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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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different people who are willing to accompany that attitude and that tendency, i.e. with that discourse , will bring these things together, but i emphasize again that we are not looking for the formation of a coalition cabinet, because first of all , it is the people's opinion, and secondly, that a coalition cabinet cannot work. it should be a coherent cabinet, but a cabinet that benefits from all the forces , and that is why we asked all the groups to nominate us based on these criteria. political parties that i present to you in two ways it was given to more than 90 to maybe more than 100 groups and associations, but from our reform front, we gave it to the coalition, i think it was your reform front that took the sacrifices. 30 and
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you have eaten the party and the organization and this is the house of the worker , i don't know, we have different parties from the ittehad mellat party to the neda party and this is all in the front of reforms , this is the gathering of this group, they are self-sacrificing , principled activist groups have also been suggested to them , principled activists like mr. dr. haddad, mr. dr. qalibau, mr. mr. natiq. they are also invited to introduce a representative, i said, they are competitors mr. dr. jalili's elections, all of these have been requested, i think some of them have been sent , and you mentioned that we have a series of indicators, veto indicators, one part of which are four veto indicators , and you mean the red line that cannot be crossed , that is, in that form, our form we have an automatic system, if someone does not take that index, his score
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will be zero, that is, his score will be zero. honesty and courage finally, having a national attitude away from ethnic and regional tendencies, and then in those non-veto indicators , what are the most important behavioral capabilities? if you are younger , you will get more points. if you are over 50 , you will not get any points. if you are under 50, the younger you are , you will get more points. if you are a man , you will not get any points. if you are a woman
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, you will get 10 points. we don't have a majority or a minority, we are all collections of things different, but if you belong to the official religions and religions , you will get points, if you are from the official religion, i.e., shia muslim, you will not get points here , because we want to give a point that we can get from other ethnic groups and groups that have less presence so far, women and youth. let's use this is a mechanism that, of course, we also said that we will try to make 60% of the cabinet members be members of the cabinet for the first time . membership in the government has a negative score that we want new members, we want
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to use former ministers as advisors in the ministries, for example, when i was the foreign minister, we created a mechanism called the steering council, like the steering council we have now , that steering council consists of there were former ministers who were formed at the same time as me, and at the same time as my martyred brother , the late dr. amir abdullahian, three or four of those meetings were held, and all of us from banda, from mr. velayati to banda, participated in those meetings , and i. we advised mr. dr. amir abdollahian that god bless his grades, so this is it we want to put the mechanisms in all ministries to use the accumulated experience of the so-called past managers, but to bring new blood and a new attitude into the government, so we said that we should try to have 60% be under 50 years old and 60
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not have previous experience in supervision. these are the efforts we are making. i hope that by introducing the candidates that we can, we will get out of this closed circle that has always been in the management cycle of the country. let's get out of this circle, just like the supreme leader said , we can use the youth , we can use the fresh forces, this is our goal, i hope people they are introduced to us and give us the possibility to reach our goal. very well, mr. doctor, in the composition of all the workers. now , i do not know what has been published in the cyberspace. do you approve of these combinations that have been introduced or not the combinations that have been introduced ? it means that most of the names you see in cyberspace are baseless. it may have some basis , but it is not yet final, not that, for example, the share of university professors, for example, this number is also a part of the reform front . i am not affiliated with any factional party, but the fact is that
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mr. dr. mezikian was a candidate of the reform front , that is, the reform front nominated three candidates , mr. dr. mezikian was one of those candidates, and i went to different cities and gave speeches. of course, there are independents, there are also moderates , there are also many fundamentalists, we had a group of fundamentalists in favor of mr. doctor of medicine, after the second term, even some of the headquarters of some of the candidates who withdrew in the first term came to show favor to us and helping is therefore a spectrum. just as i said that a rainbow of political groups are present, but the fact is that we put a share for the reform front in every committee as those who took a lot of effort
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to participate in this process from the staff members of dr. because these are people who are present in the people , they know the attitudes of the people, they know the concerns of the people, and this is actually a reflection. they are the ones who raise the concerns of the society. we are members of the staff who go to people's houses and talk to them one by one, and therefore they know what the people's concerns are, so this is a contribution. it's not a wish, it's actually a transition, it's actually the considerations and worries and preoccupations of the people who are in contact with these friends of ours in these three weeks or four weeks, or sometimes some people say that, for example, this list should be.
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guiding but not interfering with other friends and elders of the reform front. you have also heard that mr. eng. today he made a funny tweet saying, "let the government be formed now , don't look for favoritism. this is the attitude that i have seen in the leaders of both the reform front and other leaders. it means that there is an empathy, thank god, that everyone wants us to move things forward, and i hope we are." thanks to that god, with the help of the people and with the special vision of hazrat baqitullah , we can move forward with the criteria of selecting the final people in the working groups. i will not tell the members of the working groups. ministers, ministers. yes, ministers, each minister
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will be given a secret vote. i put the form on the virtual space . friends can take the form on my instagram or twitter. now, excuse me, i am not anywhere else , but here is the form. the form is in there is a virtual space, look at it, we gave my points, every candidate should one of these forms has to be filled out and it goes secretly into a computer system, and this is aggregated, the grade point average is calculated, and the final opinion goes to the head of the working group to see, for example , what score the minister of foreign affairs got. s.sed and then i will enter this for his specialized criteria , i don't know how much his degree is, his ability to manage, his ability to make decisions, his responsibility, all these points, mr. doctor, are such that you can
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assume that a person has high points in all these indicators or in most of them. these will bring good points, but feel that also for the ministry, for example, of that strength and maturity. you don't need to have it, there are mechanisms that can disrupt this , see if we went and looked at the management models and put those metrics or indicators here, which are indicators of one quality, which actually means how much teamwork is possible. the party cares about work and expertise, how much can the party, for example, be able to manage a group, these are actually the same needs as the maturity you need for a minister or for a head of an organization , of course, i said that this is our first experience. in iran, for this work, in other countries , these experiences may already exist, but we will definitely make mistakes for the first time, that is
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, no doubt, but i also wrote this poem by sheikh ajl in the virtual space, which says what he says about going to the bedouin way. i don't want to sit in vain, and if i don't get what i want, i will try as much as possible with the rules of the quran , god willing, and this effort is really an honest effort , god willing, it will improve in the future . god willing, we have less than a minute to see how many people each working group faces as the option of the ministry, i introduce to mr. president at least three and at most 5 people for each working group , which we requested should be closer to 5 people. introduced to the steering council. the steering council
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will review all these in the presence of experts and introduce 3 candidates to the president. if i say this, if a working group has given us a cover candidate, it means they have given us 5 candidates, but if one of them means four cover candidates, we will reject all five. we emphasized this, which means that some of our friends are worried. i am sure that these working groups are arranged in such a way that a candidate comes out of them i will tell them that this will not happen, they have to present five real candidates to us, if they do not do this , all their candidates will be removed and my last question is that by the end of july, when mr. president-elect will also specify for them, these names will be extracted and given to mr. president. i hope that now, when we did this on the first day, we hoped that it would be done on july 30th, but. i think that now we have made friends with ourselves until august 3rd, and until august 3rd
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, as mr. president, i don't know whether it is august 8th or august 9th, which is the day of their inauguration, i was so busy with this that i forgot my date until at that time, they are in rome for a few days, mr. president , they should work on these candidates, in fact, the necessary checks should be done, god willing, we will do it, very well, thank you very much, sir. i am very grateful for your kindness and for the kindness of radio and television that gave us this opportunity, i thank you for your presence and let me inform you that, god willing , you will witness expert discussions about the steering council for the selection of the members of the 14th government in the coming nights. expertise different views about the formation process of the steering council and the five committees and how to select people. will come up became. thank you for being with the special news talk tonight. good night and god bless you.
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ក្រងងកា នា bilim əbəlfəz addan yərələnə sunni delim əbəlfəz daim bir isarəyam ağa កាកាកកា batıva mən əbəlfəz həşrəlerə yan
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olan kiir delam hande heyderam. i am sorry for you. sinami olun eyladashim.
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the master of bey kafnanam is hossein hossein.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, mr. chairman. first of all, i would like to congratulate the presidency of the russian federation on the security council and thank you for holding and organizing this initiative on time. how many effective unilateralism is necessary to ensure international peace and security. we
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emphasize the importance of such initiatives to highlight the need for multilateralism. we emphasize the harmful consequences of selfish one-sidedness. as one of the founding members of the united nations, the islamic republic of iran emphasizes its permanent commitment to effective multilateralism based on international law and the principles of the united nations charter. mr. president, allow me to use this opportunity to raise some points from the islamic republic of iran. one: the united nations only to save the nation. the nations
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were based on respecting the principle of equal rights and the right to self-determination of the people. these principles and other lofty principles and goals contained in the charter can only be achieved through multilateral cooperation. unilateralism is contrary to peace and justice. 2: equality of sovereignty of states is the fundamental basis of the united nations system. this principle is based on the right of self-determination of every nation, through which it can shape its own destiny . prohibition of threats or use of force, peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, all with the purpose of protection. from the sovereignty of nations against foreign aggression and securing relations friendship has been established between them.
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unilateralism destroys the fundamental foundations of the united nations and its basic principles. unilateralism is an invitation to injustice, confrontation and war. 3 the united nations as the biggest symbol of many people. one-sidedness is subject to the calamity of one-sidedness. unfortunately, the security council has always been abused by some permanent members for selfish strategic or political agendas. on the one hand, they have used the authority of the council to put pressure on countries with independent sovereignty. and on the other hand. impeding the action of the council to stop the violation of the peace by the countries they have become aligned and allies. a very clear example
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is the decades-long veto of any meaningful decision by the us regarding the ongoing genocide of the israeli regime against the palestinians and its repeated aggression against the nations of the region. here i would like to emphasize: the support and solidarity of the islamic republic of iran with the resistance groups is a legitimate action in the framework of international law with the aim of ending the occupation and aggression in the region. resistance is a response to the unilateralism and fanatical support of a criminal regime that is committing the crime of genocide in gaza and the oppressed land of palestine. four multilateralism requires respect for the division of labor among the united nations. the council's creeping involvement in issues beyond its agenda, which is clearly
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described in the charter, endangers the integrity of the charter as an intergovernmental treaty and diverts the council from its proper function. in addition, the members of the united nations have agreed to accept and implement the security council according to the charter. here i would like to point out the unjust resolutions imposed against the islamic republic of iran during the years 2006 to 2010, which are the result of the baseless claims of the united states about the peaceful nuclear program. iran has been in conflict with iran's rights under the non-proliferation treaty and violated the fundamental human rights of my country. i emphasize that the united nations security council and that group of members who
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played a key role in imposing those illegal and illegitimate sanctions against the islamic republic of iran cannot shirk their responsibility for violating the rights of our people. 5. unilateral coercive measures in the form of extraterritorial sanctions are still the manifestation of one side. extremism is extreme and inhumane. america and its western allies who implement those sanctions must pay for the destruction, death, and endless suffering of the nations under sanctions. the people of my country should be held accountable. mr. president, ladies and gentlemen. the islamic republic of iran has always adhered to multilateralism. given that a clear example of that is the constructive participation in concluding the jcpoa. jcpoa as a successful multilateral initiative was one of the non-issues.
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necessary and a fake concern on the part of the western countries regarding the peaceful nuclear program of iran and was supposed to remove the cruel sanctions from the shoulders of the iranian nation. unfortunately, this multilateral process faced a serious challenge with the unilateral approach of the west and the united states. unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the agreement is one of the manifestations of one-sidedness in the international arena, which harmed all parties to the agreement. in the same way, the neighborhood policy of the islamic republic of iran is one of the results of paying attention to multilateralism to solve issues of common concern. in this context, iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be allocated for the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all. actually. strengthening
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partnership and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region is the guiding principle of the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. dear mr. chairman finally, i would like to emphasize the approach and foreign policy of the new government of the islamic republic of iran, which is based on the strengthening of unilateralism based on the principles of the united nations charter and international law. dear mr. doctor of medicine. the honorable president-elect of iran has announced: the main approach of the government's foreign policy will be to open new horizons and comprehensively expand friendly relations with other governments based on dialogue, cooperation, equality and mutual respect. and in the framework of this approach, the government of the islamic republic of iran has a special and lofty place to deepen relations as much as possible.
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comprehensively with the neighboring countries of the region and other governments considers. dear mr. chairman. as the secretary general noted, global challenges can only be resolved through respect for international law, adherence to global commitments, and adoption of appropriate frameworks for multilateral governance. the islamic republic of iran, while stressing this matter of any initiative for it welcomes the strengthening of multilateralism and increasing respect for international law and the realization of the goals and principles of the united nations charter. multilateralism is the key to dealing with global threats and challenges. we believe that this is the only way to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment, so that nations from to benefit from sustainable growth and peace.
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thank you all for your attention. after all, our faith is gone, days from now, our independence , freedom, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ears of the screaming time and the president's jaws.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. telephone calls and congratulation of the emir of qatar, wali ahad of saudi arabia, the president of uzbekistan, the prime minister of malaysia to the president- elect. today, in addition to the diplomatic talks, mr. bizikian also had a business meeting with some government ministers. following the face-to-face meetings of the president-elect with the officials of our country, hojat-ul-islam and muslimeen seyyed.


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