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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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the narrowing and strengthening of this connection between the powers that we mentioned, what beneficial achievements will these two emerging powers have for our country ? it was a very good question that i asked you to see continuity and change. our relations with china and russia are very important relations and contrary to some of our impressions and ideas while paying attention. they are concerned with the issue of iran's independence and iran's activism. by maintaining iran's independence and emphasizing iran's activism , we have extensive relations with great powers, including these two countries, and for these relations , let me say that a lot of effort has been put into the relations with russia and china. relationships like width bilateral relations especially with important countries like these. it is having trees that
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need to be watered regularly. extensive efforts have been made in the past decades to develop relations with these two countries. it is a reference to the difficult times of the past decade, if you review the behavior of western countries, especially the united states and europe they always wanted to use different tools against our country and in this context they wanted to bring china and russia along with them, but china and russia, except for one stage that goes back to more than a decade ago, in the so-called some of the cases of cooperation with the west
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evaluate the pressure of the west and the united states on iran based on the so-called hegemonic tendencies of the united states . we are an independent power and we have our own so-called frameworks, so let's assume that in the issue of sanctions, in the issues related to economic reactions, political reactions , voting in organizations, but in any case, the combination of these two is important and what has been done and in my opinion it is smart to say and emphasize that and indeed let's believe that it is a reflection of the belief that our relations with china and russia will not only change negatively, but the path will continue , and this does not mean that we will be included in the chinese bloc. the fact that
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we are placed in the russian bloc, the independence of iran's actions in this field is important, and this, along with other foreign policy issues, gives iran an all-round approach. did you observe that apart from the fact that we received the point that you mentioned that each of these media at their own expense and based on.
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in fact, in my opinion, the phrase "haz" is important, tolerable, and noteworthy. the world, as mentioned in some parts of the article, and mr. doctor rightly said that the world has undergone many changes , especially in recent years, these changes have accelerated. it has become more and in fact , you cannot look at the world with those models and old calculations . in fact, every country in this chaotic market and in this special situation can actually be said that we are facing a complex puzzle in the world. we are facing a complex puzzle that this complexity in the region we are in west asia. and for example, you can see that until a few
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years ago, most of the countries in the region said that the assad government. he must go, today we see that in the last one or two years, all the countries that said until yesterday that assad must go , have opened their arms to bashar al-assad and actually reopened their embassies in damascus , for example, this is now an example. and we have many other cases, so i want to say that this new world is tolerable and when we get into the text of the article , you will see that various issues have been discussed in the beginning. the article mentions different countries, the neighboring countries of iran, turkey, saudi arabia, qatar, bahrain
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, kuwait, and the united arab emirates, and the continuation of the neighborhood policy. and the close connection with these has been emphasized to the enemies, now you can't consider europe as an enemy, but it has actually been warned that you had 11 commitments after the withdrawal of the united states from the jcpoa, and you did not fulfill them. it is important to note that iran will not be forced to talk and the government of mr. medeshkian will not actually pay you any ransom. dr. sajjadpour refers to europe. dr. doctors in their article, referring to the issue of declaring readiness for constructive negotiations , referring to the violation of the european covenant, referring to the withdrawal of the jcpoa, and stating that european countries violated all their obligations, but they unreasonably expect
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iran to unilaterally fulfill all obligations. the question is why , despite numerous negotiations and follow-ups both in the government of mr. rouhani and in the government of shahid raisi, the europeans did not fulfill their commitments and the second point is what tools and facilities does iran have in facing this policy and behavior of the europeans. it takes 3 minutes to manage please let me know when i will tell you . first of all, we must say that europe has a problem with itself . you may wonder what europe is suffering from. it is a strategic confusion. never in europe after world war ii in the last 70 years has europe faced so many special geopolitical and internal challenges. from the ukraine issue to the issues related to
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extreme right-wing groups, and therefore we are faced with a fragmented europe, a europe that is facing a strategic vertigo, the issue of the relationship. it is also very complicated with america, which calls for different debates on how independent europe really is especially considering the debates in the american elections, so we are not facing a single european. in the article, an article is skillfully mentioned about europeans' arrogance and superiority. i think this is very important. it means that in the behavior of europeans, it seems that we are superior to others and we can dictate to others, which cannot be accepted by any country, especially iran. the third point is that it does not mean that we want to
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lock our relationship with europe. we are ready to resolve issues with europe, but this means accepting european superiority is not the norm. they should not turn their internal issues into external issues and manage with iran. enter into a discussion, so to speak , the part of the article that is related to iran is the announcement of iran's readiness, and this is a theory . thank you very much, mr. dr. sajjadpour
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, for your presence and analysis. islamic iran in tehran times published an article titled my message to the new world, looking at the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran in a special news interview. we discussed this topic tonight, thank you thank you for accompanying us, we ask for a special night prayer for you and may god protect you. hello, thank you very much for participating in the conversation of the program. without compliments , introduce yourself to the people of iran, tell me what
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you are doing and where? i am a reporter who worked for 18 years in al-alam network. i am a field reporter in gaza, and you can say that all journalistic activities and arts can be used to give the voice of the palestinian people and the people of gaza to the world. let's not try to be sure, so here, after the connection of the gadzaf and the intensity of the gadzaf to the area where it will not be broadcast from me, you. we know him as a brave reporter who narrated very sad scenes during his career. and it was bitter, how do the days pass for you when you are there in the field? what happened in gaza
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cannot be recounted even with several volumes of books. sometimes we think about salvation, sometimes about food, sometimes about water. i always thought about what image to record today, what image i should convey to the world today. when the images belong to the martyrs and many. i was being transferred from one place to another to take pictures. i knew that these are all stories it should be recorded and it can be as effective as the blood shed. i was conveying their hardship. this was my duty. rabbi haykhlik of the shufis.
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because i have four children. i should have kept that bread for them. well, i used to go to work without breakfast. i left home without breakfast that day. i got busy and couldn't even drink water. where we planted the world camera, next to it was a tent where the bodies of the martyrs were kept. the smell of corpses was spreading. i got in front of the camera and the presenter asked the question,
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i was getting new bullets that occupied them in the live program , they used to talk about the same bullets that were aimed at my leg . i fell on the ground, but i still had my microphone in my hand. transferring my children and
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family to the hospital, they thought that i was a martyr, and thank god, i am here now. well, in my opinion, maybe you will realize in the future that it is a unique event, why is it unique because it broke the barrier between iran and the palestinian media and media supporting palestine. this is a very important step. today, after a week, i and all those who attending this festival, we are still in touch.
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i send them videos of the events in gaza. they post videos. to many dear palestinian people in gaza in rifa. how encouraging these positions of the islamic republic of iran are for them, that the people of iran love them and sympathize with them, how much influence does it have on their morale these days? first of all, the palestinian people , the iranian nation's support for gaza is obvious to everyone, and i must say that since
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there is a special loyalty to the islamic revolution and the victory of the revolution to palestine and jerusalem, and iran owes the palestinian nation to all those who support it. he appreciates and thanks. palestinian people if you come back, god willing, are you going to go and take your weapon in your hand and be with the people and narrate or not? it means that i will return yesterday. i would have liked to come back from yesterday. yes , of course, and god willing, you will interview me live from there. i will talk to you from gaza , in god's hope, when the roads are opened, i want
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to return to my people, their hardships and problems are my message to those people who are still silent and are still standing aside. what are you waiting for i always say that it is enough to be human and feel you have to support gaza, and if you don't support it, you should review your humanity and human nature , because after so many pictures of
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children, women, and adults in gaza are pictures of hunger. we are working because you are so courageously with the people and god willing, you will come back and tell good news for the world, god willing.
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it was not similar to today's takayas, and the buildings were used only for display. it was a three-story building similar to an amphitheater, but there are no traces of it, but it was built from that time onwards , and these photos are the only souvenirs of that section, where takayas flourished next to mosques. about. tehran, this hosseinieh has a history of 200 years, that is
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, i myself am 71 years old now, from the time i can remember, this table has always been there, and it is still here . arab sakineh abel with children, first way to 100 years ago, 90 years ago, this piece of tent was a canvas tent that was put here with a lot of difficulty, and then these columns are placed on this
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square meter, which includes the middle stage, the diameter of the brick circle in the middle is 20 meters. there are 10 cement columns covered with walnut wood. look at the door , the architect of the niavaran support was hassan khorpako, and this support was registered in the national register on the 25th of mehr 2003. but tiki niavaran is not the only old support of tehran. at the end of the back alleys of the tajrish market , we reach another historical pillar.
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which is used for traditional, ritual, religious, etc., similar to a house or ta'ziyeh. hossein jan the month of mourning was here. 60 nights. they give dinner from the first night until the night of arbaeen. it was a bloody ritual for 10 nights when we were children, for example in 1972. at 10 o'clock in the evening , i read analysis. thank you that everything was in order. neferabad piece another support in ray shahr, tehran, with an age of nearly 400 years. our elders from of course , my father is also responsible for this the presence of friends, fellow citizens, fellow citizens, acquaintances, everyone
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helped each other and built the preservation of the symbols of a mourning tent during several hundred years of service. one of its main features is that its roof is made of a tent and a flag supports the main pillar of that roof. some of these old pieces are on the verge of being forgotten. which were either changed in use or destroyed in the past years, preserving the old rituals and traditions of the mourning of hazrat seyyed al-shahda and preserving these historical monuments are not unrelated. azadeh salmani of sed and cima news agency.
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badi night and day, and god forbid the last visitation of you hussain hassan.
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it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference, no, it didn't make a difference , it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, yes, it made a difference .
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it is better to pay attention to these points from any place where you intend to buy special items. the remaining consumer price is cash. i mean, what i'm telling you now, let's assume the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans, now calculate the cash balance, if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans . we can get 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be based on that the same amount should be calculated, while you should be aware
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that the payment fee should be zero to eventually one percent.
6:00 am
it is the islamic republic of iran. bismillah rahman raheem salam, the failed assassination of former us president donald trump that's a little bit old that chart that chart's a couple of months old and if you want to really see something that said take a look what happened?


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