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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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well, now, for example, we give this much share to women , it's a very good thing , let's give this much share, for example, to the sunnis, let's give this much share to, for example, a certain ethnic group , and that's a good thing, but the question is, is this enough? is it just that we have considered the diversity, can we in fact manage the country efficiently, manage the people's table, in fact, these problems we have are attributed to mr. i agree with the logic of your discussion, it is good that we are relatives from this rainbow, as the saying goes, if we consider the efficiency and expert discussion. in fact, let's follow that mr. medical doctor basically relies on the discussion of experts and experts , it doesn't matter if the expert is baloch. whether he left
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, whether he was a woman, whether he was a man, this is another expert, which means that he is actually supposed to increase the efficiency and solve the problems of the country and the people. our friends have given us a few more minutes in the broadcast of the news network so that we can bring the discussion to an end and have a summary , about 2 to 3 minutes. dear saqiqa, mr. dr. naderi , we are here to summarize your service. in this section, if you have any points, please tell us whether women are equal to men. do you have the opportunity
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to progress in iran's administrative system? just look at the statistics at the higher levels. at the level of general managers, at the level of deputy ministers, and at the level of ministers , we reach almost zero. a media personality is that, now that there are no women, the absence of women did not participate? in the administration of the country, we have managed the country very well, we do not have any challenges in the country, so these 32 super challenges for the country from water and soil erosion, environment and air to the rest of the challenges, what if we didn't involve the tribes that
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we did not participate? let's run a good governance . it really wasn't like that. i say that the score of us who live in the central plateau of iran was not a very bright score. now, let's say that maybe this diversity, maybe this inclusion, maybe these different attitudes and views of those who have been guarding iran's border for centuries. is it the opposite of the iranians who are ours today? neither the constitution nor the rights of citizens are considered to not consider the official religion as a privilege, and we do not deny that there are other privileges for other followers of the monotheistic religion, and not to give any privilege to the official religion of the country, which is also included in the constitution, is against the constitution. and it's not citizenship rights, it's definitely not because citizenship rights
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dictate that everyone can actually vote and have their own social rights. here, no one has deprived anyone of their social rights. you have the same view. you are bringing it up you see, i have expressed my opinion. in my opinion, if the point of view is expert-oriented, in fact , these discriminations do not make much sense in my opinion , and i also mentioned the discussion. efficiency and efficiency moved more. in this efficiency , there must be more women. they must actually be minorities. well, what has been, now we have to increase it. there is no problem . increasing it is not an option. but my point is that if an expert it is supposed to be used because it is in the door.
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my final point is that dr doctors are actually present in the struggle and electoral competition, showing their merit in this electoral competition and being welcomed by the people. of course, this does not mean that other candidates do not have enough merit. this means that people favor this view and this discourse more . the first fulfilled promise of mr. dr. mezikian is to refer to the experts to choose the most important thing that the president should
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do, which is to appoint the cabinet . the islamic council of iran and all institutions. let us make sure that the government of mr. dr. al-badzikian is formed in the best interest and moves on the path of success, mr. naderi . we are at your service for the remaining three minutes. we have a long-term plan, which is actually a vision document. we have a medium-term plan, which is actually a five-year development plan, which we are facing the seventh plan, which means it is the beginning of the seventh plan. there is also a short-term plan. we have it is about the budget, which means that it has been a year since we approved the rulings and in fact the tables
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and communicated to the government. well, mr. dr. mezikian and i were present together in the seventh plan integration commission, that is, we were actually together, all of us , these 45 people, actually had a role in firstly, in fact, the vote of this program in the commission, and then in the the islamic majlis and dr. bezikian himself put a lot of emphasis on implementation the seventh plan of having my discussion is the help we can give to the government of mr. dr. mesik, which is our duty, because basically, in fact , the parliament of the government of other powers, according to that, in fact, the understanding that i have now of the intellectual system of the supreme leader , which is a system it is a functional structure that everyone must move under the islamic republic. of course, we must help, but the debate that the behavior of the islamic council
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will actually be that we will monitor the implementation of the seventh plan, and this will it is in the interest of the country , it is in the interest of the government, and in fact it is in the interest. thanks a lot thank you mr. naderi and mr. sheikh , and thank you for your attention, dear viewers . inshallah, our discussion tonight will be of good use to you . have a good weekend, god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello
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, welcome to the world. today, tonight, i am asking to announce the news of joe biden's infection with corona to prepare for gradual conditions. his withdrawal from the election. axios news site reported that biden secretly surrendered to the pressures and polls and it is impossible for him to continue his presence in the election contests. the media published the news of the president's absence as i mentioned, america is seen as the groundwork for his withdrawal from the competition. the corona epidemic in america is over and as you can see, everyone is doing well. about four years have passed since that time when biden said the end of the corona epidemic in america. in the ups and downs of the presidency,
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he is now afflicted with the same disease that he said would destroy him. corona sent the us president to quarantine. many in different circles in america have prepared for the positive corona test. they know the conditions for removing him from the election competition. some also it was seen as a sign of the spread of corona and the end of this epidemic in america. the very high speed of the spread of corona is very worrying, not only in the north east of the united states, but throughout the united states , we have not been informed about this, why? of course, this has been neglected while the situation here in america is not good. this is a crisis. the name of corona is being mentioned again in the united states while william hingham, the executive director of the institute of health at the world health organization , announced: pfizer and other american vaccines. it does not work against this virus and has no side effects created we
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took blood from people who had previously received the pfizer vaccine. in these bloods , there was only one that was caused by the vaccine. we expected this pot to be the only anti-virus pot to control what we call blood-cleansing. what we observed was a much lower ability of the blood received from these people to be hemostatic. when the makers of pfizer put it on the market , they said it was about 90% efficient, and a group mocked iran's cautious approach to it. these days , however, there are groups among those who inject pfizer they are looking for a solution for their side effects. america is at the top of the list of the deadliest people in the world. now, the inefficiency and complications of pfizer moderna. for the americans , it has been proven that it is not clear
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what options the health and treatment system of this country will have for those who get infected with covid-19. hossein rouhani, a member of the sda news agency , i am talking about the same issue with mr. fouad eizdi, an expert on american issues, who is a guest. the program of the world is today, mr. doctor, welcome to our program , there is new news every day, and now there is news of the corona virus the president of the united states has been brought up considering that the corona virus has been out of the question in various societies, especially in the united states, that it is heard that the president has now contracted the corona virus and has gone to quarantine. it has ranked first in the number of dead in the world. and these american vaccines
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do not seem to solve many problems and cause many side effects. therefore, one of the reasons why america is the number one in the death rate of corona is the inefficiency of the system, not the vaccine itself. to produce something usable, not possible. they are buying from abroad. american pharmaceutical lobbies don't like it very much that their competitors in europe or in other countries take over the american market in this field and the result is that the president of the country got corona and still corona after you, you know corona is one more year away. his case was closed in many places, including our own country, but in america, he is being killed every day and it has increased, which means that a significant percentage of cases
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have increased, and the number of deaths has increased, especially for older people, as mr. biden is 81 years old, there is a danger. seriously there is, and this inefficiency of the system is one of the reasons that now they have problems in the political field , i.e. you. do you believe that corona can't be an excuse, it's really possible that he got corona, he didn't get corona , he got corona, they can't post a fake news to justify why he's not in the election meetings, why he's not in the debate , you see, we have a problem in the country , this is the case did you say that mr. trump was also assassinated , there is a saying that it is his own business whether he got corona or not, or whether trump was assassinated
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or not, this is a problem in our country, that is to believe. we don't believe the tragedy that is happening in america. this is not a criminal issue either. it means that america is so powerful in the minds of a significant part of the people of our country. thank you that when a disaster occurs, the previous president is assassinated, the current president gets corona, these are the many cases that you mentioned in this 7. you have seen a lot in the past, because it is difficult for this population to accept the disaster in america, they are looking for other reasons.
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the high level of america or some neighboring countries. because the people of iran love the imam, their view of america is similar to that of the imam. this spirit that even though the americans have weapons, they have an army , they have information, but in many cases they have very serious problems, they make mistakes and make mistakes
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. it was that america is a giant, for example, powerful, it could never make a revolution. imam's view was that although they have power, they are also capable of failure. then what happened, this self-confidence was created that they would manage and lead the revolution, a problem like us. america works we see this a lot, that is, once or twice a month , the bad news that comes from america is hard for some people to believe, and then they start analyzing that this is an american vaccine, it's a bit watery, sorry, now this is your view and definitely it is respectable and we want to know your view on this matter and i said that
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i think it is really a series of contemporaries and the use that they use. it makes this possibility stand out in the mind, and we are not the only ones who say this, i mean, now you mentioned the issue of trump and the failed assassination that happened. the signs that exist in the field, and yes, absolutely , this assumption and this statement that this is fake are possible, but for days they have been talking about the possibility of it being fake. we, the iranians, are not part of america's own society, this is happening. you, as an international journalist, one of the things you must know is to recognize the source of the news. in order to
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get more attention in the virtual space, for example, they say something stupid , this kind of people are in our country. we have. a percentage of societies are like this. now , why did biden get corona? because the spread of corona has spread in america in the last few weeks. biden is now a candidate , which means he goes to different places, gives interviews to people , much more than usual, because now the space is space. the reason for this is the election. this is also the time you say. it is also the time because now the atmosphere is the election atmosphere. these people go to different places more than usual. before this, they mostly sat in the white office. why was trump assassinated? it is an information disaster for the secret service. or the us secret service it means that their job is
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to save the life of the president and the presidential candidate , then a 20-year-old young man. which was able to bypass these complex information systems easily, well , this is a disaster, you can see this disaster as it is, or you can make up strange stories for it, which i suggest because you are a good reporter, the same facts. as it is , you can't pay too much attention to cyber space and such words because they are not a significant source of a person who goes to cyber space , whether he is american or iranian or who else. many times, they are looking for likes , retweets, things like this are their criteria, mr. yazidi, so in fact, both about mr. biden and about the assassination of the american president, one of my questions was how much you
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actually saw the possibility of being fake, how much yes these two now with these two presuppositions of yours that not all of them happened and from your point of view this is the weakness of the american society that maybe we feel that this weakness does not exist in our mental structure. with these two views that you have , let's go to the next questions. well, now i will correct trump. biden is suffering from corona, old age, physical weakness. he was a candidate for the election and he said that if only god can do something so that i am not and i am not a candidate, he will easily say it is blasphemy, but you have pointed out his situation, and he will say me and god .
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these are the signs of america's decline. it was really a disaster for mr. biden, and it had been several months since he appeared in an environment where you know that they have something, this device that you are talking about here and there. my mother thought that you would hear the news. you memorize everything, then one day i explained to them that they don't read from the front, they put the text in front of the speaker. this is this when biden is lecturing two now it's not like you two pages of glass , so this text
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is going there like it is going forward and then on the two sides she looks at a line here. the line there was the first time in a few months that since you can't do that in a debate, it really ruined the system in america. usually, this is the style that when something like this happens, first the editorial writers start criticizing because the columnist of the day then he has to write an editorial , he looks for the subject, he looks for you did you see mr. thomas friedman, who belongs to the new york times newspaper, he was the first person who told him that this was a disaster, and it is unlikely that biden will be able to continue this first group, which later the washington post said other newspapers told the group. second, there are people who give money to these politicians. you know the cost of the 2020 election, the last time
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there was a presidential election, it was 14 billion dollars, not the cost of holding it, the cost of holding it is another thing, the cost of advertising and campaigning, and the money they have to give to their employees. the campaign of the body and the support of the party, in the sense of yes, where does this money come from the side. the capitalist does not want to invest in a horse that has lost because of the corona virus , so the second group is what you see . you must have seen this in the past weeks. sir, you can't win, they want to give money to a person who wins, then go and count with him , so that he will gain benefits for these people of this second group. third, there are democratic politicians in the purple states , the states that are not completely blue,
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they are not completely democratic, sometimes the republicans are also one percent there. they are significant and the basket of the floating border is floating . these are lips like the lips of marzan, if you know that the presidential election in november is also a presidential election. there is also the congress, the house of representatives is completely there, there is a third of the senate, there are gubernatorial elections in many places , there are local elections, the political system in america is federal , they have the federal government, then they have the states, then they have the local ones , on that tuesday of november, all of these will be voted on, and when there is a reason why you don't want to vote for that democratic candidate, you know that people also want convenience, the only choice is to give everyone republican, vote once
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, press a button, it's a republic. they are also in november, on the same day as the presidential election, and in these states where the percentage of republicans is high, they are worried that people will lean towards trump, or they will lose the shadow of this name, so this will be the third group of the group. fourth , there are famous presidents like obama, like clinton, like mrs. pelosi, these are the fifth group, the public , the democratic figures, and in all these five groups that i mentioned, there are protests now, some of them are open, some of them are hidden, and mr. biden's condition is good.
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he insists, he is a loud old man, which i must be. now he can't walk right , he can't speak right. there is no other analysis . he is really weak. he has this condition. trump's condition is completely clear now that we are talking. take that convention 4 years at a time, right now they are giving speeches. in a few hours, when it is almost morning in tehran, four or five in the morning, it will be trump's turn to speak. before the program started , this is what i was listening to: the speech of mr. vance, his deputy. yesterday, it became clear that he is the deputy, he gave a speech for half an hour , i was listening to him, because of this, the republican situation is much better because they have unity
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, they don't fight among themselves, their candidate is clear. the candidate for the vice president is now visible in the polls. if the election is held today , it will be held tomorrow. there will be a new poll after the assassination . you have the statistics. yes, and it has increased , and its popularity has increased. in the end, mr. biden will stay or not, there is a
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possibility that he will leave. the vice president didn't come out of the water and didn't do any significant work and they look the same to the public opinion of america. yes, the public opinion of iran doesn't vote much in america. and you know that he is mr. biden's deputy and so is biden. because of the situation he is in, he didn't give him a lot of work so that he can show himself now, for this reason, yes, he is important , but other people are also important, then you will have a civil war among the democrats, a fight , if he has to go, one of the my reasons don't go away he says the same thing, he says, "i will go with you , you will fight like wild animals and this will happen. the situation of the democrats is not clear because
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the prediction is not clear. the november elections are still a bit early, dr. yazidi, we still want to talk to you about the developments in america, but let's see a report on the results of new polls by cnn and associated press, which show that a high percentage of democrats support biden's withdrawal from the election. they want the presidency. nearly two- thirds of democrats say joe biden should drop out of the presidential race. this result. the norx center joint associated press poll was conducted two weeks after the biden-trump debate. in this survey , only 3 out of 10 democrats are confident in biden's mental health, and 70% of them believe that another candidate should replace him. verbal slips, weak voice and...


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