a single person is said about samame dalat .
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they were not in a good mood, and the incident that happened at that time was a natural occurrence, because this percentage is high in any case , there was such a prediction about the transfer of shares that the necessary arrangements should have been made
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. i am affected. now, unlike mr. dr. aber, i do not see this issue of justice shares as a challenge, and these problems can be solved anyway. i use it and i apologize that we could not solve these issues so far. let's finish it, but i hope that in the coming months, god willing , we will have some good news from equity shares, because it was really a good action that happened, but you, mr. mousavi, from you, mr. haji, from everyone. dear viewers of the economic desk, who have accompanied us until this moment, this issue will continue to be followed up by the economic desk, or may god protect you.
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the minister of economy asked his colleagues to put the 100% establishment of the new customs system on the agenda in the remaining days of the 13th government. mr. khandozi said. he said: publishing financial statements of private sector companies should be on the agenda. the division of the society system of all the warehouses of 31 provinces in the property organization acquiring and clarifying the payment of insurance damages is one of the other orders of the minister of economy until the end of the government. ashura dramas and anti-tyranny in the history and culture of iranians.


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