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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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karbala shrug off. he blames obaidullah and they blame him severely. the wave of awakening of the people of yazid palace also covers. yazid women, the daughters of muawiya, start to cry when they see the women of the family of husayn ibn, peace be upon them, who were brought to dar al-amara as captives. protests reach yazid's ears. under political pressure, yazid ordered people to tolerate the captives and
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send them to medina under better conditions. other than that, the blood of al-hasan, the preservation of islam, the blood of hussein , give hope to the muslims, because i am the victorious, and allah , the exalted, is able to preserve the religion and to reach his worship in this world . the caravan of the ahl al-bayt (peace be upon them) is on its way to madinah because hussain bin ali had not been informed . imam sajjad (peace be upon him) sends bishr bin hazlam to medina early to
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inform the people about the martyrdom of aba abdullah and the arrival of the caravan. bishr, who has a poetic nature like his father, went to masjid al-nabi and wrote two lines of poetry on this theme read. o people of yathrab, there is no place for you to stay in the city. hussain was killed, my tears are flowing. his body in kor. karbala was torn to pieces and his holy head is on top of a spear. the news spread quickly in the city , and the women and men of madinah were shouting and standing on the pulpit of the messenger of god to welcome the ahl al-bayt caravan . i said, well, kushan said, the convoy has arrived at
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the gate of kharjat al-madinah, everyone is coming, yes, the convoy is empty , these are the men who went with husayn bin ali , no one came back except ali bin husayn, surely i have been martyred, jafar, all of this, when this convoy returned, there is a big question in medina was established. expressing sympathy for the evening caravan of the ahl al-bayt of madinah , with what manner of mourning they received, but there was no such thing as being active and knowledgeable, having love for the ahl al-bayt in their hearts. after
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that, all the constructions show that the position of imam al-hussein is the foundation of the nation, even if it is partially that he stopped the part of the nation and clarified the right of the people, people gather in front of the tent of imam sajjad, peace be upon him. while shedding tears on his blessed virtues, the noble imam reminds the prophet's orders regarding his family and publicly mourns the martyrs of karbala. o people, we are fragile, displaced and far from the cities we became it seems that we are the children of non-muslim tribes. i swear to god, if the prophet, peace and blessings of god be upon him
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, had ordered them to fight with us, as he ordered them to love this group , they would not have been able to commit more crimes than this. we take refuge in god in this calamity of burning women, exhausting our strength, heartbreaking, painful and suffering, and we bear all the sufferings in his way and we know that god is powerful and avenger. imam sajjad (peace be upon him) addressed the people of medina and said: o people, which heart does not tremble at his martyrdom? which liver can be found that for him won't it burn? which phone
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can hear this great and irreparable incident and not be harmed, and thus the incident of ashura. it exposes the truth of yazid bin muawiyah's plan and his political, religious and moral corruption, and the announcement of mourning for imam hussain (peace be upon him) in medina is the beginning of keeping alive the incident and the message of ashura from the end of the imams who came after imam hussain ( peace be upon him). in a clear way, to the revival of this event, and they said clearly, "reviving our command" means that all those related to these imams and the person of imam al-hussein, peace be upon him
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, consider that it is obligatory for me to revive this order. al-shaa'er al-hussainiyyah today did not say that we should not leave the real islamic unit, but do not leave during this unit. let's not all agree that the killing of al-hussein is the greatest punishment in history. let's not make this punishment a major punishment. it will not be a punishment later on. i do not believe that neither the sunnis nor the shia can say otherwise . there is a real case. does it matter to me, do n't you agree with killing al-hussein in this way? those who did not go with the poets, after that, the size of our results , those who did not go, the poets, with extreme pain and extreme loss, swear by them that they did not go to the fight. the new revolutions swear by me, i live with the guilt of guilt, because i don't
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share and see how the islamic society goes in opposite directions. al-islamiyyah al-asila, if the feeling of difference between one person and the other, allows the continuation of this occasion. this was his upbringing and therefore he eventually chose death instead of life and sacrificed everything for that and he continues to live, you know, hussein died about 1500 years ago, nearly, and it is as though he is still
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living and struggling, and people still find in him an example both for opposing oppression. the history of humanity is still benefiting from the unjustly shed blood of the martyrs of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, because the heirs of this blood
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used the most prudent and eloquent methods to keep it alive. suffering and time pass, but the current events in human life are facts. it was created untouched.
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the conditions for the import of used cars with a maximum age of 5 years from 2019 onwards with world standards and a maximum engine capacity of 2,500 cc have been released for all dear iranians. there is no need for those old procedures that must be carried out by automobile manufacturing companies or must be carried out with the transfer of technology. be there is not iranian real persons, whether dear iranians inside the country or dear iranians abroad, in this last
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step which was approved by the government today in the hierarchy that i mentioned, and i said that the government had already obtained its permission from the parliament by sending a bill to the parliament. the last step in dealing with the monopoly in the automobile industry was taken, the door entered the customs, then the administrative procedures in the customs were registered, and then by paying the entry fee. and to clear the customs duties of the car means that it is not necessary for people to prepare a business card, there is no need, there is no need, there was a law, how will the order registration be? registration of orders is related to merchants and in fact the business card process means that we are in the trading community system, those who have a business card can register orders. we do statistical registration in this process. the source of the width must be external. if someone has money inside the country, he must be
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able to withdraw it according to the rules of the central bank. now we have those land exit restrictions in the country. but if he is abroad or has a foreign currency account that can show this currency there if he is there, he can use that currency to buy a car and enter the country. used car import regulations taken from the annexation bill. it is material to the law to organize the automobile industry . today, people want cheap cars , they want high-quality cars, now for no reason, foreign cars in our country are almost 8-10 times the price of the same ones in neighboring countries. why should our people not be able to use this ? do you allow the same people to import cars into this country with the dollars they have
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? there are three groups in terms of after-sales service for used cars. intra-city and extra-city transportation in the area, in fact, bronshe must get the approval of the road administration, in the inner-city area , they can enter mostly for taxis, vans, etc. they must get the approval of the ministry of interior, the municipality and village organization of the country, and natural persons for personal use of the list of brand names of cars that currently, after-sales services exist in the country and can be provided, we suggest that you bring these types of cars, which means that not every car can be imported. reza safari, sada
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and sima news agency, each liter of diesel is 51 thousand tomans, of course not in iran, one liter of diesel in afghanistan is close to 51 thousand tomans, so we have a diesel here , it is 300 tomans. the price cap itself is a reason for yes , there is a reason for the spoon. the country is smuggled to some truckers.
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when these truck drivers are running low on fuel , they buy diesel from quota holders who do not move loads, those who have multiple cards, for example, they smuggle fuel even to the point of breaking their car windows, but they do not assume that. colony gets a series of bills of lading , but they don't go through the route, the cargo is not moved. and the fuel is diverted, this time we named it syrian waybills or bills of lading that have no function at all. it was supposed to be renewed in 2013 with the launch of the smart traffic monitoring system. it is expected that the distance traveled by the trucks will be allocated based on gps
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. it is expected that the law will be ready at the beginning of 2015. according to the authorities and oil, if it were implemented , gasoil could be consumed almost twice the capacity of the tehran refinery. reduce. our estimate is that we can manage consumption of something around 10 million liters and reduce consumption . yes, the requirement to set up this intelligent monitoring system for the cargo fleet in the budget laws of 1402 and 1403 did not have any results. by the end of the year, we will see that based on the task of the law of the islamic council which came in the budget, we can equip 50% of the fleet with this system, considering that now we are a little behind the time that was considered in 1402, but immediately after the selection of the agent the investor
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will enter the implementation phase of installing the system on the cargo fleet of the country. it is hoped that we will be able to equip the cargo ships with the sabtan system in 1403. with the non-implementation of this law, the officials of the ministry of oil are going to implement another plan, that is, the allocation of diesel quota only in the way of cargo transfer, what happened before. previously, a bill of lading was produced from bandarab to tehran , where the fuel was used, for example, in mashhad, in zahedan, in kerman, in tabriz. it was clear that this was also a fuel card and it did not have a route to match with this cash vehicle that we have. we said that this route, which is defined from bandar to tehran, is an information that they give us on the bill of lading, we will define it in the check of the fuel card , we will say at these stations on the route, so now you can only refuel at the stations on the bandar-tehran route , if this if you hit your card in sistan baluchistan
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, it won't answer you in tabriz, practically someone who is inactive or has an immigrant card. it is not possible to refuel for immigrant cards . it is not possible to refuel only at one point for the collection that is not inactive. therefore, the origin and destination must be navigated. from next month , we will gradually implement it in the field of heavy vehicles , which is actually the vehicle that is active. in fact , it is functioning and it can receive its fuel. the deputy minister of oil says that this plan will divert gas oil consumption almost as much as the capacity of the tehran refinery. it reduces, that is, 5 million liters of rouqeah hoyda daily , sed and sima news agency, in my opinion, is the pride of iran iranian carpets, if germany is known by benz , iran's carpets are known by its carpets
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. it is a simple expression of the world fame of industrial hand-woven carpets, which is both attractive and job-creating, and iran is known in the world for its hand-woven carpets, and supporting this sector of exports to in my opinion, it's not just a matter of currency exchange , it's a matter of iran's identity to be raised in the world. before us, they sell one carpet in the same way, but in iran, every city in iran, like isfahan , tabriz, qom, kashan, kerman, each has its own style of carpets. they produce by themselves, no other country compares to the quality of production in terms of the quality of coloring iranians can't afford the handwoven carpet industry in the last three years in terms of production , we produced a total of 3 million square meters in 1400, this figure reached 3.5 million square meters in 1401, and
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3.9 million square meters in 1402 . that is, we had 11 times the growth of production than exports , but it is clear from that point of view that we could not reach the goal we had in mind in 1401, i think it was close to 50 million dollars. million dollars, which reached nearly 40 million dollars in 1402, which means there was a decrease of about twenty percent. now, in the year 143, considering the obstacles in the field of clearing the foreign exchange obligation that happened in the last two months of the last year in 1402 , it will continue in the year 1403, and also the temporary passage layer of hand-woven carpet, the permanent entry layer of hand-woven carpet, which will soon finally, our prediction is that , god willing, we will stop this downward trend in 1403 . statistics show an increase in production and a decrease in exports. handwoven carpet has all the components of resistance economy. it means that it is the only product that
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creates about 80 additional rajt. there is only one product in our country that earns at least 95% foreign exchange based on exports lt is. and the productive class of clay is mostly villagers and nomads of small towns who are engaged in this job. the export of the engine is produced because the export did not take place. unfortunately, the production body was forced to reduce production as a result. import rights of raw silk, solving the problem of temporary passage of hand-woven carpets, reducing the amount of foreign exchange commitment in the last two months of 1402, sending 24 square meters of hand-woven carpets annually. by post , approved by anyone to prosper in this industry. in iran, the first thing we can do for the benefit of production is action.
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domestic processing of wool and silk. today, our carpet industry is 90% dependent on imported raw materials, despite the fact that we ourselves have the ability to define a mechanism in the production of wool and silk. these sheep are being slaughtered every day in the slaughterhouses of iran. we will bring their wool to the production process of our textile industry . you can be sure that all dimensions of carpet production in iran will change in terms of job creation. imagine you will see about 8 million 10 million people have direct and indirect job creation, which means that every family is somehow involved in production and it really should be
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, considering the importance of this industry, increase its production in the 7th plan assigned to the government in 143 months , our goal is to produce 42 million square meters, which means 8.5 percent, according to the 7th development plan , we have a plan to increase production the amount of production of any country still does not reach the amount of production of iran. in terms of production, we are talking about exports, because our exports are taken, they are exports, that is, if we had one billion annual exports, they are easily covering, according to the trustees of this industry , the growth forecast is 20 million. dollars in exports by finding alternative countries and alternative products for carpets the creative exports of the attention of the world markets to compensate for a part of the decrease in exports and production in 1403
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are planned in the afternoon of the sed and sima news agency. only one week until the start of the biggest sporting event. preparing for this international field , including iranian olympians, is one step away from achieving what i want. we are counting the days to start the competition and every day that passes we try to prepare ourselves more and more and know the value of the seconds that pass by. hani rostamian in tir. tarzi got the first quota and hassan taftian and farzan fasihi were the last in two fields they became the members of the olympic convoy of iran. thank god, all the conditions have been provided until this caravan. in the best
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possible way, a convoy of 40 people who have been working hard in different camps in different challenges and won quotas from previous years will be sent as representatives of the islamic republic in this period of competition. out of 40 athletes in iran's caravan, 11 of them are women. thank god, our level of preparation is very good.
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the number of our children is less athletes, because our team did not get a quota for 2 disciplines, i can say that it is for completely managerial reasons, because in any case, management changes. it has been the skinning of the athletes , it has been the replacement of young athletes, the athletes are getting older , maybe in the near future, we will return to the los angeles olympics in basketball and volleyball, but now this period was a transitory period. he represents our team sports, thank god, they are in a good condition
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, there is a possibility of a medal. in the past, the olympics won 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals, now there is hope iran is like the brilliance of its heroes in this world. ansi bahri of sada news agency.
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anterem modern statue. in the name of allah, the merciful. hello. european stock markets with global technical disruption of our computer system. europeans started trading today with a downward trend. as a result of this disruption, the stoxx index decreased by 6% and reached its lowest level in more than it arrived two weeks ago. european travel and entertainment sector shares also faced a loss of two and a half percent , and german shares.


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