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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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the imam stopped him and said: my son, you are my successor and... these women and children. you have to stay and accompany them. when the case of reform is proposed , the case is honest and sincere . there is no political gain or anything in these considerations. this is the first point around the word al-islah. imam al-hussein, peace be upon him, did not allow me to spend his life. al-islamiyya of imam al-hussein
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, peace be upon him, i spent it for the sake of the people of humanity, i spent it for the sake of the dawah of muhammadiyah, and i did not spend it except for seeking reform in ummah. love of god is reflected for muslims always in the love of the religion and the proper practice of the religion and to that extent imam hussein was insisting a proper practice of islam which at that time also included a proper selection of who leads muslims. after saying goodbye to each and every woman and child of the shrine, imam hussain, peace be upon him, wears the clothes they ask him to wear under his clothes. saying the reason for this makes the women of the shrine very impatient. hazrat says: i know that my clothes will be stolen after my martyrdom. i wear this dress of mandars, so that
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no one will be attracted to it, so that my body does not lie on the ground as a hostage. imam goes towards the square. enemy snipers they targeted the imam and some others also moved towards the tents. the imam shouts at the enemy commanders: o followers of abisfian, if you don't have religion and you don't fear the resurrection. at least be free. you are at war with me. women and children who are innocent. as long as i am alive , stop your unruly and ignorant army from invading my shrine. shemar says. he is right. now attack him . he says to them, that is, put their religion aside, he
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wants to say to them, if you have any doubts, i am the religious side in your understanding of religion and in your religious practices, go back to your homeland, go back to you will find your nature and in the end you will return to the religious teachings that emphasize the oppression of imam al-hussein. on the other hand, imam al-hussein only represented an extension of the line of prophethood, which obliges every muslim to commit to the stage of al-harja, to visit the shrine of the messenger of god , may god bless him and grant him peace, and the people of the house killed al-hussein, his heart was destroyed, so he would never see the light . it doesn't matter, this is his wife , this is his child, imam hussain, peace be upon him
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, has turned to the euphrates after a difficult task to provide water, but the army attacked and blocked the way with a stone. and after that, a three-branched and poisoned arrow enters his chest, and the imam's voice is heard. o god, be your witness that these are the murderers of the one who is the son of a prophet on earth but him. like the real one fana al-habib beloved of the eternal, and at the moment
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of our ax, he seeks the lover, the lover who seeks first expands his heart for other than allah, not in thought and existence, and except for allah, the sublime and exalted, except for the beloved, the school reminds god even in the last moments, and the soul leaves this body, joins the first worlds and another school, even if people abandon the soul and seek it. . there is a gold seal in the hand of a little girl, if we are the imam of surah the qur'an, which constantly focuses on al-qala except those who believe and do good deeds, and few, although the imam
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is on foot and wounded, and the fire has cut his strength, but it goes everywhere. ibn sa'd and shamr are in sardar's plan. i wish they don't mind their tents and setting them on fire. by allah , subhanahu wa ta'ala, the highest degrees of closeness that can
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be given to worshipers are al-fana in the love of god. father, he was husband, he was a son, he was a brother, and and all of those are there, but the way the muslims came to see him is largely through this prism of this single act of asserting the importance of islamic message to be properly practiced, imam al-hussein was an example of patience, an excellent example even though i was with him, that is, women. we say that the killing of the sons and brothers of the brothers and the sons of the brothers, and they kill, that is, they kill and kill the imam, this is terribly difficult
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, that is, it is impossible for a human being to bear the pure body of the imam, full of wounds and stained with blood. they fall on the hot sands of the desert. at that moment , there is no limitation on his part towards anyone. but yazid's soldiers are tougher than you can imagine. the commanders address their soldiers to complete the work of hussain bin ali. kahn constantly, there is my type of travel, if i have to go out of my person, the characters of the opposite camp, in order to urge them to do this
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. the concept of goodness and virtue reaches its peak at the cost of ignorance and savagery, they separate the head of the imam and his companions from the body . the tents are set on fire and looted. they pull earrings from the ears of little girls. the strangest thing is that omar saad's riders
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are running on the lifeless body of the imam. a red storm. that is, islam prohibits the representation of bodies for them, these people leave food for the animals, even outside the islamic circle , outside the human circle.
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asra's caravan is on the way to kufa, and ali bin al-hussein
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is ahead of asra. more than several decades have not passed since the death of the prophet of god, may god have mercy on the world. but these people never had a prophet. do these people really do not know the prophet's ahl al-bayt?" the messenger of god, may god 's prayers and peace be upon him, visited the house of fatima one day, and she was the daughter of the messenger of god, and she was al-baa'ah, and she was the beloved of the messenger of god. he hurts you by crying while he is a small child, and we all know about the crying of the child. it is an innate and natural thing, but it is an effect on the soul
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of the messenger of god, may god bless him and grant him peace, the temptation and calamity that god has inflicted on muslims to show that the world is nothing in the sight of god and the rest is nothing in the sight of god. walk in the streets and passages of the city. all the people have come to watch . hazrat zainab, peace be upon her, intends to speak in front of the people who are unable to understand her dignity and are wandering in eternal stupidity. some people shed tears and...
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al-sama al-asasiyyah al-tatsef-e-baha is the personality of sayyida ho begging in a difficult situation and this is bravery. imam al-hakim al-zalim yazid, and this deep faith in the message, and in karbala, means raising the hands to god, the exalted, and saying, "o allah, accept this sacrifice . " the best way to
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prevent even the slightest scratch on that islamic creed , where the heads are being discussed , hazrat zainab suggests to move the heads forward so that attention is drawn to them. dry do not do not let your moans rest. your likeness is like a woman who unravels her thread after spinning . how? you cannot erase the crime of killing the prophet's son. the same child who was brought up by the messenger of god, may god bless him and grant him peace , and is the young master of heaven. he is the refuge of your good people, a safe place in difficult times, the flag of your authority and
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the tongues and pi. was the leader of the tradition among you? it indicates that the good attitude of imam al-hussein liyati to kufa was a good attitude and she was optimistic about it . hazrat starts from the first moment from the desert of karbala, he starts sending messages to kufa to yazid road and yazid's court. the message of hazrat zainab, peace be
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upon her, is completely successful and effective and works as it should. obaidullah says that she is arrogant , i can't really imagine how a person who has been through so much trouble can walk . the first thought that comes to obaidullah is the arrogance of this woman. he goes so as not to attract too much attention . amir al-mu'minin will say that umm kulthum and fatimah sughra, the daughter of imam hussain, peace be upon him , are also present here. imam sajjad, peace be upon him, after praising god and mentioning the prophet, says:
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those who know me have known me. but for those who do not know me, i will introduce myself to them. i am ali bin al-hussein bin ali bin abi talib. then he talks about following people according to their desires. the crowd is excited and everyone is saying something. ahl al-bayt is taken to the governor. ibn ziyad addresses zainab, peace and blessings of god be upon him, with complete insolence: what god did to you and your relatives how do you see ibn ziyad knows that it means the moral situation of parents and he knows that we have committed a fine against
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god. in this hadith to sayyida zainab, there is something in it that i am mocking, that is, you hold fast to the religion, hold fast to the word of god, and this is god's will on the day of the killing of your brother, and he says to her, that is , everyone is waiting for zainab's answer, peace be upon her, and they are looking towards her. mrs. zainab answers with the firmness that she probably remembers from her father.
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i swear to god, except beautiful. mr. chairman, first of all, i would like to congratulate the presidency of the russian federation on the security council and
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thank you for holding and organizing this initiative on time. do effective multilateralism is essential to ensure international peace and security. we need to highlight the importance of such initiatives. we emphasize multilateralism and emphasize the harmful consequences of selfish unilateralism. as one of the founding members of the united nations, the islamic republic of iran emphasizes its permanent commitment to effective multilateralism based on international law and the principles of the united nations charter. mr. chairman, allow me to use this opportunity to raise a few points from the islamic republic of iran: 1. united nations
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it was not established just to save the generations from the scourge of war. but calling for the development of friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the right to self-determination. there were also people. these principles and other lofty principles and goals contained in the charter can only be achieved through multilateral cooperation. unilateralism is contrary to peace and justice. 2. equality of sovereignty of states is the fundamental basis of the united nations system. this principle is based on the right of self-determination of every nation, through which it can he wrote to establish himself , the prohibition of threatening or reaching the peaceful settlement of disputes and non-interference in affairs
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the internal affairs of other countries are all established with the aim of protecting the sovereignty of nations against foreign aggression and ensuring friendly relations between them. unilateralism is the fundamental foundation of the united nations. unilateralism is an invitation to injustice, confrontation and war. 3 the united nations, as the biggest symbol of multilateralism, is subject to the calamity of unilateralism. unfortunately, the security council is always abused by some permanent members for strategic agendas. or self-centered politics. on the one hand, they
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have used the authority of the council to put pressure on sovereign countries. and on the other hand they hindered the action of the council to stop the aggression and violation of peace by their aligned countries and allies. the path of a very clear example of several decades of veto of any decision. it is significant by the us about the continuous genocide of the israeli regime against the palestinians and its repeated aggression against the nations of the region. here i would like to emphasize that the support and solidarity of the islamic republic of iran with the resistance groups is a legitimate action in the framework of international law with the aim of ending the occupation and aggression in the region. the resistance is a response to the unilateralism and fanatical support of a criminal regime that is committing to genocide
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is a crime in gaza and the oppressed land of palestine. four multilateralism requires respect for the division of labor among the united nations. the council's creeping involvement in issues beyond its agenda, which is clearly described in the charter, endangers the integrity of the charter as an intergovernmental treaty and diverts the council from its proper function . in addition, the members of the united nations have agreed to accept and implement the decisions of the security council according to the charter. here, i would like to refer to the unjust resolutions imposed against the islamic republic of iran during the years 2006 to 2010. i would like to state that the result of the baseless claims of the united states about iran's peaceful nuclear program
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is in conflict with iran's rights under the non-proliferation treaty and violates the fundamental human rights of my country. i emphasize. the united nations security council and that group of members who played a key role in imposing those illegal and illegitimate sanctions against the islamic republic of iran. they cannot shirk their responsibility for violating the rights of our people. 5. unilateral coercive measures in the form of sanctions. mazremani is still a manifestation of extreme and inhumane one-sidedness. the us and its western allies who enforce those sanctions must be prepared for destruction, death, and the endless suffering of the nations under sanctions, including the people of my country, should be answered. mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, the islamic republic of iran has always
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shown its adherence to multilateralism , a clear example of which is its constructive participation in the conclusion of the jcpoa. it will pay attention to the fabrication of the western countries regarding iran's peaceful nuclear program and it was supposed to remove the cruel sanctions from the shoulders of the iranian people. unfortunately, this multilateral process with the west's approach and the united states' unilateral approach is a serious challenge confront with. the unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the agreement is one of the manifestations of unilateralism in the international arena, which harmed all parties to the agreement . in the same way, the neighborhood policy of the islamic republic of iran is one of the results of paying attention to multilateralism to solve issues of common concern.
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in this context, iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be allocated for the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all. in fact, strengthening your participation and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region is the guiding principle of the foreign policy of the islamic republic it is iran. mr. chairman, in the end, i would like to emphasize the approach and foreign policy of the new government of the islamic republic of iran, which is based on the strengthening of unilateralism based on the principles of the united nations charter and international law. the main approach of the government's foreign policy is to open new horizons and comprehensively expand friendly relations with others.
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governments will be based on dialogue, cooperation, equality and mutual respect. and within the framework of this approach, the government of the islamic republic of iran has a special and lofty position to deepen the relations of all on the other hand, it respects the neighboring countries, the region and other governments. dear mr. president, as the secretary general pointed out, global challenges can only be solved through respecting international law , adhering to global commitments and adopting appropriate frameworks for multilateral governance. while emphasizing this, the islamic republic of iran welcomes any initiative to strengthen multilateralism and increase respect for international law and to realize the goals and principles of the united nations charter. multilateralism is the key to dealing with global threats and challenges. we do not
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believe that the only way to create a safe and fair environment it is comprehensive so that nations can benefit from sustainable growth and peace. thank you all for your attention. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the family of muhammad hasten their lives. greetings to you , dear viewers, the possibility of importing cars has been opened for all iranians, subject to compliance with the standards , provided that the model of 2019 and above has the current standards of european countries. for all dear iranians.


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