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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, of course, the main case of tonight's program is devoted to examining the various aspects of the oath of the former president and the current candidate for the us presidential election, but today's world , as always, we will start with palestine today, gaza. the 282nd day of the genocide passed, the day when
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the zionist regime fighters bombarded the united nations school, which has become a shelter for children and refugees, with american bombs.
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a complete square in the history of yunus, hasbi allah, naim al-wakeel, hasbi allah, shahid habibullah, shahid habibullah, akbar , allah is akbar, win al-aman, win al-aman, win aman, aman, aman, god will take revenge on them . peace is safe in gaza. we all have it
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. god will take revenge on them. there is no god, o lord, there is no god, there is no god, lord. by god, we will not leave it to the south, because we are here for our interests, and we
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do not have life here, and we do not leave it for us. tonight's morning show case today ie just a few minutes before 2 o'clock in the morning , iranian time, donald trump, the former president of the united states and the candidate for this country's election , was shot and assassinated when he was giving a speech to his supporters in pennsylvania. attack. victory raised. his photo
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became popular, some people believe that this one photo is enough for him to win the election. take a look what happened. take a look what happened?
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first, for further investigation of this part, the host is ms. azadeh taheri, an expert and reporter of bain group the international we are sada and vsima news. mrs. tari , let's start from the beginning. for what purpose did trump go to pennsylvania and how did this incident happen ? i am at your service and to your dear viewers. hello , now for those who may not have all the details, here is a summary of the story. i say that on saturday, american time, trump had gone to pennsylvania to speak at an election rally in the city of butler, where he was the target of an assassination attempt in this speech . he was discharged and went to new jersey in addition to zarb, one more person was killed in this attack and two other people were injured, whose condition
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is reported to be serious. the assailant of thomas matthew crooks. he is 20 years old and from the state of pennsylvania . however, no report has been published about his possible motive for this attack. however, one thing that was interesting in the media is that he was wearing a t-shirt during the attack, which was the sign of a very popular youtube channel site that is pro-weapon. was and use he advertised all kinds of weapons and explosives. and now it has not been discussed much in the media, but it is possible that in the coming days, more weapons will be carried in the united states , as long ago there is something that, for example, what kind of political movement he supported , he was published as a republican, but 3 years ago
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when he was 17 years old. the amount of $15 has now helped the democratic party, but there is a lot of information about why he did this, what was his motivation, and detailed information about an important point that i must say that this attack is on the eve of the republican party convention. for the official introduction , he is now the trump himself of this convention the party's nomination for the presidential election will begin on monday in milwaukee, wisconsin, and the republican party has announced that despite this attack, the convention will be held
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on time and trump will be announced as the party's candidate. before this , trump was not an official candidate, and according to your words , american officials from both parties condemned this attack and said in the first reaction that political violence has no place in america. no , he had a phone call with trump and the latest news is that he has requested an investigation into this attack the republican party has also condemned this attack , but now there are some who, despite the fact that the motive of this attack has not yet been determined, said that the motive was political and people like trump's son pointed the finger of accusation at the extreme left in america. thank you very much. we have prepared a series of interviews with people from inside america.
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is here you know and then like all the security guards got on him like crazy like really like i'm getting goosebumps right now when i think about this like for real it's something that didn't happen after clinton at least i don't think so but now that it is happening again i think it just proves that there's so much divide in this country and that people really think that trump is just i personally don't think he's adequate to be our president he's very vile very divisive and he's just i think that he's just dividing this country. i could not believe it. i could not believe that this actually happened here
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in america. it's ridiculous. it's really ridiculous and it's sad. it's pretty shocking the world we live in. it's like we've gone back to the 1960s. uh, i remember as a kid playing a playground when john f. kennedy was shot, maybe i was five or six. um, you would hope that the world has progressed to the point. that we respect other people uh and obviously we're you know what 60 years later and we're in the same position we were in the 1960s, very contentious. i don't know, i feel like whoever attempted um to take his life, i feel like it's just putting more attention on him, um, i don't know if it's going to increase his pole numbers or not, but i don' t know, i just kind of feel like it was something planned to be honest with you, it's making trump more popular. did anything, he's a felon, he um, tried to get assassinated, so
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it's making them more popular, every time when they do something to him, it backfires all the time, it never fails, it's making him more popular, apparently. when former president trump got out, he had some blood on his face, and i don't know if that was from the secret service uh fackling him or i don't whatah, yeah, where are you? news media, how you feel right now? distressed i was up at the fence line,
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um, saw the guy move from roof to roof, talked, told an officer that he was on the roof, um, the officer came looking, i went back to where i was standing, um, heard that there was somebody that could see the person, so i went back to where they were standing, saw the person, went back and the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot he can see the person figuring that he would go in radio and when i turned around to go back to where i was when the gunshot started and then it was just chaos and we all came running away. next, we want to go to new york, america, to talk to mr. charles moskovits, a writer and political activist, about this situation . hello, mr. moskovits, as a first question
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, basically, what is your opinion about the nature of the incident that happened to trump? what happened today, when joe biden was asked the same question, he refused to consider this act as an assassination, what do you think? in my opinion, there are many people who benefit from trump's assassination. trump is now on his head. there are many groups on the way, that is, a kabbalah group he is trying to control america, trump is against them, and trump is a unique character who stands against them , so there are many people who can have reasons to assassinate trump. they tried to
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imprison trump . it did not work out. this was actually the last way they wanted to stop it because the election is coming up and it looks like trump will be re-elected president with a majority and in fact a decisive victory, but it seems that this action it didn't work out either. well, we did. we saw this happen, and it happened in front of the eyes of many people who were present there and television cameras, and now trump and his companions must be very careful in the coming weeks and months because it is very sensitive and
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they must to watch out for similar events in the future . representatives of the congress and the senate can also be seen pointing the finger of blame at biden and the democrats . i would like to say a few things, for example, james david vance, the republican senator from the state of ohio , wrote on the x social network that the main assumption of the biden team was that president trump is a fascist. it is autocratic
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which should be prevented at any cost , it was these words that led to the assassination attempt. it has become trump, or so, margery taylor green, the republican representative of the house of representatives, also wrote on x channel that joe biden told his financial donors that we should put trump on siebel. in fact, these people believe that biden and trump are biden and the democratic party. what do you think of providing this terror? about a week ago, the president had to announce that something big would happen against trump, and yes , he announced to his own donors that they should forgive him. the voices that are there are not related to me
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. do you want us to be patient for a while? mr. moskovich should have told his donors a few days ago that they should take action against trump. now i don't want to say that these were exactly a message to get trump assassinate him , but i mean, there is an atmosphere and there is an excitement against trump that from
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let's stop him, but in my opinion, his competitors have this autocracy, thank you, and my final question is about the position of the democrats. some of them expressed their displeasure and said that this is the best it may have been an election campaign for trump, or it was even openly said that this incident was part of trump's campaign to get more votes . some democratic representatives went even further , like stephen woodrow, the democratic representative of calley, who said that the only thing america lacked was for the devil. also sympathize what do you think about these? i think that trump
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will win this election anyway. now, from this side of the intention, he survived, he did not have a serious injury. and i think that he is now. it's too late to become a trump supporter and he's on track one the victory is decisive now that if he can live a healthy life in the next few weeks and in fact before the elections and is safe from possible future attacks, then the conditions will be better for him and he will definitely win. thank you for participating in this conversation with us. thank you. well, we are still with you in today's world
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. i will continue the conversation with ms. azadeh taheri, an expert and reporter of the international broadcasting news agency . we had reached this point when we said that the domestic reactions of the united states were pointing the finger of blame at the republicans and the democrats. in the international scene of reactions how did it happen? well, a long list of international officials and leaders condemned this attack in different continents, including in europe, asia, west asia, and even in latin america, countries like the presidents of venezuela and cuba also condemned this attack. an interesting point is that most of these leaders, in response to this attack , brought up the issue of political violence in america and condemned it and called for it to stop. thank you very much for this story. political violence, i think it was mentioned in your report today, we have that report ready, we can see it and finally about
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let's talk about that too. if i don't win this election, there will be a bloodbath and this is just the beginning of the story. donald trump never expected this threat when he predicted this 3 months ago.
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this can quickly escalate the situation. i hope there is no retaliatory reaction. even before this attack, a reuters ipsos poll showed that two-thirds of americans are concerned about political violence in the election climate. in a country where many believe political violence threatens democracy in america, this was the worst that could happen. this can cause escalation political violence and social instability. according to the brennan center for justice. in the past 3 years alone, political violence and threats against government officials
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have increased so that 40 percent of state legislators have been attacked or threatened to attack during this period. our research shows that 7 % of americans allow the use of force to get trump to power. half of them to shave. now , what you showed in popular reports and was reflected in the words of american officials and even international officials was the concern about the increase in political violence in america, but this concern is in fact it's nothing new, that is, we have witnessed an increase in concern about political violence and the possibility of social instability in america over the years, which has been renewed in the election atmosphere, and now we have mentioned a series of polls, including polls. the
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reuters institute and even the research of the university of california show that 14% of the american people definitely believe that there will be a civil war in this country in the coming years. however, the atmosphere in america has now moved to a direction where, in addition to worrying about political violence , the readiness to use violence for political purposes has also increased, as mentioned in my report. the university of chicago conducted a study last month, not
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in the next few months, about where it will go until the elections . thank you very much for your presence in the world today . together, we can see without a doubt that everything will change after this happens . for years, we have warned about the increased risk of political violence in the united states, and now we have reached that point. now we see the same situation with security considerations regarding all election candidates, including us president joe biden and former president donald trump america is mentioned. there is a lot of talk now that joe biden will authorize the use of intelligence and security services for another candidate, robert f. kennedy jr. democrats and republicans
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want to adopt. these are measures. colorado state governor jared pulis and senator ted cruz also announced that they should also have these security protections. so we see that with this event everything will change from now on. this incident shows that things are happening in this country that are out of control is. there have always been risks for presidential candidates. but when we cross a certain line, this
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and the republicans have fears about the consequences of this event. do not preempt. we do not know what will happen. how will this affect the american voters ? democrats say, democracy in the country is at risk. republicans also have their own propositions. in my opinion, both parties should reconsider their rhetoric and the tone of their statements in the election contests. but not sure if they will or not no? both parties can use this incident to their advantage in the election contests . in the rest of the world, today we are hosting mr. ali nazifpour, a researcher and expert on american issues. mr. nazirpour, welcome to the world today. hello , i am serving you and dear viewers. we remember that this was the first debate of the american elections. last week
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, we were talking about biden and trump . it's not bad to know exactly what the state of american society was before this intention, and also maybe to understand the mental state of the person who carried out this attack, let's take a step back. let's see what kind of political atmosphere there has been in the united states during the past few weeks, especially around the elections . it has been the worst possible atmosphere for biden since 2019 when he entered the election contest . well, biden's main goal of the debate was to reduce concerns about his age. give, but contrary to his own goal , he greatly increased the concerns, multiplied them, and an important part of his own party, 21 representatives, have asked for
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his resignation.


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