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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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in terms of self-sufficiency, what stage are we in? see what happened in venezuela . it was really the first time that the national refining company went overseas, despite the fact that our refining companies were handed over to our private sector. we did the centralization of the management, the capacity of this company and the specialized forces were used, well, it was a workshop that was both spanish and the equipment, in fact , the standards were latin american standards . accepting iranian is very difficult for those companies it was that we formed offices inside iran, experts were present
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here, in fact , we brought in equipment supply companies, manufacturers , they saw iran's capabilities up close, they believed, and they actually tested its samples up close, and this was it. many of my cases were reversed, that is, our technology companies went there and determined those parts closely, even though there was no map, and based on that, the construction was actually done. the result was that 1.67 million items we reflect the goods. we transferred, now you know in special circumstances for a period of 3-4 months on the sea, he wants this equipment to be transferred there. alhamdulillah , indeed, it was the grace of god, the support of the martyr president himself for this matter and the attention that was given to diplomacy's explanation. we have completed the first step and this matter has been fulfilled even in the area of ​​the catalyst , we transferred the catalyst there, which means that there was a time when gasoline was actually exported, we took the catalyst there and turned it into gasoline. and
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we were actually able to produce gasoline there, so these are really the events in the field of catalysis , how is our situation because it seems to some we are exporting from other countries, we have almost 90% of cateresta in the field of refineries, we produce it domestically, and it was already in shazam . an agreement was made that we could jointly work with a domestic academic company with their next set of basic catharists. now, it was important that these be actually made inside the country. just two weeks ago , an agreement and a film contract were actually exchanged. and now it was in the same section, we also went to russia, for example a part of catalysta was exported to the petrochemical field . there is a good field in this sector, so now the first work has been done, and in this regard, two to
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several years ago, an exhibition was held at the ministry of petroleum about the equipment that was made locally in inside the country in different fields from discovery to refining. in fact , how is our situation in these fields now? you see, in line with the law of maximum support for domestic production , it is definitely all their efforts, well, we are close to 4,500 so far, the company of daneshmaniano, in fact , we have an agreement and contract with the ministry of oil, so this figure something, a number, may have been several times the ratio of 150 to reach this number. it
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has been noted that both in the software and hardware sectors , we are really part of the capacities, that is , now inside the country and our refineries, now we are forming technology centers, production and equipment , now in one of our refineries, for example. to localize the dcs system , they have these for the first time, one of them, in fact, which was in the possession of a honeywell, they have these. in fact , it has been localized in the country , which you saw in the international exhibition, is now one of the projects that it will be operational in two or three months, and whether we have marketing for exporting technical services or not . at some point, you will export gasoline. this is a debate. a second debate is that you will export technical services , like what happened in venezuela, the refinery. . extraterritorial now, or designing
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, rebuilding or modernizing, one of the tasks that came in the seventh plan is that we go to the eastern pole. in fact, we can do the processing , that is, you take the crude oil to the place where you sell it , turn the crude oil into a product by participating in the offshore refinery, and sell that product in use the so-called market there and develop it. this means that we actually develop our sales portfolio, and in fact we have a so-called special dependence. the next point is that our crude oil is processed there with this purpose. it is true that we have the work of rebuilding hades in our plan so that the country's crude oil can actually be refined there, and the implicit thing is that the capacity of domestic contractors, domestic manufacturers and domestic equipment will be used in this reconstruction process, as an example. it was formed there
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, which was really well received, and other things as well it is now in the plan that in fact we can take the goods and equipment mainly and this product can actually find the global brand. and one of the ways that we can do this is the formation and production chain and localization branding inside the country, which is happening, unfortunately , the amount of consumption in the country is now due to various reasons, one of which is the fuel consumption of cars that use old technologies. the fuel is high. the second point is the amount of production. now, even if we have the capacity to produce, we will again use a huge capital of the country instead of exporting it. and if the money comes, the consumption will go in, and that is the consumption that can be reduced. is there
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any plan thought out in your plans or the 7th plan to eliminate or reduce this discrepancy in accordance with the law provided in the budget law. sanvati has now arrived in 1403 and in the seventh plan , special attention has been paid to this issue, which is actually one of the issues that we have organized in the area, the discussion of natural gas. this authority was given to the refining companies the system we created is actually for the consumers who were not connected to the natural gas network , we only have natural gas, which is 20 tomans per kilo. in fact, we explain the surplus for nearly 1,500 tons. in fact, there was a saving, and actually the export of natural gas in the marine field is in the form of and we were able to realize the sea export in this case. well, it was a coincidence that now the refining companies have directly entered the field of natural gas export
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in the so-called regional markets, both on land and sea, which is one of the concerns that really exists in all fields. discuss. this is the reason for smuggling one of the reasons is that the prices in iran are low compared to other countries , especially in the field of energy. now , what should be done specifically for gasoline, so that there is actually a fundamental fight against this smuggling, we do not have the duty to 300 million countries, in fact citizens of neighboring countries
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, should also produce fuel in the same way in the field of flour and sugar and i don't know other medicines and these things have a similar situation. which is done with the headquarter of the headquarter approved. in this department , the policy and planning has been done in all areas . there is a department of the transportation department that wants to implement the online system. in fact, it is done on the way, that is, if you have a car, for example, from the bill of lading. the fake ones will be removed, which means that the bills of lading can be used on the khadrouri route from tehran to bandas. it can only refuel on this route . practically, it is not possible to refuel it, so with this so-called plan , the so-called placement of the so-called supply channels in the so-called the map of the country's society has been formed, and those routes are actually the transportation of cars. this is a section that is actually being operational. has
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it been operationalized? this has been done on a trial basis, and from next month , god willing, we want it to be operational. what we have here is that nearly 5 million actually reduces the consumption , it is a part. because the policy, in fact, the government's policy is based on the fact that we put non-price policies in this sector and take action. this field of extra-urban transportation also has an intra-urban section. in the expenditure section, i will tell you in the service section that it is industry, now before entering the industry section let's see, for example, where did this discussion of the sepaton system go, why can't the operation be completed? see samalesh. there was a custodian on the machine. well, it was finally time for us to see that it was not being implemented. as
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the custodian of the country's fuel, we were also concerned. in fact, we actually took action to ensure this amount of fuel, the amount of fuel consumption, and the smuggling that had taken place. and prepare the so-called platform for that online system in parallel with the implementation of the so-called platform or those online systems that you designed . where does the information police actually go , based on the bills of lading issued by the ministry in fact, the hamlagh road organization compares a road with bills of lading that issues information on the route because it specifies the route, fuel cards are activated on that route , so the person who is at the origin actually carries the load if he moves on the next route with the so-called it was not possible to refuel on the way, we have implemented software measures in the system , according to which the supply channels of the way can be refueled. the units will be delivered to the other body. in fact, the one who is inactive or has a migrant card, it
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is not possible to refuel for migrant cards. for the collection that is not inactive, only at one point. it is not possible to refuel, so the origin and destination must be navigated. well, this was a really big job . we used the basic knowledge capacities of our colleagues in the aiti sector and implemented this work on a part of our fleet, which is in the field of in fact , we did the transfer of the fuel and we actually got an answer, and now many of the collections that go to your card simply warn them that you are not on the route and your refueling will not be done on the route, for now it is warning after actually, we are already warning about the possibility of refueling we don't provide it, starting from next month , we have planned that gradually, god willing, because we have 13 classes of cars, cars with different productions. that gradually we will be able to operationalize all this until the end, god willing, our situation, the rate of growth
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of storage and the fulfillment of obligations for export, how is the situation in the production sector, in fact, this year, the growth we had in these days compared to last year, we had a 16% growth in the gas sector. in the gasoline sector , we had a growth of about 9%, in the field of kerosene , we had a growth of 46%, because the consumption of kerosene has actually decreased due to gasification, and in the field of gas oil, there was a 2% growth. we had a 2% growth in the field of korean oil . actually, our refining capacity is about two million and 250,000 barrels that are actually refined. it happened that now we apply the same policies to the non-transfer sectors. we will be able to reduce consumption by 10 million by the end of the year, god willing . now, if my new government will finally
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see a policy , how is it in the non-price policy sector? there are software platforms and sub-systems that reduce the human intervention . actually, we are based on performance and production. in fact, we provide the fuel . those who are somehow taking the so-called fuel away from the people are smuggling it to other places. let's cut them off. the issue of developing refineries based on refineries, in fact, how have petro-refineries been ? we are in the petropash sector. this is one of your policies. look at this. in the law, there is mainly a focus on the areas of participation in cross-border refineries in terms of oil processing. crude has arrived in two areas inside my country, we actually have our existing refinery now we are turning it into a petro-refinery. and where , for example, in the abadan refinery, it is of the same capacity that it
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is actually becoming strange with petrochemicals, and part of the petrochemical feeds, and also that tehran's participation in the shahzan refinery is actually a part of the shazand petrochemical refinery. look at isfahan refinery now, well , there is a division in the region's refinery itself , it is doing a part of other units, well, the same petrochemical that is next to it. the chain is actually providing the dmt , which belongs to the fibers, it is forgiving it provides xylena , it is the limit of the country's detergents, so i want to say that this chain is happening, moving the other part to. in the south of the country , in terms of water issues, which is needed, in fact, the expansion of capacity is being done in the south , in the same way, in the rest of the refineries, from stara , it has the urea and ammonia sector and the phosphate fertilizer complex. they have a kind of raw materials and petrochemical products according to the vision that is
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seen in the plan of the community and their development, and it is our new stronghold of al ahdas, which includes palace of shahid soleimani. in fact, there is a 300,000-barrel plan in bandar arab that all the measures have been taken . as the government there , there are two groups of refineries that should be done through the private sector , with the 10% participation that we had. in addition , a basic plan has been prepared, and defense discussions have been approved, and we hope that the implementation process will begin now , god willing. the refinery industry is a very water-intensive industry, when petrochemicals actually work in this area, now in the northern parts of the country. so that we don't need to transport the products from the south again to the north of the country
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. you have plans being built in these areas and in the north of the country. you see, we have also reduced the existing refineries, mainly their dependence on water, that is, in this refinery. tehran , we have a plan that if this happens , it will reduce tehran's water consumption by half a percent, which means that this number is significant. in the rest of the refinery , we also used the discussion of recycling . this collection is being used basically, clean water is no longer used in the complex of refining companies, now in the system itself. al-adas and development are open with the same view that we have a reduction in water consumption and in the new plans
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we can see the minimum consumption of water, the task that is legislated, the conditions have actually been seen in the centers where we have access to water, in the same way. mehr persian gulf refinery, well , the fourth phase is there, the 120,000 barrels of mianadat gas that is there is now close to 65% physical progress, and it is being followed . if these things come true, one of the issues that come up especially in the summers, or for us, who are a country that does not have a lot of precipitation, one of the things that the broadcaster actually does is the issue of supplying fuel to the power plants, our situation in this field. how is it that the fuel concentration of the power plant is mainly based on gas? in the cold season of the year, at one
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time, we predicted that 5 billion tanks should be built there, so that we can store them there in the hot seasons. if in any way household consumption is added in the cold season of the year, they can use our fuel, so in this regard, how many it happened that we actually connect the power plants to the network of lines, considering the capacity , we needed to add the country's main line network, which the 1200 km that we are in the program will help to increase the capacity of nearly 14 power plants. we have connected the network of lines to 3 power plants, recently the connection was actually done. we have about 8 more power plants in the plan , which are also connected to the network of production lines , that is, the product line that is being transferred, can supply oil, gas, and gasoil from there, and it can be stored in those tanks during the cold days of the year. in fact, we can have fuel supply, and there is a question that you
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have explained a little bit about localizing the equipment and building the refinery from zero to 100 on a local basis, because we entered into negotiations with different countries several times, even for example i remember about the azadegans , they wanted to talk about the oil field of the azadegans, well, the japanese, then when america pressured them to retreat, how capable are you in these areas. we want to make sure that we don't need it anymore. you see, i myself, because i am an oil graduate, have been in the industry for almost 30 years i work with oil, the oil refinery may have been harvested at a time when we entered the refinery. we used the smallest equipment , we went outside for repairs, we brought
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them inside the country, or in this field of catalysts. if the will happens in the group and the support of the management is in the group, it should be seen that we can use the local capacities inside the country, these things happened in the international exhibition. a collection of foreign companies between visits , we all see the production share that has happened inside the country , but this strengthening should still happen, these aids should be done. we have the fact that we can actually design zero to 100 projects inside the country and that we can actually build them from local equipment. let's use local orders and that's why we formed brand chain companies so that they can actually do localization and branding inside the country.
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the body that all the parts are formed in the form of a chain , like what smart did in brazil , another set, this is actually my plan in the program, and god willing, we hope that these will actually be completed, which is really an all-iranian university in the field of technical knowledge. we use many of these local technical knowledges. once upon a time , we only bought technical knowledge. we buy it again for every project. let's pay attention to the interior of the country and this force capacity a person who is really inside the country, and if the support is done, we can definitely do it, just as we are really a collection of foreign companies that sometimes come to take orders from us. the samples that we took abroad have been trusted. our equipment has gone there and it has worked. we actually gave them a one-year guarantee that the equipment
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will be made there, and that guarantee has actually been confirmed. this is a help. in fact , these conditions can be realized inside the country. thank you very much, mr. engineers salari, honorable deputy minister of oil and managing director of the national broadcasting and refining company iran's oil achievements and thank you. be safe, dear viewers.
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a mother was in distress. she was thinking about water. she was thinking about water. i will die from the fire . i will die from the fire. has created in many regions of the world. for example
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, the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in the middle east has caused the average temperature to increase by 3 degrees compared to the long term, and the country's power grids face serious problems. this comes with a thermal dome despite the dust and fine dust of the cloudy air in iran. it has led to an increase in air temperature and a greater feeling of heat, and as a result, an unusual and unprecedented growth of 15 percent at the time of peak electricity consumption in the domestic sector, and the country's electricity consumption demand has reached more than 775 megawatts. the stability of iran's nationwide electricity network in these difficult conditions, while the kuwaitis witnessed widespread power outages in many areas of their country on june 20, 31. and on july 11, 21 july 1403 , widespread power outages occurred in turkey, especially in hatay and takirdagh region, and on july 10, 20
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july 1403, widespread power outages occurred in saudi arabia. it fell. it is not bad to know that the main reason for the increase in electricity consumption in iran is the introduction of cooling systems that are not suitable for different climates, which in this situation , it is extremely necessary for household subscribers to help the electricity industry in maintaining the stability of the grid by observing the points of reducing consumption . citizens can remove the water cooler and place it. air conditioners on 24 degrees and not using high consumption devices during peak hours will help the stability of the national electricity network. let me tell you that if the electricity consumption is reduced compared to last year, in addition to having a free electricity bill, the household subscribers can also winner of 300 automatic cars, thousands of household appliances and millions of cash and non-
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cash prizes. be more
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in the name of god, i am muhammad hosni. from bramin city , the winner of the second round of the washland lottery, an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary , fahimeh abbasqoli from the city of qom, the second winner of the second round of the washland lottery, i am sami zamani from the city of kurd. i am the third winner of the second round of the washland lottery. washland is a land full of prizes for dear and respected retirees. we are going to tell us here in two hours that everything can happen here the purchase installment is correct. yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check, they don't want it, they don't want it, so give me five coins. pay
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me i dare not ask for an advance, sir, this is a guarantor, the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all, we did not go to the bank , gentlemen, there is no need to go to the bank, a special purchase for dear retirees , social security from the city, household appliances, installment purchases , no check, no guarantor, no advance payment, no need to go to the bank to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference household appliances after azadi square.
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