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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 1 am. on the day of the martyrdom of imam sajjad, peace be upon him, and on the third day of the martyrdom of imam hussain, peace be upon him, and his companions in karbala, people in different cities mourned by setting up groups of breast-beaters and chain-beaters.
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your body remains in karbala. your body remains in karbala. your head is on your back. the love letter of mrs. gul prophet is on my head. with the end of the ceremony of taswa and
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ashuvari hosseini, the return wave of pilgrims who went to iraq continues. it is expected that the return of pilgrims will continue for the next two days. pilgrims who celebrate ashura and tasua hosseini in between they have been al-haramain. oh hossein jan. it was really great, i can't describe it. i asked for a wonderful and unique feeling in the afternoon, mr. imam zamane, and that the people have a good ending. how many days did you stay in karbala? we left najaf around 17:00 at 10:00. this trip will become spiritual. we wanted to hold your ceremony in tehran for the first decade. god willing, we will be successful now in the third and seventh. and karbala, please
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, from 24:00 last night until this moment at 18:00 , we had 25,000 traffic, of which 22,000 entering the country and 3000 leaving the country, tehran, or better, tehran, tehran, the public transport fleet is ready to transport pilgrims from place to place in the country. here in the area of ​​shahid soleimani mehrane border terminal , you can see that buses have been called from all over the country and come to the terminal and are waiting . i came from golestan province . i have a student for golestan province. let's go , when did you arrive, just now, where are you in 20 minutes , god willing, we are going to semnan. this means that mehran is going to 20 provinces of the country. we have called all over the country to go to iran is sending nogan, but
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it may take an hour or two, but all the provinces have it . according to the central bank of mehran border terminal, non-oil exports increased by more than 7% this spring compared to the same period last year. china, iraq and the uae were the three main destinations for the export of non-oil goods from our country in the first quarter of this year. the export of non-fat this spring compared to the same period last year had a growth of 7 and one tenth percent. in the first 3 months of last year, 12 billion dollars of non- oil goods were exported from the country. our exports in the spring of 1403 were 13 and a half billion dollars. in terms of tonnage , our exports have reached more than 38 million tons, which is a 57 percent increase compared to last year. the agricultural gate
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has increased by more than 245 percent. we have experienced an increase in value in these first 3 months. in the upper qalat area. and well, in the field of animal products, 6%, flowers and plants, and now edible, ornamental and industrial products also had a decrease of about 30%. also, according to the report of the central bank, the oil exports of our country, including crude oil , fuel oil, in the first three months of this year were 12 billion dollars. this amount increased according to the export of 8.9 billion dollars in 1402.
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with the same period of last year , we experienced a 17% decrease in imports, especially in the agricultural sector in the third quarter, which shows that the planning that our friends in the ministry of jihad and in the government are doing so that we can stockpile basic goods. in short , doing the right import in the past years has caused us to gradually have this large negative balance that we had last year because the strategic reserves of the country were needed. let's develop it. well, there is this distance the trade balance of the first three months of 1403 is also decreasing with 11 billion dollars compared to the same period of 1402 , there has been a growth of 51 percent
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. hello, dear fellow countrymen, welcome to today's economy table. car import is one of the issues that some experts agree with. be done
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meanwhile, the import of used cars, which is included in the automobile industry regulation law, has its supporters and opponents. in july last year, the speaker of the council islamic law added articles to the law on the organization of the automobile industry related to the import of used cars for implementation. in august, mr. raisi, the martyred president , announced this law, i.e. the import of used cars with a maximum age of 5 years, to the ministry of home affairs and the ministry of interior. however , the regulation of this law was not finalized in the government until yesterday, when the spokesperson of the government announced its approval . regarding the details of the import of cars and used cars , as well as issues related to the car industry in general
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, we invited dr. more with them about used car import details and issues related to your industry. let's talk with him , mr. doctor. you are very welcome. greetings and courtesy to your excellency and dear viewers . i would like to offer my condolences on the days of mourning for the martyrs, abba abdullah al-hussein. i am you, thank you very much , sir. this regulation was announced. it was supposed to be announced because it took too long. it is the right time to tell you that it was not, but the process is the same as you said in the introduction, after the law was promulgated and in fact
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it was promulgated to the ministry of law in august. we immediately sent the regulations to the government within a period of one month, but the process of approving the regulations requires specialized commissions. it should go through the specialized commission, sub-commissions and main commissions and the opinions of different institutions, and in fact it should be accepted and finally summarized and presented to the board. let the ministers go and actually approve it there. i think this was actually done by the end of last year. there were considerations on the width and width allocation from the central bank, which actually backfired it went to the commissions again, and after those steps were passed, those considerations were applied. in early july, he entered the court. the government board approved and announced it. thank you, sir. dear friends
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, let's see the preparation of this report. we will come back and continue the conversation . it must be from automobile companies or it must be through technology transfer. there are no real iranian persons, whether it is the dear iranians inside the country or the dear iranians outside the country, i mean all of them. what exactly is the group of iranians? can any iranian who has a national code enter himself , which in this case is a clear contradiction with the import and export law of 1972, the law of issuing commercial cards in 1958 and all the important regulations of the chamber of commerce. the most important point is the supply of foreign currency for these cars, the sources of land supply must be approved by the central bank, and the methods of providing the width are subject to the discretion of the central bank
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. the central bank's diagnosis means that the central bank must provide the width. he believes that it should be possible to drive a car with a personal width imported, why should our people not be able to use this? in this process , there are many people who don't need dollars at all. they say they have dollars. allow them to import cars into this country with the dollars they have. sir, import this letter. used cars are taken from the bill to add materials to the law of organization of the automobile industry . today, people want cheap cars , they want high-quality cars. now, for no reason, foreign cars in our country are almost 8-10 times the price of the same ones in neighboring countries. it was approved by the minister in march of last year. which is not against the import of used cars but from hearing his name. i refuse to use the word "import" behind my back. the dignity of our people is much higher than
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this. it's true. i don't mind. i believe that we should leave the situation open enough for the people to make their own choices. that's why i helped in deciding it, and this was confirmed. now we are trying. to implement this regulation , it was announced after about 10 months on the 27th of july . safari, tahrir sanat reporter, well, mr. minister of state, he announced that he is suffering from importation of cars . now, see how it happened. our reality is politics. the decision that was made in the ministry of position in line with the implementation of the law on organizing the automobile industry, which was aimed at making production in the country more competitive , is actually a multi-faceted issue. the most important issue followed , considering the circumstances when
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the bill was actually proposed in the parliament, the issue goes back to two or three years ago, when after 2016, with the production of more than half a million cars, we will enter a process where the import of cars will be limited. is it possible because of the problems with the country in 2016/2017, yes, in 2016/2017, we have restrictions on the import of cars due to the lack of currency and then due to the sanctions that are happening, we are in contact. as a matter of fact, the world is limited by the issue of the car industry , and once our car production will decrease by almost 50%, and we will reach 70,800,000 cars from one and more than one and a half million, and this process will continue for two or three years. we give to this means that we actually have an accumulated demand in the market due to the lack of car imports and
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the decrease in supply to the market. this causes the market to become inflamed and ultimately the price of the car becomes a false price, while due to the conditions due to the inflation of the country, a number of people go to the direction of buying goods for cars, in order to preserve their capital to buy as a capital item and actually keep this collection, this is actually the cases and conditions of the parliament. it is moving in this direction that during a plan, in fact, the plan to organize the automobile market, which later in 1400 , will be approved in the parliament under the title of the law to organize the automobile industry, in fact, this will be regulated with the aim of making the automobile industry more competitive in the country. this goal has reached this
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point, and now this regulation has been promulgated . in this letter, one of the important issues is that all iranians can import used cars. how does this work, that is, anyone. who has a national code can import a car, you see , we now have this process in other matters such as mobile phones and in fact other goods that do not have a ban on entry. my importing companies are from. in fact, the transport companies and the companies that actually import cars and the statistical registration is related to the general public and personal applicants who can import this to the customs and register it after paying the entry fees and taxes. it is not necessary to clear the customs of the car
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people should prepare a business card, no need, no need, so what will be the law after order registration? order registration is related to merchants and actually the business card process means that in the business community system, those who have a business card can register orders. we are doing statistical registration in this process, but now we also have statistical registration in free zones. it means that the car actually enters the customs area. a person does this and then by paying customs duties and taxes.
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it seems that the process is such that at the beginning of the work , no detailed notification has been done, but to according to the conditions of the issue of providing foreign exchange for a car, the import of a car is allowed for each person, then there is a limit, whether it is 250 cc or higher or lower. in fact , he explained that the cars that are imported are between 3 and 5 years old, having the latest european standards and global standards that actually have a certificate of conformity is one of the conditions for importing these types of cars, and the only limitation that exists
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is this. whose engine volume is below 2500 cc ok, after a specific country or not, it can be from all european union countries, japan, south korea , it seems that only the united states of america has restrictions on this matter, and then regarding the supply of money , it is said that it must be approved by the central bank , the source of that money is this. how is it possible? now , sir, someone who has money in his blood or an iranian abroad who has money can import , or you see, the basis of this regulation was actually the supply of currency and the control of the currency market, which was the concern of the central bank. in this regulation , it is mentioned in accordance with the territorial regulations of our central bank we don't want the process to proceed in such a way that we disrupt the country's foreign exchange market, but in fact, the location of the land can be from the land yield from exports
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, the export of goods can be services, it can be foreign investment currency, and all currencies that are approved by the central bank as you said, it has a foreign currency account outside the country, if it is approved by the central bank, it can actually come with that currency, choose a car , import it, and use it for personal use, one of the topics in this report. the experts are also pointing out that this is the same issue the approval of the central bank increases the popularity and the fact that it is usually not approved, how will this be, that's why they say that these laws usually remain on paper , they will not be implemented like that, no, you see, we are in other situations now, we have regulations right now. we have the import of buses for arbaeen, which the transport companies are importing. it is appropriate to say that
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for the welfare of the pilgrims, in fact, arbaeen hosseini , the government passed this resolution, and the transport companies , due to the lack of buses these days. and there are actually a lot of travel statistics these days transportation companies were allowed to import for veterans, now we have a regulation that has been passed by the government, and it is allowed that dear veterans over 50% can actually import the cars themselves, they must follow the rules, that is, veterans and people who are personally importing are also mentioned in the regulations, such as the fact that the standards of the car include current european standards and the standards of european countries, japan and south korea, and environmental pollution standards that are actually in paragraph we actually matter
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4. it is clearly specified that if they follow the standards and get that process and approval , there is no problem, so the central bank is now in the current situation, because the place of securing the land is with the person himself or the currency that comes from it. if it is approved by the central bank, this means that a person who has 30,000, for example, 40,000 dollars in his blood , has 40,000 dollars in his blood, no matter how much he has in his blood, he can enter. if it is of foreign origin , it means that this width must be exported, that is, the width that is outside the country, very well, yes, a limited amount this case will be more limited, you will see the reality when this happens. this is that when you want to buy a used car, you have to go to the market of that country, that is, you don't go to the car manufacturer or dealer, you go to the market
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to buy the car from the showroom, so you go there and pay the amount there. if someone has money inside the country, he should be able to withdraw this currency according to the rules of the central bank. now we have those restrictions on the withdrawal of currency in the country, but if the currency is outside the country. have or have a currency account that can he show that this currency was actually there, he can use that currency to buy the car and enter the country, of course we also asked the friends of the central bank to explain about this matter and make the issue clearer for the people. in any case, they are not satisfied that they will express and answer and say the same things that are in the regulations , they will implement the same, sir, what will the issue of service be like after the method of these cars? should the car manufacturers accept this or not , this is not the intention at all, and it has not been mentioned in the mirror at all. why? we are also in the import regulations
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new cars and in this regulation, which is related to used cars, the discussion of after-sales service and provision of spare parts is mentioned in the regulation. for the import of new cars , companies that are importers whose qualifications are actually approved by the ministry of home affairs should refer to the after-sales service desk of the ministry of home affairs and commit to providing after-sales services and spare parts, and do this process in cash. it has worked in cars because we are faced with 3 categories of importers , one of them is imported. the importers are the importing companies and the car importing companies these are the companies that have the after-sales service approval from the ministry and on the condition of providing
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the after-sales service guarantee period, they can bring used cars in the second category of their own companies , the same companies can enter, yes, the same companies because they themselves they can do it, they should actually have the approval and guarantee of providing after-sales service and spare parts, so that they can actually provide this to the people for imported cars , because they import them and sell them, well, then they can also buy used cars. bring them, how many can you bring them according to the registration of another order that is, there is a commercial card and based on the quota, and then you have a limit for them, their limit is based on the discussion of their offer, no, they don't have a limit, there the limit is based on the quota of their commercial card, and the limit of the currency they can provide now with foreign investment, but now we are actually importing companies are doing this right now to import new cars, that is, we
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have companies that now it is being imported and they are importing and supplying for the second category of transport companies, where we also had other approvals for importing, for example, killers. trolley, bus, etc., which
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can be entered here with the two purposes of providing cars or equipment, in fact, they can also provide after-sales services. in this category of imports , in the law, it is clearly mentioned that since this category of imports is for providing public transportation , they cannot change and change license plates to become personal license plates for 10 years. they enter for their personal needs, they can register the statistics with their national card. it is mentioned here in the regulation that in order to respect the rights of the consumers, the ministry of position has announced the list of names commercial cars that currently have after-sales service in the country and can be provided , we suggest you to buy from this category of cars, for example, we have brand cars that are already in the country and have already
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been imported. this is to import cars of this category, so if they don't come from them, don't ask them to bring them, they should not come from them , they should talk about after-sales service, or sign a contract with the companies that import this category, well, not if they are the companies that of these cars that you include in your list, yes, it is already known if if they are not one of them, then it will be very special . we have to talk about the supply of parts. the commitment is not enough . they can't do it at all. in fact, we are right now. we will allow the import of cars if they make that commitment, that is to say to the ministry of home affairs, to make a commitment and guarantee the supply of parts after sales and services, then permission will be given, then an if will be put, which is definitely not for the people, if you see, if i bring a certain brand, now a there are 5 of them, but if there is no supply of parts and after-sales service, it will be a car that will probably end up in the middle of the street after a year or two . no parts and no support is actually more of a concern.
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this is because the final consumer, because most of this import sector is more and more in this direction, well, i import here, i supply it to the public there. for him. since the end of last year, we have been focusing on the import of electric vehicles. in the first phase, we were talking about the supply of public taxis .
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in some cities like karaj and tehran, some of these were used. in the second stage , it was for the general public. in fact, we had a call for the supply of electric cars , which was very well received, more than 140,000 people registered, and the goal in the first stage of the ministry was to go towards imports to solve the imbalance of gasoline and reduce pollution. gasoline cars are electric and hybrid cars, which are correctly mentioned in the budget law of 143 in paragraph 9, and the regulations are being prepared by the ministry of importation of new and used electric and gasoline cars. it has happened very hard. we
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are talking about imports there.


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