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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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a number of these were used in teraj and tehran . in the second stage, it was for the general public. i think we had a call for the supply of electric cars in erdi, which was very well received. more than 140,000 people registered. and the goal in the first stage in the ministry was to move towards the import of gasoline cars to solve the gasoline imbalance and reduce pollution. electric and hybrid cars, which are correctly mentioned in the budget law of 1403 in paragraph 9 of the note, whose regulations are being prepared by the ministry of importation of new and used electric and gasoline cars. by the way, we are talking about the tariff reduction, and there is a tariff on the import of electric cars. 44 and hybrid 15. in other cars, like
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other gasoline cars, the definitions are based on the engine size and price. it is actually specified that in the tariff book law, it is applied based on the same. they are for the type of cars to work in the same way, in the same way, the difference is the next one, that is, we actually discount it towards the electric electric cars, mr. mr. in any case , it was a strategy that the minister of mr. ali abadi followed strongly when he came, but as it should be. in the infrastructure, what should happen and the speed it should have is not happening, anyway , the infrastructure must be clear first, in this case, we will come to electric cars later, now we should try to import, or you are right to some extent, we should , well, anyway, the device others, in fact, are planning to create a plan for negotiations. in fact
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, we held good meetings both with the ministry of interior, with the municipality, and with the ministry of energy regarding the provision of electricity . in fact, a large part of the provision of infrastructure and the creation of infrastructure is the responsibility of the companies that import electric vehicles. providing charging stations and actually electrifying the main lines, for example, tehran highway , mashhad, tehran, isfahan, tehran. tabriz will be taken over by different companies and in fact their brand will be advertised and some of them will also have charging stations in their dealerships. in fact , it has been done now and we think that most of it will be done this year, considering that we have offered ram electric cars to the general public.
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then there should be these facilities as well. because we are also talking about this, and this car manufacturer, which is offering electric cars , should provide those services in order not to ruin its own brand. regarding the provision of our services, just as in gasoline cars, we discuss parts and after-sales services , the same issue applies to our electric cars, such as charging stations, providing chargers, etc., where commitments have been made here and there. and the companies themselves have to accept it. now, regarding buses , public transport vehicles, now these are charged in special places , but in any case, the private cars that people want to use will use this infrastructure. first, it should be ready to some extent, then we will register and with this welcome, you know that in the supply of electric cars , a home charger is actually delivered along with each of our cars, and you can use a home charger.
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now we have entered the direction of actually creating solar power plants and wind power plants , giving part of the electricity that is provided there to the grid and taking it elsewhere from the grid. no anyway, we have to
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go in this direction according to the estimates made in d by the year 2025, finally by the year 2030, most of the cars will go towards smart electric cars , then we have a challenge, considering the current situation, which we have disharmony, we have to go in the direction of using cars with clean fuel, very well, special pricing is it done to these cars or not? is the price a matter of price valuation? in fact , when it is imported, we have a value determination committee that is in charge of the customs when the goods are in the customs. it is stated that the goods are valued there and based on the valuation that is done, the entry fee is allocated. anyway, this car is used. how is it valued? we, the committee, in any case , you people are not so expert as to test every car. a three-year-old car
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is a five-year-old car. the type of use is included in the bylaws, which actually determines its age based on its identification number. the car is imported according to european standards, imark standards or the standards of the persian gulf countries or european countries , and the pollution standards that are carried out in the imported materials. this means that this is not something that is only happening to passenger cars, there was an
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evaluation committee that the samrak ministry and the central bank actually they are there according to a recipe based on age. the car and the price of this type of car are reduced by a percentage and they give a total value to the car, of course , based on the kilometers of the car's condition , the committee determines it, and the team that is there is actually written there that there are inspection teams. physically, they do an inspection and evaluation in terms of the standard and condition of the system environment . if it is approved, they will be cleared, but that is only the basis for charging the tariff and that's it. then come to the country, there is nothing else for that price , whoever brought it. he will come at any price sell ​​it, yazar, yes, yes, the market, now, god willing , let it be like this, don't enter into your own pricing , by the way, the issue is because basically, this law was discussed
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to make the car more competitive and de-monopoly. . we tried to solve the market with several basic steps . the first issue was the increase in production. last year , we reached the production of 1,340,000 cars. well, we produced 800,900,000 cars in the year 2019. in fact, last year we produced domestically. we reached this number this year planning to reach one million and 700. now, if the central bank actually helps in the matter of currency supply. the next point was the issue of car imports, which if we talk now about the new and used car import regulations, the monopoly no longer means that much
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. the situation that has arisen has completely removed the discussion of pricing, which is now completely out of the competition council's guidelines when it comes to electric cars. now, if i want to tell you how many cars were imported last year, according to the customs statistics, in 1402, we had 1,122 cars. until july 20th, 8,257 cars have been cleared. this total is close to 19,000 cars, and you have actually bought 520 cars. about 245,000 of us are in the process of discharge and will be discharged soon. since the notification of the regulations in january of last year, until now, which has been about 6 months, we have about 25,000 to
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this 25,000 compared to the ones we registered. in the first round, the hundreds and thousands of people who came to register spent 500 million tomans putting and blocking and so on. in a situation where the country has no restrictions on good imports. we hope that considering the current conditions , for example, in 6 months, we were able to bring 25,000 cars, and at the same rate that is accelerating now , i can tell you that more than 90,000 orders have been placed in the field of new cars and... there are about 19,000 cars in the customs, how many people are there now with
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the second round of registration, which was just last week ? fact clearance is granted, we draw these and supply them , and there is no other commitment in the system. we hope to actually reach a point where the importing companies can participate in the system, in fact there are 130,000 people in the queue, we don't have a queue in the queue . before, we registered electric cars, not just electric ones . in the previous round, we had 31 thousand people in the first round.
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the next courses are actually determined by lottery we choose, then we don't have a queue at all , that means we have a number of people register each call, we select the number of available cars , we do a lottery and allocate them, then again, now those who chose me still haven't got it , many of them, no, we have contacts here, for example, a a car that is now being imported by domestic cars , it has been your turn and it is falling behind every month , sir, they say it was in the customs, the customs system was closed, the processes, yes, there are a series of processes related to the issue
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of supply and allocation of width, and i am saying that the basis of the issue of import was the issue of currency. it has these processes now it will be facilitated, i hope, and in my time, well, it went very fast. i will tell you the statistics that i had in june . we imported 400 cars, that is, within one hour we have almost doubled the number, we have reached 8 thousand, so it shows that it has been facilitated and accelerated. one of the reasons that experts put forward that the regulations for the import of used cars were prolonged was the issue of the allocation of width, which was in the government anyway. the heads of the organizations such as the head of the budget planning organization had announced that it is not cost-effective to allocate the width of the country for the import of cars anyway. now talk about this case later. these are the reasons why this matter took so long anyway, and this happened in the last days of the government
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, but we have an offer for assembly cars, and we allocate it to assembly car manufacturers. at the end of the work , the price of that assembly car is even higher than that of a car. it can be imported . how do you justify this? you see, in our production profit, a part of our production is the production of cars above 50%, which are our two biggest car manufacturers, which actually produce about 80 cars by these two car manufacturers. may they are known for their economic cars, and most of the applicants in the community are interested in purchasing cars of this category, which is being done. a part of the cars, considering that the import of cars has actually stopped in the country since 1997, well, we have quality cars. and we didn't have the new one , so we started the issue of assembling work from there
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. in 2018, the car assembly portfolio in the country was 5% of our cars, and this number reached about 23-25% until last year. this shows that in fact, that part of the market that usually in fact, this was ensured by imports. the method is being provided the policy of the ministry of home affairs is to go towards the transfer of technology with this segment of production, assembly and production. parts of the car that have added value should enter into the production of the engine, gearbox, and car systems, so we can actually produce the basic and sensitive parts of the car, finally, we can export the car. sir, are you in an exclusive space? it will happen, we
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are planning in such a way that when the assembly machine has no competitors in the market. when the pricing is done , he lowers his production to a significant extent and he does not fulfill his obligations. it will be approved and the price will increase, and then the supply will start again. in this space, the goal that you have in the ministry of home affairs will not be achieved, and in the end it will not end in export , if there is an import next to it. there should be a competition next to it, so that the assembly car manufacturer , if he makes an offer based on the width he gets , will offer the same price as the car he is producing. now, some of the assembly cars that are being offered are priced even more than imported cars. how do you see it? cars and pricing according to the instructions of the competition council based on the performance and in fact
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the pricing is done based on the conditions announced by the car manufacturers. regarding if the price goes up or not, it is the right, which is actually the import duties, the customs duties, the definitions that are paid on this issue, and we are going in this direction by making policies on the tariffs to make it competitive. in cars with a low percentage of internalization , he will pay a higher tariff and the car maker will be forced to invest. internalization and in fact increasing the depth of internal manufacturing seems to be about competition . now the statistics we have is that there are more than 40 automobile manufacturers in the area where assembly companies are competing. yes, 56 of them are the main ones, and
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the main competition is between these russian cars, so we at that time. that we had two main khudross, now the issue is that we said, sir, that there is no competition, and the exclusive conditions are now in fact, in fact, we have forty to more than 40 khudross, five or six of them are automobile manufacturers with close to 100,000 to 50,000 they have a wide range and they are producing cars in different varieties according to different tastes . it seems that the market answers the market . what was the width of the montaged manufacturers in the year
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of the two main companies and in fact it includes the quota of cars that are more than 50% domestically made? for these cars, we have set an offer of 350 dollars . only the two largest car manufacturers of my country can offer these used cars. iran khodro is actually a car, but sir, this is a strange law it is strange that you should give permission to the domestic car manufacturer, which should produce cars based on modern technology , to go and pick up used cars from other countries, so let's raise that level, don't
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you see that it has the authority to import it into the mirror, this authority means to everyone. division. we did not give , we said, sir, importing companies can do this. whether he is doing this now or not, no one is doing it now, it means that if you give them permission, they will do it, why not now? look , the policies of the ministry of home affairs are that we have now taken these two companies to the point that if they are they are going to import electric cars and go to the point where knowledge transfer is done. and finally, internalization should happen . yes, we have other companies that, for example, 2000 to 500 to 50, for example, basically the company is the importing company, comes and imports. and he explains , but as you say, our expectation is that out of the two companies, khodrus bozor will participate, not only that , but even the companies that do assembly work, in
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fact, the car they are choosing is to transfer the platform to this side. that expression internalize the platform, move towards deepening the internalization , finally, they will be able to export from this platform, the monopoly of which is actually theirs. this is difficult to happen. in recent years , it has been shown that this is difficult to happen . they are going to domestic car manufacturers with 15 cars, which means that we have also started to electrify one or two examples of our electric cars, for example, the rira car that iran khodro has started. and the cars that saipa has started in the discussion of electrification, we have two or three of the car models of our assembly car manufacturers going in this direction. now because we brought you today and you accepted our invitation anyway , let me ask you a couple of questions about other issues in the automobile industry
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. sometimes car manufacturers do not fulfill their obligations or are late in fulfilling them, for example, iran khodro or saipa , the delivery time of some cars. it's taking a long time for various reasons . which cars are being pushed back now? do you have any statistics on the page? which the standard organization did, the last deadline was june 31, after that date it will no longer be produced, and the cars that were produced will be numbered and delivered to the people, so peugeot pars is finished. this means that those who have registered should choose alternative vehicles , but this issue actually happened at the end of march. it happened and a number of cars were replaced, more than 17 thousand cars were replaced , but the deadline
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given by the standards organization was 3 months, so about 20 thousand cars were produced in the spring and delivered to the applicants. in the last year, that is, in the last two years, we went in the direction of increasing the quality , and now all the cars that are being produced in the country pass 85 standards. they do it and the level of the blue ones does not pass now , well, nissan blue, you see, a deadline has been requested , but this is the case with some of our cars, we have a series of cars that must have a standardization program in order to pass this. it is one of those categories . it ended in july. at the beginning of july, we are having a consultation , probably until the fall season. in fact, you are negotiating with naimna that the car will be produced according to the standard of the standards . we have a series of standards that go back to
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safety. the standard series, for example, autolight, which is related to the door, no, in the case of nissan blue, this is not the autolight , but in the case of blue nissan, there is a special safety feature that my standard organization has announced and it should, but it seems that now the parts suppliers. in fact, we are looking for the replacement product so that the company does not stop and the work of the factory does not shut down. with the help of the current situation, we got a deadline that this time can help. every alternative car that is produced is a ride, well, ours, for example the peugeot 45 family is completely out of the category, out
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of the trite category. look at nissan blue. you should look at me with production. we produce nissan havi . we create a job with the production of each nissan havi. there is also the country, but the car that is between 300 and 500 tomans is
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usually 500 million tomans. i usually say that the car market is done by this company. the same game is 300. thank you, sir. thank you very much. let's ask you again, we promise you that we will be at your service again. now, as long as you are at the head of this post, god willing , we will use you. thank you very much, my dear viewer . thank you very much for being with the economy table. the ancients say that whenever you catch a fish , it is fresh. what does that mean ? it is never too late to start doing what we have not done. it is never too late, such as continuing education , starting a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the same as modifying consumption habits, managing
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electricity consumption now. a small part of the people. their consumption is out of the consumption pattern and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example , lamps can be changed from this to no, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before. the use of electrical household appliances without energy labels and non-standard and with low energy ratings , increasing the amount of electricity consumed. it is possible and on this basis it is necessary that you manage consumption by using electrical appliances with a rating. a part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used , i.e. in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode , such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave ovens, chargers, computer, tv, etc. these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are off , and when we don't need them, they should be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the
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bathroom and toilet lamps. but you see that we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the light bulb. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet and take utmost care when purchasing them , you will eventually see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. you picked up let's start 5 minutes right now , nagin, god willing, you will return to the standard consumption pattern from next week. if you want to know more , visit my site as soon as possible. in this program, we would like to introduce karen model's oath shoes . karen model sogen shoes are very soft and light and suitable for long walks and sports. it is easy to wash and
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has high strength. the price of this shoe is due to purchase. directly from the manufacturer, it is only 399 thousand tomans, and you can send the number 1 to 101485 and deliver karen model's oath shoes to your home with free shipping. get it, what's wrong, you hit a car, young man, i braked , it won't come, my dance is injured, jump on a statue pad for mr. biyar , welcome to the statue pad, which is self-correcting, not that you can choose the disk when you brake. swear shoes, the quality is in sync with similar foreign products , the textured upper is very resistant and flexible, the pu sole is light and comfortable, suitable for long walks , sports and daily activities, the price is with a discount , direct purchase from the manufacturer, only 399 thousand tomans for
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the order of one send sms to 165. at the same time as the third day of the martyrdom of aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, more than 20 thousand azador hosseini. presence widespread mourning in heydaryoun zanjan delegation . young people from other parts of the country were also present in this huge gathering. hossein of this square and this route have witnessed many times the affection of mast labik or zaind labik or zainab labik or zaind.


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