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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 9:00am-9:28am IRST

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it is not on the head. the national media has prepared special programs for the coming days. sahar zwanati, sed and broadcasting news agency. in the name of god. hello, you are accompanying us with the news section at 9 o'clock. managing director toani. from the implementation of 61 plans for the development of the country's electricity transmission and distribution network to reduce accidents, mr. raji mashhadhi described the occurrence of accidents in the electricity transmission and distribution network as inevitable in the heat of the summer and said that the electricity transmission and distribution equipment is very productive in the summer and at its maximum consumption. are located and there is a possibility of accidents and breakdowns, according to mr. rajabi mashhadi, despite the implementation of 61 network development plans transmission and above explanation
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there is still a possibility of failure of power transmission equipment in extreme heat and only reducing power consumption can reduce possible technical problems on the network. the volume of hundreds of reservoirs has increased by 10% compared to the same period last year. according to the spokesperson of the country's water industry , the ministry of energy is technically following up on the issue to ensure the country's water and electricity supply in the summer so that we can have a safe passage through the summer. mr. qasimzadeh called the news of some media about the release of water from the hundreds as false and said: the ministry of energy has a plan for the management of the reservoirs and the increase 10% of the volume of hundreds of reservoirs indicates serious management on these reservoirs. the spokesperson of the water industry added that if there was a withdrawal from the reservoirs , it was for drinking and sometimes for agriculture and environmental purposes, but all based on electricity. 1000 free
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housing rental contracts announced in the self-written system mr. sasani said that so far 1 million 118,619 contracts have been created in the self-written system, of which 65,3625 contracts were completed in this system and led to a contract. according to mr. sasani , using the services of this system on all days of the week and at all hours of the day is one of the most important features. of this system. the manager of the self-authoring system also said that the savings made in the self-authoring system based on the official formulas for calculating real estate consultants' fees was 199 billion tomans. according to the statistics of the central bank, the non-oil exports
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of our country reached 13.5 billion dollars in the first 3 months of this year. based on this, the amount of exports increased by 71% compared to the same period last year. also, our country's oil and non-oil exports were 25 and a half billion dollars during this period. this amount of export has increased by 18% compared to the same period last year. the trade balance of our country in three months from it was a billion dollars compared to the same period last year, this figure was 51 percent higher. the white house announced the cancellation of the president of the united states due to corona and announced that biden's speech in las vegas has been canceled. at the same time, the cn news channel announced, quoting an official in the democratic party. biden
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has accepted the idea of ​​withdrawing from the us presidential election more than before. american news nation also reported that joe biden plans to withdraw from the election in the coming days. according to abc news, chuck schumer , the leader of the democratic majority in the us senate biden advised that it is better for the interests of the party and the country to withdraw from the upcoming elections . earlier, several democratic representatives asked biden to hand over the candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections to another representative of this party. 7 members of a family were martyred in an air attack by the zionist regime on a house in the center of the gaza strip. al brij camp and the vicinity of the wadi gaza bridge were also targeted by heavy artillery attacks and shelling by tanks, which has resulted in the martyrdom of at least one palestinian. dozens of people
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were injured in these attacks, most of them children. due to the severity of the attacks on the center of the gaza strip , it is not possible to provide aid to these areas, and the number of martyrs will most likely increase. according to the announcement of the ministry of health in gaza, the humanitarian situation is getting more complicated every day as a result of preventing the arrival of aid, and 350 children malnutrition is at risk of death. most of these children are in the north of gaza, but the united nations has announced that severe famine is spreading in the central and southern regions. so far, at least 35 children have died in the gaza strip due to severe hunger. lebanon's hizbollah's crushing response to
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the crimes of the zionist regime, according to army radio in the past 24 hours, the zionist regime of hezbollah has fired 80 rockets at zionist settlements in the occupied territories . following these attacks, more than 60,000 zionist settlers rushed to the shelters. the islamic resistance of iraq announced that in response to the crimes of the zionist occupation regime , they targeted the ports of amur rashash and haifa in the occupied territories. the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon said that the 10-month war of the sahkunist regime against gaza has not achieved anything for this regime, seyyed hassan nasrallah emphasized. kurds, if the enemy moves to the south , we will destroy them. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah
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emphasized in the glorious march of the ashuraites of lebanon if the zionist regime's army starts a massive attack on lebanon. the battle on the southern front of lebanon will not stop at any price. our response to those who threaten us with a massive war is the same as imam hussain's response on the day of ashura, when he said that we will never
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accept humiliation.
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for the first time, israel has not achieved anything during the 10 months of war and is trying to make up for this defeat by killing the people of gaza. simultaneously with the battle in southern lebanon, units of hezbollah fighters hosseini of sada and wasima news agency attended the ceremony in imam hossein square , south suburb of beirut. thank you very much for your companion . have a nice day. god bless
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you. these principles and other noble principles and goals included in the charter can only be achieved through multilateral cooperation . one-sidedness. it is justice. 2. equality of sovereignty of states is the fundamental basis of the united nations system. this principle is based on the right to self-determination of every nation. through which it can determine its own destiny, the prohibition of threats or forceful peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, all with the aim of protecting the sovereign right of nations against foreign aggression and ensuring friendly relations between them has been established. unilateralism destroys the fundamental foundations of the united nations and its basic principles. unilateralism
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is an invitation to injustice, confrontation and war. 3 the united nations, as the biggest symbol of multilateralism, is subject to the calamity of unilateralism. unfortunately, the security council is always abused by some da members. it is placed for self-centered strategic or political agendas. on the one hand, they have used the council's leverage to put pressure on sovereign countries. and on the other hand they have prevented the action of the council to stop the aggression and violation of peace by their aligned countries and allies. very clear example. it
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is related to the decades-long veto of any meaningful decision by the us regarding the ongoing genocide of the israeli regime against the palestinians and its repeated aggression against the nations of the region. here i would like to emphasize that the support and solidarity of the islamic republic of iran with the resistance groups is a legitimate action in the framework of international law with the aim of ending the occupation. rape in the region. resistance is a response to the unilateralism and fanatical support of a criminal regime that is committing the crime of genocide in gaza and the oppressed land. it is palestine. four multilateralism requires respect for the division of labor among the united nations. the shura's creeping involvement in issues beyond its agenda . which is clearly described in the charter
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endangers the integrity of the charter as an interstate treaty and diverts the council from its proper function. in addition, the members of the united nations have agreed to accept and implement the decisions of the security council according to the charter. here i want to refer to the unjust resolutions imposed against the islamic republic of iran in 2006. until 2010 , i would like to point out that the result of the baseless claims of the united states in the case of iran's peaceful nuclear program is in conflict with iran's rights under the non-proliferation treaty and violates the fundamental human rights of my country. i emphasize that the united nations security council and that group of members play a major role in imposing those sanctions. unfortunately, this multilateral process faced a serious challenge with the unilateral approach of the west and the united states.
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the unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the agreement is one of the manifestations of unilateralism in the international arena, which harmed all parties to the agreement. in the same way, the neighborhood policy of the islamic republic of iran is one of the results of paying attention to multilateralism to solve issues common concerns. in this context, iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be allocated for the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all. in fact, strengthening cooperation and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region is the guiding principle of the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. mr. president, in the end, i would like to approach and policy.
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i would like to stress that the new government of the islamic republic of iran, which is based on the strengthening of unilateralism based on the principles of the united nations charter and international law , mr. dr. iran has announced that the main approach of the government's foreign policy is to open new horizons and comprehensively expand friendly relations with other governments. the dialogue will be cooperation, equality and mutual respect, and in the framework of this approach, the government of the islamic republic of iran attaches a special and exalted position to deepening all-round relations with the neighboring countries of the region and other governments. dear mr. chairman. as the secretary general noted, global challenges can only be solved through respect for international law, adherence to global commitments and adoption of appropriate frameworks for multilateral governance.
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season the islamic republic of iran, while emphasizing this matter. welcomes any initiative to strengthen multilateralism and increase respect for international law and the realization of the goals and principles of the united nations charter . multilateralism is the key to dealing with global threats and challenges. we believe that this is the only way to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment so that nations can benefit from sustainable growth and peace. thank you all for your attention! here
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is the mausoleum of imamzadeh, bibi hajar khatun, sister of imam reza (peace be upon him) in sarandaj. square.
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faragh kuro bela four, i got old, it's his sea it is good for my benefit to be a sakriya kunam behr, if i burn a zakri,
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sometimes you are red in my mourning. i sat at the feet of your sacrifice . i sat at the feet of your sacrifice for a moment. you looked at me. i broke my head. my head
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is full of qorum . my head is full of qorum. in the month of muharram, the sunnis of golestan
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display their devotion to imam hussain by putting up black flags and holding ashura gatherings. he likes to be here in kalaleh village turkmens are dear to us and we have guests to welcome them
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. the guests of imam imam hussain, just as our fathers and our ancestors gave this charity, we are also doing this work in order to pass it on to the future generations, god willing, the people of the land. sunnis learned from imam hossein seyyed and martyrs of the world the lesson of service, the lesson of sacrifice and martyrdom , we are not shia or sunni, we all learned from imam hossein in
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stand up against the oppression. today, we mourn imam hussain, peace be upon him, and today it is our duty as muslims to support our brothers in palestine and gaza and our resistance in the eyes of the sunnis.
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fetsini qolub fatima, gəl onu tadına, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers , we are at your service with sports news, freestyle wrestling competitions , asian championship, fouladzadeh kalhori university. and elahi reached the final meeting, frasti khosravi ashfete and akbarzadeh also reached the classification meeting in this the tournament hosted by thailand
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this morning in 48 kg arman elahi defeated opponents


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