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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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the promise of position and office to some others was one of ibn ziyad's governmental methods. once again, ibn ziyad is chosen to go to kufa and prevent the uprising of muslim ibn aqid. for basra, it seems that basra is not like the metaphors of kufa in thoughts, but the social kensij of basra is the current state of kufa like the rest of madan al-akhir. basra is the city of the tribes, there are many kharijites, and they fight against the al-umayyad rule, some of them are among the followers of those who, that is, they take control of the rule and in the
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subjugation. al-damwayh was threatened according to the historical narratives , and he wanted to do what he wanted. as you can imagine, we find that obaidullah bin ziad, when he was informed and informed, would be in kufa and the province of basra, and that dream would come true . moreover, obaidullah bin ziad saw that there was an intersection between him and yazid bin muawiyah, so he did not believe obaidullah bin ziad. when we were told about it, obaidullah bin zayad
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was happy when this dream came true, and the dream was far away. it is impossible to believe that obaidullah bin zayad will fulfill all his ambitions and all his expectations in the ruling. imam hussein, peace be upon him , wrote a letter to the leaders of basra and called them to help him. suleiman bin razim is the carrier of the imam's letter to the elders of basra. after receiving the letter, ahnaf bin qays, the leader of the bani tamim tribe , says: we have tested the family of ali son of abu talib before. from them , we have not acquired property and wealth, nor have we acquired wealth, nor have we learned military tricks. and in this way, ahnaf rejects the imam's invitation. naturally. the people of basra, in general
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, and especially in ibn qays, rejected the worldly justification, not the legal principle, but the islamic evidence of qam ali. al-khilaf, the standards of worldly people are material standards, and the standards of islamic law are spiritual standards . this is different from the ones below
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, if they are rejected, others will count. ibn ziyad's son-in-law, manzar bin jaro, is also one of the leaders of basra. he is also afraid of losing his position , after receiving ibn razin's letter , he delivers it to dar al-amara. before moving to kufa, ibn ziyad separated the head from the body of suleiman and thus the name suleiman bin razim. as the first martyr of nahdat hosseini will be recorded in history. my objection is that i support imam al-hussein, it is a worldly objection. take me to the earth, even if god wills, to lift them up to him. but they did not know the victory, because they did not support imam al-hussein, peace and blessings be upon him. those who rely on their actions, on themselves, and those who rely on their own self , will lose this world and the hereafter. there is a belief
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that as long as the muslim caliph does not attack the pillars of islam and does not want the manifestations of islam to destroy the rituals of islam, we have a duty to follow him, even if he commits debauchery and debauchery. first very weak people who fall and fall, and these are you in the story of imam hossein, peace be upon him. the situation is very complicated, that 's because it is a high point of the exam, and my lessons are much more delicate, more precise, both on this side and on this side, if you want to be careful , there is a place for more
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precision . it is basra that is thinking of helping imam hussain . of course, he will not be able to be on the scene of karbala and tell the news of imam's martyrdom on the way. ibn bint rasulullah goes forward to say to llama then, after the death of jeddah, may god bless him and grant him peace, that the ummah badat means that the way of the ummah is bad. farad is to strike this theory because it affects the ummah
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. when the ummah reaches the time, you cannot face the oppressor . according to the shari'ah texts and the evidences, therefore , imam al-hussein's opinion is different from many sections of the islamic ummah, the opinion is distorted, so he went out for the sake of this reformation. this theory does not change, even if it is for people, even if it is for all creation, whether muslim or non-muslim , according to imam al-hussein's method. in his rebellion against oppression , there is no oppressor in this world, and there is no oppressor in the world don't oppress me because the oppressors will continue to oppress me when i find submission and humility. ibn ziyad
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used a trick before entering kufa. he wears hijaz clothes, wears a black turban. and enters the city with a mask on your face. people who are waiting for imam hussain think that he is riding the same imam. they are cheering and welcoming him. ibn ziyad's intention was to test the popularity of imam al-hussein, peace be upon him, and to welcome people to wamda. fafujee's invitation is the size of the reception of the laqiyyah when it is accepted by the people who say hello to babin bint the messenger of god, therefore, tried to employ the policies of suppression and cut off the competition to eliminate the al-husseini revolutionary movement in al-kuf medina
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. after the arrival of ibn ziyad in kufa, the activities of muslim ibn aqeel continued in a secret manner, and the attempt was made to take the oath of allegiance by observing security issues. accordingly, muslim's place of residence was from the house of mukhtar. khan al-muslim bin aqeed yahshad was transferred to the house of ibn arwa and thank you to imam al-hussein, peace be upon him, and you know that the movement of repentance and tahshid is a very important movement, that is , it is a joint movement in the success of the revolution in the success
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of the political entity of moin muslim al-aqeel, peace be upon him . some tribes call for bad, some tribes have little response to your revolution, and some tribes reject you. arresting the leaders of the kufian movement is the priority of ibn ziyad's government plans. he does not resort to any inhuman and immoral action to find the truth . arresting the lovers of ahl al-bayt and sahaba and using trickery to infiltrate the central group of the movement is one of the main actions of the government. al-miyafiliye ho the guardianship of ruling without any means and without price, including the killing of human beings, the desecration of sacred things, the killing of the soul that god almighty has bestowed upon him, bribery, disbelief, obedience, all these types. it is possible to use the killing of the innocent human being and doing all
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the deeds that are suitable for survival in the judgment of ubaidullah bin ziyad when he rejected the full interpretation of the law, then he sent messengers to them in the name of muslim bin aqeel . imam al-hussein's lathura. ahl al-bayt, when they go out, they are muslim ambassadors the true ambassadors of the messenger of god, when they go out, find children among us, outside, near, outside the village.
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the state of the shiites in kufa is without leaders, and it
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is difficult for the group to lack leadership to have a position that leads to different opinions and different positions . therefore, this is what i meant by removing the spirit of the initiative from the kufi community in the victory of muslim and in the victory of imam al-hussein and the tyrant who is in tyranny, except for the suppression and oppression that he practices potential terrorist. i disobey this command, and therefore the prisons and camps are filled with all the voices of the people rejecting this policy, this is the form of my rule, the tyranny, and the dictatorship. ibn ziyad, who cannot reach muslim by arresting and torturing yaran imam. he sends a spy named mughal to muslim supporters. mughal
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gives 3 thousand dirhams as a financial aid to yaran muslim and places himself among his supporters. this ruse succeeds and ibn ziyad's spy meets muslim after a few days at hani's house. al-umayyad rule was of the opinion that if al-hussein al-kufah enters, the manager will change history, therefore, many of the writers of al-qawa in prisons and detainees, when we don't talk about the umayyad rule, we don't talk about the state, and the state has an apparatus for law enforcement, and it has an apparatus for security, and it has an intelligence apparatus, and it has an apparatus for gathering information, and it has an apparatus
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. at that time, there are people in all the joints of the society, and there are men who can collect information, analyze information, observe people, and observe political and social movements . hani refuses to do this. obaidullah he gets angry and beats hani . when ubaidullah bin ziyad stood up, he struck with a sound until the person of adam, the honorable face, was thrown into prison. al-qazieh is published and the news is long because of the absence
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of hani bin urwa, it is the qazieh mu, the qazirah, and the visit of late hani. at that time, the people of bani madhhat gathered their men and surrounded the palace of ibn ziyad, seeing the situation confused, he ordered sharih qazi to calm down and disperse the crowd with a trick. i saw what in
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reality they were waiting for as an excuse to separate and there are many of them in the siege of the palace, and obaidullah bin ziyad did not have anything but a tenth, but the atmosphere of terror that spread and threatened them with yazid's coming war from syria and the fear that was in their minds is what you used to do. to al-farakh, then , the mujtahidin jurists, and the jurists of the authority, should start or take some verses of the qur'an and the hadiths of the prophet, and give them the interpretations of serving the authority and the people , the sanctity of these words, the words of the qur'an, the hadiths
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of the prophet, with all their interpretations, from what dominates my kind of holiness, that this is the caliph, this is the ruler, this is the absolute ruler. he is the shadow of allah on the earth, and the jurists are in agreement with it if you look carefully at the ashura incident, i think most of the blame for this calamity lies on the shoulders of khawase. now, some of them, because of the love of the world, because of the status , because of their lust and fame, they were attached to the oppressors and
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they themselves played a role. moment by moment, people's lives become heavier and more brutal. in such a situation , will people keep their promise? what will be the definite action for hani's release and how can he do it? bring this news to the ears of imam hossein.
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i liked his manners. yes, the leader of muharram plays the drum in the congregation, but he says a lot that he loves imam hussain very much . all of agil's concern was that he said that i found out the truth that my wife is pregnant with a child.
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this love is now taking care of 3 of the girls who are without guardians, it is giving them clothes and even school expenses, don't be tired, agil, now
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agil's procession has given the place a boost and it has become the heart of all lovers of hossein kazem dehghani, sada news agency. sima mehrdasht you ladies are awesome. alhamdulillah, you are wise, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable . alhamdulillah, you are everywhere, and this group of people who
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are here is a sample of kharvari, that is , you are one flower of a large golestan flower. alhamdulillah , you are women who understand, are well-educated, and have a lot of information. alhamdulillah, and the hope that we have we have seen that these young believing girls are growing up , they are turning into scholarly women, that hope has been fulfilled. when i entered this field, i saw that it is a very big world, which means that the further you go, the wider it becomes, my friend
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i was making progress every day and this interest in me was increasing every day. i remember that the first sewing i had was not really acceptable in my opinion, but when i came, my mom approved me very much , it made me happy, this encouragement made me much more serious. in addition to this, when i got married, my wife was very supportive . she said that i will be by my side, you can continue as far as necessary, i will help you to reach your goal . well, my goal was to be able to improve my job, create employment, and may i be useful for both our family and ourselves. in the name of god , i am my wife, mrs. fatahzadeh. i am happy that i could my wife was able to start a business in this area, in our place , she was successful in her business, but i am proud that women
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can really do something when they can really have a home and be successful in their work. you are a useful person. for the family to have honor , the school was established, and by the grace of god , it had very good feedback from the very beginning, that is, the women really said what they were saying: we are very happy that the school was established in the fence, that is, in this area, because we are the first school that we established in hesarak i feel good when i see dear students that i was able to be a useful person for them and they are also a useful person for their families. it is a very good feeling when you see that you were able to convey something that made that person gain energy and believe in himself. i am happy to be with you and i hope that our training
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will be useful for you. everything pays off with hard work and effort . i hope you follow your cartoon more seriously and be a useful person for yourself and the society. i am ali fatahzadeh's father. i say that these children are part of us they are engaged in their work with spirit and energy . they are really active since childhood. after that , my children are all very good. i have three children, three of them are active. our children are great. i'm great.
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i am very happy that i have such a mother and i am really proud of her. i am very happy that i have been blessed with such a mother. i really want to continue in my mother's footsteps . this mother made me interested in sewing. she has become so advanced. be us we have different classes in our base, especially the sewing class that we had taught for women , i called mrs. fathzadeh and she agreed to help us participate in these classes . they are among the instructors of the ladies who taught them when mrs. fathzadeh came. now
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many of them have degrees. i was looking for a school to start tailoring. ms. fatahzadeh introduced me to the school . i saw the environment of the school. i liked it. i registered. then our course started. ms. fatahzadeh was very patient with the training. you give us as many questions as you like let's ask mrs. fattahzadeh and she will answer us with patience. mrs. fattahzadeh is very patient from 15. i entered this profession and i have known mrs. fathahzadeh for 3 years. in terms of morals, i want to say that they are really honorable, honorable people with hardworking faith . i can truly say that after my parents , they are the primary role models in my life. i thank them very much, mrs. fathahzadeh. they helped me a lot in all the scenes, they really helped me, they always answered my questions, i always understood my mistakes, and they helped me a lot. thank you very much
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and for being my role model to mrs. fatahzadeh i give because they have 2 children with their children and besides their children and the work they do, they are entrepreneurs and help us in the field of tailoring in majnoon. it's true, i 'm a housewife, i can help my family, for example, so i can do my own sewing. or even, for example, i was asked to do something outside , and i am very thankful that you were able to introduce me to sewing tools, i was able to open a shop for myself , for example, to have an activity there, and it is really useful and very excellent, it is really in my land of iran. they are our honor and pride, mrs. fatazadeh , besides being a housewife, they have children, but they continue their work outside my house and are successful
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. god willing, we can be like them. hi, 4 o'clock. the devotion of the zanjanis to alamdar.


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