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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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in the past, in the past 48 hours , he has carried out 12 operations against the materials of the zionist military in the north of the occupied territories.
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i will put you in chains, we are strangers, oh, we are martyrs, and we will say , oh, hussein, oh, the people of the shrine and the scholar
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, the scholar did not come.
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they were of different nationalities and in different languages, and each of them in their own languages ​​mourned imam hussain , peace be upon him, and shook the world , may the name of hussain live until the resurrection of hussain, peace be upon him. or aba abdullah al-salam aliik or aba abdullah
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imam hussain, a symbol of stability, honor and pride. in addition to here in manhattan, new york , mourning is also held in other states of the united states. imam hussain ( peace be upon him) is held on different days of the first decade of muharram. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency, new york. during the mourning days of seyyed al-shahda, the users of cyberspace have written about christians mourning under the flag of imam hussain (peace be upon him). emily garthwaite is an english christian documentary maker. in 2017 , he made his first documentary about the largest community.
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he says that if hussain, peace be upon him, was for us, we would be what kind of christian did they call hussain, it didn't matter , hussain for all, not for some, the rebellion against the oppressors of the whole earth is necessary, it is necessary for the creation to pray for the oppressed
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, and the people, and the people, and they are not few among the virtual skins. christians who mourn for imam hussain, peace be upon him, and their videos share the removal of imam hussein's vote , peace be upon him, in the american state of minnesota . the user wrote that it doesn't matter who you are under the flag of imam hussein, everyone is one family this spring . another page of the zionists' crime in gaza: a palestinian girl was killed the effect of feeding in gaza was martyred.
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five palestinians were martyred in the midnight attack on the residential areas of al-maghazi camp in the center of the gaza strip. 3 of them are children. the zionist occupiers also targeted a group of palestinian citizens on al-mansoura street in ashjaiyeh neighborhood in gaza city, which led to the martyrdom of three palestinians . more than 38,500 palestinians have been martyred in the zionist attacks on gaza since 9 months ago. and about 89 thousand people have been injured. the bodies of thousands of martyrs as well. it is so under the rubble. acting minister of foreign affairs left for new york. mr. bagheri is going to travel to new york to
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participate in the security council meeting on palestine as well as the security council meeting on multilateralism. these two meetings are to be held under the chairmanship of the minister of foreign affairs of russia as the rotating chairman of the un security council. the candidate for the us presidential election described the performance of the secret service forces in his rescue as extraordinary. trump's words come amid increased criticism of the us secret service's performance as the person in charge of protecting personalities. at the same time, the american media, citing security sources , announced that there were explosives in the shooter's car. discovered. the elections of the fourth term of the syrian national assembly have started in 15 constituencies of this country . in this election, eligible candidates choose their representatives from among 1516 candidates. the
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syrian baath party has the largest faction in the third parliament with 169 representatives. in the fourth assembly, with attention. it is expected that these conditions will be repeated in the list of 185 members of the bas party. the syrian national assembly has 250 representatives. protesters of french colonialism demonstrated on the national day of this country and asked the french authorities to end their racist policies . coinciding with the french national day, 14 july and reggie the armed forces of this country in the presence of president emmanuel macron. different groups with nationalities. various groups also held demonstrations against french colonialism and fascism in paris nation square. the
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demonstrators demanded an end to the racist and colonial policies of france. today we participated in the demonstration to express our protest against the situation of immigrants in france and the new colonialism of this country. france wants us to leave the country while our fathers and grandfathers saved this country. in the popular protest of 14 juriyeh in paris, palestinian khami groups also had a significant presence they had. they declared the zionist regime to be the leader of the apartheid regimes and once again asked france to stop supporting this child regime. we support palestine and want to stop the war and killing people.
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the city of the olympic torch arrived in paris and was displayed on the occasion of the french national day. demonstrators also called for banning the entry of zionist athletes to the 2024 olympic games in paris , which will begin in less than two weeks . shahrar hosseini of paris radio and television news agency. the spokesperson of the government said that the reopening of the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan in tehran is a result. result-oriented diplomacy shahid raisi danst, according to the announcement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of azerbaijan, following the negotiations between this country
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and the islamic republic of iran, the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan in tehran resumed its activities in a new location . the ambassador and diplomats of baku also returned to iran and started their work. in november last year , baku closed its embassy in tehran after a person attacked the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan for personal reasons. today is hosseini's tassos and the day of people's devotion to saqai in the karbala plain. hussaini mourners have made the behavior and character of the martyrs of karbala the main focus of their lives, and hazrat abbas , peace be upon him, is a role model for many young people of yesterday. and today, this land is my water, the tears of the oppressed, that is
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, my love, his heart is pure, that is, his heart is like this water. whenever we ask him for water , he remembers hazrat abbas. he established with all the youths, especially in terms of politeness and morals , but the youths learned a lot from him, patience , joking, serving, serving the mourners of imam hussein, this delegation and that delegation do not have this delegation for him. i have been here for 10-12 years since the age of 25. i was one year old and i was from the cook's hand, i was a waterman
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, i was a chaib, i was a couple, i was an old slave who feels great regret when he says what he is doing . to the members of the family , moment by moment, when he prepares drinking water and syrup for the people , they review a historical incident in his mind. remembering hazrat abbas abulfazl al-abbas , the thirsty people of karbala, when we remember them, we are very sad.
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specialists of a company of scientists succeeded in electroshock device. internalize portable from this the device is used to provide quick relief to people suffering from a heart attack with the aim of timely resuscitation. a resolution was passed by the cabinet of ministers in 2015, where the government required the use of electroshock devices in public places. this is the concern of the technologists of a knowledge-based company , instead of relying on the technical knowledge of the electric device itself. they designed and produced the shock inside the country . this is an automatic electroshock device. this device is actually for times when a person has a heart attack, and through this device we can help that person to recover from that state. get better until the emergency comes . a technological product that used to
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be imported from several foreign countries, but now iranian elites buy it at a third of the price of a similar model. foreigners have domesticated from japan, america, and due to your presence in europe, we have tried to supply the entire supply chain of the device, both the consumer part and the electronic parts of the device and the case of the device . to create a competitive position in terms of price so that our price is 1/3 of the price of the product. it is similar to this product made in iran the device can be used for quick aid in places such as metro stations, stadiums, stores and other public environments. the device will start to give the user the necessary advice when it comes up, but because there is a need for cardiac resuscitation. pulmonary or cpr for
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a person who is actually sick, usually the recommendation we have, the strict recommendation we have, is that the person is in a public environment such as a hotel lobby, a shopping center lobby, in fact, a residential tower, that person who is responsible for using from this device, it is capable of cpr or cardiopulmonary resuscitation do it effectively, because it is a specialized job, it needs training, which we recommend to pass the preliminary courses in the red crescent, according to the officials of this knowledge-based after-sales service company. the electroshock device is provided annually. samia nasser, sed and sima news agency. 900 billion tomans have been allocated to complete haft azadrah section of isfahan, shiraz. the vice president of the country's transport infrastructure construction and development company, announcing this news, said that this part has more than 65% progress. today we
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opened the shiraz and isfahan freeway. freeway. isfahan to shiraz, the most important opening of the government thirteenth, in the area of ​​roads and highways, the route has been shortened by nearly 135 kilometers. as part of the actions of the 13th government, the road organization was required to organize 230,000 kilometers of main and secondary roads, and the north tehran freeway was another part of these 230,000 kilometers. it is a great work that has been done. technological work and technology, architecture, art. in the first two years of the 13th government, 22 km of the route of zone 2 of this freeway was completed and put into operation. this is despite the fact that in 25 years before the 13th government, a total of 53 km of this freeway was completed, and this means the speed of progress of tehran freeway. in the shahid raisi government, the north
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has been 5 times more than the previous governments. on our behalf , thank mr. president very much. i am grateful to the personnel who are working hard to open this road for the people to be comfortable, but the matter did not end only with the exploitation of new roads . please pay attention to these complaints. it is not possible. the road is very dilapidated. the improvement of these damaged and uneven roads reached 22,000 kilometers in the 13th government, according to the statistics of the ministry of roads and urban development, the amount of road improvement in 8 years. before the thirteenth government it was a little more than 14 thousand kilometers. two efforts were considered for qom to isfahan highway, namely qom kashan kashan isfahan. it took one and a half hours for the zanjan highway of tabriz, we removed 730 km, and this year
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we put 820 km in the equalization program. the percentage increased compared to the previous government , with an average of one kilometer of construction per day. identification of 887 accident-prone spots across the country , 421 of which were corrected until last year compared to 16 years ago, it was 19% more. our promise is that, god willing, at the end of the year , we will give you the statistics here. alhamdulillah , he has solved these points attributed to him with the police. sal was one of the other actions that were carried out in the 13th government. faizeh agha babaei of sed and broadcasting news agency. the meteorological organization
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has predicted rain showers and storms and strong winds for some areas in the north-west, south and south-east of the country . became. hello, i would like to thank you dear compatriots for the past 24 hours. the hottest places in the country are dehloran in the provinces and delgan in the province of sistan baluchistan , both with a maximum temperature of 48 degrees and the coolest place is ardabil with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees, placed between the centers of the provinces, ahvaz is the warmest center of the province with a maximum temperature of 46 degrees. on friday , our forecast is that we will witness rains, especially in the northern parts of west azarbaijan province, central alborz highlands, parts of southern kerman province, northern and eastern parts of hormozgan province, and parts of southern sistan baluchistan province.
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we will have temporary strong winds in these areas. in the northern parts of west azarbaijan province, there are conditions for hail. seyyed kazem rooh bakhsh, one of the pilgrims arrested in saudi arabia, returned to the country. mr. ruhbakhsh was arrested about 20 days before the hajj rituals were held in medina. saudi authorities sent him to dubai last night without announcing the reason for his arrest. efforts to release the rest of the iranians arrested for this year's hajj in saudi arabia continue. i want to thank the dear ones of the hajj organization. ziarat has been following our work since the very first day, even they are bearing fruit they bring warm clothes, but in the
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coming years, we expect from our foreign ministry , from our ambassador, that the honor of iranian pilgrims will be preserved more than this. in the name of god, saud , iran's under-18 basketball team to the asian cup, sarjan yovanovic's students defeated jordan 73-55 last night in the semi-finals of the west asian competition, which was the selection aspect of the asian cup. in order to qualify for the asian games, the iranian team must play against lebanon in the final match, which is being held in iraq.
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spain became the champion of euro 2024 by winning against england, argentina won the copa america for the second time in a row, in the final football match of the european cup of nations 2024 last night, england and spain faced each other at the berlin roeder olympic stadium, and in the end it was spain in red. who managed to become the winner of this competition with a 2-1 advantage. nico williams, mikel oyarzabal for spain and cole palmer for england scored in this match. while winning these competitions, delafonte's students have increased their number of championships in euro competitions to four and became the most proud team of these competitions. visit final. the copa america was held this morning at the hard rock stadium in miami between the two teams of argentina and colombia. this game, which started late due to the influx of colombian fans, after a
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goalless draw in 90 minutes. finally , it ended in the favor of argentina with the goal of lautar martinez (0.1) in the 112th minute . lionel messi and superstar albi celeste left the game in the 66th minute due to injury . in this way, argentina won the title of the most proud team of this competition by winning the 16th copa championship. and martyr athlete. mustafa sadrzadeh , a wrestler who took part in tasos in 1394 in aleppo syria achieved the grace of martyrdom at the hands of isis . we swear with the children. we swear with his friends. he swore with his friends that the last drop of blood will be the defender of the shrine. all seven of abadam sacrificed a tile of the shrine. baby sacrificed the shrine outside and rushed to meet his master. wow. a muharram destiny
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to be born and muharram to die at the age of 3 and a half years. i had thought to become a soldier of hazrat abulfazl, the martyr of kashtgir mustafa sadrzadeh , nicknamed seyyed ibrahim. seyyed ibrahim is one of our best commanders.
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this kid from khuzestan, who plays a small role and he wrestles, he knows he eats, but he goes and has his birth and he is a symbol of wrestlers, you are a part of his will says to his friends that you must listen to the statements of the supreme leader
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, he will wake up your heart and show you the right path. thank you for your support today , monday, july 25th, 9th of muharram and july 15th , in tehran, the sunset will be at 1920 hours, the maghrib call to prayer will be at 19:41 hours, and the sharia midnight will be at 23:19 hours tonight. i am grateful for your companionship with this news series, dear and respected viewers . i say goodbye to you together with my colleagues, asking for prayers and protection.
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if he said to close the market, you should close it, he would say stop it, who dared not to listen? i said no, i don't want to come.


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