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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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give some comments, you can put forward some propositions, but surely someone should do this statement, or at least be part of the evaluation team, who are familiar with the literature of mineral evaluation in the world and in our country, for example, this is not positive discrimination at all , if a scientific reference if a scientific source is presented on this subject, i really take back my words , we really don't have such a thing. yes , it exists in the political literature of many countries, but in the field of scientific literature, because we want scientific work to be done . and they point out that these have been in the world of scientific literature for years yes, it is not. really, i mentioned it later . yes, i agree. if we evaluate two people based on the same skills, knowledge, and personal abilities, we will reach two people with almost equal scores . very well, if it was a noble lady, what's wrong with using her? yes, but if we give him a score in advance, then his score should be higher . he went to work later and couldn't do the job . how do we want to answer the people, the same people who are now the audience of our dear friend and they are the audience of all of us and they have demands from everyone and they also
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expect from the parliament that based on characteristics, indicators and efficiency and evaluate the ability and health, therefore, in my opinion, we should not turn a political matter into a social matter that we can actually use it for a publicity job later. there is no requirement for the president to announce his evaluation index at all. the law says the law of state service management, which i say is the basis , the law is the law for us. article 71 enumerates the political officials, the heads of the three branches of parliament, ministers, governors, deputy ministers, these are the political officials, of course, in my note, some of other political officials in rome, the cabinet of ministers will determine later that in the period of this work , mayors with a population of over one million have taken one round of voting, the head of the governor's organization has taken one round of voting . he said that i should read the selection from the beginning because
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it is an important issue. he said that the selection and dismissal of the appointment of these people under article 54 of the civil service management law says that the dismissal of the political management positions holders, including the ministers mentioned in article 71 of this law, without the requirement to follow the career promotion path, is one of the powers. the highest position means the president because our system is the people the dictator gets his power from the people, people have the right to vote for him. he can choose his own colleagues, the senior managers of his government , that is, mr. bizikim can go to a school and find a capable teacher who has no experience, for example, the general manager, and say , "i want to submit this to the ministry of education." if the parliament votes, he is a minister , the authority of a higher authority here can be nominated by the president, the parliament votes, he can go find someone, for example, a good carpenter, and say, "i will appoint a minister. there is no problem. there is no problem in terms of the law." no, but when we come to define the indicators , we should go
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and do it in the scientific literature, so here it is entirely up to the honorable president to do this for his colleagues. mr. tabatabai , according to the warnings that i mentioned, which were sometimes raised by the reformists themselves , what do you see as the reason ? what is your point of analysis? look first at the people around you. it is not left to me to correct a group of experts, mr. shariati also pointed out that yes, some of these friends who are in the working group of the committees and are in the working group , these are the people who run the evaluation centers in the country, that is, the evaluation and grading officials and determining indicators for different administrations in the country during the past years
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is a really specialized professional work that is being done by these friends, so i would like to say this to your service . it must be announced with their swabs that the majority of it has been announced by the governing council. committees it has been announced that the majority of him and my friends are now going through the process of saying thank you for me . please see this procedure to make it clear . mr. shariati made a good point. this was in the hands of one person. there was a group that was formed , the president said to four people, "sir, come and give your opinion about this. now this is open at the level of about 500 people. the subject is experts in their fields, there are former ministers, there are those who work in that field, some scientific institutions. you know that above is the largest number of participation from them. was taken and
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in this participation, scientific associations and non-governmental organizations are participating, which were consulted in this course, and for the first time that this happens , i want to say that scientific associations that have never had any connection at all, and this happened instead of tastes and rules instead of relationships are happening in most of the committees and these working groups because there are so many diverse people in this committee and they have minimized the possibility of this happening. if there are any objections, i will also say this, i will take this to the good file, and i will say positively again, nothing to do without problems and problems, we cannot do anything, but the point is that this is a part of the fight, and if there are arguments, why
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is there a more expert instead of this person who is also capable, why, for example, did he not get a higher score or do he have friends? they talk to them. i would like to say that my request is that this process will continue in the coming nights, in order to clarify the issue of more specialized friends that they have about the same issues that they are talking about. let's look at its first appearance the cabinet is in every cabinet, if political justice is observed, that is, in the appointment. as the main assistants of the president in the cabinet, we can hope that political justice will prevail in the rest of the current affairs. the statement you made about positive discrimination or reverse discrimination has also
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been raised in different eras in the issue of political justice in the world. now, i request that different friends give more explanations about this issue later, so that all of us will be better informed, but that's it. this is happening once in a while , let's all help and support each other so that people understand that if one person is found, a president is found. who talks about political justice , replaced experts instead of circles and circles, and in the end, let me say the personal authority of the president of the republics , but these consultative working groups, well, they will be a big help. and the ministries were occupied by those who at least had more luck from the elites of that field and the experts of that field. these are the hope for the future and the trust of the people. the trust that was created is admirable
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. it is not possible for people to trust that honesty and in any case , we hope that this model of the elected president will continue. now, there is another point that i will raise as a criticism, the conflict of interest that may happen because they say that because in these working groups or committees there are specific shares for different guilds or for different political groups are considered. it is possible that they behave in such a way that these interests will happen as they are based and create a corrupt situation. i would like to ask you to clarify, see anyway in any case, the conflict of interest is quite characteristic, well, some people consider themselves worthy
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to be exposed to the choice. he can see and other people will be elected. but in the end, after all these committees and working groups have done their work , it comes to the higher council, which is part of what you said is appreciable. again , it has the final stage, which is the president-elect himself, who after the impeachment is called the installed president. determine that there is a place for it again this. qarbalgari to solve these concerns , that's why i say that people should have their demands . anyway, two or three contact points have been introduced that they can email or tell their content, so that
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this monitoring method will be done over time until the last stage, in my opinion, with this mechanism that has been seen with the least losses and wastes, in the hope of god , i call it a good achievement. let's get there for the first time. let's all help, god willing , it will be more successful, mr. shariati . as a critic, i also believe that this process that has been arranged now is possible in the future, that the work of the representatives overshadow the parliament in the discussion of the vote of confidence . are you critical of this or do you reject this? of course, i have to say that because mr. tuatai has said this for the first time , at least my servant is an example of violating this order. now he is the first. perhaps it is becoming an advertisement. in this way, at the beginning of mr. dareh's government, a working group chairman
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was formed for the energy field, and in one of the meetings that i had the opportunity to attend, maybe 20 experts in this field were present, and by the way, with the same view as i mentioned, those who have work experience in the evaluation having you in these areas, the presence of people who, even when they are designated as the ministry of home affairs, are present and express their points, their views , their plans, their policies, and people have judgments that they later convey to the person in charge of that team, that is, one of my meetings. i myself was present in the government of martyr raees at the beginning, and by the way, the interaction of his government with the parliament was also better, and now none of the commissions of the parliament are involved in this issue, regardless of their political views , especially in the specialized field of the commissions of the parliament, they are very effective. understand that it is actually a priority what especially now that we have the seventh program that this government wants
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to be present from the beginning of its implementation, and the table that is actually the chart that is now the structure that mr. dr. zarif has published in the virtual space, one of its problems is that many structures which has been modified or deleted in the 7th plan, or it has been claimed that it has not been seen at all, that is, in the articles of the law of the program, at least one of which i know is article 46, in the field of discussing the duration of energy consumption, a new structure. in the seventh program, and by the way, the things that have been seen now should not be there, there should be something new you have to see, by the way, i think that consulting in these specialized areas will help friends who don't spend time on a route to avoid making mistakes later on because we don't have time to make a mistake test and correct it. the next thing is because i myself i had a hand on the fire of this efficient evaluation discussion . i had success in an industrial organization course . after all, every evaluation center has a competency model that has 10 to 12 indicators
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. now there is a long list of different indicators. mr. tabatabi, i read that everything is correct, but if there are 30 indicators, it cannot be evaluated at all. as a rule , different devices have different indicators. these should be separated from each other. four, five are general, five are specialized, and it should be known which evaluators are the ones who want to evaluate. what are the evaluation tools? it should be known, after all, the tools include psychological tests. there is a system to suppose that someone wants to be a minister and be able to manage a crisis in the country . for example, something happened in a certain power plant, what do you want to do now so that it can manage and respond, and those people who are there, we actually have 10, 12 indicators, 56, in fact, we have evaluators, and we have four or five evaluation tools, for example. it is possible to remove them from this situation if we want to do this model, if it is not a scientific model, the political model is in the hands of the president, it is in the hands of his team, and
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no one can take away the president with any model , with any tool, i said, the president has complete authority. because the constitution gave this authority to the people, it is the people's vote and these people sally dini is right here, when the president gets his power from the people and his legitimacy from the leadership, he can start and do his work, but if we claim scientific work , we must fully adhere to the rules of scientific work . we are waiting for the cabinet list to be officially announced to the parliament. as soon as it is announced, it will be known whether this cabinet is the original cabinet or not. secondly, it is known that these people were selected based on what mechanism? because the output of any process. it also shows the way to reach that exit , naturally, if we see a strong ministry of getting elected
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the policy framework and the view of this government, of course , we will certainly help, we will certainly support , we will certainly strengthen so that the work of the people can be done, the work of the country can be done, anyway, we had an unsuccessful experience in the 90s, when inefficiency prevailed in the country, and we do not want to let this happen. to repeat, of course , if efficient people are introduced with different political views than us, we will certainly support them, efficient and healthy people, because for us these are two important characteristics. both efficiency and health, naturally, the parliament pays attention to the constitution, the parliament pays attention to general policies , the parliament pays attention to the health and capabilities of people who now, this ability and health actually has different components. the issue of proper interaction with the parliament should not be such that a minister comes behind the podium and allows himself to say, for example, i will hire some representatives in the same way, and then actually give some concessions. take it and then want to vote like this, for example, the parliament will definitely not deal with these unhealthy debates and unhealthy actions, of course, that man of god said that we
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gave the points to the previous ones, not to these current representatives, like he went to a restaurant over there. he said it was written that we count with your grandson, whatever you ate a lot, he ordered a lot and he ate a lot and came to give him a receipt . he said, "don't you count with 9?" he said that the receipt is 90. later, this receipt is big , he has already eaten . it should not happen with the parliament and definitely the 7th plan. it is an important feature for us that the minister who is introduced, how much he considers himself bound to implement the law, if
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considering that it is also a general policy , they must have a permission from the leadership for this to happen. may the parliament completely comply with these things that it says, because it is broad i apologize that in the past three years, this part of these things that they are already predicting the future, they say should not happen, and they say correctly that it happened in the past three years , unfortunately, the reason is that people
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voted one way or another. they gave it very clearly and it needs a lot of length. i want to say that all the things that you said are included in this measure and criteria and god willing, they will be met, mr. doctor , their characteristic is that they do not make promises, because i am pointing out that if it is not going to be fulfilled , you will know right away that this is the reason. what causes it is possible for people not to be disillusioned, not to be disappointed. in all matters , we all saw our own vision and understood that nothing is going to be solved by making promises with spatial numbers. shariati , if they want to see these mechanisms and these
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, because everything that he commands and correctly points out, has been observed, both scientifically and i emphasize again on the field of political justice, the focal point of the speech of dr. you said the constitution, because you always know that we have a copy of this constitution with us, and about the discrimination that you and other friends have mentioned many times, i say that this is the third chapter of the constitution of the nation's rights, it is a very good and attractive chapter, and it is the 20th article. i read once , we have nothing better to sum up than the constitution . all the people of my nation, men and women alike , are protected by the law of all human rights, political , economic, social and cultural, in accordance with the standards of islam.
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he said how is their religion. all of them said 89. million iranians are the same, the same, the positive discrimination is the same in the protection of the law, you know why we have applied positive discrimination now, because the principle of yes, because the principle of the 20th has not been observed in the case of many people. employing those whose rights have been lost, if mr. medical doctor is now on this. they emphasize and their advisors emphasize this , and the mechanism is based on this. make a sentence in this government, one of them is going to be implemented the things that can be done, the rights of rationality are respected, the rights of women, these are the things that
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have been emphasized, and if the slogan is all for iran, and iran is for everyone, this is one of the points that really needs to be defended . following the leadership is the basis of this position. it is not until all 89 million iranians taste the taste of real justice, i beg you, under the impression that, sir, what are the problems with this , i don't know what this positive discrimination means. i am from voice and television which is undertaken under the condition of continuity and continuation. i would like to thank you on different levels, but here i would like to emphasize this to my friends and other experts, we are not the only ones who can
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come and speak to the 50% whose voices were not heard and who insist that their voices be heard. i would like sada vasima, as a media that is supposed to be the voice of all people, to invite them to be present. thank you for your comments, mr. shariati, please watch for two minutes. this is exactly what i had to say. see, the constitution talks about justice and equal rights. it will and definitely will no, if we want to do political work somewhere , let's violate the constitution. when it says equal, it means equal. by the way, this is exactly blowing the trumpet .
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we agree that a competent and efficient person must come based on the evaluations that are done. if
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there are even 10, what's wrong with it, but we definitely have to answer later, if there is inefficiency , based on what model he chose the people, that's important . 30 seconds. the next point that i in the end, i want to tell you that the reality is that a very important thing has happened in the country, especially in the stage second. finally, an increase in participation compared to the first stage happened, which created hope in the country and this promises a future, but those who have played a role in this decrease in participation since 2088, who are now present in the government's steering committees, really , if we announce we have said that we accept the principles of the constitution and the principle of the province. the leadership of sedition is our red line, and the people who are involved in sedition are now part of the leadership committee. thank you, mr. shariati . thank you, mr. tabatabai. thank you. this program will continue with this topic in the coming nights, god willing, and from here we invite the respected and main members of the working groups of the steering council to accept our invitation to participate
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in the special discussion program to talk more about this issue. thank you for watching. documentary images show that zionist soldiers in gaza and the north of the occupied territories are killed or wounded, once by yassin missiles and once in a conflict from zero distance and another time with. diamond missiles and end-to-end and guided drones. resistance forces directly target them . however, the occupiers
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refuse to admit it. interior revealed and these figures with reference to he quoted some of the statistics of the casualties of this regime due to the calculations of the statistics of the ministry of rehabilitation of this regime. in al-aqsa storm operation, the number of wounded israeli soldiers exceeded 9,254, and more than 3,000 of them were amputated, which means that
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there is an average number of dead and wounded of the occupiers. although they try to cover up this information. 700 occupation soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the war, and thousands of occupation forces have left the war due to physical and psychological injuries. this issue causes the occupiers to cover up this information and censor it in their media don't say anything about it except in spirit. but the field and the images of the resistance forces do not lie .
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6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello , palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, for welcoming the decision of the international court of justice, thank you. on the illegality of the occupation of palestinian lands by the zionist regime he emphasized on the trial of the leaders of the occupying regime. this movement announced that the decision of the international court of justice confirming the invalidity of israel's occupation is a violation of international law, and this decision will affect palestine's position in restoring the rights of land liberation and the establishment of a palestinian state and the right


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