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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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now, what you showed in popular reports and was reflected in the words of american officials and even international officials was the concern about the increase of political violence in america, but this concern. in fact, it is nothing new, that is, in recent years, we have seen an increase in concern about political violence and the possibility of social instability in the united states , which has been renewed in the election atmosphere, and now we have mentioned a series of surveys, including the reuters institute survey and even research. the university of california shows that 14% of the american people definitely believe that there will be a civil war in this country in the coming years. it will, but the atmosphere in america has now moved to a direction
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where, in addition to worrying about political violence, the readiness to use violence for political purposes has also increased, as it was mentioned in the report , the university of chicago conducted a study last month , and the results of that study show that 10% of the american people are willing to commit violence if trump does not become president, and 7% are willing to commit violence if trump becomes president, and this is the atmosphere. the atmosphere is worrying, and we see this concern in the reaction of the people, and in fact, the 10% of the democrats who are willing to commit violence with weapons for it is not clear if trump is not the president to start the game . where will this cycle of violence reach in the next few months until the election? thank you very much for being in the world today .
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we will see that report together, after this incident, everything will change. for years , we have warned about the increased risk of political violence in america. now we have reached that point , we are witnessing the same situation now. security considerations for all election candidates, including president joe biden america and donald trump, the former president of the united states , are discussed. now the words of the election should be used for the protection of intelligence and security forces. democrats and republicans want to adopt these measures. colorado state governor jared pulis and senator ted cruz also announced that they should also have these security protections . so we see that with this event everything from this. it will change later. this story
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shows that things are happening in this country that are out of control. there are always risks for presidential candidates but when we cross a certain line, this danger becomes more obvious and no danger should be missed. we have seen political violence in america before. after the unsuccessful assassination of reagan and nancy pelosi, former speaker of the house. we witnessed the same issue with the american representatives and the attempt to kill his wife . we need to see what the political response of the democrats and republicans will be to this incident. in my opinion, both democrats and republicans have fears about the consequences of this event, we should not prejudge, we do not know what will happen. it has to be seen what effect this will have on rai's opinion american payers will leave. they say:
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democracy in the country is at risk. republicans also have their own propositions. in my opinion, both parties should reconsider their rhetoric and the tone of their statements in the election contests . but not sure if they will do it or not? both parties can use this incident to their advantage in the election contests. today's world hosts mr. ali nazifpour, a researcher and expert on american issues. mr. nazifpour , welcome to today's world. i am at your service. and our dear viewers, i remember the first debate of the american elections. a few weeks ago , we were talking about biden and trump. it's not bad to know exactly what the state of american society was before this intention, and also maybe the mental state of the person who attacked.
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let's understand more, let's take a step back and see what kind of political atmosphere there has been in america during the past few weeks, especially around the elections. the debate was about concerns about age reduce it, but contrary to his own goal , he greatly aggravated the concerns and multiplied them, and an important part of his own party, 21 representatives, demanded his resignation . it is very important for the leaders of the party to say clearly that they are not ready to resign, so in the next few weeks, we saw that the most likely chance for
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trump to win the election would not happen. it could be or somehow the voters again. he would have changed their opinion, but in my opinion , biden's chances had reached at least 70 in recent days for trump's chance to win, yes, well, now what do you think about this assassination attempt, what points have come to your eyes since this morning , the responsible thing is that we do not come to accurate information as much as possible, do not speculate, what we know is that zareb. anyway, he was a member of the republican party, but he had donated money to the democratic party 3 years ago. we do not know his motivation. the motivation may be political, it may be a mental illness like many other assassinations in america, on the other hand
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, it is generally announced like this, so i am a bit quick to believe. for example, john hinckley jr. well, really had a problem the person in charge of protecting the lives of the current and former presidents is under intense scrutiny. we are currently faced with a series of answers, sorry, with a series of unanswered questions . they published a video as the assailant's words, while that person was a right-wing comedian whom i happened to follow on twitter, and he had used that space to come and pretend that zarbe was before the incident, that is, at this moment, me. more than anything
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, i recommend caution in the news coverage of this story now, according to the american election atmosphere , what effect do you think this could have on the republican party? at all, even biden ordered this terror for two parties. for the republican party, this is a golden opportunity now, whether he uses it correctly or not is a separate issue, but the important thing is that the main weakness and the most important weakness of trump is that he is known for radicalism and the incident of january 6.
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well, it was a very important political violence. now the republican party has the opportunity, rightly or wrongly, to come and say that this assassination shows that the democrats are as radical and violent as we are. that is the label of radicalism that trump khurd roo can reverse 180 degrees and hit the competitor's current. yes, and for example , biden said a lot a few days ago , don't talk about my age so much anymore, it's time to shoot at trump. well, now they are saying that if you tell us that you have a harsh tone, your president also has a harsh tone. the democratic party should, in my opinion, if
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it has any sense, withdraw now, just express sympathy, say that we are praying day and night for trump's health, and wait for trump, with his personality, who in any case has harsh and radical words and desire he is coming to ruin this golden opportunity in a way , give them the opportunity to ride on the same issue again. thanks a lot. if you give us a chance, we are in contact with the american writer, jean-john stapling, and we want to talk to him about this assassination attempt. hello mr. stapling. hello. we tonight with a few from the experts. we investigated the incident . first of all, i want to ask your opinion. what do you think about this incident? for a long time
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, polls in the united states showed that concerns about political violence and political armed conflicts are increasing . do you think that what happened in in the end , one of the two candidates for the presidential election was killed by the palace. therefore, this incident is not very new. well, reagan
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was also shot and wounded, although it was not serious . therefore, this incident is not something that americans are unfamiliar with. the problem is that the problem that this incident creates is that are the secret services related to this?
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in a situation where america is becoming clear that it is becoming a multi-polar society and it is becoming the scene of competition between different groups , well, these things can be normal. the solution is to confront trump, so because we must not forget , trump was far ahead of biden in the polls, and it was predicted that he would distance himself further from the past, and therefore, of course , there is always a conspiracy mentality, a conspiracy theory that now, of course, what has happened now , the killing of the assailant, can
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fuel this conspiracy theory and actually thinking about conspiracy, because he has been killed, now everyone is saying, well, now there is no one we can talk to, so now the secret intelligence services are under attack, mr. stapling , the us defense minister, said in his speech today that we should not solve our differences in america in this way . what do you think will happen next? after the protests against fraud in the american elections , the arrest of the protesters on january 6 in congress, then the prisoners. making them try trump and now the attempt against his own life may continue the cycle of violence and even intensify.
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the republic of biden and also we see that the president of the united states has no power at all, lloyd austin himself. i will point out once again that he is one of the warmongers and in fact one of america's enemies , and he himself helped israel if it wanted peace. if he had advertised , he would have stopped israel's violence against gaza. so this is one of the ridiculous moments that lloyd austin has created, which with that background and that character that is coming, talks about the calmness of restraining violence. we must now
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let's say that what happened is actually a theater. we say that trump has become a media star in this era of america, he is actually a tv personality and he is not a complicated person, that is , he is not a complicated politician, but
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he has come to be seen and shown himself as a prominent person in the american political arena. and for one thing, what is happening now is to curb it, because the republicans are actually using the fame and influence that trump has gained, and from what they see, the democrats are breaking the rhyme against trump now. maybe it can be said that trying do violence against him and in a way put him under the shadow of the party. in fact , america has now weakened social equality in america, and we see that now there are groups that want to try to establish this and help for it, but no success has been achieved
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in this field, and i think that now this is what happened. and the american intelligence agencies and groups should definitely be held accountable in this regard . this incident was not the first. well, we ourselves remember that the events that happened against reagan were the same incident and...
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we can say that it was not their conspiracy. disabled and they couldn't actually prevent this from happening. this incident has now caused people in america to be very upset and actually disappointed . they are asking for an answer as to why this happened. let me ask you about the first aspect of this story. the issue is the normalization of terror in these violences, clearly trump, who is the target of the intention, is the one who ordered the assassination of general soleimani in 2020, or israel, which has the most sympathy in the world with the american authorities after this incident. just yesterday, he tried to
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assassinate two hamas leaders in gaza, and at the same time, hundreds of palestinians with the heaviest bomb. what do you think about this aspect of the story? yes, this is actually a very extreme double policy and hypocrisy that we are seeing in this field. trump was the one who ordered the illegal targeting of general soleimani. americans have this history, patrice lumumba. from the leaders of africa , in the same way, they assassinated milosevic , although the court had ordered it, but legally, and when these events are together let's see, we will reach a contradiction and we will see that this is accompanied by hypocrisy, they
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did this themselves and they can't say that in fact, you can see what is happening now, what the zionists are doing is something that cannot be denied, but the americans still they are defending them. and trump always during his previous presidency, we saw that he was one of those staunch supporters of israel , so is joe biden, and the article you mentioned about the normalization of terror and its purpose is a very interesting article, but this is because of this. that america there is a history of these events and this adization was done a long time ago and the americans actually did it. accepting america killed gaddafi, killed saddam, and killed many other political leaders, leaders who came to this conclusion and said that these
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are bad people, so they should be killed, and they also killed many journalists in the world, including many palestinian journalists. they actually let many people be killed and this is shocking . there is, and when we now see what happened in america itself , they take a position like this, this shows they are hypocritical, mr. stapling. thank you for accepting this conversation. i am also happy . well, we will go back to the studio . i will continue the conversation with mr. nazifpour. we were checking the position of the republicans and democrats. the last similar incident that happened in the 80s was for reagan. at that time, if
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it's because of me , it created a very good situation for reagan in the election. what happened after that in america? i don't agree with this analysis very much. that happened to be a very good situation for reagan. reagan's popularity is 88. increase after that case, but after the passage of time and when we got to the elections, that 8% of my reagan , despite the fact that he won many states and won 48 states, but there was a very small margin in the public votes, so this is generally the same as the rest of the historical cases. from that situation, i think you can get 500 electoral votes. let's get his democratic rival 10-20 to rio is correct, but look , well, reagan was going to bring this opinion anyway
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, that is, the assassination did not cause it, that is, similar to what we were talking about america now , that the path was in trump's favor and at that time also to see, for example, let me give one or two more examples, for example, in 1912, ted roosevelt was shot in the middle of a speech. the election speech and while he was bleeding , he continued and finished his speech. well, this is a very epic picture, but roosevelt lost gerald fort in 1975. a year before the election, he was assassinated twice . namov was assassinated, but the election loss means that the date is certain. because everyone is assassinated easily. he can win in the elections, he doesn't support, and the only case was the assassination of george wallace, but he lost george wallace, who was paralyzed for the rest of his life.
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after that assassination, except for one case where reagan and reagan were assassinated even before that , he won the election with power . final question: what do you think will happen in the american elections in november ? it will take about four months to see. four months in the american elections is a lifetime if the republicans play this issue correctly. destroy and neutralize trump. i don't think they will do this based on my knowledge of republicans i think that they take radical positions and any
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amount of sympathy now. trump has won , he will destroy and lose in the next few weeks , and anyway, you know, we have to be very careful in our analysis. america is an extremely bipolar society , much more bipolar than when, for example , you were assassinated or after it was reagan's assassination. i think it is very unlikely that those who hate trump will vote for him now. they are probably upset that the bullet went wrong. those who were supporters of trump are also voting for him . i don't think it is clear that they will stay. vote their behavior changes with every news , so anyone who talks definitively about the american elections in the current period, in my opinion , is wrong, whether he says definitively that trump will win or
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definitively says that trump will lose. but personally, i 'm being a bit foolish and now i'm saying in front of the tv camera that my analysis is that 3 weeks later , this incident has practically been forgotten. a fire engulfed 10,000 hectares of forests in eastern canada. about 10 thousand people were forced to leave their homes leave. canadian officials have said that due to the extent of the fire , it is impossible to use firefighting planes. so far, more than 960 people have been evacuated from the place of fire. many fires in recent days in canada are due to hot weather. the african continent
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is ready to expand activities in this field by exploiting eight new mines of rare metals in tanzania, angola, malawi, uganda and south africa. in this way, according to the latest reports, african countries are supposed to help provide 9% of rare earth metals in the world by 2029. rare earth metals elements there are strategies that are a fundamental part of technologies such as automotive, defense, wind energy and electronic industries. construction of the largest production project. china's atomic energy is the 14th during the five-year plan. uranium is a key raw material for nuclear fission. landslide caused two cars to overturn.
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it happened in a river in nepal where more than 60 people disappeared. rescuers are still searching for the missing people, but after days of heavy rain, there is little hope for their race. the government has announced that if the warnings about adverse weather conditions remain in force, traffic will be suspended it will ban buses on the roads at night . cambridge researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that detects early signs of alzheimer's disease from mri scans and answers to questions relevant to cognitive ability tests using sophisticated information processing technologies . this method shows that the disease is growing in a person or his condition will remain stable. good night, god bless you.
3:00 am
at 3 o'clock in the meeting of the economic coordination set of the government, referring to the reports of international centers on the improvement of the macroeconomic indicators of iran in the last 3 years, the acting president said that today the country is also in terms of reserves. width and gold, and because of the macro-economic planning frameworks, have provided the conditions that the country's structure has become resistant to sanctions. mr. mokhbar also said that with the successful policies of the government in control.


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