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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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let's fill the document that i mentioned. two, we must have policies that these raw materials will be the driving force of the industrial development of the country, not that they will be exported to countries like china, etc. let's say that we colonized ourselves, this was exactly what british colonialism did in india or french colonialism in africa . i put material on the credit sale of raw materials and downstream industry. well, right now we have a serious problem of providing liquidity in wadha. we have allocated liquidity for production, and the industrial sector has decreased by 20% in the past year, in a situation where we have seen price inflation in most fields, and this financing of high costs also increases the cost price.
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the fact that many of our units are not able to provide sufficient financing prevents them from reaching their full capacity and the same economic scale that friends are talking about, and this, especially in the export markets , is one of the main factors of our lack of success in competing with regional competitors. if now our upstream industry which is mainly high profit margin and they have a good cash position in guinea, they give credit to the downstream industry for the raw materials, because they are passed on to the next step, which are either the industry, the contractors, or the final consumers, and in the export markets, it can be a competitive lever for mr. ghaznavi, article 24 and 30. the law on improving the business environment regarding the creation of resources, we have a bylaw that should not happen.
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first of all, what kind of blow does this give, and now , has this ordinance been able to help so far or not? mr. asnan khawani, i would like to say your answer a little earlier, but let's make these topics shorter now, all the producers are raising the issue , we have to fix it. our governments are generally corporate governments, instead of paying attention to the society and the people, they were paying attention to entrepreneurship because they were paying attention to entrepreneurship. not being able to say that the task of the organization and private sector companies is to fix the road and lay the rail not for the economic field. these are the parts of our governance system. when he gets out of business, he goes to sit in his place, he is aware of how the economy is let him manage, he is having trouble now.
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he is paying attention to how to sort the raw materials , how to sell, how to buy, how to extract , how to manage the commodity, how to increase his profit , if it makes no sense at all in the global economy , leaving all this to the private sector, why can't the private sector compete? he doesn't want to invest because there is no opportunity for him to compete with government sectors . it is not possible to compete with these sectors until the oil is in their hands the governments should not plan in such a way that they will abandon these sectors, they should not give up on the economy , this is our situation, we will not get out of this situation , and once when they wanted to implement article 44 , they said that the private sectors are not capable enough that this express the companies and accept the quasi-government companies
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. we have the large economic formation of private sector entrepreneurship. today, even if the governments call for large economic projects, they will hand them over. maybe a private company does not have the ability to accept these companies. today, a consortium is possible. they can share with each other almost in this subject of work we have done it in the past few years and we have learned, and it is possible to form a consortium with these large domestic companies, so there is no economic field that the private sector cannot take today, it is enough that the government is willing to accept this from the wrong path that we have gone so far. after all, we agree that this path was wrong. are we vulnerable in the economic debate or not? if we agree, then it is a path. let's change
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. it's the best time for me. now this government has come to work with a different idea and a different power, and it's better to design the path right now, so until this path. if not, our situation is the same . regarding the raw materials, let me tell you what the raw materials are like . we don't get them in the stock market, but they are in the free market, so it seems that there is a problem here. my problem goes back to the way the economy works. government, when we want to run a state economy, the same situation will happen, so you see, in terms of raw materials, our country is abundant and rich in raw materials, thank god, what do you want us not to have raw materials, we export to the whole world, unfortunately, this due to the fact that our economy is a state, we have to pay more attention it is profitable and we want to sell the raw materials, and here
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, tell me our conditions for the creation and hour circulars. tell me very briefly about these creation and hour circulars. investment is going up. we have two decades of good experience. my chart shows that economic stability prevailed between 1976 and 1986. economic stability prevailed. there is a certain amount of investment, so there is economic stability. anything that brings economic stability will increase our investment. economic growth and investment are related to each other the more investments are made. economic growth will increase, so these are interdependent. anything that disrupts economic stability should be prevented. one is the issue of the circulars . the industrial policy package that
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was announced by the supreme leader two years ago and unfortunately did not get anywhere in the government, the education and research organization should come as a matter of urgency as it is in the 6 months of the 7th development plan. formulate the industrial policy with the participation of the organization and the private sector, because in the end, zainafesh is the private sector. they should manage the economy, this should be compiled, everyone should accept this package from the highest authority of the country, this should be announced, as opposed to the policy of announcing the industrial policies that have already been announced, this should be announced and with a so-called
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specific strategic plan, i think. it doesn't take more than three months, we all help, just like the organization room, karna's collection, they all help , that's enough, god willing, with the special partner. be compiled and we really agree with an acceptable road map all the economic components of the country should be able to show the path of economic development to mr. khalegi. one of the other issues raised by the producers is the issue of energy imbalance for this sector. do you think that what should happen should the producer come to produce electricity and energy whether energy production will help or not, other things will have to happen, you have to see the issue of naters energy, considering the big gap between the energy needed in consumption peaks and what is available and the country's existing capacity , the gap is very long . we didn't do it right and enough energy we need our country's development as much as we have, and we should not reach it in the future
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, or should we stop the establishment and development permits because they need electricity , they need gas, so when we are helpless now. this is the existing capacity of the country. well , we have a serious problem to develop , so if we say that we want our economic growth to be 8%, this should be seen in the economy and industry. it doesn't matter if we also want to develop in agriculture. i want my industry , my mine, i want electricity, we have all this and that we in the summer we have little electricity, in the winter we have little gas, in the winter we get little gas, we look for it, we get less electricity, and the gas shortage increases over time, of course, you will also suffer from air pollution. we are not solving the problem, we are only providing housing for the sake of energy supply . well, now let's let the private sector come in. we have several problems. the government should build trust in several cases. one is that its contracts should
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be approved by the private sector. i assume the energy in the times when the consumption is not peak i want to build a power plant in the private sector . when do i want the power plant? when there is a shortage of electricity, i want to start my own power plant. how many months, 3 months, 3 months should my power plant work ? this is not very compatible with economic sense. finally, the government should make these arrangements that, as a rule, for the private sector to come and make investments, this investment should be justified and have economic benefits. this is one of the issues , whether the private sector is going to build a small-scale or a medium-scale power plant. coming from the private sector investing took months for the government to come to account for this, 6 months, a year, more than a year, if they received our bill at the beginning of the month. we don't see our electricity either in the industrial sector or in the domestic sector, but the electricity that
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the government gets from this electricity producer is bought by the private sector. i am going to invest in the energy sector, so a trust must be returned. bekne qaita needs several supports, we really think that these incentives should include tax exemptions , financial support should be provided, technical support should be provided , does the embargo allow us to import modern power plants in the country or not? let's open the way , we have to solve customs problems like this , so that he can do it personally. you said that a private sector can come in. yes, it can, but what should we do to help? is it giving free land to the power plant ? is this a small help? delivery is an important issue or not, gas are we going to give these power plants at all, or you see , we have a big challenge, all these issues should be put together, the private sector is my interest, it is the loss of
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the lack of profit in the production of the private sector and the industry. and take petrochemicals until the end of the chain, where they have the industry , they produce a product in the market , this is what will be cut off. we didn't do it, we are not near the power plant and we are seeing losses now, how many days is the holiday of the industrial unit in a week? according to you, it was one day, it has become two days , it has been announced that it will be three days, so it should be 3 days a week, then i am interested in one of the honorable ministers. we were talking about changing the electricity in the council . well, you can work on friday . we will work on friday . okay, we have to work. for the price of the product there, it's not that simple. let's say something . for example, you should close on tuesday, but work on friday. yes, three.
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they are closed on saturday, i will work on friday, is it also possible on friday, after all, our workers also have lives , my work force must finally reach their families, very well , mr. kovalem, i just want to say that the banks are closed during this shutdown , the profit from the production unit is closed 3 days a week, the banks' profit is this you sit for 3 days , they don't count, did you sit and calculate the profit and taxes, and if you were late, they are taking everyone from the office. the holiday does not work, but the daily bank is saying, "okay , mr. kolahi , what do you think about this energy dispute, in the short term , what actions can the new government take? the only thing that can be done with paying attention to the fact that we also have the problem of gas imbalance, so the fuel and fossil supply for the power plant itself is uncertain and under question, the only thing we can do in the short term is solar power plants, now and then wind, why do i say solar and wind are basically big projects and projects those that cannot be implemented in the short term, you can implement solar from 10 kilowatts to 100 megawatts and even more
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. well, we have adequate sunlight. the problem we had with solar in the past years was the instability and lack of confidence in the government. in neighboring countries like abu dhabi, we see electricity prices solar has reached half a cent per kilowatt hour , but in iran, no one is willing to sign a contract with 6 cents and 7 cents. because we have given so much uncertainty and instability, the transaction costs in our economy are so high that the investor is not willing to work here at even several times the rate that is attractive in our neighboring countries, so we must bring this stability and certainty back to the industrial units that are now they are having a serious cash flow problem , they should be given appropriate facilities so that they can invest in the solar sector in the short term . run why solar i would like to tell you that we have a consumption peak that is between 600 and 800 hours per year. we
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currently have a shortage of electricity. the power plant is only a fraction, now it is working, the power price of the power plant may reach 20 to 205 per kilowatt hour, the real price if we, especially with the relations we have with china, which is the leader of solar energy in the world today, if this time like what it was done in the solar 60s and at the end of the imposed war the technology of the industry has been transferred to the country logically, step by step, and fundamentally , let's do the same thing in the field of solar energy, not the assembly system , and then we want to go with a wall and import ban to protect that assembly industry, let's root the transfer of technology. i am really optimistic that we can very quickly bring the price of solar electricity in iran to the range of two cents
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. in the short term, when we don't have gas, we can have electricity without the need for fuel and fossils . we can fulfill part of our obligations in the paris agreement . there, in the future, there will be crimes and plots let's not impose a fine and prevent environmental pollution and reduce the energy intensity of iran's economy , which is one of our problems . the construction of these energy settlements has already started, but now we hope that it will speed up . we had a vision in the program that was prepared right after the jcpoa. we were talking about 5,000 megawatts of renewable energy, and 5,000 megawatts of distributed generation, distributed generation , can have very high energy efficiency and do not burden the worn-out transmission and distribution network in the country. daria and uncertainty on one side of the equation, which was the government, did not form much less than these numbers
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. thank you, mr. kolahi. thank you, mr. khaleghi . thank you very much, mr. ghaznami. thank you very much for accepting our invitation. it is more inclusive and usually the producers deal with these problems in the reports that we receive from them and broadcast. thank you, have a good time bye.
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in a situation where the eyes were more focused on the south of lebanon , have we entered a more dangerous war stage? this attack may be an attempt to attack the house of an official or an important center. command or an information center. the details of this attack are very important. the message is no longer only transmitted between the resistance axis and the israeli enemy, and i believe we have now entered the red line stage. nowhere in israel is safe anymore. in the new stage of this war, the axis of resistance showed that it has the ability of ghorizi radar. south lebanon is witnessing the most intense conflicts
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. and israel, some hezbollah officials. it targeted the army, which led to the assassination of a field officer of the al-rizwan force named ali jafar matouq, and dozens of people were injured, which was israel's response to the words of sayyid hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah, who had threatened if israel insisted on the attack on the civilians of new settlements will be the target of the attack. will this operation pave the way for a civilian-versus-civilian equation?
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war fronts will be. a resolution
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was passed by the cabinet of ministers in 2015, where the government required the use of electroshock devices in public places. this is the concern of the technicians of a company he started working with scientists to design and produce electroshock devices in the country based on their technical knowledge. this device is actually for the times when a person has a heart attack and through this device we can help that person recover from that condition and recover until the emergency comes . the device uses two pads to the patient's chest is connected, the device analyzes the received signal , if it detects it, it informs the user to press the button to apply the shock. it does not interfere in any way, and that is why
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it can be used in public environments. it is a technological product that was previously imported from several foreign countries, but now iranian elites have domesticated it with a third of the price of a similar foreign model from japan, america, and welcome to your presence. europe was imported, but now our company has actually been able to meet this need for domestic customers. before our company could produce this device , it was necessary to use foreign models to provide this device , so this is what we tried. first of all, it is the complete supply chain of the device, including its consumer part we can do the electronic parts of the device and actually the case of the device ourselves, and we can actually create a competitive position in terms of price , so that our price is one third of the price of a similar product. this product made in iran can be used for
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quick relief in places such as subway stations, stadiums, shops and other public environments, the device can be fully used. when it comes up, it starts giving the user the necessary advice, but because cardiopulmonary resuscitation or the same pr is needed for in fact, a person who is sick usually recommends the advice we have we believe that the person or persons who are in the public environment, such as hotel lobbies , shopping center lobbies, in fact, residential towers, the person who is responsible for using this device, will be able to perform cpr or cardiopulmonary resuscitation effectively . do it because it is a specialized job , there is a need for training, which we do in the red crescent . sami
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nasser of the radio and television news agency. the symbolic movement of the caravan. sarai karbala was held in tabas with the aim of promoting ashura culture zainab is having the most difficult time because when she passes by the slaughterhouse, she sees that burying their own dead means they are considered muslims, but not burying their brothers. it is very difficult to face a society that even they don't even know the muslim side. hello ali, my heart hurts. it makes a person feel bad. a small child sees his father's head cut off on a spear. this is very difficult. it is also difficult to see his brother's child being taken. hazrat zainab
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and many of the family of seyyed al-shaheda were not separated from imam hussain for a moment and wanted forever from imam hussain the pure body of seyyed al-shaheda. it is very difficult to do this, and the mourners who talk about shammar and yazid in their past and the people whose everyday is ashura, the children of gaza are exactly the children of the karbala desert. the strange dinner that the children of karbala are going through, the children of gaza are going through now . really, the people of gaza consider every day as ashura day for them, the oppressed children of gaza who should have the best facilities in this era , but even water from them, like we harass the children of karbala every day.
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here we are welcoming the people and we are the servants of the people, because the majlis of imam hossein is regularly
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zahir was one of the programs of this magnificent community of bafakis. god has arranged this gathering of ashuraites to be held on the 12th of muharram every year in imamzadeh abdullah bafiq. abdullahi of bafaq radio and television news agency. first, the discount tower at the peak of thousands of goods from the 31st
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of july to the 4th. august, chain stores of the horizon of cyrus. dear and respected retirees, we are going to be here in an hour. telling us, everything can be bought in installments here. it's true? yes, that too with a low price. as i said, i don't have a check. i will go in the car so you can come too. why are you going? saying that he does not want a check. don't you want does not want so a give me five flames and i'll go.


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