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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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american standards were latin, these were needed, everything was mainly american based, and it was very difficult for those companies to accept iranian equipment, the fact is that we formed offices inside iran, the experts are present here, in fact, the company we brought in manufacturers' equipment suppliers to see and believe iran's capabilities up close and to actually test the samples up close, and the fact was that many of our cases were reverse engineered , which means that our technology companies also went there and made those parts from in fact, it is almost without a map the shooting plan was determined and the construction was actually done based on it. the result was that we reflected and transferred 1.67 million items of goods . now, in special circumstances, you know that this equipment will go on the sea for a distance of 3-4 months. alhamdulillah, it was god's grace, the support that
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the martyred president himself had for this case and the attention that was given to the explanation of diplassi, we took the first step and this case was realized, we even transferred the catalyst in the area of ​​the catalyst. when gasoline was actually exported in the previous government and we removed the catalyst, it turned into gasoline in fact, we were able to produce gasoline there, so these are really catalyzing events, how is our situation because it seems to some countries. we are exporting, we have almost 90% in the field of refineries, maybe close to 90% , we produce 90% of katresta in the country, and it was in shazan, in fact, it was equipped, a molecular breaking unit was provided , we used internal catalysis, well, recently, an agreement was reached with one it was done from russian companies that we could jointly join a company of domestic scientists with their next set of basic catarrhists, now it was zirconium. these should actually be built inside the country, as
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two weeks ago, the agreement and the contract were actually exchanged between them, and now they were in the same sector, we also went to russia, for example, a part of catalyst went to the petrochemical sector, and it was exported to this sector and field. it's good, for now, the first work has been done, and in this regard, we had planned another complex, that is, the expert team has gone to check another refinery, and they are the basis for concluding a contract and actually issuing technical engineering services. now it is ready for us to go to that part, god willing, let's follow the work last year, there was an exhibition at the ministry of petroleum about the equipment that was made locally in the country in different areas from discovery to refining to actually processing. now , see how our situation is in these areas, in line with the law.
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domestic production is definitely, in the end, all their efforts are this. well, we have close to 4500 until now , bash daneshmaniano company. in fact , we have an agreement and a contract with the ministry of oil. well, this number is something . the number may have been several times. the ratio of 150 to reach this number is an acceptable number. it has been noticed that it has been noticed both in the software sector hardware is really a part of our capabilities. that is, now inside the country and our refineries themselves, now they are forming technology centers, production and equipment, now in one of our refineries, for example, localizing the dcs system , they have these for the first time . it was under the authority of honeywell, they are already localized in the country , which you saw in the international exhibition, and it is now in one of the projects that will be put into operation in two or three months. and do we
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have marketing for the export of technical services or not, once you export gasoline this is a debate. a second debate is that you are exporting technical services, like what happened in venezuela, the extraterritorial refinery , or design, reconstruction or renovation, one of the tasks that came in the 7th plan. it is that we go to the consumption pole, we can actually do the processing work, that is, you take the crude oil to the place where you sell it , turn the crude oil into a product by participating in the border refinery, and consume that product in the market there, so to speak. develop, this also means that we actually develop our sales basket and actually we for a so-called special dependency, the next point
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is that our crude oil is processed there . it is also with the aim that we plan to repair and rebuild hades so that the country's crude oil can actually be refined there. the reconstruction process is to use the capacity of domestic contractors, domestic manufacturers and domestic equipment there, as an example, it was formed there, which was really well received. mainly take it and this product can actually be a global brand and one of the ways we can do this is to form the production chain and brand localization inside the country, which is happening. unfortunately, the amount of consumption in the country is the same due to various reasons, and the fuel consumption of cars that use old technologies
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is high. the second point is the amount of production. instead of exporting and making money. internal consumption is the consumption that can be reduced, whether you plan in your plans or the seventh plan it has been thought that this discrepancy will be resolved or reduced in the law provided for in the industrial budget law of 1403, and in the 7th plan, special attention has been paid to this issue, which is actually one of the issues that we organized in the field . well, we are talking about the issue of natural gas . when the entire natural gas was consumed inside the country , a small amount of natural gas was exported. we gave this authority to the refining companies. natural gas
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was not connected, only natural gas, which is the same 230 kg in fact, we are explaining that the surplus for nearly 1,500 tons actually happened, and in fact, the export of gas is a matter of understanding. it was formed and we were able to realize the sea export in this case. well, it was a coincidence that now the refining companies entered the field of natural gas export in the so-called regional markets, both land and sea, one of the problems that really exist in all areas. there is a discussion about smuggling, the reason is that or one of the reasons is that the prices in iran are compared to other neighboring countries. it is low , especially in the field of energy, now clearly gasoline what should be done to actually fight against this smuggling ? we, who do not have the duty
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to produce fuel for 2030 million people who are actually nationals of neighboring countries , have the same situation in the field of flour and checker and i don't know other drugs and such. since you are at the helm of the discussion on the distribution and distribution of petroleum products, what plan have you come up with? see now the events and coordinations that have been done with the headquarters of the currency exchange spoons , the approvals given in this department, we are now planning politics and planning in all areas. done , there is a part of the transportation department that has an online system. actually, the monitoring is done on the route, that is, if you have a car, for example , it will be removed from the fake bills of lading, that is, the bills of lading will be on the khadrouri line that is going from tehran to the destination of bandas
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. his fuel card is practically impossible to refuel, so with this so- called plan, the so-called supply channels are placed in the so -called plan. the society of the country has been formed and the basis of which is actually the transportation of cars, those routes , this is a sector that is actually being operationalized , it has been operationalized as a trial since we have the future now, god willing, we want it to be done operationally. our prediction here is that nearly 5 million will actually reduce consumption in one sector, because the policy, in fact, the government's policy is based on putting non-price policies in this sector. action should be taken in this area of ​​bronchial transportation. in the inner-city sector, measures are being taken with the ministry of interior, so that we can organize and manage the cash handling area of ​​rome , an appointment will be made in the area of ​​cards, and the events in this section will actually be managed in the expenditure section in the section. let me tell you that it is an industry
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now, before we enter the industry sector, for example , where did this discussion of the sepaton system go, why the operation. it is not complete. you see, samar sepeton was in charge of the device. well, it was finally time to see that it will not be implemented. as the custodian of the country's fuel, we were really worried. in fact , we took action on this volume of fuel, its supply, this amount of fuel consumption, and this smuggling that had been formed, and we prepared that online system in parallel with the defense of the so-called intelligence agencies, the information of sepitan or those parts of the online systems that you designed. where does the information police go? actually, according to the waybills that are issued, the ministry of roads and transport organization is actually planning a route with a load because it specifies that fuel cards will be activated on that route, so the person who is at
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the origin will actually meet with the person on the next route. if it is so-called moved , it will not be possible to refuel on the route. we have implemented software measures in the system that the supply channels of the route can deliver fuel to them based on those measurements. refueling is not for immigrant cards. that is not inactive in yeh it is not possible for the point to only refuel , so the origin and destination must be navigated. well , this was a really big job . we used the basic knowledge capacities of our colleagues in the aiti sector and implemented this work on a part of our own fleet. that the field actually did the transfer of the fuel and we actually got an answer, and now many of the collections that go to your card just give a warning. sir, you are not on the route and your refueling is not done on the route, for now it
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is giving a warning, after that we will not warning, we do not provide the possibility of refueling. from next month, we have planned that gradually, god willing , because we have 13 classes of cars, cars with different productions, that we will be able to operate all of these gradually until the end , god willing. how did we go to the production sector ? in fact, the growth we had this year compared to last year, we had a 16% growth in the gas sector , a 9% growth in the gasoline sector , and a 46% growth in the kerosene sector, because the consumption of kerosene was practically taken into consideration. gassing is reduced we had a 2% growth in the field of oil and gas . we had a 2% growth in the field of korean oil. actually, our refining capacity with a capacity of about 2 million 25 thousand barrels that
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can actually be refined, we were actually able to increase the growth so that we can actually cover the country's consumption , if the issue of consumption management happens, god willing, now with the non-transportation sectors. with the same policies we are applying, we can reduce consumption by 10 million by the end of the year , god willing. how is it priceless now? this is the capacity and software platforms and infrastructure that reduce human intervention . actually, we are based on performance and production. in fact , we provide the fuel. those who are somehow taking the so-called fuel from the people are smuggling it to other places. let's stop the issue of the development of landfills on the basis of landfills, in fact, petro-palashgah. how was it in the petrokash department, is this among your policies at all? see this, in the law
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, there is mainly a focus on the areas of participation in the border refinery in terms of crude oil processing , in two areas inside my country, actually the refinery we are currently converting our existing stock into a petrochemical refinery and where, for example , we currently have the same capacity in the avadano refinery, which is actually increasing with petrochemicals, and part of the petrochemical feedstock, and tehran's participation in the shazand refinery. in fact, in fact , a part of the shahzand petrochemical refinery has been destroyed by the isfahan refinery. look , there is a division in the regional refinery itself . it is doing a part of other units. well, the same petrochemical company that is supplying dmt along with the 60 chain actually supplies dmt. because it belongs to the fiber, it is forgiving, xylan it is the responsibility of the detergents of the country to provide it, so i want to say that it has a chain. it happens that the other part is transferred to the south of the country in terms of water issues, which is needed. in fact, capacity expansion
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is being done in the south . in the same way, in the rest of the refineries, the urea and ammonia section and the phosphate fertilizer complex are in the plan. do it. all the refining companies in some way have raw materials and petrochemical products according to the vision that is seen in their community and development plans, and there is a new refinery for our purpose, including shahid soleimani's palace. in fact , there is a 300,000-barrel project in bandaab where all the measures have been taken . as the government there , there are two groups of refineries that should be done through the private sector with the 10% participation that we had. the land has been prepared, the basic plan has been completed and the defense discussions have been obtained, and we hope that the process of operational operations will start now, god willing, considering that the refinery industry is a very water-intensive industry, while
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petrochemicals is actually in this field of work. let it work now in the northern parts of the country that we don't need let's move the products from the south all this way again to the north of the country. in these areas and in the north of the country , you have plans under construction. you see, we have reduced our existing refinery, mainly reducing its dependence on water, that is, in the same refinery in tehran, there is a plan. we have that if this happens, it is equivalent to half a percent of consumption. tehran's water is reducing now, that is, this number is a significant number . in the rest of the refinery , we also used the discussion of recycling . we used the discussion of gray water, we recycled it from the waste water system. clean water is not used in the complex of refining companies, now in their so-called cooling systems, in the same way, they are
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actually doing dry absorption systems so that those absorption bed systems can be used, so in the field of water consumption management in the area of ​​shakt abgham , the implementation of the development plans, we actually reduce water consumption , and in the new al-adas and development plans , we are looking to see the minimum water consumption, which is the legal obligation, in fact, in the centers where we have access to water. it has been seen there in the same way as mehr khaleej landfill fars, well, the fourth phase is there, with 120,000 barrels of intermediate gas that is there now. one of the topics that comes up especially in the summers or for us who are a country that doesn't have a lot of precipitation is a function that is actually broadcast
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. it says that there is a question of supplying fuel to the power plants . how is our situation in this field? mainly, the fuel concentration of the power plant is based on gas. in the cold season of the year, at one time, we predicted that 5 billion tanks should be built there, so that we can have capacity there in the hot seasons if it is somehow added to household consumption in the cold season of the year they can use raw fuel, therefore, in this regard, a few things happened, one is that we actually connect the power plants to the line network , considering the capacity we have, we needed to add the country's main line network, which is the same 1,200 km that you we are planning to help increase the capacity of nearly 14 power plants . we have connected 3 power plants to the network of lines. recently, in fact, the connection has been made.
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we have about 8 more power plants in the program, which are also connected to the network of lines with quasi-manufactured lines. the product that is being transferred can be from there. actually gas oil supply the gas oil and store it in those tanks so that we can actually have fuel supply during the cold days of the year and there is a question that you have explained a part of which is about localizing the equipment and building the refinery from zero to 100 on a local basis because it is imported several times with different countries. azadegan's oil field discussion, well , the japanese, then when the americans put pressure on them, they retreated. how much indigenous capability do we have in these fields that
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we don't need them anymore? i work in oil, toze palashi. actually, at one time, when we entered the refinery, maybe we had the smallest equipment, we had to go outside, repair it, and bring it inside the country, or in this field of catalyst . but thank god, some of the conditions of the sanctions are really if there is a will in the group and the support of the management in the group is such that we can use local capacities inside the country. these events happened in your international exhibition you are going to visit a group of foreign companies . we can all see the production share that has happened inside the country. what we have now in this camp
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is that we can actually design zero to 100 projects inside the country and that in the field of construction we can actually use local equipment and place local orders and this is that the company we have formed brand chains that can actually work localization and branding should be carried out inside the country so that all the parts are formed in the form of a chain, like what smart did in brazil. there is another set . actually, we have a plan in the program, and god willing , i hope that these will actually be completed. an all-iranian university in the field of technical knowledge. we now use a lot of these local technical knowledge. once upon a time, we only bought technical knowledge. we buy it again for every project. we localized the second one inside the country, these have helped and everyone should pay attention to this let's go inside the country and this human power capacity that really exists inside the country, if that support
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is done, we can certainly do it, just like we really do with the collection of foreign companies that sometimes come to us to take orders for goods, samples of which we took outside the country. well, our equipment has gone there and it has been trusted. in fact , we gave them a one-year guarantee that the equipment will be made there, and that guarantee has actually been confirmed . may it come true, thank you very much, mr. engineer salari, honorable deputy minister, manager the agent of iran's national oil products distribution and refining company and thanks to you, dear viewers , be in the protection of god.
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in my opinion, the pride of iran is the iranian carpet, if germany is known by benz, then iran's carpet is known by its carpet . it is a simple expression of the world fame of the industrial hand-woven carpet , which is both attractive and attractive, and in the world, iran is known for its hand-woven carpet. it is known and supporting this part of exports, in my opinion , is not only a matter of earning currency, it is a matter of iran's identity to be promoted in the world. our scholars play the same rug, but in iran, every city in iran, such as isfahan, tabriz, qom, kashan, kerman, each of them owns a style, they produce their own carpets. no country in terms of. the quality of production in terms of the quality of dyeing is not up to iranians. in the last 3 years, the handwoven carpet industry
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has lost a total of 3 million square meters of production in 1400. this number reached 3.5 million square meters in 1401 and 39 million in 1402. we had production per square meter, that is , we had 11 times the increase in production than exports, but from that point of view, it is clear that we could not reach the goal that we had in mind in 1401 , i think it was close to 50 million dollars. million dollars, which reached nearly 40 million dollars in 1402, which means that there was a decrease of about twenty percent, which is now in the year 143 , considering the obstacles in the area of ​​clearing the foreign exchange obligation, which now in the last two months of the last year in the year it happened in 1402, let the year 143 continue as well, and let's get ahead of this downward trend in 1403. this statistic shows an increase of 11 production
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and a decrease in exports. handwoven carpet has all the components of resistance economy. it means that it is the only product that creates about 80 additional rajt. there is only one product in our country that exports at least 95% the axis and... is broad and the productive class is the same class , most of them are villagers and nomads of small towns who are engaged in this job. export is the driving force of production because the export did not take place. unfortunately , the production body was forced to reduce production as a result. actions such as making handmade carpets have birth certificates, reducing import duties on raw silk, solving the problem of temporary passage of carpets. handcrafted reduction of the amount of foreign exchange commitment in the last two months of 1402. annual sending of 24 square meters of handwoven carpets by mail by each person for rent. in this
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approved industry, we are the first thing we can do in iran let's do it for the benefit of production. wool and silk processing is domestic. today, our carpet industry is 90% dependent on imports, despite the fact that we ourselves have the ability to come to iran and define a mechanism in the production of wool and silk for these sheep that are in slaughterhouses every day. iran is going to be slaughtered . we will bring this wool to the production process of our textile industry . you can be sure that all aspects of carpet production in iran will change. in terms of job creation, imagine that there are about 8 million to 10 million direct and indirect jobs. every family is somehow involved there is production and this industry should really
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be preserved. he supported him to reach the same year 1974, when now they make up a third of the exports and not almost 10% or 20% of the total exports of our country. due to the importance of this industry, increasing its production in the 7th plan has been assigned to the government. in 2014, our goal is to produce 42 million square meters, which means 8.5 percent, according to the seventh development plan , we have a plan to increase production. you know, the production rate of no country is still equal to the production rate of iran . it was billions of annual exports, they are covering it easily. according to the trustees of this industry , the growth of 20 million dollars in exports is expected by finding alternative countries and alternative carpet products for export, such as rugs, carpets, and some industries.
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the attention of the world markets is planned to compensate a part of the decrease in exports and production in 1403 . noon for the broadcasting news agency.
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it makes it dirty. it was a good question. i said there is a problem . why don't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately, no . unfortunately, no. why should you buy the household appliances from the city? amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello , dear viewer, it is 20:30 minutes tehran time . wheat production in afghanistan the ministry of agriculture , irrigation and livestock of the taliban announced that more than 2 million hectares of wheat have been cultivated in afghanistan this year. according to the announcement of the ministry of agriculture, irrigation and livestock of the taliban, timely and appropriate spring rains in the country play a key role in increasing wheat production in the year.


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