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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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husseini mourners in islamic iran mourned and mourned the bravery and faithfulness of the flag bearer of karbala plain, hazrat abul fazl al-abbas, peace be upon him, on the 9th day of muharram by attending the hussainiyas and the squares of the city roads . i am
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a symbol of love, a symbol of respect for imam hossein on our other flight.
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abbasi, who stepped in the euphrates and did not drink water there , in memory of imam hossein, 20% increase in iranian pilgrims, atbat, head of arbaeen central headquarters, referring to the crossing of 145,000 people from the mehran border since the beginning of muharram, said: in this year's tassos
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, compatriots crossed the mehran border. it is four times the previous year. mr. mirahmadi clarified by referring to the reduction of the pilgrims' stopping time at the borders and clarifying the affairs . currently, traffic in both borders and services inside iraq are carried out without any problems. the head of the arbaeen headquarters also announced the agreement with the iraqi side to issue the arbaeen pilgrimage passport and said: considering the facilities provided for iranian pilgrims, the arbaeen pilgrimage passport will be issued quickly and at a cost of 65 thousand tomans. the news tells about a massive fire in the forest and pastures of black mountain in kahlavi and bey rahmat. according to the mayor of charrosha, there is a fire in the forest mount sia pastures started at 8 am and continues. this area. time is passing and this
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issue seems to have made the work of extinguishing the fire difficult. in order to know the details of this news , i will talk to mr. mohaghegzadeh, the governor of kohgirouye city. please, say hello to you. colleagues in the khabar network, please let me know , just as hazrat ali said, this morning at 8:00 a.m. there was a fire on the slopes of the black mountain in kohgiro county, that is, the distance between charrosha and lande county. unfortunately, in the face of the national resources started and of course there was no need to worry until about 56 hours before this fire was contained . now that i am reporting to you and dear viewers, this fire has been contained and is under control , and the sensitivity of this so-called place is also the difficulty of
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the route. it was difficult to provide relief, but fortunately, the people's forces of the mobilization of natural resources and all the crisis headquarters were there. finding and now we have nothing to worry about, that is, the fire has been completely contained, and so-called, this concern that arose was due to the issue of mount khaiz, which, a few days ago, so-called the scope and extent of the fire at the national and transnational level. it had moved on, but now we don't have to worry about the kosi people, that is, casualties or god forbid , we didn't have anything injured in this fire . was this area engulfed in fire? i was just now preparing a report before our friends in the radio station called me. they still haven't determined the exact location of the fire, but you predict that there are between 15 and 20 hectares of national resources
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, but there are shrubs growing there, so to speak. it was more national resources and pastures that were so-called damaged and the spokesperson of the government reopened the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan in tehran considered the result of shahid raisi as one of the fruits of diplomacy. baku closed its embassy in tehran in february last year after someone attacked the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan for personal reasons. now , following the negotiations between baku and tehran, the embassy of this country has resumed its activities in a new location in tehran with the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of azerbaijan. the ambassador and diplomats of baku have also returned to iran and started their work. in response
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to the recent attack by the zionist regime on a school in the gaza strip, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs said: this crime is once again a dark side and hide the claimant's west. depicted for the world. mr. kanani stated that humanitarian behavior cannot be expected from the illegitimate zionist regime and added: the unfortunate reality is the silence and inaction of westerners claiming human rights ethics, who are still deceiving public opinion in the face of this amount of crime and brutality. more than 90 martyrs and at least 300 people were killed in the zionist attack on a school in al-mawasi two days ago. most of them were children. according to the announcement of the palestinian ministry of health , at least 80 palestinians were martyred in the occupation regime's attacks on gaza in the past 24 hours. arrived. 216 people were injured. with the testimony of these people, the number of martyrs in gaza since 9 months ago has reached
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more than 3,860 and the number of injured has reached about 90,000. thousands of people are still under the rubble . rescuers are not able to get them out. according to the english newspaper guardian, about 40 million tons of debris have accumulated in the gaza strip, and it will take more than 15 years to remove this amount of debris. reports indicate that a ship was targeted by three small boats 70 miles southwest of hodeidah. according to reports, a shahpad collided with the ship twice and the occupants of two other boats also fired at the ship. the ship and its crew are safe and on their way to the next port. in a statement, the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces announced that in support
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of the oppressed people of palestine and in response to the crime committed by the zionist enemy in the city of khan yunis, the naval, drone and missile units of the yemeni army have arrived. the european union has extended the sanctions against iran . the side extended its sanctions against iran for another year on the pretext of what it called iran's military support for russia's war against ukraine and armed groups and institutions in the west and the red sea region. these sanctions 12 it includes individuals and 9 iranian institutions. also
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, many anti-iranian claims have been repeated in the statement of the council of the european union. today is the day of hossein tasos and the day of people's devotion to the water of the plain of karbala. the mourners of hosseini have put the behavior and character of the martyrs of karbala on their lives, and hazrat abbas , peace be upon him , is the role model of many young people of yesterday and today in this land. i mean, his heart is pure and pure, it means his heart is like water, whenever we ask him for water , he remembers hazrat abbas, he helps people, right now he is serving people, water and tea, syrup. alhamdulillah, you have established your friendship , especially with all young people.
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his job is not a teacher, but young people learn many things from him, patience, joking, serving, receiving the mourners of imam hossein , he does not have this delegation or that delegation. i have been here since i was 25 years old and i was a cook in a delegation . there were things there, they didn't prevent it from being broadcast to the members of the family moment by moment, as for the people, drink and drink. he prepares and reviews a historical event in his mind. remembering hazrat abbas
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abulfazl al-abbas, the thirsty people of karbala, when we stir, we remember them. many phds had answered , but thank god, thank god, we got your health until we returned to the course, we came to be around the servant of imam hussain and his family. whatever you do for this family, kam khim ali kazemi of the news agency. in the north-west, south and south-east regions of the country, showers and thunderstorms and strong winds are predicted . hello, dear compatriots, in the last 24 hours, the hottest places in the country are dehloran in the provinces and delgan in the sistan province. both with a maximum temperature of 48 degrees and the coolest point, ardabil
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with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees is placed between the centers of the provinces, and ahvaz with a maximum temperature of 46 degrees is the warmest center of the province until friday. our forecast is that there will be rains. especially in the northern parts of west azarbaijan province , central alborz highlands, southern parts of kerman province, northern and eastern parts of hormozgan province, and southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, we will see showers and sometimes wind. we will have a temporary martyr in these areas. in the northern parts of west azarbaijan province, the conditions are ready for hail. thank you for your cooperation.
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either morteza or you had a son, the eyes
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were the message of alaqba to najaf, gabriel was the message of al-ghamh, who was jagest . the land of iraq in the year 61 ah on the edge of the desert west of the euphrates river. tens of thousands against one man. on the tenth day of muharram, a great epic takes place and the soil embraces the blood of god. obeidullah ziyad was able to defeat 4 thousand people with 50 people through psychological operations. asal
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al-amr an muslim ibn al-aqeel. yawey ahad man nas in the end, even i, the rest of the people who are loyal to people , do not rule over them in some matters of a moral nature. he asked for his guilt. if he had supported all this, the situation could have been different. sitting in their houses until imam comes to them.
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they attract death with dignity is better than life with humiliation. or karbala is the destination of thousands of pilgrims in love and a single name on all hearts and the mention of all lips. hossein bin ali ibn ziyad has sent spies everywhere to get information and help him in disrupting muslim bin aqeel's uprising. he plans to root he suppressed the uprising from the inside as quickly and intensely as possible. hani bin urwa
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is trapped in the clutches of the government's tricks. muslim, who saw hani in danger, mobilizes his friends to attack the palace of dar al-amara and start the uprising. a few thousand fighters, who are concentrated in the houses around muslim's residence, surround dar al-amarareh . al-amarare palace qutb qutb al-rahha, if the palace falls, he takes control of al-madinah, then muslim bin aqeel will try to overthrow the rule in this province by usurping the palace, and for now
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, if he succeeds in this position, let him change. when some of these properties were given to imam hussain (peace be upon him). writing letters, the masses also followed them, and writing letters, when these properties went to obeidullah ziyad's side as a result of the threats, the masses also followed them. in general, we have another group in history, we have properties that these are not sunni sunnis. but at the point of comparison , they have the pain of religion, because it means that it must be polarized , that is
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, the numbers are few and far between. and encouragement also to the people god almighty, ibn ziyad invited some of the nobles of kufa to dar al-amara and made a quick political agreement with them, people like kathir bin shahab muhammad bin ash'ath and others. they prevent their men from arousing. hani is beheaded in the city square by order of ibn ziyad. this
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is while not a single person responds to his appeal. the military psychological warfare that ibn ziyad launched leaves its mark on the kufi community and the number of muslim companions gradually decreases. it is true that all those who had revolted with muslim had pledged allegiance to muslim and did not participate in the uprising, but the city fell into muslim's hands. with 50 people, he was able to defeat 4,000 people when muslim bin al-aqeel, peace be upon him, was surrounded by spies and said to them, "ban jish al-sham , the night continues, i will throw arms and return to my family , he is safe and sound ." the problem
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is that the sons are attracted, the wives are attracted by the husbands, and the daughters are withdrawn , so now only about 30 people are left. goroob moslem is left alone with less than 100 soldiers. there is no news about 18 thousand pledgers. kufians intimidated the government and deceived, the umayyads have forgotten their covenant and crept into the houses. muslim's struggle is defeated in favor of the government. muslim, after performing maghrib prayer without a single companion wanders the streets of kufa. tired and wounded , he reaches the kende tribe's neighborhood. an old woman named toe is sitting outside her house waiting for her young son.
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muslim asks him for water. asal al-amr an muslim ibn al-aqeel la yawey ahud man naas. i ask for something , i don't want it. it is an indication of the change of people's beliefs if this is the same group. they had corresponded with the imam and helped the imam to reach makkah from makkah . makkah would have been the base of the uprising. it was not necessary for the imam to come to kufa . they did not do this. they sat in their houses until the imam came to them, and therefore ubaidullah was also at hand. kurds provided that situation and such
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cases happened. the people who did not accept obedience to the caliph and his governor have now preferred neutrality. the mosque of the city is full of people who follow obaidullah bin ziyad for isha prayer. obaidullah went to the pulpit and said: o people, stick to your agreement with the government and save yourself from destruction. do not throw whoever brings ibn aqeel to us has a reward, and whoever sends him away is out of our responsibility. on the other hand, the news of kufa and what happened to muslim bin aqeel has not yet reached the ears of the imam in mecca . if the imam is in mecca. they would have been martyred, well, the goals of the umayyads had been achieved, and in fact, the kaaba would have been broken, and the imam
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had not raised a cry of protest, and yazid had not been defamed, so the imam would not be possible in their presence in mecca, nor in medina. do you know that the imam delayed in mecca for months because the situation might change and maybe the compulsion of allegiance will become lighter, but by the way , the compulsion of allegiance has become heavier, as we see in the pages of history, in any complex, my communities , the groups that benefit, me, the deviation is the peak, the peak is small, and the majority is the majority, i am the people. it's amazing that we are in the process of transforming the community at the level of listeners and the demographic level
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. a large number of the tribes loyal to the country that conquered the last world, even the rest of me loyal to the imam, and in spite of me, the throne will rule over each other. the affairs of zat al-tabar al-muslaheh, the eighth of dhu hijjah, 60 hours later, the imam's caravan left for kufa. in his last words to the pilgrims, he said: the land that should be my place of martyrdom and contain my body has already been chosen for me. i see that in the land of karbala and the deserts of nawaiz band, the wolves of the desert tear me apart and fill their empty bellies. for a person who
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is destined by god. it has been determined, there is no escape. this word is primarily a cultural word. it belongs to the thought of the governor, the philosophical thought and the religious thought, and when he says the line of death. when the speaker turns to the action of the unknown, only your abilities are released.
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some of them, who are certain to be silenced , while thinking of finding a way to convey the news to the imam, spend the night praying in the house of tuwa. the son of tua has heard in the streets of the city that anyone who delivers muslim to darul amara will receive a reward of 10,000 dirhams. he knows muslim but he has to. wait until the bright dawn of the city of makkah is witness to a unique action. imam hussain (peace be upon him) bids farewell to the sacred house while the hajj has not yet been completed , and therefore, when al-husain al-imam al-hussein in if he stays in makkah, he said, "by god, they are still
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asking me until they find you in jahr hameh, and hameh is al-hushrah al-basita, to extract you from it, until they kill you , and by god, because the killing outside mecca is a crime, i love that the killing inside is a crime. the exit of the imam is necessary, so it means that the whole issue is carried out within the framework of the destiny of muhammad." ibn hanafiyyah, who reached mecca, is
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a love that is related to regardless of the social and practical aspects that i mentioned, in the sense that the factor of divine love is the main form of repulsion in the departure of imam al-hussein, but it is necessary to emphasize it, as it is with the great mystics who came, i.e. according to the history of islam , there is not necessarily a division between what is worldly and what is not, in the sense that the final application of the mystical process is reflected in this worldly life, with the belief that the world is the field of the hereafter . if they are good, then god has chosen them


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