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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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identity documents such as national card and passport will be required. pilgrims between 5 and 15 years of age who do not have a national card will be provided with a birth certificate for those loved ones. for people over 18 years of age , it is necessary to have a sim card in their own name. respected applicants must first register in the samah system of the hajj and pilgrimage organization. our only request is that this registration is successful. complete and view this message. after that, our colleagues will be at their service in the banking network. now, those who want to buy in person can do it themselves i have presented the selected branches of the operating banks to you, and the banks themselves will inform you about these selected branches . they will refer to their website and pay the amount of riyals for this card.
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there can be different cards, from any so-called card that is a member of the shatab network , it must be in the name of the individual, and there is no need to open an account in that bank. this can be discussed face-to-face in the discussion of online purchases of segkos. the banks themselves will inform some of this. it is clear that the so-called segkos were used by people last year , that people authenticate themselves first these platforms. after authenticating their rials , they pay through that platform , they specify the time and branch of the agent bank they want to visit , they go to the desired branch on the same day or now at the appointed time. and they prepare their own width . what is the width that you are referring to and that you mentioned that the selected branches means the branches are the width of all foreign exchange branches of the banks or not only these selected branches.
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not all the branches of the banks that you mentioned , you should see that the bank must equip the required width , therefore, all branches of this service are necessarily possible. therefore, we used the word "selected branches" so that our dear contacts, dear visitors , can view that branch at any of the banks they want to make an offer from . there is no other list to view, but the group that wants to make a purchase in person should visit the selected branches. the price that will be paid to the honorable customers is iraqi dinar , which is given to each person up to 200,000 dinars. this value is rial. it will be determined by the day whether it is correct or not. did you determine something specific? yes, the value it can be realized according to the daily rate.
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the iranian gold and currency exchange center announces that the 200,000 dinars that people can procure, and that if people, for example, those who want a flight, will be transferred to mashrafe and see what their process is like. the discussion of the so-called breadth that people receive in the form of travel does not exist. therefore, people who want to travel by air should first receive their offer from the selected branches in the way i explained, and in the second part, if if they want, they can get their own travel currency. there is no conflict with each other. their travel time does not change according to their destination . it is the same as the previous routine. yes, according
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to the previous routine. how many people have registered in this system so far: 112,500 people. confirmation of registration in the sama system, and while saying hello to these two dear guests who are present and taking pains, i want to say that just as mr. chegani said, the sama system is a condition for registration, that is, if people dear, if they want to get a quote , they must register in the sama system, even though this year. exiting
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the country, insurance and passport are also subject to the samah system. we request our dear people to refer to the samam system as soon as possible so that they can better manage their travel . it facilitated the exit process of the respected pilgrims. this discussion was about the sajjad system. this year, the sajjad sajjad system is the same common window system that we said , your service is sajjad. this is the connection that exists between d and the border. it is doing its job in the four borders this year . one point that is very important is the discussion of the operators. what arrangements have you made for the mobile phone operators ? we have held several meetings with the operators. this monday we have the final meeting with the operators
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. we are also negotiating with the iraqi side. after monday, we will be able to announce the final result with the operators. it is not clear yet. it is not clear yet. it's good that we open all the packages completely and then let our dear people know . how is this year different from previous years? all the loved ones who want to go with private cars , according to the capacity that exists at the borders , they can go with their own cars and park their cars at the border, and from there they will go to the border by buses that have been considered. . if you mean the entry of private vehicles into iraq, no, this year it is not possible to enter iraq with private vehicles due to the heavy volume of vehicles inside iraq, of course the arbaeen headquarters of the
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islamic republic of iran requested this from the arbaeen headquarters of iraq , but the arbaeen headquarters of iraq due to the issue of crowding and a lot of traffic and cars. who is on the other side, did not accept this, so it means that no one can cross the border with a private car , they do not cross the border with a private car, but there are parking spaces for their private cars at all the borders. as you know, the capacities have increased. this year, we have considered more than 450,000 parking spaces per day for the six borders. considering that the capacity of these parking lots is constantly filled and empty , a large number of people can use these parking lots compared to last year. there has been a change. yes, it has increased a lot. we can say that the border
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has increased by about 50%. honorable minister of interior and the minister of interior have visited different parking lots , so the lighting of the parking lots should be better this year , the issue of care in the parking lots will definitely be given more attention this year, and the parking lots themselves are covered by walls all around so that the property people, god willing, be safe to be able to go on their journey, they are traveling now. of the 6 land borders, there is only one sea border. exactly how ready are each of those borders? if you can, please tell us in detail for the viewers of tamrchin and bashmagh border, which was added in recent years , less than 50% of the traffic of
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our dear people passes through the mehran border. a lot of traffic is carried out on the borders of mishe and chazaba and shalamcheh. alhamdulillah, in the past two years, when bashmaq and tamerchin borders have been added to the borders , it has been well received by our dear people, especially the provinces that are there and those who think may that they can cross those borders more easily . alhamdulillah , we see this explanation every year at all borders, that our dear people are doing smarter, that is, we see it every time it passes. that people are more careful and choose their borders in such a way that there is the least danger. in the advice of istad central of arbaeen , which borders are the most people to go to, our advice is that people should refer to the sama system much earlier, in the sama system, dear ones, when
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those who register can find out how many people visit each border on the day they register so they can use their intelligence. they can choose their own disease and i am sorry for your presence that we discussed the issue of transportation in great detail about buses, but a year ago there was news that people can travel by train and these too, now people travel by train. how is it planned for the train this year? let me tell you how much and how much it will be in the borders where the train goes as far as shalamcheh and chezabe border, where the train goes to khuzestan province. we are still in touch. in order to get the most statistics if you allow me, i will tell you the statistics in the next sections, so that i have not made any mistakes, and
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on the other hand, friends, let them bring their capacities to the full for this part of the sea border, which, according to the agreement we had with the iraqi side this year, is from this side of khorramshahr port and from onur bandar. basra was built to be added and the loved ones who want can travel through the sea border. what arrangements have you thought for there , how people should visit, how are their tickets , how do they travel? people who want to go, well, cars and buses bring people from the base they are in, the place they are in, the cars that the cars inside the city, they bring people to the blue border, and from the other side, according to the agreement made with iraq , they bring people from the basreh border to the bus station, which is the first bus stop that goes to najaf and karbala. these are short-distance buses. discuss. how much is their water traffic and so on, how much coordination is there, how much capacity is there, that is, how
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many times can people visit, for example, how many times a day is there traffic, this depends on the needs of the people . bring it, considering that the water sector is completely new and people's luck regarding this part, it will be clear how much it is this year, but the promise we got during this trip, when the two ministers visited the water borders on both sides , that is, both basra and this side of the border on the iranian side , was made in order to provide enough capacities for this. the borders should be set, so now the number of ships and these things are not yet known . it will be determined depending on the capacity and demand of the people . we will be able to reach 300 flights a week, when will this happen?
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god willing, this will happen on the 16th of august at the same time as the start of the operation. yes , we have announced the start of the operation to our dear people from the first of the travel month. then, what will the prices be? it will be determined at that time . the price has already been checked. yes, the prices are completely up to date. yes, one point is that you start your operation from august, a trip to discuss reception and processions, and when can they start their work, those who want to march , what should they do? well, as dear people know , iraqi processions start almost from the tenth of the month. they will start working from august 25th, yes, from august 25th therefore, the central headquarters of arbaeen has made arrangements for the accommodation and feeding committee to be ready from the first month of the trip, so that the dear people who enter the country of iraq, especially in the cities of najaf and karbala
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, god willing, will be able to welcome the dear people. from onur to 23 safar, although our advice to our beloved people is to complete their journey as soon as possible and return as soon as possible . they have education is planned for them this year we decided that it would be easier for them to start their work and transportation. now they want to move something. yes, the processions start every year from the 25th of muharram according to the agreements that you know . it is being implemented, one of the agreements of the mawaqb discussion is that from the 25th, almost from the 25th of the month of muharram, the mawaqab will be present in iraq. and they can be ready to accept from mahd , we don't have more than a minute or two
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. how much is arbaeen insurance this year, how is it done, how much coverage does arbaeen insurance have? well, it has been seen at three levels. 80,000 tomans, 90,000 tomans and 10,000 tomans and each has a special cover for itself, and this year compared to last year, according to the announcement, making friends is about 50% more than last year. there are insurance obligations for our dear people. even in the past years , this insurance was done from 100 km from the border. look , there is coverage for services caused by injuries, services caused by god forbid death, and some outpatient services, each of which
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is different. one is 15 million tomans and 100 tomans each. it will be done in the samah system , i will deposit it when i register. we are the conditions for people to leave the country, samah system. thank you very much to all the good viewers of the half-day conversation, who have kept us with you until this moment .
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brother of islam
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, this is only a part of the kurdistan's love and devotion to the beloved family of the prophet of islam, which is more popular every year than the previous years.
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every night, i have to be mad at the feet of grief . i am fasting, hossein. every night i have to be crazy about you, laila
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, who is laila, you are my dear friend, i will be with you, and we will have a good night.
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he is so dead that he took my hand, so dead that hossein. in the name of god. hello dear viewers. you are watching the news at 16:00. hosseini's ashura in karbala ma'ali. according to the iraqi calendar, today is the tenth of muharram and the day of ashura. lovers of imam hussain (peace be upon him) mourned the martyrdom of seyyed al-shaheda and his companions in this country, like muslims in other countries.


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