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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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the democrats are not clear because the prediction of the november elections is still a bit early, mr. dr. yazidi, we still want to talk to you about the developments in america, but let's see a report on the results of the new cnn and associated press polls, which show a high percentage of democrats. they want biden to withdraw from the presidential election. almost two- thirds of democrats say joe biden should drop out of the race.
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his deputy is against trump. maadeh zaman fashmi of sed and sima news agency. in the world today , we are still discussing the developments of the american elections. mr. professor paul sheldon fut professor of pishut university of california will be added to our group and to this conversation. welcome mr. sheldon foote. i will start the question here. in
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your opinion, how likely is it for mr. biden to withdraw as a candidate for the us presidential election?
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someone who does not have a good standing in the eyes of the american public and his own party members should replace biden whose goal is to leave because he cannot have a ballot box. do the democrats really want to replace mr. biden with a worse option? if not, in your opinion, the option who wants the other possibility? know
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let's see what decision will be made in this matter , if someone can convince the democrats all over the country, naturally, the best option will be the situation of the elite society. in america , how are you, university professor, compared to the two election candidates that are currently in the spotlight, and i would like to ask a question about the atmosphere in which you live in the academic community of american elite students, which candidate
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are you inclined towards. well, currently the country is severely divided and some people are not even interested in voting for any of these candidates. the third party or the green party shows interest , that's why it is very difficult to say who belongs to whom. i request you to maintain your video connection with us . mr. fouad eizdi, an expert on american issues , is with us on the world program today
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. they don't have, and maybe the statistics of your participation came to the conclusion that it is low , how do you see the situation of the american voters , it is clear in the polls that about two thirds both the republicans and the democrats were upset about this trump-biden competition, that is , they did not accept biden as a candidate because he is challenged physically and physically. trump also has his own problems. in any case, every people loves their own country , but americans love their own country , they don't want to be in a country that has two elections and one of them
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should be elected, one of them is trump, with the margins they have . another point that mr. doctor said is that the green party, yes, some of them are a percentage. until the problem that the green party has. it is that at the moment, he could not put his candidate's name on the list of candidates in 50 states because the political structure of america was designed by the republicans and democrats , the laws were written by these two parties for the third party, haft khaneh rostami, now this is your translator who wants to translate words khaneh rostamo must somehow translate, he is practically a semi-accomplished actor.
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there is no other dream. now these americans are making a lot of noise in our elections . for example , not all 80 people came. there is also a fifth one, but it is not possible for them to be present in practice. this is mr. west, hestel west, who has been able to register his name in two or three states so far. well, you have 50 causes in two or three states or, for example, 10 states . well, you definitely cannot allocate a percentage to yourself . this is a series of structural problems, even though many people in america are interested. basically, there is another party other than this.
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if there are two parties, in practice you can see that a two -party dictatorship is ruling and the situation that you see that the majority of the people, for this reason, this point
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of increasing popularity for trump did not lead to anything. many americans think so that these actions have turned america into a third world country that destroys the democratic system in america , they are actually making a case against their own opponents. this is something that is happening from many points of view, including for trump. let's go back to mr. yazidi. mr. yazidi
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, the cases they are referring to are fake , which is actually a partisan game against trump, or not the widespread accusations that have affected public opinion. popularity among people who wanted to vote for him found more in between. republicanism, which has created a unity in the republican party , has gained a higher position among the republicans, because it was able to instill the concept in the minds of these people that these are political cases. here, however, it is not wrong to say that trump is a criminal. there is no doubt about this, but it is in america, the judicial system of the judiciary
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is determined by the executive branch, its judges are determined by the supreme court. be it a party and these judges are either democrats or republicans like parliament members like the president. the president is completely political, where to file a case against mr. trump? places where he was a democratic judge or prosecutor? places where being a republican is not a problem. there was a case in florida where the public prosecutor who was appointed by the ministry of justice of biden was a democrat , because when the case was going on, it was handed to a
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person who was a republican. when it came to the hands of the republic, he said the whole case, for example, he threw out the bikhodieh case. for this reason, the files they can be a political game in terms of and they are and they are and they are because the judges are completely political, the cases are also political, does this mean that mr. trump, as you know , had a case of sexual assault, i have many stories. yes, this person is pure , but he has these things, but he is not a republican, he went after him, because the democrats left, they should tell the republicans that he is doing something political, and the american public opinion, with the same assumption that this is a political game, has a very strong view of mr. trump. the public opinion of america has not changed, because you have a collection of these the republicans are the majority. well, it is not clear . some are republicans, some are democrats . the republicans say that this is a political case . the democrats say that more than this, trump
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was guilty. it is completely a bipolar country, and there are serious fights, and this is another sign of the decline of america, that is, the american who somehow managed himself in the field of domestic politics, claimed that we are a model, now go and survey all the countries of the world, what do you think? they do this the system that you see in america now is a model . nowhere in the world do they consider america as a model in the political field. they may like it in the field of technology , they may say that they have good military capabilities, but in the political field, no one sees america as a model. he was a model for many people in our country, our enlightened people , many of them are interested in the american political system, for this reason, this is also a sign of the decline of the
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current state of america. introduce a new option you mentioned that he might be completely greedy, or he might be the governor of california, or now there is another option . in your opinion, this new person who comes in can challenge the current lead of mr. trump and change the existing polls and become a competitor. is it serious for mr. trump? in fact, it is not very democratic . a famous democratic option cannot be introduced in this election and the balance in these polls that
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are actually being carried out. he created this story and his dishonesty actually created such an issue and made this happen. and those who wanted to vote for him , such as illegal immigrants, are no longer present in the election. most likely, trump will win this election. thank you very much, mr. sheldon ford, the leading professor of the university of california, who
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was with the program of the world today. now i told you to predict from now on.
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several people are declaring that we are the candidate , a strange conflict in the democratic party. you will see that his output will become mr. trump's rival after that, your question can be answered better, mr. eizdi, if the trumpians vote , how much can they challenge america's strategies , because there are now people close to trump who talk about america that we have never heard before , including capitalism. they are facing a challenge. they kill and criticize him, including mr. vance, who is proposed as a candidate for the vice president of the united states. as a final and concluding question, i asked this question and i want to know your opinion . you see, mr. vance is an interesting person. he is 39 years old, which means almost half his age. he has trump. trump is near now he is 80 years old and comes from a very troubled family
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. his last name has changed three times. it was his father , then his father left the family , he went to a second name, he found a second name, then there was a problem there, this is vance, who j saw vance, who say this is the third case, he changed his name three times . what you said yesterday is new for the republican party. the republican party is usually a supporter of wall street , and it is a supporter of this famous american economic obstacle. in his speech yesterday, he criticized this group. they were looking for interests that ultimately led to the loss of the american public. those interests
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criticized mr. biden for being a supporter of the iraq war in 2003, when the americans, well, the president who attacked iraq, george bush, was a member of their own party. we are witnessing a trend in the republican party that is producing literature that is different from the traditional literature that you expect from the republican party, and this goes back to the internal dissatisfaction in america, they feel that the past words no longer have buyers. why did trump run for office in 2016? became a party and then he became president because he was different from the other candidates of the republican party, that is, trump found this capacity, the pulse of the republican voters
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realized what it was, then he rode on that literature and said some things, you are one of the famous slogans of mr. trump in 2016. he said that drind swam used to say that there is a swamp in washington, it is dirty, i will dry it. and now, mr. vance, you know that vance was once a critic of trump, and he said that trump is the hitler of america, but these politicians realized that this path started by trump has votes, some of them are silent because they don't want to be removed. some people came along, like mr. vance, who later became the vice presidential candidate, and then the literature that is being produced is literature because we have experience that people in the past years
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have raised this debate that if we are not there, there will be a war, so now you you have a politician who has serious criticisms about the previous wars of america in this region . you understand the importance of this. if we don't understand this , then there will be a problem inside. because some of our politicians say things to get votes and this is not enough . you want to say my opinion. if it is true, that is fear. which create that if these people are expressing these thoughts, this group is criticizing their past and the decisions i made, and why is this important for us, because it is not good to be influenced by literature against american politicians and for the same reason under the influence of anti-politics literature. it's not good to be in the iranian circuit, that's why you are making a program , look at these facts, what are new things happening, and now it's time for your program , apparently, almost all of these things need to be studied
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, it needs to be discussed, what is happening and why this is happening. it happens and the result is this what is happening is that we should say that trump will be the president or not, this is a discussion that i think is too early , but we have another discussion in relation to america , this evolution and change. it is happening in america, on the one hand, you have this mr. j didi vansid, on the other hand, you have the american universities who are pretending that this america is changing and understanding this change is definitely important for a country like iran. and the new world order is changing . thank you very much. as you mentioned , it is really necessary to know more about these issues. let's talk because some of our public opinion. may we have the opportunity to host you in other programs, mr. fade zadi, an expert on american issues . thank you, dear viewers, for
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accompanying us until the end of today's program, god bless you. the intense heat wave this summer has caused many problems for nations in many parts of the world. for example, the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in the middle east has caused the average temperature to increase by 3 degrees compared to the long term. find and the power grids of the countries will face serious problems. this thermal dome is accompanied by dust and fine dust cloudy weather in iran
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has led to an increase in air temperature and a greater feeling of heat, and as a result, an unusual and unprecedented growth of 15% at the time of peak electricity consumption in the domestic sector, and the country's electricity consumption demand has reached more than 7750 megawatts. the stability of iran's nationwide electricity network in this difficult situation, while the kuwaitis witnessed widespread power outages in many areas of their country on 20 june 31 june and on july 11, 21 july 1403, widespread power outages in turkey, especially in hatay and takir regions. dagh happened and on the 10th of july 20, 1403, there was a widespread power outage in saudi arabia the main reason for the increase in electricity consumption in iran is the introduction of cooling systems that are not suitable for different climates, which in this situation are extremely necessary for
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household customers. the tips to reduce the consumption of electricity will help in maintaining the stability of the network. citizens can contribute to the stability of the national electricity network by using the slow distance of water coolers and setting the temperature of gas coolers to 24 degrees and not using high-consuming devices during peak hours. let's say that household subscribers can get a free electricity bill if they reduce their electricity consumption compared to last year.
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how does it walk? yes, it does. we wash it by hand it was heavier. you didn't buy it from the city of household appliances. no , unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no. what should i buy from the city of household appliances? why, because i have quality, discounts , discounts, discounts, discounts, amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of home music.
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home appliance city. in the name of allah, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program . we will start the program with some news: alipur returns to press police . alipour will play for press police after signing an official contract for two seasons. alipour, who was in tehran's red shirts from 1993 to 1999, and after that 4 years in portuguese football and maritimo clubs. and...


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