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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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and become non-cash. sitting on the first page, sitting on the first page, safeh isar is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there. stand up for justice. lift the burden of trust on your shoulders. the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold , your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful . hello, dear compatriots , welcome to the first page program. in this program, according to the routine. another
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member of the front page of the iranian nation is in front of the camera to talk about policies, guidelines and of course the decisions that it can have a direct impact on the life and passage of the iranian society that one of the main products of this company is gasoline, that is, mr. one of the most important topics that may be raised is that
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what happened last year in the area of ​​the national broadcasting and refining company, what strategies did you devise, and what is the situation in this area now ? well, look, when we actually entered the complex , well, we were faced with the corona virus, and the country's consumption was very low from a on the other hand, the previous government made a series of commitments, and these commitments may be close to 11 million for gasoline commitments were made, some of the commitments were overestimated in the treasury, it was spent for export, for export, that is, a commitment was made for a fixed price without actually delivering the cargo , and a part of the cargo was exported, but the money was not actually received. there was still the problem of 385 million dollars of resources not being collected, then , well, these were actually issued to middlemen
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, well, these people referred to about 24 five companies , we had to fulfill the obligation , we had to fulfill the obligation, well, a part of you in this part, an effort was made to gradually reduce those commitments, and the prices are also very low maybe, for example, $8 to $28 per barrel was exported, but then we had to pay $55 to $60 per barrel, in fact, because these were actually received amounts, and the amounts were considered to be the same amount. there was no company, in fact, these had been deposited into the treasury, the expenses had been consumed, well, one of the other discussions, well, gradually, the situation was such that part of the tanks had been used up, we were also facing the winter days. we knew that we needed to increase the storage, from that side , we were in a situation with the state of our system, well, at the beginning entering the collection was difficult because of the system.
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the system was not paid much attention to its support , these are my dear people, there are a lot of people who have problems with cards, maybe close to half a million people , officially , their cards were almost rejected. in fact, the issuing of cards had not been done. well, when we went to the treasury, we saw that we don't have more than 920 cards in stock, and the delivery of cards to people was one of the people's questions and requests. well, with the actions that were taken, we shortened the time, we even put in place a request system that we actually implemented not going to the police at all, plus 10, which actually took a month, and now we have another one in a week actually. we deliver the fuel cards to the people. well
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, in parallel, one of the tasks in the collection was the discussion of centralizing accounts and clarifying them. we had nearly 800 accounts, one-way accounts. and it was two-way , well, these were actually assigned since 2017, no one had taken action, so we put these accounts in the account of the treasury unit, and we centralized all of this. in the treasury unit, it is directly from the central bank. we also have that way, that is, we don't have any other accounts other than the treasury account, that is, all the accounts are our sales . it could be done, it was necessary for the account to be centralized anyway, it was a challenge, well, the software area of ​​the bank complex had its own center with the coordination that was done by our colleagues in the it department, when did they help? which was left from 1997, this account concentration and this clarification was done in this department
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well, these were one of the other issues. in the department, in fact, in the supply of goods , we had a problem with our systems. if you can help us, then most of our card stores had problems . the breakdown of the card stores was high. we are a company of local scientists. we used this , we actually localized it. well, since 1986, this collection was being used. well , we came to support companies, it became active, and it actually localized the card houses according to the collection of daneshmanian companies, and now we see that in fact we also installed a gts system that is monitored regularly the damage came to below 55 out of about 45. well, these measures that were actually taken in this sector at that stage, we also tried to solve the problem of power outage. the main thing in that case, well, the consumption once grew in saudi arabia, it was 75 million consumption, this number reached
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94, the next year, it reached 118, and 5 years later, it reached 118 , 18, which means an exponential increase with the same infrastructure as before. in fact, banning development means creating reservoirs in the department of creating reserves we revised the approvals, we actually went and formed the development plans in the collections, and also in the area of ​​the so-called collections, this increase or upward trend in consumption was not due to the fact that after corona, people , during the corona era, of course, there were few trips and these and after this incident. you can see that in the first 6 months , we had a million consumption. once in the second 6 months, when the corona issue was resolved, this number reached 80 and about 4 million liters. later, this number reached 94 million . we were adding about one to two ten million cars to the country
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actually, it was equivalent to 56 million, in fact, it was an increase in daily consumption at the level of the country. according to this matter , these were the measures that we, in fact, are the masters of the national refining company. now, with the current conditions in the country, we actually have only about 220 million fuel in the transportation sector , 20 million of which is gasoline and diesel fuel , that is, about 128 million, 127 million are now consuming gasoline in the transportation sector. it is possible that we have 845 million in the field of oil and gas , we are consuming about 20 million and 30 , we are now approaching the horizon of tehran.
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allah is great. allah is great. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god .
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hai ali khair al-alam, hai ali khair al-alam, allah is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. request for prayer, mr. engineer. you said that one of the primary topics was the discussion of financial discipline, the discussion of fulfilling commitments
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that were pre-sold, then you should be involved in this. in fact, the government used to pay them and you used to export. one of the discussions you mentioned is related to the fleet which is transportation, so this is the situation. how is it now? in the fleet department, we needed to repair the fleet. in that situation, we actually added 1,500 fleets. on the one hand , we changed the policy of the transportation pattern. in fact , we should transfer the oil tanker and the road to the pipeline. well, i was in the same situation. now , we have nearly 14,000 kilometers of pipelines. we now have 14,000 kilometers of pipelines . an additional 1,000 kilometers of pipelines have been added . 220 pipelines have been added. it is almost ready for use by the end of the year the pipeline will be added in the same way, a
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new 1,200 km pipeline in materials that were actually the poles of our consumption, let's see, we have about 13 billion liters , we use the road transport model, the number is very high, so they have a radius of 256 km, this volume they move the fuel, it was necessary to shorten this slogan. on the one hand, in order for the people to have access to the transportation field, there are environmental issues , as well as its costs. we expanded the transportation network, engineer. well, we are a country, alhamdulillah we are wide ranging from north to south
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, from east to west. we can't do it with some neighboring countries that have this capability. we have this program in the past. well, the capacity is 500,000 , in the first step, it is 300,000, now there is a transfer capacity, on the other hand , the storage capacity is close to two and a half million, and the storage capacity has already been done. well, once upon a time , in fact, we also used the turkmen esan region to use gasoline. we were moving, now we have a plan to move to makhachkala we had another naval attack. and some of the relations in the past, because the diplomacy was not very suitable with the neighboring countries, this situation got messed up recently, well, this government, the actions it took, now, especially the attention it paid to the neighbors, we were able to actually repair these relations. in fact, the area of ​​transportation is now fuel in a kind of soup from above and in fact we have to do the delivery in the south. it was in my situation that we are creating an infrastructure. in the northern region, on the other hand, there are also our northern region , our chalus warehouse, our growth collection, hastul lulu
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it is possible that we can actually carry out the transfer route from sea transportation, so in the conditions where the traffic in the northern area is high, we can actually carry out this effect of fueling on time , mr. engineer. inside the country , some estimates show that it is almost two or three times more than the quorum that the world is consuming, what is the reason why we consume so much fuel? in 1400 , this number was nearly 317 billion its gasoline was 1401, it reached 38, 1402, it
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reached 42 shares. now, in fact, we predict 46. what does that mean, the difference between these is one number. it is 39 million liters , and if we add oil, gas and other products , it means that we had an increase of 41 million liters in this period of time. so, what happened to us? the number of our transport fleet in the field of light passenger vehicles , gasoline and diesel is actually around 31. if we look at millions of motorcycles , it shows that our cars are also worn out. we need to modernize the fleet and scrap it as we did in 2006 we allowed this to happen. on the other hand , there is the amount of consumption. after all , we have to review the standards of consumption in terms of the radius of attack that they have. after all, they are surveyed in many places. now the standards are 104, but our consumption is 114, 115, 112.
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the result is that every year we we are adding this number of one million cars to the country , we are adding the country's gasoline consumption. adding 56 million to the country's gasoline consumption means that the tehran refinery that is next to us now produces 6 million gasoline, which means that we can build a refinery the size of tehran's qavare. you see, we need about 34 billion dollars. it should be invested for a period of three to four years to meet the needs of the country for one year . so it is necessary that we focus on optimization. let's pay special attention to consumption management, and on the other hand, we should pay attention to the fleet, and we should actually pay attention to car scrapping , and we should actually develop the fuel portfolio. the duty that is in the law, this year , the issue of
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electric hybrid cars in the cng area has been brought up in the law. was actually created. the burning of the process happened, both the conversion of the factory and the production, in fact, a workshop, this helped in this case, the fact is that there is a need to take action in these sectors. there are some measures that we are taking recently. after all, the price gap between the country and the neighboring country is very high. now one liter of gasoil in afghanistan. this price gap itself is a reason for a spoon, so we are in the transportation sector now, despite the fact that it is a legal requirement. since 1993, it has been in 1997, the sepah teno sipad system has not been implemented. now we
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have our own online navigation system . practically, a car that is operating actually has a function to be able to receive the toxic fuel, and we hope that with these measures we can also do part of the so-called consumption management area. well , what other plans did we have on the agenda of the fleet? you can see in the district, as i told you, we are close to 20-20 million in fact, our expenses in the transportation sector are the same as in the industry sector. now there are 16 custodian machines, we monitor the deviation of the custodian machine , we determine the duty , and we actually link the allowance to the production, that is, the person who actually has an operating license but does not operate , should actually receive fuel according to the production. now in the field of industry, there are other sectors, in the sectors we have all the sectors, in fact, this is being done with the organization that is being done, and a reduction in consumption
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has actually happened in this sector , and we are doing another sector in these basins. area there is a power plant. in fact , we have about 44,45 million liters of fuel used in power plants on average. well, this number is a significant number. the appropriateness of this should be problematic during winters. definitely, finally, the field of power plants should also increase the efficiency, that is, we should expand chbs in this area. this is to see the fuel consumption . 18 billion fuel consumption is the main reason in the power plant sector and nearby. about 856 billion gas fuel, a number of 95 this number is significant, let 's consume only in the power plant area, after all, the power plant area is also the fuel that can be equipped and should be paid attention to, and also that in the sector, in fact, ch and
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increasing the efficiency of power plants is a sector. well, now there is consumption management which is by people, it must happen, that means there must finally be a collective effort and will so that the country can, in fact, if we go towards profit-oriented, now we will really take all the country's capital into fuel and you can count. if we have 10%, 20% of this share. let's reduce it, we did a check, we really saw if this what has happened is that we have a 50% savings, that is, you should calculate, for example, we consume 18,120,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . definitely, with the current trend in the country and the costs involved, the logistics of the complex will not work. you see, we finally have to transfer a large amount of fuel from the south of the country to the center, which, as our production pole is mainly in the south,
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our consumption poles are from the center is to the north of tehran you see , tehran's gasoline consumption is now close to 2021 million, only 21 million liters, 21 million to 22 million liters are consumed daily only by us in tehran . you say how many there are in tehran's fleet. consumption management , we have two bad consumptions, we are not doing it right . look at these traffics in tehran , let's see these rounds. the overall result is that this number is significant. then, well , there has been some increase in consumption these days, so that's it. ask the management of tehran, my colleagues, just supply fuel to tehran , you can see how many centers i need fuel from let me store it in tehran so that we can supply these 34 and 50 places that we have in tehran on a daily basis. the industry of power plant materials and other things, which is also related to this matter , is the need to really
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pay special attention to the so-called consumption management area, and we have this issue in these areas, and it has finally been provided, in fact, easily, people. they can receive their card requests on time, and the number we gave now is 160 liters, which is actually a significant number for the personal sector. what we are doing is actually seeing the behavior, we are seeing the behavior if it can be managed, it will consume enough , and this is the need that really, well , the new cars that are added , naturally , those standards must be observed. in the production chain, in the supply of industrial feed and petrochemicals, and to create added value for the country. where is the project of the quality improvement community going? look at the field now . when we actually entered the total
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, there were a few things that happened. we had completed it because of a catalyst . in fact, it was stopped until 1400. in 1401 , we came to the country with a catalysis action . we used local universities for 6 months. it is ready for operation. the second unit has been completed . in fact, abadan has been completed and it has been put into operation . let me tell you that this is one of the issues that we did not pay attention to. well, the law was that it
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was fuel oil, so the fuel oil capacity of palashgah should be improved. we used our internal technical knowledge, now all the projects have a task in the law, it was in the program seventh, it was again assigned that the companies all bring 40% of their refining profits to the project. and this capital project is actually for the implementation of projects that now all have a community plan and this community plan is being monitored and it started last year. using native technology because the laboratory stage had to be done and we hope that gradually year by year, that is, in the next year, a part will be done, as well as in the project and the new refinery of al-hadath. well, these are the same there are a series of problems that some of these problems had in the previous government, which were actually proposed. these are the lack of petro-refiners and the lack of refineries, and
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they do not produce quality products. these came to join and their model was modified so that they can actually produce the original products. they are now close to 60%, 65% of physical progress, which we hope will be operational in the next year, god willing. we are talking about the report, i swear, he said that he was in the government. the exploitation of oil resources and gas will accelerate, oil sales will double. officials of the ministry of oil said that the reason for this success is the activation of economic diplomacy, especially in the field of oil refining abroad. for the first time, the decades-old dream of oil industry experts to take over.
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barrel to reduce the capacity of refineries such as isfahan, abadan and small private refineries to sell crude oil. in my opinion, this refinery is a manifestation of preventing crude sales, creating added value. from the workers of abadan oil refining company, the presence of his highness towards the city where hazrat agha said, abadan is the city of pride and the city of resistance. i greet you. simultaneously with acceleration.
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he organized the distribution of liquid gas among the people of this province for gas supply projects in sistan baluchistan so that they are no longer in kilometers. i can take capsules regularly. on the last day of his life , he was supposed to inaugurate the oil products pipeline from tabriz to urmia. so that 700 fuel tankers will no longer move on this route and the risks to people's lives will be reduced. he was supposed to go to the tabriz refinery to inaugurate plans to increase the quality of the refinery's products. possible the program is not running. but the helicopter of martyred president did not reach tabriz. ruqiyeh hoyda, radio and television news agency.
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one of the important issues that even had a global impact was the help that the islamic republic of iran gave to venezuela in the field of technology in order to set up its refineries because the americans had imposed a heavy embargo and the venezuelan government was collapsing . what stage of self-sufficiency are we in? see what happened in venezuela right now. it happened that it was the first time that the national refining company went abroad, despite the fact that refining companies we were entrusted to the private sector. in fact , we focused on the management . we used the capacity of this company and specialized forces. well, it was a slaughterhouse that was both in spanish and the equipment. in fact, the standards were latin american standards, and these were needed. the equipment
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was mostly based on american and for us to be able to accept iranian equipment was very difficult for those companies. the fact is that we formed offices inside iran. to seeing iran's capabilities is believing and actually testing its samples closely, and it turned out that many of the cases were reverse engineering. this means that our technology companies went there and determined those parts closely, even without a map, and based on that, the construction was actually done. the result was that we reflected 1.67 million items of goods. we transferred it. now, in special circumstances, you know , this equipment needs to be transferred to the sea for a period of 3-4 months.


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