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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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in the last half century, we have witnessed and honestly , it is an inspiration for the people of the world and for the free people of the world , especially as you can see now in the recent crimes of the zionists in the last year, that this behavior of the iranian people has become an inspiration for non-muslims, for students who have not even heard of some of our religious commandments do not exist, in contrast to the alternating political behavior of the people of the era of the messenger of god, we see that they pledge allegiance to the prophet, then some of them fall into hypocrisy , wars arise, some of them withdraw from the help of the messenger of god, the help of the messenger of god after messenger of god, this transformation will happen again ghadir will be forgotten and then people will return to amir al-mu'minin rumi. after they
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reach the caliphate, some people accompany them, some people have doubts, in those three wars , there will be many ups and downs again in the islamic society, and then the work will be completely out of the hands of the ahl al-bayt, and those caliphates that in the mentioned history, it is the frequency of these ups and downs that makes the right front weak. in order to preserve the religion, the ahl al-bayt will have to make different plans, such as the lawyer network and other programs that have been mentioned. we believe that it is a coincidence. which we are witnessing now in the last half century in iran by god's grace, and of course we also
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had a lot of ups and downs. it has been a test and information that has been created for our islamic society, but all in all, you are witnessing that the overall outcome of the political behavior of the iranian people indicates a well-established insight that it is continuing its way under the banner of wilayat alhamdulillah . we witnessed what happened beside yazid and beside and in front of hazrat imam hussain, peace be upon him, imam hussaini, who was witnessed by many people of the same era of the same era. heaven and
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earth, we have witnessed that after a few years, for example, about 50 years , these people who called themselves the ummah of the messenger of god have such behavior with their own prophet's children. we should not forget abborihan boruni in the research.
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hawass and some aghazadehs are the leaders of the fact that those who killed seyyed al-shohada are aghazadehs , after all, they are people whose fathers being the commanders of the islamic army in the first era after the death of the messenger of god and even the release of someone like mukhtar, who was known to be a shiite, but the mistake that yazid made and because of the advice of a gentleman, he was released from prison. such behavior that some of them were the companions of amir al -mu'minin in the same war that you mentioned, in those five years , people who fought in the army of amir al-mu'minin in the army of amir al-mu'minin, came here in front of the son of amir al-mu'minin, one of them was the killer of ali akbara, who is one of the companions. khas hazrat alei, other than shamar, who is also famous except for the warriors of safin's veterans yes, it was safin. you see, the behavior of the properties
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, as you mentioned, is a special and strange behavior. in addition to the fact that we have false properties , we also have the properties of righteous people. that is, the companions of seyyed al-shaheda, the children of seyyed al-shaheda and their companions, these are visionary people, even though he had doubts from a political point of view, and even in the age of ashura , when hazrat abbas went with 20 people , zuhair and habib were together with him. a person from the enemy army says to zahid, why are you speaking so much when you were an ottoman until yesterday. he says yes, but i went and asked hossein my questions and saw hossein alone my doubts have been cleared, that is, you can see that he was a right-seeking person, while he was against the political behavior of amir al-mu'minin and his son and his children, he
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will return after he realizes the truth. i shut off the water to imam hussain, he shuts off the water, then he comes there to express his displeasure. what is the reason? well, pay attention , i would like to share this key phrase about the pilgrimage of ashura. in the pilgrimage of ashura, you are quoting an ummah about which tanqabat was mentioned. tanqabat means veiled. it has been recorded in history that when seyyed al-shahda was bringing the letters, some people signed the following letters. they were throwing these letters at them because they didn't recognize that they had to wear a mask, harr, who knew these things, turned to them and said that i hadn't signed, you signed, harr was a military figure.
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he was practicing his sword in the barracks, he was not a hypocrite, he was ignorant, he was ignorant when he realized what crime was organized here. he did not give up on the right and azad manshaneh came and went the point is that we have the characteristics of the people of falsehood, in contrast, we have the characteristics of the people of the right , that these are people who are right-seeking, not hypocrites , and they have become a symbol of right-seeking for the history of mankind with this view and this explanation that you have stated how we should take advantage and in other words take a lesson from the history of early islam, the most important message and lesson of ashura for today. there is a continuous parallel flow throughout the history of human life , the flow of right, the flow of falsehood, and a current of hypocrisy sometimes appears between these two, that is, those who
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believe in the false current, but their behavior sometimes they make it similar to the flow of justice. this is a historical matter. it is a natural matter. he is not either a supporter of the right or he is not a supporter of the right, then he is a supporter of falsehood. if we can organize the lessons of ashura in the same way and introduce to the people that ashura is a symbol of seeking justice, it is a symbol of seeking justice. that islam is the religion of mujahideen who support truth and justice. they introduced islam to us in a different way, the right-seeking islam versus the so-called islam that steps on the right , the justice-seeking islam versus the islam that compromises with the current. the cruelty of this lesson has always been throughout history, and our duty is to make the best use of the days of tasso ashura, to reread this book
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and introduce the path that people want to choose based on this criterion, considering the effect that properties have on different fields have this point, i would like to ask, please let us close with this experience, what is the solution to prevent the collapse of properties , based on what the supreme leader of the revolution has repeatedly pointed out, it is also a way to save the common people, that is, those who are less analytical and study. news and events beyond the news are the companion of salvation properties, of course, properties because they have more information. sometimes they put their foot in the middle , that is, they try not to make mistakes in their analysis , yes, they know what's going on, but they have interests, sometimes they use news rent for their interests, they try to find a way between right and wrong and this path between truth and falsehood
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is actually falsehood. we must try to close these paths between truth and falsehood and introduce the path of truth correctly and transparently. let's do it, and if this happens , history will not go wrong and the right direction will be in history, god willing, stay with us, viewers. dear, let's see a report together, we will come back to this section. the program and this report that we see , we want to talk more, dad, ashura is not over yet and the karbala caravan is still on its way , according to avini seyed shahidan, everyone is an ashura, and these days it is ashura in gaza, look at these tents and these children
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the most important example of this fear and sadness and happiness that has been repeated in history is 1385 years ago, when thirst overcame hossein's army and the child in his belly came to the field and raised it in his arms, and it is a story of a glorious fight. from hussain (peace be upon him) and ibn ziyad to these days palestinians and zionists, oh god, if
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it was hussein bin ali, he would have said, sir, if you want to mourn me , beat your chest for me, chain for me , your slogan today should be palestine, the number of 1300 years ago, a man left, the number of today, know you, and this number is the age of months. not for years. there is a crime in this part of the holy land in the holy land, but these days these bloods are working, the bloods that are awakening the people, these days the passion and consciousness of these fasts are also responding, you restless people, it is the turn of the al-ahrara storm. o death to israel o death to israel
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o death to israel and in the words of martyr avini if if you want the truth, the day of ashura has not yet reached the night , the soil has become effective since ashura in gaza . the pictures of the report were quite telling, the simultaneous crimes of the zionist regime against the oppressed and resistant people of gaza with mourning. the month of muharram, especially the first decade of the month of muharram, and the recent crime of having an attack
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on the tents and tents of palestinian refugees , leads them to the incident of karbala and what happened to the family of hazrat seyyed al-shahda and their companions, and unconsciously these events especially after ashura, the sight of ashura replaces your analysis and evaluation. these events are also of the time, and i would like to add a famous quote from martyr motahari, which we have heard a lot these days, know your time, we believe that the palestinian people chose this path and this is not a forced event that they did not have a role or decision in choosing. from 70 years of continuous crime and enduring torture and suffering and being imprisoned and... the strange things that have happened, this incident that
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has happened in the last one year is due to this choice, the choice of the palestinian people, steadfast resistance until the last drop of blood , the crime is also a terrible crime against us. so-called 90,000 injured and more than 40,000 martyrs most of them are women and children. however, when you enter into the conversation of these people, you will see that even though they are tired, hungry, displaced, losing their jobs , losing their capital , these people are still going through the holy month. leaving food for breaking the fast, not having water to drink, not having muharram, they are also going through muharram and they are actually sending this message to the world with their own resistance that we
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are standing at the foot of a school that we know as the school of ashura. the persistence of people on discourse the resistance in line with the line of abba abdullah al -hussein, peace be upon him, and this slogan that you see these days , our delegations beautifully chose that the free people of the world in the hossein tent is based on the same attitude, the reality is beyond religion and jurisprudence, we are facing a other what happened in yemen and today also happened in palestine, and the way to save the islamic nation, god willing, will
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be the way to save the islamic nation. avalanche. my image i came to the kaaba of your love ghorbani bashm hossein, these screen readings create images of the day in our minds for those of us who have not seen ashura in the year 61 ah and have not experienced war with tools such as swords and armor. today, karbala is embodied in another frame, somewhere far away from
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gaza. frames whose sound and images are transmitted to people sooner thanks to the media. in the tradition of the same curtain readings. sadness remains from the story of gaza. but in the language of the times, the wall painting of vali asr square in tehran calls us to answer a question. today's quote , what would he do if he was hussain bin (peace be upon him)? there was no attack. there was no war, he stood behind the people of gaza , he supported them , he supported them, he protected palestine, i think he would wipe this stain from the face of the earth. you can do it with any tool you have, with any media you have, you can't with your tongue in your heart, in any way
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you can, you have to seek forgiveness from this tribe, maybe in karbala in the year 61 hijri, one day in gaza. and then the events that we witnessed and we have to say that in the world arena, we can't say that we are strangers to one year, in these few months we have seen public support and especially the students in different countries were among the oppressed and resistant people of gaza. we were with these countries and these people
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. the people of islamic countries are doing their duty, but our problem is islamic governments and powerful institutions whose calculation system is sometimes wrong and they think that if they stand against israel, some of their interests and some of their religious beliefs will be endangered. along with the people of islamic countries, we see the free people of the world, especially the student movements. scientists and professors of universities, whether in europe, in america or in the middle east, this is really a stormy movement and it is not the end, that is , they stand in front of the police , they raise their own slogans, so to speak, the palestinian flag
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, and repeat the slogans. and this is a sign of victory . when in contemporary history have we had such a movement of an idea become widespread and popular and people are ready for it from their own position and their own credibility. they should ignore their own security and their own peace and repeat this slogan, and we hope that your letters will support this stormy global movement. supreme leader of the revolution to the youth of europe, who has been written 3 letters so far, when you analyze them and compare them, you can see that in the first letter , a connection was made, in the second letter, a so-called explanation was made. and in the third letter, there is a demand and protest that the meaning of the letter and the content of the letter are exactly in line with the slogans that
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we are witnessing in student movements and free-thinking and right-seeking movements in our world. however, in islamic countries , due to the fact that the volume of surrender of some of the zammadarans is high, we see that these flows are not well seen. of course, if a monitor so to speak let there be a breakthrough and see what is going on under the skin of islamic countries. we are witnessing this uprising and this internal revolution in islamic countries, which all remind us of god's final promise, and if there is an opportunity, i would like one of the verses of the quran .
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they are referring to a tradition called sunnah tamhis, which means purifying and separating truth from falsehood. this verse says in surah anfal, laimiz allah , cruel and disbelieving people will show themselves for the end of time more than any other time. so what should we do? we should first. let's choose our way
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and find out that we are not oppressors with the flow we are not awan zalma. if people say that there is no point in war, the anti-war movements should stand against the warmonger, not against war. war is a phenomenon that is cruel. they impose on humanity because we have an oppressor, we have an oppressed, you must stand up to the oppressor so that your war does not turn from a slogan to a reality. active participation in campaigns should be similar to the campaign of my opponent. we witnessed more than 12 million iranian people, those who they are active in the cyberspace and send messages with their mobile phones, participate, and this has become a liquid of hope
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for resistance, other than this , to take action for some of the problems that people are facing. see, let me give you a very concrete example. in a short period of time, millions of millions of judicial meals are prepared and explained by the people, and there are additions. well, when the people have such an ability, or in this ashura hosseini, you are witnessing that the benefactors and those who have an opinion press millions of food. they cook and explain for free and there are people who they use this opportunity and receive a few meals of hot food. when there is such a capacity, we can definitely take action to help the people of gaza with food. we have a system where there is a
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sure track. it is not completely certain, and by the groups of people who are related to the resistance front and are active in the virtual space, and people can express their views, which they did for the so-called seyyed al-shohda in previous years, and now in these days for those who are oppressed like the family of seyed al-shohda. they are displaced, they are hungry . god willing, we will donate these. god willing , we will deliver 30 seconds of the final sentence on the night of ashura, on the night of hosseini's ashura, and we must pay attention to the pole of the world, the possibility of the imam of the time , more than ever. they advised to give charity for the heart of imam zaman and peace of mind of imam zaman. we ask the almighty god to bring the imam of our time to our cry for the sanctity of sayyed al-shahda on the night of ashura, and i ask everyone to pray tonight for the holy presence of the imam of the time and
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god willing witness his appearance. be the people of gaza inshallah, thank you very much, mr. arizabi, for your presence in the first page program.
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it's really a ruin, it's a ruin here, it's saturday, you're going to die three years ago, imam hussain's memory is gone , my eyes can't see the light of my river , when will we come from this desert plain. la la la la la lala or hossein.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . arbaeen, the head of arbaeen's headquarters announced the agreement with the iraqi side on issuing arbaeen pilgrimage passports for iranian pilgrims. according to mr. mirahmadi, considering the improvements for iranian pilgrims, the cost of issuing this report is 65,000 tomans, and it will be provided to the applicants quickly. head of arbaeen central headquarters referring to the forecast of 500,000 pilgrims.


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