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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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if it wants to happen , it should happen in the field of agriculture, that is, if the exporter of the field of agriculture, the import of the agricultural game , does not make the situation worse, in your opinion , it makes it more restrictive, at least now we have to see the analysis that brought the friends to this point. but the minimum is to limit the land return methods as much as possible , we also made the private sector's authority smaller, and of course we reduced their satisfaction. this should be based on the friends of the ministry of jihad.
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exporting water-bearing products, especially those that were wasted, has a lot of water, like the example you gave it is not desirable, and there are restrictions attached to the export of water-bearing products, even sometimes bans, but the price gap is so large with the countries where it is being exported, that it is still a waste, that is, even with the imposition of those duties, it is still a waste, that is why it continues, otherwise it is definitely desirable. it is not with this perspective that you are thinking now with these statistics that we talked about and the increases that have taken place. until the end of the year, the trend will be positive or not, there will be changes. well, look, we are already in our rainy season, we have already passed a part of it , and i don't think we are growing that much in this area. if the products are good, after this , it will be mainly in khushkabar field, because mr. rezaei said that finally we have a lot of reserves of khushkabar issues, not only the post of other khushkar issues , but also a lot of reserves have been created.
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as far as the product is rotating, one of them is pistachio, which we talked about, tomato and potato. what can be the interpretation of this, that most of the products that we export, i would like to be present. it is about to be summed up, what harm or what opportunity can this bring us? you see , one of the biggest problems of our country is ownership there is agricultural land, which has become a big problem in relation to the country's agricultural industry, and now the government has thought of various policies and is implementing them. it gives a lot of money to a family, the father of that family dies, having 5 hectares of land and 6 children. having 5 hectares. divided in
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this family, one planted a hectare, one didn't plant , one went into it, built a farm, built a garden, built a villa, built agricultural land. unfortunately, we have a weakness in relation to this ownership, but it is possible that we will come like countries like china and especially india. the rural industry plan that was created in 1360 later, he implemented construction jihad in our country and this plan was not successful. unfortunately, based on the example of how many cows he had, he could have a workshop or dairy cow factory, but they could not create and manage that rural cooperative. a small town is surrounded by several small towns and they harvest mint , all of them work on mint, and the cooperative company comes
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and collects the best mint with the best quality from the farmer. the problem is that we should invest more in agriculture like saffron, like pistachio, like marigolds , like medicinal plants, now our medicinal plants can change the way you saw iran. we have come to announce that we have researched in iran and said that your country can import up to 5 billion dollars of medicinal plants from iran . let's change, i hope with a long-term and well-organized plan.
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are we talking useful and effective? well, it is definitely effective look at the total import volume of 400 billion dollars of the eurasia group, the group of these five countries that are members of the eurasia union, and we signed the temporary preferential agreement with eurasia during this time. or let's say from 97, which is before the signing of the agreement, until now, we have grown more than 140. from 97 to 402
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, we have grown by 140 only in the field of agricultural massad. exports will be almost zero for all items in our agricultural sector, but we have created negative rows for imports in the agricultural sector in order to support in terms of domestic production, that is, we have the biggest negative that we have created for the import of the agricultural gate , the most of our free trades are from the eurasian side. by the way, in the agricultural sector , we have almost no bans in the field of exports to eurasia and agriculture . well, it means a large capacity, i said, a market of 400 billion dollars. well, it is a unique market, in my opinion, when it goes with the zero side, it means that side is the wall and you have that price position to enter that market. well, similar to this, we have other agreements, we currently have about 20 agreements. we have it in the country we are following up on our free trade agreement signed with syria and we have almost no other negative goods there. there were 88 that we removed in these additional agreements, that is, we now
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have a free trade agreement with syria and asia, god willing, the parliament will approve it soon. we will have a free agreement and agricultural items can definitely be attracted to that big market. the preferential agreements that we have with different countries should be issued, with pakistan, with indonesia, with uzbekistan , i said there are about 20 agreements. what is the preference of azar trade? it is a very large capacity that the private sector can use very well , and it should go towards it. the next issue is the halal issue. halal is a very big market , now the concept of halal brand is taking place in the world , and countries, even non-muslim countries that do not believe in halal, are using halal brands in the world, that is, the topic of halal brand
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is becoming a point of view in non-muslim countries. a very big market is ahead again it makes us that we recently held a summit on the sidelines of our food industry exhibition . we invited countries that are very advanced in the field of halal, such as the uae and even saudi arabia. iran should have a pavilion so that we can now develop the food industry as one of the sectors of the halal sector, because you know halal is in all areas, even in the financial industry, we have a halal brand. iran's participation is in the specialized pavilions in the field of agriculture in the world, with the cooperation of reza az jihad collection, we have identified about 10-11 of the prominent exhibitions in the world at the door of the food and agriculture industry, and we intend to have pavilions in all of them, send delegations, and participate very seriously in order to to be able
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to establish this market development, naturally, at the same time, we have to have those internal discussions that were discussed in part today, and the incentives and motivations that the government needs to create for the friends sector. well, our internet connection is established with mr. jafari, one of our businessmen in russia, mr. jafari hello, how long have we been talking about the free trade agreement, how much do you think this can put the capacity in front of our businessmen and traders so that they can increase their production and then increase their exports. greetings and politeness. and respect for the service of your excellencies, colleagues, dear guests and dear people, and condolences on the occasion. martyrdom of seyyed martyrs in the year of the martyrs of hazrat aba abdullah hussain and his companions, i would like to ask you to see that our increase in exports to the eurasian region depends on three factors. one is the issue of leaving european countries from
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being a russian market, this created an opportunity for our suppliers. one of the issues was the signing of a memorandum of understanding on preferential trade in water. 98 which was signed and the third issue of public and private sector movements in the recent annual process in the area of ​​commuting . it was an exhibition and recognition of the potentials of both sides, especially in the field of iran and russia, which i can truly say that in these two years, we had a 300% growth in the field of these events, and we should not be tired of mr. qanatzadeh and his colleagues in the trade development organization. and thank you, but we have a series of problems and we all know it as mr. koranzadeh said, a market of 400 billion. dollar, but first we have a series of challenges, some of these challenges go back to
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the government's rail construction, and some go back to merchants and manufacturers . exports are the same as single rate , which is the solution, just as the dear guests said, the issue of gold is the same as the issue of single rate and other incentives. for us, the difference between the payment of this width, as we say, is the floor of the market and the government width that exists. we still have logistical problems. the rest, of course, has been resolved strongly in these two years . in terms of the corridor discussion, it is a very important discussion . anyway, we have to solve our infrastructure first, in the discussion of the bank, in the discussion of the same supply, but this market has potential, but we are seeing it now with our exporter. especially in the field of agriculture , there is no desire to export it officially, why should
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it be offered and the government offer should be received , so many of us are witnessing that our agricultural products are being exported to russia through kazakhstan, considering that the definition is zero. if we can solve these problems internally, then there are also a series of issues that are self-generated. suppliers, for example, brand building, see , today we are talking about currency exchange, but we have to look for adding value to pistachios, friends , if we export bulk pistachios, we know that the competition is so high, our profit margin is low, we have to look for beautiful packaging. let's brand our products as 100% pistachios in russia so that we can add value, otherwise pistachios and saffron. in bulk and many products are exported in bulk, we see it in
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the russian market due to the many competitions that exist it has no added value, we should look at adding value instead of adding currency as it was mentioned, especially in the field of products that we export like india and many of the things we have , and we have water, we export , it has no added value. the best solution is that we use the same method as before and it was discussed some time ago, the discussion of thirty days and consortiums is to be followed seriously by these organizations and chambers and with the cooperation of the government sector which is in charge of the trade development organization , god willing, this export will be able to be done. we should use the capacity of the asian economic union properly thank you, mr. jafari, one of the merchants who was in russia and was with us in this conversation. mr. rezaei categorized, mr. jafari , for us, the actions that
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should be taken by the producers and exporters themselves, and the sectors that need the help of government officials, in the part that goes back to the private sector, how much do you focus on these tasks? the most important thing is that the topic of packaging branding and these things has been discussed for many years, and how much the chamber of commerce, like the parliament of the private sector, is now following up on these issues. tips tips he said that it is very important that exactly the weak points and for the progress of the work to reach the goals should be observed. one of the important issues is the creation and holding of exhibitions. and some of it is the contribution of the trade development organization, of course , mr. qanatzadeh has experience. the good
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and clean officials who have been loyal to me during this time, but we need to know what heavy expenses are there for the exporter to hold the exhibition and how much, for example, the average if average for you is an exhibition. for example, about 7-8-10 years ago, about 50% of the organization helped. now, i think that for several years, we went and implemented the commitment of the organization . it also received a budget. spending elsewhere. well , let me ask this to mr. qenazadeh. mr. qenazadeh
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, see where the money was spent. first of all, the budget that you have spent , which is allocated to the organization, is almost less than in the last two or three years. from 10% of the budget of those export networks of the organization, it means that they really need to pay for the coverage. well, it's not a story. the story is full of stories, in short, no, the reality is that what they said is true, one of the inherent duties of your organization is trade, this is the payment of the competition, and it was not the case that the share was taken somewhere, no , the reality is not that we want or not to an exhibition, no, the reality is that a small number is assumed for example, i will give an example of 100 billion. now my daily number is not a correct number. how much is the total budget , for example, this part of the show is 1200 billion tomans , the budget for export competitions, which we have not been able to get in the last few years, it is not more than the hundreds that i mentioned, it is 10 billion, yes, we can definitely get it, and we have 14 we have topics, every topic in the world has applicants, for example , there is the topic of transportation subsidies, there is the topic of education benefit subsidies , there is the topic of infrastructure, that is, there are so many topics that we had to prioritize each
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year to help one part because our resources are very limited. the budget should be given at the right time and in the right amount, of course it is all possible, mr. rezaei says yes, i was telling you to see, well , this is very effective. it's a common thing in other countries, only i like it i know that turkey sent about 350 trade delegations abroad last year. at his own expense , now the private sector, the public sector, the chamber of commerce , the private sector, see all the countries, at least some countries give up to 70-80 shares of the exhibitions, well , after all, it is the management of the trade development organization that should be able to get this exporter's right, and when the development of exports in the agricultural section is the most important section of the atpot store. if a farmer
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produces, the producer has the best ram packaging . if we don't have a market, this could be the biggest problem that our goods are like now we have 100,000 tons of pistachios lying in our warehouses, but if they are sold, according to our dear colleague in russia, who said that we must have good packaging, branding , you know the problem, the problem of sanctions is a big problem, not just because we can't buy goods. let's go, not only because all these have problems, not only because we can't return our money. our international reputation has also been damaged, which means that when a foreigner knows us, he comes to interview us and wants to buy a product , he came to a friendly place and said that if i buy it , he will take me to america, for example, and you will be embargoed. it is a pity that we should finally have interactions with other countries so that we can
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export our goods and create this value chain for our country. let's create jobs . let's create a good added value for agricultural products, especially 30%. i hope your presence in our society is in the context of agriculture. you see how many problems we have in relation to apples. our apple exports are a few thousand tons, and instead of helping the farmers, they announced that you want to import bananas instead of returning foreign currency, but does the ministry of jihad create a system in the system that it created to the exporter that he has exported apples, now in the system they say bananas , all the order registrations are almost finished, why did they give it to people who didn't export apples and this was not his share who worked hard to export apples, now he wants to return the value of bananas because they
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don't give him money in return. he is bringing bananas, then someone else comes. he imports each container, the difference between each banana container is 20 to 300 million tomans in the free market. thank you for importing it, mr. qanatzadeh. this free trade agreement will take some time. we can review when it will start and what will happen after that. you see, according to the agreement that the heads of the five countries actually made in the eurasian economic union, two of those countries approved russia and kazakhstan . the approval of the other three is about to be approved, and the letter was sent by the government to the parliament on the 14th of this month, which means that its work in the government is finished, because after this, that document. after signing , all the documents had to be translated
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, the legal discussions were carried out, finally the process was completed inside the country and reached the parliament. but you hope that in my recent trip, mr. putin mentioned, we hope that before january of this year, in fact, before january, all countries will finalize this, so that it will be approved, in fact, it can be implemented. now, the process is very short. in the country, in order to create infrastructure, the chambers must be involved, they must apply these rates, there is another specific process , it is not very complicated, it is not a long process, it may not take much time. specialized commissions hope that we up before the same month of january, one of the concerns that we always have about having a free trade agreement is that it might damage our products. how
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will pasi respond to this? let 's solve a couple of concepts together. connecting to international agreements or connecting to trade with the world is naturally a two-way relationship. we cannot expect the rest of the world to open up to us. we will not do this, of course. it does not mean that we do not pay any attention to domestic production we have 60 rounds of negotiations with arathia that lasted for almost 3 years and i can say that for example 80% of these negotiations were about these sensitivities, that is, we discussed deviations with great care for maybe hours because to take care of those things in which we have a competitive disadvantage because not every production has a disadvantage. no, for this reason , when we want to deal with the world, we must follow some of these rules of this communication . in this case
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, it is definitely our obligation. there is a whole system, we must take care of domestic production , but one of the ways to support domestic production is to close the borders. now i will say it in the commercial sense . we can definitely work with the world through creating partnerships or joint productions . let me summarize. that we have to use different methods to support domestic production and of course we have to help domestic production to reach a maturity where it does not have to worry about the reactions of the people who do all this. kanim generally shows this in the form of statistics in the agreements that our trade balance has gone from negative 170 to negative
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700, which means that as i said, our imports are now being controlled, this balance is going positive . the letters are the determination of the limits and limits of the amount of imports, it is phasing, that is , we have different methods to help the domestic production to prosper and become competitive due to the effect of imports. the case of eurasians is very carefully developed by mr. rezaei bakhsh privately , how worried is he about these free trade agreements? regarding the issue i mentioned, regarding whether he might see production now or not, he is looking at the source of opportunity in order to be able to increase his production and exports. there is a very good situation in relation to brics and eurasia. i hope your presence should use this opportunity , in my opinion
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, to solve the problems as far as possible, and those general problems that are done by the government will create other problems in relation to your presence. exhibitions, markets selling good products, these are now in their own private sector my comment will solve it, i hope. due to the presence of mr. dr. bizikian in the government and your presence in the government , the new government should elect a worthy minister, especially in the ministry of agriculture, who is worthy of the ministry's own body, knowledgeable , experienced , has scientific and academic knowledge, this is one of the most important things. you have mentioned the parts that we expect from the doctors in the selection of the minister of agriculture. it is a favorable opportunity . how prepared are you as a private sector ? how well has the private sector prepared itself to enter this market that at least at this stage, we are saying that it
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has an import of 400 billion dollars. for the past few years , we have been going with, for example, a preferential trade agreement, for two or three years, is it going forward or not , is it really preparing itself? because you can give more examples than the work that has started, now there is a very big market and you take the statistics as the doctor said , right now there are almost 30 in some places. 40% are using some of our products now safijat and vegetables are a blessing, and even pistachios, even medicinal plants, currently most of them are procured from iran, while before iran , they were exported to other countries from there, now this path is completely smooth, and how much marketing and private sector how much did you enter this now, how much does the room have for merchants and help ? well, now the trade development organization has created
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various exhibitions in the customer's room. that iran, russia is working, and there are common rooms in kazakhstan, and the countries that exist in eurasia are all waiting for your presence, exhibition and communication are for marketing and target markets, thank you shemazadeh, i almost think we have two minutes less time, one of the points that we always discussed in the many programs of the economic desk that you attended , in this regard , was the discussion of logistics and attack and transportation infrastructures for over asia and this free trade agreement that we are talking about is the private sector. and to prepare himself to enter this market, how much transport infrastructure is ready and can we use it in the private sector? we talked about business, if we can divide it into three parts very simply: the internal relations department, the international relations department and the processes in between. well, in the internal relations department today, i think there was a detailed discussion that, naturally,
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a series of obstacles should be removed. he said that a series of promotional activities, like the discussion of branding, like the discussion of packaging, means that the government sector and the private sector should carry out some activities internally, in order for this to happen, in the international sector, it is also the development of relations, which was discussed again today , the agreements. exhibitions, the traveling of the delegation and the relations that are now formed in the governments the thing that after we assume that these two things are resolved or come to a good version is naturally the thing that bothers the business. this is the weakness of the infrastructure, be it the logistics infrastructure or the financial and banking infrastructure in the caspian area, well, this growth has been very good, the fleet has also developed, but we definitely still have weaknesses . construction, thank you very much to all the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the economic table , who accompanied us until this moment, god bless you, come ali.
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i came to say some important exam points and leave. if if you want to be one of those who avoid the incentive scheme of the electricity company, pay attention to these points . the comfortable temperature in the hot season is 24 degrees everywhere, and you need to set your gas cooler to this temperature . if you have a water cooler and it doesn't have a canopy , make an effort and install a suitable canopy. in this way , the air conditioner does not need to run on high speed, and the same speed cools the space well during peak hours of high-use appliances such as electric ovens, vacuum cleaners, etc. don't use auto and ina when buying electrical appliances, be sure to pay attention to their energy labels and never go for appliances with consumption category. don't lose energy. these few simple things will help all our compatriots
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have stable access to electricity and you will easily be included in the incentive plans of the electricity company. 2:00 p.m.: acting president at the meeting of the government committee on the crimes of the zionist regime against the defenseless people of gaza in the shadow of silence and inaction of international forums. condemned and said that the critical and inhumane situation in gaza has left another shameful page on the black record of the regime's crimes. criticizing the passivity of islamic countries against the crimes of the zionist regime, mr. mokhbar said: the actions of these countries have not gone beyond words. acting president in continuation while appreciating the efforts of the executive and relief agencies to control the fires in the war.


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