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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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stand up for justice, the burden of trust is on your shoulders , stand up first line, first line, first line, line of service, line of humanity , your stronghold, your stronghold, this table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your eyes are martyrs for you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, the most merciful, the merciful , my fellow countrymen, my dear viewers , i greet you on the first page of the news network. may your prayers and prayers be accepted , god willing. the republic in the life of the government this week announced more than 20 new measures in the 13th government in the field of women in the family checking more details on the first page tonight , we invited dr. hajatali, the vice president for women and family affairs, to ask about what has been done and to move forward in the field of women and family and to ask the 14th government. greetings to you. i offer my condolences to you on this day. salam alaikum, i also offer my condolences to you and all the dear viewers, god willing, you will be fine, my dear. from the time you sokan
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took over the position of the vice president for women and family affairs in the 13th government, until today, when we are at your service, about three years have passed. it's been a year or two, and it's been about 3 years. i'd like to ask you about the ideal point you set on the first day and where we are today, where we're on our way, what plans did you foresee for today in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, during this time. two years and 1 month and a few days, in fact , my colleagues in the vice-department worked persistently and quickly , thank god , they had good achievements. acting as a showcase and
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being politicized and my effort is that these two to lighten it up as much as i can and it's out of my hands, thank god, now after two years, almost 3 years, i can say that the look of women in the shop window and ceremonial look has faded, and women were able to do many things in the operation. and in creating a suitable position and a position where they are not only looked at as we now want to say that we also involved women, but their thoughts should be used, their votes and opinions should be used, and the view of politicking and to be a tool of politics and sing different factions and groups by naming women and mentioning them in any way those rhetorical issues. we tried to
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get her to distance herself from these two aspects and enter the field, thank god, even though she is the deputy head of staff, she was able to move the field, and in many fields where women were not in their true position, she was able to bring them closer to their true position. they are getting closer to their true position, but in the decision-making councils and in the first months of this government, female advisors, equal to us, have a position equal to the deputy minister or general manager , and that the requirement is created for the institutions as the approval of a regulation. that should be ladies the consultant is present in the decision-making councils.
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have and they will be asked to report how many of these women were active in your organization or in the governorates of the general managers as a task . it is suggested to the governors that they should participate in the decision-making councils of the province and the main and big councils. well, all this will make women gain new experiences and participate in decision-making and their thoughts will be used. the thing that should be taken into consideration is that an iranian lady and an iranian muslim woman, when in the society with her hijab and modesty. it means that i am a partner as a human being and don't pay attention to my gender and my gender, but pay attention to my thoughts, my ideas, my creativity, my skills, my expertise, and this expertise should be seen more in society, especially women. in
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the high ranks of expertise and skill , dr. raw showed some of the main and essential axes, which i have included in this introduction. regarding women's affairs and of course the position of the complete family , mention it, but what was mentioned and what was implemented, what was implemented , there are more than 20 measures in the government of shahid raisi and the 13th government regarding you mentioned the most important thing about women and family, that the window view of women and their performance in various institutions has decreased, and your effort is based on this , and that this view in the operational field and the field is also the main approach and that. what is the main focus that you have taken regarding an iranian muslim lady in the deputy position, as well as the measures that you talk about each of them, just as i said that the woman as a person with a mind and a tact in various assemblies in the
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institutions executives in decision-making situations should recognize the importance of the body and value the existence of women try to put them in place. they should use it themselves, women should not be a tool, women should not be a tool to sing with slogans and rituals , use this tool for other purposes, so i think that women are getting closer to their position and they are finding their original position. there is a section on jobs, a section on special education for women, and a section on insurance. and there are protections that should be provided to women, and thank god , there are good protections for women in this government, whether it is insurance for pregnant women until the end of the breastfeeding period or infertility insurance that is in the form of a hundred what is the percentage supported by insurance
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for rural housewives, which is one of the important issues that is being done for the first time, yes, for the first time , and we hope it will continue. and what other protections have been given to the women of the head of the khan or the elite women, or the job fields that have been provided for them, or the de-harmization discussions , we have many issues in the de-harmization of the family and women, women who are in bad shape, women who are trapped in bad conditions. addiction issues or other harm issues
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are the first issue of policy making, making laws, regulations , as well as amending laws. regulations with which we are facing, can you give us an example, for example, in the 13th government, what did you do to amend the laws for women in or in the field of the family, for example , look at many of the regulations or procedures that we could have quickly amended, for example, in the first weeks that we came, some of the mothers protested that we can't get our children's report cards and they say they will only give it to their father and their guardian, which the president immediately ordered. it was checked and it was seen that the order
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i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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god is the witness of the highest hajjah of god, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you.
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hai ali khair al-alam. hai ali khair al-alam . god is great. may god accept your prayers and mourning. dear women , you are viewing the first page. mrs. dr. khost ali, the vice president for women and family affairs in
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the 13th government, is with us in the studio on the first page and she gives explanations about the performance of the vice president , pointing to the policy department, which is dedicated to the amendment of laws. and the advancement of the suggestions that are given in this area and you mentioned the action that was taken at the beginning sakanle with a complaint that some of us. in it , the president gave an order and it was checked that the order was actually approved a few months ago and it was only given to the guardian and the father, so it was corrected immediately and a report and file was created to be given to the mother as well. the arrangement of the cases that we were faced with was partly a procedure, partly a recipe, for example, the situation of various jobs that sometimes hindered the implementation , now tomorrow, god willing, we are going to the island
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of hamgam and the ladies who and we have a meeting with the ladies of siadi who have been there for years. sayid gave them permission it could not be given, and now they were able to start a successful business with the permission they received in this government, and many of the problems that women have in the islands, and some of these islands have become feminine at all, due to the migration of their men, they can solve these economic problems. amending the law or, for example , you are the minister of policy making, yes, for example, one of the cases we faced during our first trips to the province, we went to the nursery and were faced with a large number of children and infants who were waiting in line. it's their turn to be able to because of a legal problem , sometimes they were waiting for a few years until that problem
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was solved, now we are witnessing that some nurseries are closing down, several nurseries in tehran and mashhad have been closed and this shows that we a legal amendment can solve many possible problems. we had the call to prayer live on air. your cell phone is also reminding you of the call to prayer. sometimes, turn it off. i'm on a flight. leave, but stay alive again, mrs. doctor, one of the axes that you just mentioned is the various jobs you had in the field of policy making let's go back to the field of coordination with the devices . it goes back to that fact. the role of women in the field , how much did you coordinate with different institutions to strengthen the family issue, to strengthen the position of women, see as i said, we have more policies and procedures modification, part of these laws, part of this procedure and instructions it may be related to the judicial branch, some to
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the singing branch, so we have to coordinate with them regarding the security bill. let's have reforms in various commissions that needed to be made in this bill and cooperate with the judiciary we had difficulties and some of the procedures, god willing , will be notified and corrected in these days, the issues raised by the mothers, the issues of mourning that were raised, or some issues related to the martyr's foundation and the wives of the veterans raised , thank god, these are because now we talked about the example and coordination. a part of your comments and your orders went back to the issue of insurance for rural women. let's talk about this. the coordination that was done with the agencies that the insurance for rural women with three children and more was free. yes, the insurance for rural women was done free of charge. who have three children
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through actually providing social security fund index. a village, thank god, it is being done. the budget was allocated to it last year and many consultations were held in order for this work to be done and operational. you see, many times these are in the law, many times there are recommendations, in fact there are regulations, but the budget is not allocated. that the budget was allocated to this issue and registration started and a large number of registrations began , and god willing, the budget has been seen in the population budget this year, and god willing, it will continue in this way. credit has been seen, but it should be allocated it is very important to continue. likewise, the one percent budget that was allocated to women and families last year made many of the plans that women could have been implemented. many programs could be implemented nationally through this budget. that is, for example, the discussion of women's health
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and women's movement health and the monitoring that took place in the ministry of sports through we have a 1000-page report from the agencies, all of which report that in what field we presented some plans to them , and some of them themselves have plans in the field of women and family, and they are obliged to implement 70% of them in they should consume at the national level and not that they could use 30% in their own devices . they should use this budget and this year too, this budget is in a different form that maybe the vice president can have more interference because it is centralized and under the control of the vice president , and the vice president can explain it. well, last year we only had we had a monitoring and reporting and with the budget plan
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, it dealt with this issue with the same approach of reporting . other such cases are this the support that has been provided, for example, in the discussion of domestic jobs, you mentioned the issue of women's jobs. well, ladies, one of the most frequent issues that they raised was that we want to have social activities, have jobs , and be able to provide for our children. let us be able to, especially during the period of fertility and the period of having children and raising children from now on. they should use it. well, one of the good things that was done was the increase in home business facilities . the increase in home business facilities means that it can be done with the financial support that is available to it. with the skills he learns to have a job alongside his children, that is, from how many jobs there were, for example, 200 billion in 2009, and
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it increased to 5 thousand billion, 25 times, so this helped a lot to achieve your goal. because it is a special discussion, a forgiveness was received and facilitated by a lady who received it, but 80% of them were women who received a tip and a large number of them were villagers who received it and this caused even us to see reverse migration from the city to we were in the village. in the women's section, we used to go to some villages i said that we were in the city for a while, but now that these facilities have come, we preferred to go back to the village and have a special job. now we have jobs , sometimes related to agriculture, sometimes conversion industries, sometimes handicrafts , because of the support they received in the village, they returned to the village. there is a job that is actually flexible and is compatible with the working conditions of women's lives. we tried to see the same thing in the seventh plan, that is, flexible job as one of
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the duties of the government to formulate bills that can consider the issue of job flexibility for women. take it and women can tell their multiple responsibilities , new meetings or not, new and easier conditions for these, we should see them in flexible jobs because of the great work that women are responsible for and that. in fact, the responsibility of the future generation and raising the next generation and having children, which is one of the big challenges we are facing now, these are the things that we
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have to see in the laws, and in the laws , we have actually prepared the infrastructure in the seventh plan, god willing. this issue should be resolved within a year so that we can have a suitable situation for women to work next year. and also to the important duty of a mother. and their spouses can pay in the part you mentioned about the home jobs of dr. khorzali. in addition to the facilities, a part of it is the issue of empowering women. now let's talk about abusive and self-righteous women, that is, women who are the heads of the family, and all iranian women in general. what measures did you take in the field of empowerment and entrepreneurship that became an indicator? you see, we
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had a problem that we should have a community program for them in article 80. at first, we compiled this and sent it to the commissions, and finally it led to a bylaw to create a single window for women heads of the household, which could be supportive. let's compile the community plan, which has also been compiled and the draft is ready. the next step is the issue of guarantee for these women. the problem they have for their employment is that they have to go to different people to be their guarantor for
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the facilities they get. national women and family and it was announced that quotas were set for different provinces by the government. this was a very good step and a good support for the women heads of the household, which the government is the guarantor of. yes, and in the next stage , we had a family-oriented sustainable business plan, where families headed by women who have children of working age can be covered by this support, in priority to their children and then to themselves. it was done in order to cover these female heads of the household from basic materials to education until reaching the market and even though our budget is small. thanks to ahmadullah, we were able to bring in a large number of people with the cooperation we made with various institutions and
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they also put in a budget in this area. let's prepare that one of the main problems in all of these is the issue of supply . we discussed two things in the supply of credit for all provincial trips, especially for women . was considered and the land provided by the municipality is now sometimes yes yes sometimes in several cities sometimes in the central city in every province, we had at least one bazaar , sometimes several bazaars were approved, and one of them was selling these through virtual , which with the contracts we had with virtual platforms, these were free, with free training, and with free advertising. they could offer their products, mrs. doctorli. i want to talk about the issue of the family in particular and of course the information provided by the women's affairs department for young people on the verge of marriage, but let us
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see a report first. from what is in the vice president's office of women and family affairs in this period of time what the doctor mentioned has happened in the last 2 years. as usual , we will review the performance and track record of each government at the end of its work. we will have an overview of the most important measures of the 13th government in the field of women and family. we can say that the government has 20 new works family and in the field of women and empowerment. women did. one of these measures is insurance support. from infertility treatment insurance to insurance for rural women with three or more children and insurance for women during pregnancy until the end of breastfeeding. special family insurances, insurance for pregnant women, insurance for wealthy rural women three children infertility insurance for all of these was done for the first time in this government, thank god. although
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this government. he could not finish the year. empowering women heads of households and supporting them in the form of providing facilities and educational services, among other activities of the vice president for women and family affairs in the 13th government, is very good for the housewife, even if the amount is small, we are still living the promotion. the status of women's affairs in the institutions , equal to the general manager or deputy minister, is another measure that was carried out for the first time in the president's government. in his term, finally, the discussion of appointment we had the first female power plant manager, or female managers in the ministry of home affairs, even at the level of deputy ministers , measures have been taken in line with the effect of youth marriage and family strength, including providing facilities such as goods card loans and facilitating employment for couples in their fifties and carrying out projects advice like new spouses who will be kind and patient.
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in addition to compiling documents such as the national document of family counseling and the commitment to the family movement and pursuing bills and amending some laws in the field of women, activities have also been carried out at the international level . medical genetics with honor such as holding the international congress of influential women and the establishment of the ayora working group of the union of indian ocean countries under the chairmanship of iran for the education and economic empowerment of women in iran and jahan motahar mehrabi of sed and sima news agency, we mentioned the issue of family consolidation before this report. and the measures that were taken and followed up in the 13th government in the women and family affairs offices of the presidency, let me ask dr. ghazali in more detail what you did about the consolidation of the house and the issue. matching
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that a plan was proposed and i think it was implemented. yes, you see, we mostly play a supporting role. that the ministry of sports and sports is yes yes, mainly the ministry of sports and the counseling that is given during marriage is to the ministry of health and the institution of supreme leadership in universities that works in the field of spiritual, moral and legal debates and before marriage is usually done by the ministry of sports we are more responsible for marriage, i.e. after the formation of a family, and for family consolidation, therefore
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, we took the new plan of spouses to consolidate the family and to give the necessary training and skill training to couples in the first years of life, and at the national headquarters of women and we approved the family, then it went to the commissions, and then it was announced, and the ministry of interior became the executive number of this plan, and we also have the supervision, coordination, and support that would prevent divorce . and again, in the next category , it happens in the first 5 years, so we have this consultation in the first year we approved it to be free for everyone and from the second to the fifth year for grades 1 to 7 , which is currently being done in qom and semnan provinces. it leaves a lasting mark on the consolidation of the family and some of the works and plans that have been carried out in these two years, which is the consolidation of the rural family, the issue of the glory of life, which is the consolidation of the student family.


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