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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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following the line of our leadership, ta'ala laila laila laila laila laira ahlah ahadah ahlah ahla andana andana andana andana ahla nahla until shahiddan.
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i am at your service. every place in islamic iran in hossein's tassos was the arena of expressing the love and devotion of the people of iran to the scholar rashid of karbala, hazrat abulfazl al-bas, peace be upon him. on another flight. abbas found water from your hand. your hand touched the water and
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compared to the imam and the guardian of his time, in fact, this knowledge of the imam caused this dedication and this politeness to originate from him, a symbol of resistance, a symbol of love, a symbol of respect for imam hussain, one of these characteristics the ones you mentioned attracted you the most , it is their loyalty to imam hussein, i think that attracts everyone, we iranians have a special devotion towards hazrat abbas, especially.
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he was in the line of the ruler of his time because he was loyal to imam hussain, peace be upon him, and he never left imam hussain alone. it's about time, god willing, that we stand firmly behind our religious authority, that we are the nation of imam hossein and the enemies of this nation and we will give our religion a hard defeat. certainly, alamdar
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of karbala was not only hussein's brother, but also a loyal helper. abbas, who set foot in the euphrates and did not drink water there. in memory of imam hussein, the character of hazrat abbas was his loyalty to imam hussein and on the front of the war. he was not alone and that was his guardianship . they are baba hussain and they are the entrance to imam hussain, hazrat abul fazl abbas.
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hosseini karbala has found a special atmosphere. the lovers of aba abdallah al-hussein, peace be upon him , reach between the two temples despite the heat of the air.
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today, all eyes are on the holy shrine of alamdar karbala is loyalty to the name of abbas, who was the last hope of a brother in the heart of the bloody desert of karbala, and by the grace of god , the number of visitors to karbala increases every year with the grace and help of god . the official statistics of the number of visitors to karbala these days are not yet available, but the entrances of this holy city
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are filled with iraqi and iranian lovers and other islamic nations who enjoy the summer heat of karbala. they bought hussain's love to show their loyalty to seyyed and the leader of the martyrs in taswa and ashura. hussein peace be upon him from karbala mullah jalal khalidi of sed and sima news agency mourned the martyrs of karbala in other countries in hossein tassos . the lovers of ahl al-bayt (peace be upon them) in india and america beat the head and chest of sarwar and sarwar of the martyrs
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against hussain sarwarro sk balad bin gayi asghar.
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hussain or ali or ali or ali hussain ma hussina anzam taqthu ya hussain and husina hala ghonim and hussain hussain hussain hussain hussain hussain facilitating the issuance of arbaeen passports the head of the arbaeen headquarters announced an agreement with the iraqi side on the issuance of arbaeen pilgrimage passports for iranian pilgrims. according to mr. mirahmadi according to the improvements considered for iranian pilgrims, the cost of issuing this passport is 65 thousand tomans and
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it will be provided to the applicants quickly. referring to the forecast of 500,000 foreign pilgrims from iran to iraq, the head of the arbaeen headquarters added that this year's arbaeen will be crispy. it is possible for non-iranians to go to iraq only from the border of chadaba, and all the facilities, including the mok pak resort , are available for them. is considered. the new york times newspaper wrote that the assassination of the former american president has increased the bipolar atmosphere in the american society. to the writing this newspaper 43 years ago, when the president of the united states was targeted by an assassination attempt, all the people united behind their wounded president, but after the shooting of trump, there is an atmosphere of anger and blame in america. it's formed. this american newspaper wrote that the democrats
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expressed regret that trump has fueled political violence, and the republicans also blamed biden and his allies for this incident. on the other hand , us president joe biden said in a speech from the white house: we still do not know the motive of this shooting. trump has also said that there are questions about how a gunman managed to get behind the gang. who was near the place of the ceremony to shoot him. there are also doubts among trump supporters. even if we can defuse the situation, it cannot be done on social media. i try to stay away from social media. most of us try to stay away from social media just to relax. i hope this shooting sends a message to everyone. american police. he stated that the assailant, who was a 20-year-old man, acted alone, and there is no sign of an older parrot.
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however, the investigation into his motives continues has it. according to the police , explosives were discovered in the house and car of the assailant. the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan was reopened in tehran. according to the announcement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of azerbaijan, following the negotiations between this country and the islamic republic of iran, the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan in tehran resumed its activities in a new location. the ambassador and diplomats of baku also returned to iran and started their work . in february 1401 , baku closed its embassy in tehran after a person attacked the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan for personal reasons. mr. bahadri jahormi, the government spokesman, said: the reopening of the embassy of the republic of azerbaijan in tehran
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, another result of the diplomacy of martyr raisi , was achieved in these 50 days with the serious follow-up of mr. mokhbar and the ministry of foreign affairs. acting minister of foreign affairs left for new york. mr. bagheri is going to travel to new york to participate in the security council meeting on palestine, as well as the security council meeting on multilateralism. these two meetings are to be held under the chairmanship of the minister of foreign affairs of russia as the rotating chairman of the un security council. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs in response to the recent attack by the zionist regime on a school in the gaza strip he said: this crime once again portrayed the dark and hidden part of the claimant west to the world. mr. kalani stated that humanitarian behavior cannot be expected from the illegitimate zionist regime
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, adding that the unfortunate reality is the silence and inaction of westerners claiming morality and human rights, who are still deceiving public opinion in the face of this amount of crime and brutality. two days ago, the zionists attacked a school in al-mawasi, more than 90 people were martyred and at least 300 people were injured, most of them. according to the palestinian ministry of health , at least 80 palestinians were attacked in the gaza strip in the last 24 hours the occupation regime in gaza was martyred and 216 people were wounded. with the martyrdom of these people, the number of martyrs in gaza since 9 months ago has reached more than 3,860 and the number of injured has reached about 90,000. not to take them out. according to the english newspaper guardian, about 40 million tons
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of debris have accumulated in the gaza strip, and it will take more than 15 years to remove this amount of debris. the zionist finance minister said that he does not agree with the ceasefire agreement and the exchange of prisoners. bet sallel smotrich added an agreement. that netanyahu's cabinet officials they are following up because it is illegal because based on that the war will be stopped and only 20 prisoners will be released in the first stage. in recent days, the dispute.
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the border of egypt and the gaza strip will be monitored. the position has been opposed by david barnia, the head of the spy agency representing this regime in the negotiations. yediot aharonot reported that the meetings between netanyahu and barnia have been canceled due to the escalation of the conflict . the former war minister of the zionist regime said: the economy of this regime is collapsing. avikdor lieberman added that israel is threatening its existence. faced with a multi-dimensional political and economic crisis and facing security. according to lieberman, the current crises are israel's biggest crises since its existence. this former official of the occupation and the head of the israel beitno party said: zionist soldiers are suffering from a nightmare, the economy
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is collapsing and diplomacy is disappearing. according to lieberman, the north of the occupied territories has also become the center of conflict and the current cabinet is powerless in this crisis. syrian people came to the polls to elect 250 parliament members. the view of the syrian people in this election is focused on preserving the ideal and facing the challenges. people's enthusiastic participation in the elections of the fourth term of the parliament.
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by appearing at the polls, the people declare that they reject any foreign interference in syria's internal affairs. the fourth parliament should fulfill the demands of the people by updating the laws. after participating in the elections, the syrian prime minister said that holding elections in syria is a symbol of the unity of the government and the people. today we show that the fate of syria. in the elections of the syrian national assembly, many new and young faces came to the field to activate the supervisory role of the parliament with a new and dynamic perspective by entering the fourth parliament. regardless of the political composition of the fourth parliament , we are confident that it
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will support the syrian government and political leadership in the continuation of the strategy of supporting the resistance. despite political pressures. western countries and their economic sanctions that have caused the difficult living conditions in syria, but the people, by attending the voting booths , emphasized their level of support for the national sovereignty of their country. essam helali of damascus radio and television agency. the bodies of about 140 victims of the isis terrorist group's crime in a nearby mass grave. iraq's mosel was discovered. according to iraqi authorities, this mass grave was discovered in the area of ​​tale afar and contains the remains of bodies 139 iraqi men and women who died at the hands of isis terrorists in 2017. these bodies belong to yazidis, turkmen and some security forces of mosul . these bodies
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were taken to the forensics for investigation. according to un statistics, more than 200 mass graves. remains of the crimes of the isis terrorist group in iraq and syria, where there are up to 12 thousand bodies. dear viewers, thank you very much for being with us until this moment , god bless you.
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iki qolundan passed iki qolundan fəda etdi eyin fəda etdi do ey yel başlar abal fəzel əlemdda əbər sənə zəhra işqinə bax i̇nşağı gözı çıtadandır səlam ey əli heydər.
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i am a fighter, no one wants to be a lashgari fighter.
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i will bring him to the levels from my sword, face to face, kufe has no desire to fight, let yellow be thrown on the body of the enemy. abbas, i am alamdar hossein, i am alamdar hossein ebadir, karbala. i am alamdar hussain aba, the lion of karbala
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, oh, how hard it is, abbas, unbearable grief, oh, it's hard, abbas, unbearable sadness, oh, it's hard.
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a happy heart and a woman, then you are mine, then you are mine oh, how hard it is, abbas, the sadness of the sadness, the sadness of the sadness.
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