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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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when buying electrical appliances, be sure to pay attention to their energy labels and do not go for appliances with lower energy consumption category. these few simple things will help all our compatriots to have stable access to electricity and you will easily be eligible for the company's incentive plan. sit down hello, dear viewers, deputy minister of transport industries of the ministry of transport said that the import of used cars is done by two methods of order registration and statistical registration. statistical registration is actually related to the general public and personal applicants who can enter this , register statistics in the customs and then pay the salary. it
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is not necessary for people to get a business card there is no need, no, there is no need, it means that everyone has it , how will it be. order registration is related to merchants, and in fact, the business card process, that is , we in the business community system, those who have a business card can register orders , importers of used cars, of course, to provide services. after the sale, they must make a commitment and their cross-border origin will be approved by the central bank , it should be from the result of the export , it can be the export of goods and services, it can be foreign investment currency, and all the currencies that are approved by the central bank that are of foreign origin, send an sms . on khan's livelihood support package plan by the chairman
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the elected president is a fraud. the head of fata police cyber ​​emergency center said: this text message contains a link and is sent to citizens through personal numbers or in messengers by misusing the names of friends and acquaintances. according to colonel pashaei, several court cases have been filed in this regard. the government is obliged until the end of the year. first, the 7th plan will give land to the property owners of historical sites. according to the ministry of cultural heritage, agriculture in historical sites is one of the national problems. greenhouse in the sanctuary of an ancient work with permission. we have a license to produce seeds in this collection. this historical work of the national register had not been determined. a permit had already been issued. and
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agricultural land and product sales in another historical area in the historical city of gore, the first sassanid city, more than half of the 600 hectares of this historical city, which is one of iran's world heritages , is now under cultivation, the same day we were working , the tractors came they were plowing and i followed the tractors with special sensitivity so that they would not reach us and destroy the place we want. let's work so that we can do our research with the help of archaeologists in the historical city of gore infrared studies found architectural and industrial remains in the lower layers of these historic sites that are under cultivation. in addition to the stone architecture that exists there, several glass and pottery kilns were found in that area . according to the researches of the ministry of cultural heritage, the conflict between farmer's activities. with historical sites
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, it is one of the national exceptions. if we can't buy and own people's land, at least we can give vacant land to the people from the adjacent lands, where they are mainly owned by forests and marathas, so that they can live their lives, do their farming, and do so much injustice to don't be people. transferring the lands of historical areas with suitable lands is a matter that has to be done at the national level. cross-sector cooperation is needed. to solve this problem, some provinces came up with alternative solutions. non-agricultural livelihoods. for example, handicrafts, household goods, finally , we will start small jobs that are not related to agriculture so that they don't run out of bread. in the seventh plan , one of the interdepartmental laws is the determination of boundaries in historical sites and the review of previously registered boundaries. accordingly, the government is obliged to cooperate with the ministry of home affairs. related to the compensation of ownership rights
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people and grant vacant lands to property owners . the government is obliged to implement the seventh plan until the end of the first year. according to the spokesperson of the tehran fire department, the cause of this incident was the locking of the brake of an amusement device in the persian gulf lake. this device was suddenly locked at the height in the upper part , so to speak, it parachutes, and the brake works , and the device stops there, and the people inside it are locked in the seat and inside the cabin . the serviceman of the device tried to do this. he actually freed the cabin, but he didn't succeed . the firemen
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carefully opened the safety of 15 people using hydraulic ladders in the same condition as the presence of seat belts. person in response to the crimes of the zionist regime , the zionist settlements in the north of the occupied territories were bombarded with rockets. according to the announcement of the zionist army radio, hezbollah has fired 80 rockets at zionist settlements in the occupied territories in the past 24 hours. occupied. following these attacks, more than 60,000 zionist settlers rushed to the shelters. the islamic resistance of iraq also announced that in response to the crimes of the
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zionist occupation regime , it targeted the port of umm rasrash haifa in the occupied territories. the derailment of the train in india left 4 people and 20 injured. in this accident that happened in the state of uttar pradesh in the north of india, 10 carriages of the passenger train derailed. an investigation has been started to investigate the causes of the accident. thank you for your cooperation.
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muharram, which reaches black flags all over the villages of the coastal strip. the south rises here, devotion to mr. shahidan has a special and long-standing tradition. shabab jafariyeh, the lovers of seyyed al-shahed go from one village to another in an old ritual called the funeral procession. now we are getting ready to go to the next procession .
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marzdar believes that resistance is a lesson from the school of ashura , which has survived for centuries with these mournings. i hope that the islamic resistance in lebanon, iraq, iran, yemen, as well as gaza, especially gaza, will be freed, and the condition for resistance, the condition for the freedom of all the forces
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of islam and the achievement of victory is this resistance and we are the secret. we learn your status from the companions of imam hussain and from imam hussain. the resistance that they recorded in defense of the borders of the country's religion and freedom . from the side of this blessed trumpet, we announce that we are the companions of imam hussain, peace be upon him, and
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we die in the path of justice. hosseini mourners mourned the martyrdom of seyyed and salar martyrs and their companions from the morning of ashura by attending the funeral gatherings. our presence in the ceremony of ashura day is the renewal of the covenant with these noble ladies. we are like hazrat ali akbar.
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they said that in helping the oppressed people of gaza and in the war zionists are attacking yazidis today . in fact, gaza is a complete mirror of karbala in our era, and anyone who is indifferent to gaza should both resist the oppressor and defend the truth . essam helali of sed and cima news agency. damascus in the name of god. mr. chairman , first of all, i would like
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to congratulate the presidency of the russian federation on the security council and thank you for holding and organizing this initiative on time. effective multilateralism is necessary to ensure international peace and security. we emphasize the importance of such initiatives to make the need for multilateralism harmful consequences of selfish unilateralism we emphasize that the islamic republic of iran, as one of the founding members of the united nations , emphasizes its permanent commitment to effective multilateralism based on international law and the principles of the united nations charter. . mr. president, allow
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me to use this opportunity to raise some points from the islamic republic of iran. 1. the united nations was not founded just to save future generations from the scourge of war. rather, he called for the development of friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the right of people to determine their own destiny. these principles and other lofty principles and goals contained in the charter can only be achieved through multilateral cooperation . unilateralism is contrary to peace and justice. 2. equality of sovereignty of states is the fundamental basis of the united nations system. this principle is based on the right to determine the destiny of every nation, which is through it can determine its own destiny. the prohibition of threats or forceful
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peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, are all established with the aim of protecting the sovereignty of nations against foreign aggression and ensuring friendly relations between them. unilateralism is the fundamental basis of the united nations. and principles essentially, it is plastered. unilateralism is an invitation to injustice, confrontation and war. 3. the united nations, as the biggest symbol of multilateralism, is subject to the calamity of unilateralism. unfortunately, the security council has always been abused by some permanent members for self-centered strategic or political agendas. on the one hand, they
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have used the authority of the council to put pressure on sovereign countries, and on the other hand , they have prevented the council's action to stop the violation of peace by their aligned and allied countries. a very clear example of decades of vetoes the meaningful decision by the us is about the continuous genocide of the israeli regime against the palestinians and its repeated aggression against the nations of the region. here i would like to emphasize that the support and solidarity of the islamic republic of iran with the resistance groups is a legitimate action in the framework of international law with the aim of ending the occupation and aggression in the region. resistance
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is a response to the unilateralism and fanatical support of a criminal regime that is committing the crime of genocide in gaza and the oppressed land of palestine. 4: multilateralism requires respect for the division of labor among the united nations. tampering the creeping of the council to issues beyond its agenda, which is clearly described in the charter, endangers the integrity of the charter as an interstate treaty and diverts the council from its proper function . in addition, the members of the united nations have agreed to accept and implement the decisions of the security council according to the charter. here, i would like to point out the unjust resolutions imposed against the islamic republic of iran during the years 2006 to 2010, which are the result of the baseless claims of the united states about iran's peaceful nuclear program, in conflict with
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iran's rights under the non-proliferation treaty and violating the fundamental human rights of my country. have been. i emphasize. the united nations security council and that group of members who played a key role in imposing those illegal and illegitimate sanctions against the islamic republic of iran cannot shirk their responsibility for violating the rights of our people. 5. unilateral coercive measures in the form of extraterritorial sanctions are still a manifestation of extreme and inhumane unilateralism. america and its western allies who implement those sanctions must
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be held accountable for the destruction, death, and endless suffering of the sanctioned nations, including my own people. mr. president, ladies and gentlemen. the islamic republic of iran always adheres to it has shown its multilateralism, a clear example of which is its constructive participation in concluding the jcpoa. jcpoa, as a successful multilateral initiative , was able to address one of the unnecessary issues and a fake concern of the western countries regarding iran's peaceful nuclear program, and it was supposed to remove the cruel sanctions from the shoulders of the iranian people. unfortunately, this multilateral process faced a serious challenge with the unilateral approach of the west and the united states. the unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the agreement is one of the manifestations of unilateralism in the international arena, which harms all parties to the agreement. became in the same way, the neighborhood policy
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of the islamic republic of iran is one of the results of paying attention to multilateralism to solve issues of common concern. in this context, iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be used for progress and development. the area allocated for the benefit of all. in fact, strengthening cooperation and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region is the guiding principle of the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. mr. president, i want to conclude. to the approach and foreign policy of the new government of the islamic republic of iran, which is based on strengthening the side war it is based on the principles of the united nations charter and international law. to emphasize his excellency, mr. dr. bizikian, the esteemed president-elect of iran, has announced. the main approach of the government's foreign policy
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will be to open new horizons and comprehensively expand friendly relations with other governments based on dialogue, cooperation, equality and mutual respect. and within the framework of this approach, the government of the islamic republic of iran attaches a special and exalted position to deepening all-round relations with the neighboring countries of the region and other governments. mr. president, as the secretary general noted, global challenges can only come from through respect for international law , adhering to global obligations and adopting appropriate frameworks for multilateral governance. while emphasizing this, the islamic republic of iran
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welcomes any initiative to strengthen multilateralism and increase respect for international law and to fulfill the goals and principles of the united nations charter. multilateralism is the key to dealing with global threats and challenges. we believe that this is the only way to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment so that nations can benefit from sustainable growth and peace. thank you all for your attention. there is no god but allah, there is no god but allah. hasbna
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god and the favor of the guardian is sufficient for us. god and the favor of the guardian is sufficient for us. god and the favor of the guardian is sufficient for us. god is the favor of the guardian. something like that. we have no need for the rockets to descend upon them, they are accused of slicing people in the fences, we have a fish, and there is no need for children and small children, we have no need for them, nor are there fingers
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, nor do we have a brain. it is enough to sneeze a small child that is forbidden, whatever happens. god's deputy lord, don't make fun of us like us, make fun of us like a true hack, because the bombs are stupid, like biden's description, the american administration that funds israel , the description is stupid, but this is not strategic stupidity, this is stupidity, what i mean is to turn the gaza strip into an unlivable area, what is meant is to leave the traces of destruction in general. shariah in every neighborhood in every zakat in every region. our medical goals . our interests are in aggression. our interest in the conflict is nothing but a means to destroy the palestinian people karameh
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, secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah, in the glorious ashura procession.
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our response to those who threaten us with a massive war is the same as imam hussein's response on the day of ashura, when he said that we will never accept humiliation . the messenger of god held america fully responsible for the crimes of this regime due to its comprehensive assistance to the zionist regime.
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referring to the amount of casualties and losses of the zionist regime in the last 10-month battle of al-aqsa storm, allah said: this is the first time that the zionists themselves are talking about the collapse and destruction of this regime. he considered the al-aqsa storm battle to be decisive for palestine, lebanon, and the islamic ummah and said: for the first time, israel has not achieved anything in 10 months of war, and with killings. the people of gaza are trying to make up for this failure. at the same time as the battle in southern lebanon, units of hezbollah fighters attended the ceremony in the form of breast-feeding rescuers. hosseini, sada and vasima news agency, imam hossein square , south suburb of beirut. heavy rush
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it has created a lot for nations in many regions of the world. for example , the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in the middle east has caused the average temperature to increase by 3 degrees compared to the long term, and the power grids of countries are facing serious problems. this comes with a thermal dome with the presence of dust and fine dust and air pollution in iran , the air temperature increases and the feeling of heat is greater and as a result. at the peak of electricity consumption in the domestic sector , it has led to the country's electricity consumption demand reaching more than 7750 megawatts. the stability of iran's national electricity network in this difficult situation, while the kuwaitis witnessed widespread power outages in many areas of their country on 20 june 31 june, and on july 11, 21
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july 1403, widespread power outages in turkey , especially in hatay and takir dagh regions. it happened and on july 20, 1403, a widespread power outage occurred in saudi arabia. it is not bad to know the main reason the increase in electricity consumption in iran is the introduction of cooling systems that are not suitable for different climates, which in this situation is very necessary for household customers to observe the points of reducing the consumption of the electricity industry. in maintaining the stability of the body's support network. citizens can contribute to the stability of the national electricity network by using the slow distance of water coolers and setting the temperature of gas coolers to 24 degrees and not using high consumption devices during peak hours. let's say that if the household customers reduce their electricity consumption compared to last year, in addition to having a free electricity bill
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, they can also win 100 automatic cars. and thousands of household appliances and millions of other cash and non-cash prizes. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers, my dear fellow citizens , hello, have a good time , he said to the ministry of mining industry and trade: any person with a national code can enter the desired car in the customs area and clear it after paying the customs duty . according to ahmad aghaei, in the regulations for the import of used cars, the order registration process for importing companies and statistical registration is specific.


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