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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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the area of ​​asia depended on 3 factors. one is the issue of leaving european countries from the russian market and this created an opportunity for our suppliers . one was the signing of the preferential trade memorandum in november 2018, which was signed. and the third issue is the movements of the public and private sectors in the last two or three years in the area of ​​commuting. the events were an exhibition and recognition of the potentials of both sides, especially in the field of iran and russia, which i can truly say that in these two years, we had a 300% growth in the field of these events, which is why mr. qanatzadeh and his colleagues in the trade development organization are also tired. we should say and thank you, but we have a series of problems and we all know that , as mr. qonabzadeh said, a market of 400.
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billion dollars, but first we have a series of challenges, some of which go back to the government's railways, and some go back to merchants and manufacturers, one of the big problems that we are struggling with here, and we are witnessing the problem of the return of the resulting width. there is a solution for exports, and this is also a solution. just as the dear guests said, the issue of gold is the issue of the issue of single pricing and the issue of incentives . it has potential, but we will see with our exporter now. especially in the field of agriculture
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, there is no desire to export it officially, why should it be offered and the government offer should be received , so many of us are witnessing that our agricultural products are being exported to russia through the country of gaza, considering that the definition is zero. if we can solve these problems internally, then there are a series of problems that are in our hands. producers, for example, brand building. look , today we are talking about currency exchange, but we should look for adding value to pistachios, friends. if we export bulk pistachios, we know that the competition is so high, our profit margin is low, we have to go for beautiful packaging and brand our products, 100 grams of pistachios , in russia so that we can bring added value , otherwise pistachios and saffron in bulk. and many of
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the products are exported in bulk. we see that there is no added value in the russian market due to the many competitions that exist. we are like indians and many things we are exporting, and we are exporting water , and it has no added value, and the best solution is that we use the same method as before and it was discussed some time ago. it should be seriously pursued and with the cooperation of the government sector which is in charge of the trade development organization, god willing , we will be able to properly use the capacity of the eurasian economic union for this export.
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mr. jafari categorized for us the measures taken by the producers and exporters themselves should be done, and the parts that need the help of government officials , in the part that goes back to the private sector , how much do you focus on these things, and the most important thing is that this has been discussed for many years. bandi and these things, how much is the chamber of commerce following up on these issues as now the parliament of the private sector. look at the points of very important points that he said that exactly the weak points and for the progress of the work and to achieve the goals must be observed. one of the important issues is the creation and holding of exhibitions. well, this creation and holding the exhibition is partly organized by business delegations by the iranian chamber of commerce and joint chambers, and partly by the trade development organization, of course mr. qanatzadeh. they have a lot of experience and
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are among the people to whom we have special devotion in the private sector . they have always supported the producers and agriculture of the country . let 's know what are the heavy costs for the exporter to hold an exhibition and how much is the average, if the average is for you. the then german exhibition, which is held every two years for 2 years , totals something and at least 15,000 euros, so how much will you help with this? always , for example, about seven, eight, 10 years ago, about 50% of it was helped by the organization. now, i think that for several years , we went and implemented the commitment of the organization, and it also got a budget. unfortunately, since the time of mr. peyman pak , it was not implemented anymore, and this budget was not seen and
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the budget was not implemented. to spend it somewhere else. well, let me ask mr. qenazadeh the same thing. mr. qenazadeh , see where the money was spent . almost in the last two or three years. less than 10% of the budget of those export networks of the organization means that we really have to pay for the cover at all. well, no , it's a story, a sad story, in short, no, the reality is that what they said is true, one of the inherent duties of your organization is trade. the share should be taken somewhere , no, the reality is not that we want or not to an exhibition, no, the reality is , suppose a small number, for example, 100 billion, i will give an example . how much is the total budget , for example, this part of the show is 1200 billion tomans there are export budgets that we haven't been able to reach in the past few years . we can get 10 billion more than the hundred that i mentioned. yes , we have 14 headings for that. every heading is the
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same. there is the issue of infrastructure , which means that there are so many of them that we had to prioritize each year to help a part because our resources are very limited. if this budget is provided at the right time and in the right amount, of course, you all will say yes , i was telling you to see, well, this is very effective for us. years ago, our exporter used to get this budget , but unfortunately, this budget is not given now . it is a common thing for other countries. only i know that turkey sent about 350 trade delegations last year. from the country at its own expense, now the private sector, the public sector, the chamber of commerce, the private sector, see all the countries , at least some countries give up to 70, 80 shares of exhibitions, well, after all, it is the management of the trade development organization that must be able
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to get this exporter's right, and when the development exporting in the agricultural sector is the most important part of the adebot store, all of these are the egar store the farmer should produce the best rum packaging. if we don't have a market , this could be the biggest problem that our products, like our pistachios, have 100,000 tons of pistachios lying in our warehouses. you know that the problem of sanctions is a big problem, not just because we can't buy goods, not just because we can't get our money back. our global reputation has also been damaged, that is the reality when a foreigner knows us , he comes and interviews us and wants to buy the goods . he came to a friendly place and said that if i buy, for example , america will take me to the embargo. well, this will cause some
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damage. we must have interactions with other countries. to be able to export our goods and create this value chain , to create jobs, to be able to add good value for agricultural products, especially for agriculture , 30%. how many thousands of tons are there? instead of helping the farmer, they announced that you want to import bananas instead of returning foreign currency , but did the ministry of jihad construction, in the system that it created , tell the exporter who exported sibu in the system that they have almost completed all their order registrations? why do they give it to people who did not export apples, and this was not his share, who
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worked hard to export apples, now he wants to return and bring bananas instead, because they do not pay him , but he is bringing bananas, then someone else comes and imports them. each container , the difference between each banana container is 20 to 300 million tomans thank you mr. qenazadeh for introducing azade bazaar. this free trade agreement will take some time . we can review when it will start and what will happen after that. well, look at the agreement that the heads of the asian economic union, the five countries, approved two of them , russia and kazakhstan. the approval of the other three is about to be approved by us . the government sent the letter to the parliament on the 14th of this month, which means that its work in the government is over, because after this, it's okay. after that document was signed, all the documents had to be translated, the legal discussions were done, and finally the process was completed
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it has traveled inside the country and reached the parliament. naturally , these days, probably because of these inauguration discussions and then the ministers , we will probably have a short break, but you hope that in this recent trip mr. putin mentioned, we hope that before january of next year in the truth in all countries before december. finalize it as soon as it is approved. in fact, it can be implemented . now, the process is very short. in the country, in order to create infrastructure, the chambers must be involved in customs discussions . these rates must be applied. there is another specific process. it is not very complicated. a process that may not take too much time has been approved, and finally we have to see when the parliament will take its turn.
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of course, this does not mean that we are not paying attention to domestic production and do not have any considerations . we had 60 rounds of negotiations with arathia for almost 3 years, and maybe i can say, for example, that 80% of these negotiations were based on these sensitivities, which means that we we used to discuss the precision of the projects for hours in order to take care of those things in which we have a competitive production situation, as every production is also production. at the same time, it is definitely our obligation
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to have orders from higher authorities, the position of the members is to be the leader of the general policy of the system, we must take care of domestic production, but one of the ways to support domestic production is to close the borders. we can do this through joint productions with the world. we can do this in regional markets, that is, we have other methods to support domestic production, we only have one tariff method at the moment, because it is the easiest method, apparently , we can easily make one side, for example, from 20 to 100. we say that we supported domestic production, but this causes monopoly, which causes the industry itself to not grow. sometimes , i want to summarize that we must use different methods to support domestic production , and of course we must help domestic production to reach a maturity that it when worried about these returns of the people. that the whole world is doing this, we also in those places where we feel worried, generally in the agreements, it shows that
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our trade balance has gone from minus 170 to minus 700 , which means that as i said, we are now importing your equipment. it can be controlled, this scale is moving towards the improvement is progressing. in the end, i would like to say that one of our tools in the agreements to support domestic production is phasing. that is , we have different methods to help the domestic production to prosper and become more competitive from the effect of imports, at the same time we can finally take advantage of the benefits of exporting our goods, which has been done very carefully in the case of eurasians, mr. rezaei, the private sector. how worried are you about these free trade agreements from the same issue that i mentioned regarding the possibility of damage to products now? whether he sees it or not, he looks at the source of opportunity in order to increase his production and export . it is a very good situation in relation to brasiya
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. i hope you will be present. in my opinion, this opportunity should be used to solve the problems as far as possible , and those general problems that are dealt with by the government. the markets for selling good products will be solved by the private sector, i hope. considering the presence of mr. dr. mezikian in the government and i wish you to be present in the government , the new government has chosen a worthy minister in particular ministry of agriculture. he should be selected, he should be worthy from the body of the ministry, he should be knowledgeable , he should have experience, he should have scientific and academic knowledge . the title of the private sector, are you ready ? how well has the private sector prepared itself to enter
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this market, which at least at this stage , we say is an import of 400 billion dollars. 30 to 40 percent of some of our products are being used, now vegetables, fruits, etc a bakhsheh and even pistachios, even medicinal plants are now mostly procured from iran, if before iran they were exported to other countries from there , now this path is completely smooth and how much does the private sector market and how much do you do now? you have entered, how much is the chamber
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helping the merchants? well, now the trade extension organization has created various exhibitions of the chamber. iran and russia are working together, and there are common rooms in kazakhstan and the countries that exist in eurasia. target markets thank you shamzadeh, i almost think we have two minutes less time. one of the points we always talked about in the many programs of the economic desk that you were present in this regard was the discussion of logistics and attack and transportation infrastructure for over asia and this free trade agreement. we are saying that the private sector should prepare itself in order to enter this market. how much transport infrastructure is ready and can we use it in the private sector? we did the business, if very simple, three excuse me, the department of internal relations, the department of international relations and its intermediate processes. well, in the department
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of internal relations today, i think there was a detailed discussion, which naturally requires a series of removal of obstacles. a series of promotional activities have happened, like the discussion of branding, like the discussion of packaging, that is, the government sector, the private sector, must carry out some activities internally in order for this to happen, in the international sector, there is also the development of relations, which was again discussed today , the agreements. exhibitions, delegations and relations that are now formed in the governments , what after assuming that these two it was solved or a good version was reached, naturally, that is what bothers the business. this is the weakness of the infrastructure, be it logistics infrastructure or financial and banking infrastructure, especially in the caspian region, well, this growth has been very good, the fleet has also developed, but we still have weaknesses . thank you very much to all the guests of the program, all the good viewers of mez ekotan, who accompanied us until this moment, god bless you
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or ali. he played a role that perhaps few people were willing to accept. what's up with esther and alfeka's magic?
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do you watch this year, we ask that everything we do be accepted. he will get it and later we demand that we will get it from them that hossein daman dasht had a similar story , the actor who killed hazrat ali asghar (peace be upon him) in my mukhtarname only with this hope. in fact, i live in such a way that imam hussain would really hold my hand because of this incident. outside of all their roles, they have a sincere narrative of their feelings. now imam hossein is a book for me that i got as a souvenir from my mother. there is a book called the one that
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never gave up. i am about imam hossein shodhi i'm not. i am very sure that imam hossein has many friends. i am very sure. he loves me very much. and with what in the world can't change him, the oppression of the martyrs of karbala has become an excuse to talk about the pain of his heart, how can you do something like this to your child? anger is manure. absho sing a sermon on gold and fast, zaynab sing a sermon, lamentation, prayer and singing
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come from one hanjar for hussain, peace be upon him . paran, your love polarizes us in itself, ah avadins makes you sad later they were known, but they were rarely seen in this valley. i am the evil of yazid ibn shayatin . show me the way through karbala, i want to go to karbala, i will be restless until noon, or
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hossein, hold my hand in your lap, or hossein, the singers have fasted, my heart has become a black sacrifice, which has turned upside down like tulips, there is no problem, let them say that the song is blood it was a little small tour for the most recent work of mohsen chavoshi in the portrait of hazrat abbas (peace be upon him) in stalvi taftad.
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with the beginning of the first decade of muharram in the city of zavareh, and on the day of taswa and ashura of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein , a procession of palm trees with the presence of thousands of lovers martyrs will be held in hosseinieh bozur zavareh. this quote you see next to me. it is the symbol of the coffin of hazrat seyyed al-shahda, on the last friday of the month of dhul hijjah, the people of zwari gather and
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engage in palm tying, and i participate in tying the palm according to the traditional customs left for them by their fathers and ancestors. zavareh's ceremony of planting palm trees and turning palm trees in 2018 in the national list of intangible cultural heritage. it has been registered, mehdi naji , zavareh radio and television news agency , with the first news and report that we received , we realized that this case has dimensions beyond the events of our small city. i, as a inspector, i rarely deal with such crimes here, and the few criminal cases that are in
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our jurisdiction. there is no professional criminal involved and most of the crimes are a result of emotional anger without prior planning and conspiracy, but it seemed that in this case we are dealing with a professional killer. the identity of the victim was established based on the identification documents that were in his pocket and the center was informed. but the body was washed with strong detergent. so that no trace of the killer can be found in it. the evidence of the witnesses also indicated that the murder happened in another place and the body was cleaned after cleaning detergents have been moved here. the additional information that the center gave to my assistant about the victim worried him more. because it strengthened the possibility that a professional and possibly non- local killer committed this crime. the victim was killed two days ago
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for administrative work related to the company. he had gone to the capital of the province and before returning to the city , he had received a large amount of dollars from an exchange office. but after leaving that provincial capital and entering the road to return to the city, there was no more information about him. since the car was not in the scene, all our hope was to find it find traces of the killer in the murdered car. of course, a lesson. his crime found him. in fact, he had no clue to reach the killer. we were in the middle of all these conversations when we heard about the car being killed. when the murdered car was found, my assistant had no hope of finding a trace of the killer. because the victim's car was cleaned with detergent so that no
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fingerprints remained. even the blood was removed from the car, but i wasn't disappointed , i was sure that there will always be a clue, and i thought that it is true that he cleaned the steering wheel, console, trunk and many other places with detergent, but it was a killer. he drove sitting behind the wheel and brought the car to this point, so there may be a sign of him left on the car seat and there was a thread left. hair that did not belong to the victim, how can you find the killer with a strand of hair? once upon a time it was not possible and now it is easily possible using the genetic bank of criminals. the killer, who had a history of coercion and extortion, had all his genetic information registered in the criminal bank. and with that , mo was trapped. kilometers away from the place where he committed the crime. popular participation, national authority,
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public justice. dad, this is a dishwasher instead of dishes it cleans it, it makes it dirty. it was a good question. i said there is a problem. didn't you buy it from city home appliances ? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no. why should you buy it from city home appliances? because it has both quality and discounts , discounts, discounts, discounts, amazing discounts
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for all hats. the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances . in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and good evening to you, dear viewers of this. trump's unsuccessful assassination has led to criticism about the weakness of the american security and intelligence agencies. cnn made a report and announced that the person who shot trump was on the roof of the place the speech was honorable. security experts considered the shooting of trump to be a big mistake by the country's security apparatus. hours after


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