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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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in the railway sector, the waiting line to buy train tickets shows that the number and exhaustion of this fleet does not meet the needs of passengers. i was here at five in the morning . in fact, we did everything online. in august of last year , in the hope of financing and increasing the fleet, ahan signed a contract based on article 12 of the law on removing obstacles to production, but this contract has not yet been implemented. the remittances issued in the previous years are now in the ministry of petroleum's planning vice-chancellor, who , god willing, will send them to the organization of the program based on paragraph 3 of note 10 of the budget law of 1403 roads and
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urban development, the program for the reconstruction of 50 locomotives is required. stop and provide 200 new and used locomotives and 300 passenger cars using private sector resources and approve the board of ministers . if implemented, the railway fleet will be modernized, provided that we repair the existing locomotives, the production capacity of my country for this amount is enough for 167 million trips per year with the fleet. it takes place according to the statistical yearbook of the road organization, the average life of the road fleet is 15 and a half years. currently, out of 15 thousand buses with public license plates, only 6500 buses are active in the passenger sector, which has caused less bus tickets. be available to the public. wherever i said , we are allowed to provide inside, not import, without any consideration , we have to go to the cars that came as public transport and now left. in the
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maritime sector, while the age of the world's container fleet reached about 14 years at the end of last year, the age of the iranian fleet is about 20 years. leila seki of radio and television news agency. dear doctor, the ministry of road and urban development is a home ministry, which now starts from the sea in the field of road to the sky and... of course , the land, so it is a very wide area, the age of the fleet is very important in reducing costs, and these are for what did you do about this case? well , it's different in different departments, mr. abini. well, in the aviation department. well, the number of birds that were in the country. well, because of their old age in the past and the embargo conditions that the country was facing, we have a good authority in the aircraft department. we gave the airline companies themselves, or whatever type of license they want
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, we put the airline organization at the highest level of cooperation. we imported some ourselves but the airline companies themselves. being the best person to import with their own economic efficiency. well , this growth in the number of our flights, especially in the international field , where we had a 700% increase since the beginning of the government , international flights and the transfer of our international passengers, i.e. passengers who go to iran or from the origin of iran is traveling to other foreign destinations. this route should continue. in the rail sector , we set a good record in the field of passenger transportation last year, but it's really good.
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we are suffering wear and tear in the field of freight wagons . naobagan was domestically produced. yes , we have the ability to produce domestically produced cargo wagons and passenger wagons. even according to a law , we had a ban on imports, which was released under the provisions of the program . let's import because we are renewing the fleet. it is really valuable for us. now, for our demand in the rail passenger sector, our colleagues estimate that there is two and a half times more demand than our supply. we want to not lag behind the large forwarding companies, instead of moving the cargo, we must have the tractors next to the wagons . it has started, but there is still work to be done, the
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next government should continue handing over this sector to the private sector . if they want to buy, they can place an order inside the order and export the body or the wagons they want to buy and equip themselves. in a way, due to the loss of the passenger part, our iron company will take care of it. let's leave it that there is a profit, the companies have an incentive to invest in the passenger sector , because if the price goes down, the final price is far from the actual price that is sold to the people. this work is on our agenda in the department. a good road has entered the country. one of the reasons why our transit has increased is that the amount of infrastructure and vehicles has increased. service
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don't let me just use the roads . iranian companies themselves, who can be the owners of the cargo, can also move the cargo from one country to another through iran. iranian companies and iranian trucks themselves. whether private or with the identity of a company , this helped us a lot . we have a shortage of buses. our buses are a part of our public transport bus fleet. to place orders inside, which, for example, in arbaeen last year , we tried to supply in other ways inshaallah, we will do that this year, by the grace of god, we will face the least problems, but in the bus sector, we should at least bring in the same amount as the existing fleet , but rather, we should import up to 7,500 active fleets . a part of the bus fleet, because of the good money that these companies give their personnel when they go to and fro, go on them and leave the
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public transport network. domestically, we should place more orders and compensate through imports in our maritime area, so good things are happening fallen. mr. abedi, we had a very good growth in the unloading and loading capacity of our ports, both in the field of bulk goods and in the field of container cargo. and the higher the loading capacity, the higher the goods can be moved in less time. the cargo owners are more willing to use our ports in this competitive situation in the port field. in particular , we have southern ports with persian gulf countries, and we also have sanctions in the area of ​​our ports it's no secret that in the field of goods , we had a 42% increase in the amount of unloading and loading in the field of container goods, that is, in the field of bulk goods, 22 containers, 42. well, this was a very good thing. look
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, they said, finally, we are in line with the development of the sea economy. one of the ways to do this is to invest more in ports. in order to equip more ports with the necessary facilities, one of the suitable facilities is mechanized unloading and loading. now, the owners of goods do not accept their ship to dock. one day, if the cargo is empty, it will move to the next destination . well, this is the competition we have to do in all our ports. we have opened several systems in the ports, especially shahid rajaei band and even imam khomeini bandar. the private sector has invested, one of our sectors was the transfer of our port services to the private sector or the transfer of backlogs. both
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southern ports and northern ports were a very big event. investing in ports is an attractive investment they like both foreign and domestic parties because of the economic benefit it has for them. and we were absolutely adamant about this matter , we also invested in the vessels sector , a large part of the vessels even entered the country, and we did some domestic ordering. we had an increase of 140 from recreational and passenger vessels, this shows that our ports, which have the possibility of attracting passengers and have the infrastructure to accept passengers, have increased. the number of my floaters has also increased, dear doctor because housing is one of the important issues in the road and urban development, in the ministry we first see a report on housing and then we talk about it. we are at your service. housing construction
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was one of the important priorities of the 13th government . you have been settled in a month, are you satisfied ? well , some experts have evaluated the 13th government's policies in housing construction as a success . in fact, the government's intervention is that it has dragged itself to the side of the land and given it to the bank. it is in the name of the people, not as a government aid, the cooperation of the government and the islamic council in drafting the laws of the housing sector as well. it has accelerated the housing projects in the country . for the first time, the administrative law of the law
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on the organization of the rental housing market was followed by the ministry of roads and sharzi with the cooperation of the members of the parliament. 2 million and 700 thousand projects have been started in the country. about 700,000 of these projects have been delivered to the people and the rest are being built in the next stages. this number of housing construction projects has received more than 400 thousand billion tomans of direct resources. the 13th government also has a new quorum in the field of renovation of worn out fabric. this is 290 thousand units that started 13,000 units have actually been completed and offered to the housing market. martyr zohor is responsible for the issue of housing. that is, in fact , their responsibility regarding the housing issue, we had governments, we had ministers
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who did not accept any responsibility in the field of housing , the creation of residential settlements, especially in the provinces that are facing a shortage of land in the cities, is one of the government's other solutions. the thirteenth is to solve the housing problem. mohammaduri of sed and sima news agency, well one. one of the most important issues is the issue of housing, which was decided to have 4 million residential units in the 13th government it should be built. how is our situation now? well , you have raised a good question. i will tell you about the housing project that we followed as housing for the people. i will give you some comparison statistics. to serve you, sir, until today, we are at your service. it is one of the important issues in the housing sector. the importance of the subject of the field, until today, more than 50 thousand hectares of land is limited. 50,000 hectares have been added to the cities or in our new cities and
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50,000 hectares in our villages , that is, 100,000 hectares of land has been placed in the sakh circuit. housing there was construction in the country for the capacity of 1.10 million , the capacity of construction of supportive housing was provided in less than 3 years. 1.9 million for the construction of housing land in the cities and villages was provided for supportive housing in the section of dilapidated structures that was mentioned in my report. both the cost of building housing is lower and we have the needs and identity of the city , it needs less infrastructure services, everything is good, i will give you a statistic in the 8 years of the government. before, 47 thousand building permits per year issued for worn tissues. in these 3 years and
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less than 3 years of shahid raisi's government, 94,000 permits were issued annually, that is, almost twice as much as i said later, nothing was done, only twice as much as before, or in the field of rural housing, in non-rural fields, i am sorry to say, in the field of rural housing in the previous government for 8 years, the previous government averaged 80,000 housing renovation contracts per year. it was concluded with the people in the villages in this government in these 3 years, 165 thousand per year, that is more than twice the 80 thousand per year, 165 thousand per year. 600,000 is being built in different models . let me give you a number. at the beginning, this government received 24,000 housing units . give this government housing units that have no money to pay. for example, 10 years ago, 12 years ago, 30 years ago, we are at your service. a little
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less than 14,140,000 mehr housing units were handed over to the people. out of that 240,000, the largest production project in the history of iran , we provided about 35,000 billion tomans of resources in the ministry of roads and urban development . we finished this 140,000 and presented it to the people . it was good that the housing was sustainable , it was the commitment of the previous governments, but we have to we have implemented, people, this is in the sector of production growth, which is the statistics announced by the central bank , mr. abedin, in the year 1400, the production growth of the sector. construction was negative at 69. in 1402, it was positive at 71. this official statistic itself shows how much the volume of construction operations has accelerated. in this official statistics of the central bank or the statistics that statistical centers have to reduce the unemployment rate, most of them belong to the construction and housing industry, which is active. it has become a workshop and it is showing itself in the employment statistics. another
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good work that was sanctioned by this government was the work of 27 coastal cities, which was everyone's dream. to agha region, do you know which cities are being built by the order of the martyred president, following up mr. dr. mokhbar, 27 point of the year is possible, why 27 to why there were not 28, we have four cities in the coastal province, 31 coastal provinces, 27 are not directly connected to the southern issues, each of these cities is facing one of the provinces designated the construction of these cities as a plan to connect the provinces without a coast, the location of which has been completed. these cities are the city of the persian gulf in bandar arab and the city of makran we have started the implementation of the center, which means we have to wait. this is one of the big events. only these 27 points, 27 points
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, will add about 100,000 hectares to the habitability of the country. . very big, god willing, the government should follow up on this later . it will be one of our capital attraction capacities. many foreigners like this investment because we saw the towns with the code of generators, agricultural generators , petrochemical generators, knowledge-based companies, and hubs. the basic knowledge of interaction is defined, now some details there is another opportunity, my colleagues , i will tell you one more thing in the rural area. in addition to the construction of rural housing, mr. abedini, the allocation of land in the villages of the country was one of the dreams of the people living in the village. their children grow up , they want to get married, they want a house. since we didn't have land, there were limited rural plans . let me give you a statistic. from the beginning of the revolution, when the housing foundation was established, until 1402, 800,000 pieces
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of rural land were given to the people. we did it to the people it is estimated to be about 15. the people themselves must choose, that is, before the beginning of the revolution until 402 , in this one year and a few months, the land in the village has been secured, it is going to the country , it is being given to the dear people with the applicant . and there is a high level of construction in big cities, but i saw that they are building villas in some places , so is the percentage determined? this government announced the construction of a lower density of 50 in the national movement wherever the land allows us to do this, now in tehran it is not possible due to the land limitation. it was less for us, but now you go to yazdu and look, very extensive villa construction is happening in south khorasan, the rest of the city is happening in qom, our new parnian city, villa construction is happening in zanjan, ghazmin
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, and many other parts of the country. welcomed by the people wherever the earth allows us to do this. we did it, but where we had limitations , we embarrassed the people. really, this model of construction is closer to the islamic iranian model. really, this model of construction is more satisfying to the people than the models that are very adequate and have no identity. it makes it very difficult to work in the field. mr. abedin, in the field of legal infrastructure , i have done many things in the market. well, in the past, this ministry was not responsible for the market at all. he said that i have nothing to do with the market, supply , demand, inflation, and whatever happened. mr. president asked us to intervene. . let's be serious, the government can't be indifferent about the housing market. one of the good deeds of self-novist was that landlords and tenants rent houses to each other for free without the need for the company's approval. to date, it has rejected 650,000 contracts registered in the self-novist system. payment of riyal fee or payment made by the consultant i want beshawar real estate, dear real estate, they work hard
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, they are the trustees of the people in introducing the property to the people and signing contracts as a witness of this. contracts , but this system helped a lot. starting this year , we added more sales. my plan was to transfer a large part of my sales to this system by the end of the year , but so far about 200 contracts have been registered. konem passed the law on organizing the market , rent and housing. well, we didn't have any law at all . we couldn't set any rent ceiling. the party said, "i am the owner, he could set any number he wanted." we always had to come up with several policies in the area of ​​price and market. all of these policies calm down the supply of land for the wider construction of housing , real estate consultants, monitor the self-authoring system, and activate the vacant house tax law more seriously. many places in the world are doing this to prevent hoarding of built residential units , the tax law on empty houses is being implemented, so far 120,000 houses have been introduced and another thing
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was to hoard land. from the use of their foundations, it is the unbuilt side of the supreme council of architecture shasli was able to change the use of al-ras. this was a very good event. congratulations. another event is also a matter of the rules of the program. one of the good elements of this program law is that urban excuses allow adding up to 300,000 hectares of land to urban areas. and in fact, we are going to build 6 million housing units with this capacity, and god willing, the next government will continue this work seriously and with the effort that it has, by god's grace, but more. another good law. it solves and will solve the problems of the market sector the future of many cases will be reduced. it gives a lot of shocks, their complaints disappear , they don't have anything to do anymore, it improves the monitoring of the market, it improves the monitoring of pricing, and god willing, we can continue this work
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, my dear colleagues in the ministry of home affairs and the next minister and the next government , and by the way good infrastructure has been prepared, so much land has been secured for housing construction operations that by the grace of god , all iranian youths will be able to own a house, god willing.
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first, the discount tower at the peak of thousands of products from the 31st of july to the 4th of august in the chain stores of oghok korosh. because i have quality, discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference. household appliances city.
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during the targeting of al-hudaydah port, bekarat al-sahio air force. targeting of manshah al-nabat, unit of kirinat, download of al-hawiyat, peace be upon him, we will not have it, there is no power, there is no power in god, on the day
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of resurrection. the united states had al-khudeida port in yemen. subjected to heavy bombardment. of course, the yemeni people have proved for the past 9 years that
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they will not stop resisting and supporting the islamic resistance, especially the palestinian people. in this context, i am having a conversation with mr. dr. farkhande pour, a senior expert on the issue of west asia. the americans attacked the people of yemen in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, and i respect you, dr. abini, dear colleagues, see now the geopolitical and political conditions of the people's resistance against the zionist regime as a model and as a model. it has been introduced and brought up in the world in a so-called remarkable way. also, you have been waiting for these 9 months and you have heard about the really unjust war of the zionist regime with the defenseless and oppressed people of palestine
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. it happened. we are witnessing a kind of fronting . we can really declare that after the second world war, we are witnessing a very, very brutal fronting by the western countries at the head of the terrorist government of the united states of america and its supporters against the oppressed and defenseless people of palestine. well, mr. doctor, definitely. this model of war that the zionist regime started with the oppressed people of palestine, well, the resistance front is also against this kind of b a truly explicit and clear global justice. well , the reaction of the resistance front until today was based on defending the rights of the palestinian people . the resistance front is not an aggressor . or rather, the government of yemen, in
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support of the oppression of the people of gaza, carried out a drone operation against the zionist regime deep in the territories in tel aviv. the whole of nato came to attack an undefended area in the yemeni port of al-khuda how can these two be evaluated? now the situation in the region is going in different directions. well , the resistance did something like this in order to deter the occupying zionist regime. well, a drone from
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this means the style of deterring the resistance front and announcing the danger to the zionist regime. it is changing the equation of power to the equation of war in the so-called occupied territories. on the other hand, we see that with the increasing power of the yemeni government and the ansarullah front, which comes from this drone, from all the shadow radars of the united states of america and the zionist regime, whose active planes are even, as well as those air defense systems that are so having to advertise it passes through the media and easily attacks this
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, but the message of this action. in fact, it can be said that it was a deterrent for the zionist regime not to expand the military force, and if it wants to expand the military force , it will definitely suffer a much faster erosion. the area of ​​this port is encroached upon and so called, they strike themselves, this strike will actually cause the war to spread and the intention to spread the war is certain and certain according to the circumstances. it is special that now the zionist regime is being pushed from within and through the so-called international pressures, and this pressure should stop, mr. doctor, it will be to the detriment of the zionist regime and the faster victory of the resistance front against israel, thank you very much.


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