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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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yes, hossein hossein, my dear, ali, minister of work, look at tiqeh restlessly, look at work minister, look at tiqeh, restlessly, look at art zarbbatin, sit down, first page, sit down, first page , safar is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the pleasure of meeting is there. on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are on you. in the name
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of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to you , dear viewers, companions of the hosseini tassos news channel and days of mourning for the martyrs of imam hossein , peace be upon him. qamar bani hashim hazrat abul fazl al-abbas peace be upon him mourns. having and throughout the country, with the call of labik or abbas to the square of qamar banir bani hashem, tonight, in the first line program, we will have a look at the subject of loyalty and personality traits of hazrat abul fazl al-abbas, peace be upon him, and also a look at the developments of the day and karbala today, god willing. we will make an appointment in the presence of hazrat hujjat al-islam wal-muslimin. to your excellency and all the good
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and faithful viewers, i send my greetings and my condolences on taswa and ashura hosseini. we hope that the almighty god will grant us all the success of complete service and loyalty in the way of religious values, inshallah. be with us, dear viewers , we will see a report at the beginning of the program, we will come back , god willing, we will start the conversation. this house is mourned by hossein. hossein, this house is mourned for 30 years. this is hossein's mourning house. when you enter the house, you see the owner in black at the entrance of the house, beating his chest.
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it is not, but it has also become a place for the enlightenment and becoming of the young generation, one of imam hussein's goals was to reform his ummah. the second goal that imam hussein had was to enjoin good and forbid evil. imam hussein wanted to tell us at the moment of war and on the battlefield. to always pray our prayers on time and on time , as imam hossein wants.
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the small house of haji safiya is one of the hundreds of houses that these days in ilam, the capital of the servants of seyyed al-shahda , have become the husayni fasting hall, and of course they are waiting to become bait al-husain for thousands of pilgrims of the great arbaeen conference.
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dear mr. halizawi, let's start the conversation from the point of view that today, the 9th of muharram, which is tasau hosseini , is symbolically named after hazrat abul fazl abbas , and usually in ceremonies, programs, speeches and mourning, hazrat abbas is talked about, the courage and courage of his men. hazrat abulfazl al-abbas well, people iran with different views with different tastes in the first part, i said today in a different way , i express my respect and devotion to hazrat abbas and express my condolences to hazrat hojjat . what should we learn from their behavior ? it is narrated from imam sadiq (peace be upon him) that he said
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that al-hussein (peace be upon him) and his companions, the day of tasso is the day when imam husayn (peace be upon him) and his companions are under siege, meaning that it is possible for new people to join the seyyed al-shahada corps. it didn't exist unless someone wanted to leave kor at night byan or bren vela, this siege ring was completed on tasso day. an important event happened on the day of tassos, and that is the trust that shammar brought with him from ibn ziyad and came around the tents. and he addressed the children of umm al-binin, that is, hazrat abbas and his three brothers, that i have brought a trust for you, and they did not answer at first, then hazrat seyyed al-shahda ordered you to answer this transgressor
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, a strange transgressor, and then they responded, and after he said that i brought the same letter and cursed him later. repentance be cursed on imamat and refusing to be separated from seyyed al-shahada. well, this is it it makes both hazrat abbas and his other brothers, who were all four martyrs from umm al-binin's children who were martyred in karbala incident on the day of ashura , to find a prominent place compared to other people , because for this we must know both loyalty and interpretation. . he wrote one text that threatened omar saad that if you don't finish the job, you will be fired and shamar
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will take over the command of the army . there were two trust texts, and my reason was that the person who was shamar's colleague was actually the author. if it wasn't for this loyalty, and if one of these four people even came, he would be separated from seyyed al-shohda corps it might happen that the other companions , who were also gradually connected , would have this question, why should we stand here and fight? well, this insight made this day
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named after hazrat abbas and his brothers we should also add the insight of governorship, both governorship and loyalty. you follow your beliefs, i would like to point out one more thing that i learned from my teachers, which is important here, and that is that with the shiites, with the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them, they made your day so colorful, and we iranians also mourn for two days. we do tasso is a symbol of expectation and a symbol of the perfection of the nation in the sense that waiting in the sense that the imam of the community orders after hazrat abbas passed this test and gave a negative answer , he orders shamar ibn dhul-joshun to go and
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take a respite for us tonight . ok, set the deadline for us to pray and pray, etc. therefore, hazrat abbas accompanied by habib and zuhair went to the enemy army when the command to attack was issued. after the call to prayer with the continuation of the first page program and conversation with mr. arizavi, we ask god for light in the name of god, light in the name of god, light in the name of god, light in the name of god
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, light in the name of god, light in the name of god, light in the name of god, light in the name of god, god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that i am the most high. god bless you,
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god bless you, god bless you. i invite you to join us tonight by continuing the first page , mr. harizawi, the deputy head of the organization
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islamic propaganda is a guest of this program on the occasion of hosseini tasse, which we passed and of course we met on the night of hosseini ashura . about the letter of trust that you mentioned. hazrat imam hussain (peace be upon him) asked hazrat abul fazl to get a deadline from the opposite front to continue. yes, as i said , two important things happened on the day of tasu, apart from the siege , and that is that hazrat abbas first sent a letter of protection. rejecting the enemy and secondly, on the order of seyyed al-shahda , when the order to attack was issued, a group came to the tents and negotiated with them. they did, and hazrat abbas asked to be accepted and said that he
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and 20 people would go to the front to negotiate and take a deadline tonight. well, this service of hazrat abbas creates a symbol in the shiite thought that we have learned from our teachers like this, that the tasos the symbol of waiting turns waiting , what are you waiting for, when will you see? these separate from the right corps and if there are people outside the right corps who have doubts, let them come and join. just tonight, some of the caravans of seyyed al-shohda fled in the middle of the night, and hazrat himself took the oath of allegiance and said that anyone who wants to go can go to the people whose debt was the right of mankind to return.
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these are the separation of people who reach themselves tonight and the people who join tomorrow. mr. hor and his son, who made the syed al-shohda army complete. the purification of sayyid al-shohda corps. and the completion of seyyed al-shohda corps and that there is no one left who wants to join and we give him this opportunity. we have not given this is the apocalyptic message of taswa and hosseini's ashura that we should enrich these last opportunities. nimet considered himself to be close to his duty , another symbol for the day of tassos for hazrat abul fazl , in fact, not for the day of tassoes in the mosque, because this happened on the day of ashura, and that is the departure of abbas next to the euphrates sharia, and that he decided at that moment. they arrive and don't drink water. it
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is another symbol of their personality and their loyalty to hazrat imam hossein ahl al-bayt. from this point of view , tell the viewers about this issue and the place of loyalty in the islamic thought of all the companions of the martyrs and their children are a symbol of dedication and loyalty . the special action of hazrat abul fazl al-abbas in the last moments of his honorable life was not to drink water and, according to the interpretation of some mystics, he spoke to water, saying, "o water, how did you become haram for the prophet's son?" and this action is recorded in history and in fact this action is recorded for all the free people of the world, that is, every person who wants to show his loyalty and his sacrifice adheres to such a symbolic action according to your words . well, this is an accident. which is related to
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human nature, we instinctively need to drink water, we need to wash ourselves let's prepare for the activities that are ahead of us , but from the point of view of human nature, sometimes we pay attention to moral values ​​and human values ​​that can replace and can give higher power to humans, and these are the lessons that ashura teaches us. and different nations throughout history pay attention to this, if you pay attention , indians. not only the muslims of india, the non -muslims of india respect hazrat abbas, the day of taswa, and the day of ashura. i noticed that in india there are 3 days of public mourning and holidays, and this is because of the importance and status of ashura culture. it is present in all nations and in all thoughts, and this attention to
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hazrat abaaz is of course not limited to indians , we see other religions as well, what about on tasso day. and what about recent years in the arbaeen walk and arbaeen day , because it is a natural symbol, because it is a natural symbol , it will no longer be related to a particular religion, it will no longer be related to human humanity , according to the late martyr motahari, we are human beings , we are not stone and wood, we have emotions, we have feelings , by the way, we are very from our decisions, the origin of human desire should be human, which moves them , and man has a spiritual pleasure and a spiritual pleasure from his action and his decision. this is where the existence of the likes of hazrat abbas in human history and in islamic culture creates that attraction and makes those who are tired of the world's evolution, lustful behaviors,
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material greed and looking for a way out of this tired atmosphere. they are trying to cling to such symbols as hazrat abbas and his dedication and loyalty , and this will be the way to guide them . you explained more in the section, that is, we are with a group we are united in faith, which is next to the province. taking and staying with the province until the last moment, tell us about this issue, the place that a coherent group of faith has in the province , which is important
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to save the society from hidden disbelief. in the name of the apostles, he executed them according to god's command. he sent a message that those who want to be friends of god should join me. 5 years in the mentioned dates , he came to the help of the apostles to guide his nation payment in the holy qur'an is also
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an enemy in the qur'an, sometimes these are called fa'a qilila, which means that their number is not important, their strength is important , like what we are witnessing now, the resistance groups of hezbollah in lebanon, ansarullah in yemen, and the strange thing that happened in palestine, in gaza, where a group they are limited and they stand against the oppression of the oppressors of the world, if we follow this religious recipe that was used in different eras by the different prophets of jesus , moses, muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,
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the best use of this divine tradition and this divine recipe. if we pay attention to this , we will make sure that we will win with the trick and results good things are waiting for us and we can give hope with this quranic recipe for those who want to see if the standing of the iranian nation, which is the nation of iran and its millions in the present age, is better than the nation of hijaz during the reign of the messenger of god, and kufa and iraq during the reign of the prophet. amir al-mu'minin and hossein bin ali
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peace be upon us , what is the political behavior of the iranian people and how was it that imam khomeini , may god's mercy be upon him, glorified the behavior of the iranian people with a stability and continuity and the reason why the imam expressed this superiority and was very bold wants such a claim, the same stability the establishment and continuity that we have witnessed in the political behavior of the iranian people in the last half century, and honestly , it is an inspiration to the people of the world and to the free people of the world , especially as you can see in the recent crimes of the zionists in the past year that this behavior of the iranian people has become an inspiration. for non-muslims, for students who don't even know about some of our religious commands, in contrast to the alternating political behavior of the people of the era of the messenger of god, we see that they pledge allegiance
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to the prophet, then some of them fall into hypocrisy , wars arise, and some of them withdraw. kush from the help of the messenger of allah, the support of the messenger of allah after the messenger oh god, this transformation will happen again . ghadeer will be forgotten again later people will bring him to amir al-mu'minin after he reached the caliphate, some people will accompany him, some people will have doubts. in those three wars , there will be many ups and downs again in the islamic society and later that the work is completely out of the hands of the ahl al-bayt, and those caliphates that are mentioned in history, well, this cycle. these are the ups and downs that cause the right front to become weak , and the ahl al-bayt are forced
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to make different designs, such as the network, in order to preserve the religion. advocacy and other programs that have been mentioned, we believe that what we are witnessing in iran in the last half century is by god's grace, and of course we also had a lot of ups and downs. we had the flow of hypocrites after the revolution . we had 78, 88, 401 and the like, these are all exams. and there have been discoveries that have been made for our islamic society, but in general, you are witnessing that the general outcome of the political behavior of the iranian people indicates a well -established vision that continues its way under the banner of wilayat alhamdulillah, god's help, god willing. he will go back to the incident of ashura , we talked about the cohesive group of believers following the state.
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we witnessed what had happened next to yazid and in front of imam hossein (peace be upon him) imam hossein, who many people of the same era witnessed the interpretations of the holy prophet of islam. for how many years, for example, for about 50 years , these people who called themselves the ummah of the messenger of god had this kind of behavior with their own prophet's son, what will happen, what properties and common people will be on this path, you should see the historical roots. let's not forget that abborihan biruni mentions in his research on the property of india that in the year 55 ah, when
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the idols that were worshiped in india by the people of that time were brought to the court of the sham caliph shami, he ordered that these idols be encrusted with stones. to send a price to india again and an idol business, for example, started at that time. well, these events are led by some of the khowas and some of the initiates. those who killed the martyrs were aghazadeh. first, after the death of the messenger of god and even his release someone like mukhtar, who was known to be a shiite, but yazid made a mistake and freed him from prison because of the advice of a nobleman , such behavior that some of them were among the companions of amirul momineen in the same five three. the war
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that mentioned the people who fought in the army of amir al-mu'minin in the army of amir al-mu'minin, but they came here in front of the son of amir al-mu'minin, one of them was the killer of ali akbara , who was one of the special companions of amir al-mu'minin. properties, as you mentioned, are a special and strange behavior. near that we have the properties of falsehood, we also have the properties of the people of truth, that is, the companions of sayyid al-shahda, the children of sayyid al-shahda and their companions, these are people of insight , mr. zuhair ibn qain, even though he had a doubt from a political point of view, and even in the age of ashura, when hazrat abbas with those 20 people go with him,
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zaheer and habib being a person. the enemy army says to zuhair, "why are you speaking so much? you were an ottoman until yesterday." he says yes, but i went and asked my questions to hossein. political amir al-mu'minin and his children and his children will return after he realizes the truth, or he himself , whoever he is, is among the properties that are in the day. then he will come there and express his regret, what is the reason? well , pay attention, i would like to share this key phrase of the ashura pilgrimage. in the ashura pilgrimage, you are quoting an ummah about which tanqbat is mentioned , tanqbat means veiled. why stop their faces?


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