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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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first, 52,000 medical centers were contracted with us, now it has reached 57,000, which means that they are more likely to have a contract with us , and in just a few days, the report that our colleagues had was part of those places that had problems with us , especially you. in isfahan , we had some special problems in some provinces. alhamdulillah, this credit has returned and we hope that this will happen to people who are covered by social security. how many people are there now? we and their families are approximately 4 and nearly 47 million people covered by social insurance in the supply organization there are 534 communities covered by the social security organization, about 1 million and 300 workshops . we are related to them, there are about 11 million
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compulsory insured people in the same insurance statistics, for example, this number was about 10 million people before the government. the principle has been increased until we implemented the good plan in this period of housewives insurance plan. and student insurance that a significant number of us use this gift of social insurance this year to open the space for insurance coverage let's develop , we have put the issue of health insurance on the agenda, god willing, the business sector and respected employers will help us to take the business space to the meaning of real employment. in other words
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, we will provide open rome insurance for all employees , both domestic insured and foreign nationals. 4 million to 5 million people who usually say that it is covered by insurance and this path also helps to the space that should be blessed insurance for loved ones in any business situation. use and allow the real income that should have happened before for the insurance system and the fulfillment of the obligations that should be done in the field of repatriation services. the hard worker who invested a lifetime was the priority of attention for us in this period . in the field of treatment, they already
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had a supplementary insurance. i remember that at the beginning , the organization helped them with about 23 thousand tomans. after we came, it was 45 thousand tomans. then 90 thousand the price of the contract for these loved ones is now 305,000 tomans, and the quality of the supplementary insurance contract is because we really wanted to reduce the out-of-pocket payment for these loved ones in the field of treatment, and previously the organization used to help 30% of the cost, now it is 5. the organization has borne the cost of supplementary insurance, which is 305 thousand tomans, and now we are supporting our beloved retirees with supplementary insurances amounting to 10 thousand billion tomans. and we are still developing new plans in this field necessary needs and loan payments were loans. which
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was 7 million tomans, we made a figure of 12 million tomans, then last year it became 20 million tomans, and this year , by the grace of god almighty, this amount is 30 million tomans , a charitable loan for the dear repatriates from refah bank, the resources of which are jointly provided by us, and refah bank paid it is completely offline and the entire process does not require a guarantor . there has been a lot of education so that these loved ones do not have to worry . last year, more than 250,000 items were paid, and this year we will definitely pay more than this number. our other discussion is about dear veterans the pilgrimage to mashhad was a holy one, which was planned under the title of karmat razavi 100 free. one of the topics that the retirees
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started and god willing will continue with the issuance of the rulings that are being negotiated and the 7th plan was announced in the last few weeks and in the law of the budget program, this issue was also addressed , which is the discussion of proportionality and aid let's have a livelihood for the dear retirees, the decision that was taken in the government, on account of one million each 3 million tomans per month for the first 3 months of the year were paid on account in the past weeks, and god willing, this path will continue with the issuance of rulings, and
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we want what is legal for our dear repatriates in the discussion of proportionality, god willing. they were asking if they are worried about what is in the law for the repatriates. we will perform, dear. dear doctor , one of the issues for retirees is that they are generally old and may not be able to go to the centers. well, of course you should a place like the social security organization has a plan for this. we will see a report prepared by my colleagues about this issue and the work done by the social security organization . we talk together, we are at your service. it was the summer of the previous year that the ministry of health announced that it had created an electronic nabbed system for the convenience of patients. all public hospitals are connected. of course, at that time, it
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was said that the hospitals of the social security organization should also be connected to this system. the officials of this organization promised this in november the system will be connected, that is, within 3 months , the social security hospitals will be connected to this system of the ministry of health. i reached bahman and there was no news about this connection, and again, another promise in two weeks , it will be over again . for some time now, the officials of the ministry of health say that more than 70% of social security hospitals have their appointments in the one-cloth appointment system. the ministry of health put a tronic , 59 out of 80 hospitals are connected to a number of other hospitals, and we have their links, but the exchange of information related to appointments with it is not possible for us
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, there are a series of software problems, some of our centers are also being fixed , then the capacity of the shift will come in. it is correct , but one question is the current capacity of the electronic shift of social security media patients , between 20 and 30%. it is electronic. well, it is not low. why is it low? why is it low? well, we have created all these systems in the ministry of health in order to make a high percentage of electronic. different cities where this capacity will be another turn later there is an electronic charge of 23. i said that it will continue to increase until when will it continue to increase. i think we can reach 50%. well, this year is the end of hosseini's year by the sed and sima news agency. well, mr. doctor , we saw in the report that, fortunately, the appointments are not complete, and they promised to
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move 50% in this direction, god willing. on top of that, in other issues, for example, if someone wants a loan , do they need to come and refer to it, or other services that the social security organization must pay to the people under its supervision? one of the more important points is that institutions in the world smartization is going forward, have you made any plans in this field, has a movement started or not? yes, well, i will read the first part first. let me answer and then i will come to the issue of intelligentization, which was a very important issue for us in relation to scheduling. the treatment of
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direct centers and social security property is 100 free, it is recommended that everyone likes to go there . well, the demand is almost unlimited, for example , some surgeries that are 100 in our centers it can happen for free, for example, in orthopedics and orthosis discussions. there is a chance that it will exceed 100 million, 50 million, 100 million, even sometimes , most everyone wants to use real estate centers . well, when the demand is unlimited and the service provision is limited, a queue usually forms and the expectations that our loved ones have from us are met. it is not possible and sometimes we really have no choice because for some of these services we have to stand in line and sometimes they come. they see that, for example , they have to wait for a week, two weeks, and sometimes months, to
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get their turn for specialized services. specialized and usually the heavy actions that happen, and the part that is face-to-face, because these are sometimes face-to-face. you saw that friends said in this report that, for example, 50% were put in the electronic appointment system, the reason is that they also have non-electronic face-to-face referrals. when it is referred to, it must be served there, and when it is not served , we sometimes see dissatisfaction and in other words, problems in this field . well, first of all, we hope that this service recommendation can meet a part of the need, and secondly, a good job. in the social security organization we begin we have done this, which is significant, especially for the well-to-do people, and for 65 years and above, these dear retirees, those dear ones
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who are older in government centers, if they refer to the ministry of health, we signed this contract , we closed all their hospital services like social security. it's free, which means they don't even give that 10% deductible, which can solve some of these problems, of course, it's a turn-based system. now that we are here , you can directly refer to our website for the non-attendance appointment system , it is also accessible from the government's electronic service platform. we were one of the devices that were among the first devices of all social security services in the electronic government system, in addition to the fact that we developed our own systems, in addition to the fact that now we almost have a mobile security application or my security in our system. mr. dr. ino, when
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we asked, almost all of our services are done offline , in addition to the fact that i told you about the loan payment and these, my dears, you almost reported to me that we are now providing 57 services offline in this application for providing my support. we serve, you have a history. i don't know how to register purchase discussions there is a military service, there is a pregnancy compensation period , it has increased from 6 months to 9 months in this government, in order to pay attention to the excellence of the population, all these services can be provided in person, there is no need to visit our branches, and almost all of our services are in this field. in absentia in the discussion of intelligentization, which is one of the basic strategies. at the beginning of the government, we really
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made a revolution for our loved ones in this field. one of our discussions in the insurance field was the same discussion of non-personal services. more importantly, in the discussion of intelligentization, we discussed human interventions in addition to we reduce referrals we consider human interventions to a minimum and even to zero. one of the important things that, in my opinion, in the field of insurance , a revolutionary has been achieved in this period, is a big leap, the discussion of the smart list, you mentioned that there was always a difference between the employer and the worker of the social security organization in the list in the insurance premium in various financial discussions, some of them turned into cases. some of the heavy cases went to the trial and appeal boards, and unfortunately, sometimes they were applied. the intrusions that take place because finally the discussion of insurance counseling and these things became prosperous, and you know
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that unfortunate events sometimes happen between this is basically from this board to that board, the identification number of the debt and the original number of the debt, sometimes the identification number is more identified. between these consultations, there are unfortunate events that the real number is not much with that real number, but okay. in any case, we implemented the smart list for the first time in the insurance system, and now our dear ones in the whole country , before these disputes arise , our electronic systems enter the insurance premium and the interaction with the employer. bugs are given intelligent feedback , corrected and deposited, and this list is intelligent the introduction is that, god willing, our next step
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is to break up with the insurance system, the banking monetary system, and the tax system. giving money, tax comes to us once , insurance comes to us once, i don't know, such and such a thing happens. this is in the case of houshmanzadeh, the step of making smart was a very important step that took place in this period . we hope that it will continue and this intervention that has already been it happens between the employer, the worker and the insurance, and there are many problems i don't know even for the system of proceedings in the administrative court of justice, the judicial branch would increase the efforts for these loved ones, prevent this, and in the true sense, this smartening has put us on the path of transparency and accountability, which can
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actually increase trust. and the social capital by our respected and beloved employers, that really a large part of the financing of the insurance system is made by these loved ones, and this rail should be continued strongly, god willing, and what has been done in the investment sector of the fund, by the grace of god. his excellency based on the financial statements of the proceedings of course, the latest financial statements have not yet arrived. in the year 1401, we had a growth of over 45%. of course, this is not the benefit we were looking for. good things have happened. some portfolio changes are happening. basically, we should get out of the corporation and go to the shareholder. the preparations for the structural reform that must take place have been prepared. basically, i believed in this , i believed in this, and the future of the fund in
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the field of investment must be seen. all funds. from a lifetime they pass and basically from middle age to increase or in other words age colt like all phenomena, their strategic focus is mainly on investment areas, and unfortunately, we have been neglected until this moment, and sometimes extreme crises that say that i don't agree , we have problems, we have challenges, but to solve the challenges. intergenerational commitments must be worked more in the field of investment. the standard we have in this field is about 18 to 20% of our income. our share of income should come from the field of investment in debi funds, for example , we are debi fund, and unfortunately now about
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5 to 6 percent of our resources are from this area there should be a portfolio change , new investment. it should happen in this context. i have a promise to the dear viewers, and that is that for the first time in the last 10-15 years, our estimate is that in the second 6 months, this is an event that has not happened so far. with this estimate that we have , there will be positive liquidity in our income and we will start investing for the first time. we will become optional, thanks to the almighty god, because most of our investments are compulsory investments, the handing over of this debt has never happened in the past 10 to 15 years. and this planning that has been done for the income of the fund and this approach that we have, definitely in the second 6 months , i.e., plus or positive liquidity, means that we
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will fulfill the obligations of acquisition , other obligations, treatment days, sickness compensation , we will fulfill the obligations of the term and part of our income will increase, and by the grace of god, we have to enter into new investments, which in this period is a rare or unique event that is happening. a building, well, in the amendment of article 5, which in the islamic council took place. unfortunately, the attention that should be given to these dear workers and hard workers , who are perhaps one of the few that should be given more attention in financing this. unfortunately, it didn't happen. we estimated that the deficit of this fund was approximately 20 thousand billion tomans, and that there are about 500 thousand people behind this fund
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. a very good plan was prepared in the social commission of the parliament , and it was passed . we announced a few to be covered. the main thing is that this material reform should happen in financing befete and the employers of mass builders, please help these dear ones so that we can develop this insurance for workers. thank you very much. may god be with us. al-gham is dead, his hands are separated on the soil of abul fard or hossein or
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hossein, the dilapidated texture of the small houses with vulnerable walls, shaky, shaky, which does not provide peace and comfort to its residents . we went to the city of golestan, near tehran, this city has 600 hectares of dilapidated texture. everyone is living in this area 30 meters from shahra . i got a room with you. for example, he lives in a house . another room, yes, one room, one kitchen, that's how many damn four people, now
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they told you to give your house, how many with how many other houses can we claim together, a house, an apartment , we didn't say, let it be known to you that today we are in your egypt because of this. if this lady reads this booklet, then if she reads it. actually they should renovate and explain the conditions to them . they can do it. it's correct if you read it in a summary form . they will get more density, but in this booklet that you can see, we also saw the site construction . their municipality fees are absolutely zero, there are no fees for the construction to the municipality. they don't pay , the engineering system is 50. if they experiment , they can also use the density criteria of tershili, god willing. if not, they can build the same 40-meter texture in your parking lot. we will see another space and they can, god willing. take two floors of density and do the construction. worn texture or there are urban inefficiencies in 690 cities of the country. from may 17 this year, jihadist groups
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came to inform the owners of dilapidated houses with the help of the municipality and the urban regeneration company about the incentive packages. these brochures are about the housing renovation plan. if you are going to renovate your housing , add an extra floor to the 70s. we went to tehran, you know, i've been here since 71. the municipality itself came with the approval of the council
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and prepared a local package with up to 70% discount for the collection of building permits . it is given to people and welcomed. bahman 1st alley is an example of renovation of worn-out fabric in salehiye city. each of these blocks that you see has been aggregated up to a maximum of 8 fine-grained license plates, and the alley that had 50 license plates inside has now turned into 6 residential blocks. parking in all of these blocks are observed, each building unit has a separate parking lot, and all issues are foreseen here , in fact, this alley is a document. in fact , our activities and our efforts are in the field of housing renovation and that the municipality has been able to establish a good relationship with investors in the field of housing. texture
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there is an inefficient city in tehran province , about 7 thousand hectares of which belong to the cities of tehran province, marzband seda and radio news agency . the intense heat attack this summer has caused many problems for nations in many parts of the world. for example, the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in the middle east has caused the average temperature to increase by 3 degrees compared to the long term, and the country's power grids face serious problems. this thermal dome, along with the presence of dust and fine dust in the air in iran, increases the air temperature and feels more heat, and as a result, unusual and unprecedented growth 15 percentage during peak electricity consumption in the sector.
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it has led to the consumption of electricity in the country to more than 7750 megawatts. the stability of iran's nationwide electricity network in this difficult situation, while the kuwaitis witnessed widespread power outages in many areas of their country on june 20, 31, and on july 11, 21 , 1403, there were widespread power outages in turkey , especially in hatay and takir dagh regions. face on the 10th of july, 20 july 1403 , there was a massive power outage in saudi arabia. it is good to know that the main reason for the increase in electricity consumption in iran is the introduction of cooling systems that are not suitable for different climates in this situation, it is highly necessary for the household subscribers to help the electricity industry in maintaining the stability of the grid by observing the points of reducing consumption. citizens can
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use the remote. slow down the water cooler and setting the temperature of gas coolers to 24 degrees and not using high consumption devices during peak hours will help the stability of the national electricity network. let me tell you that in case of a reduction in electricity consumption compared to last year , in addition to having a free electricity bill , household subscribers can also win 300 automatic cars and thousands of household appliances and millions.
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in the name of god muhammad hosni, i am from bramin city the first place bird of the second round of the washland lottery won an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary . fahime bosqali from the city of qom won the second place of the second round of the washland lottery. i am in the second course of washingland. washland is a rich land.
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welcome to half day news. fear and concern and increased tensions in the united states after the unsuccessful assassination of presidential candidate trump , republicans and trump supporters pointed the finger of accusation at biden and the democrats. strict security measures in washington and other american cities following the unsuccessful assassination of trump in the election rally.


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