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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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with the formation of the steering council, the selection and selection of ministers has started in the previous days, and in the coming days , according to what has been announced , the list of proposed ministers will reach the president-elect, honorable doctors, and in any case, this process is going on, and we will continue tonight as well. we will talk about this process and process in the past, but let me say goodbye to the respected viewers of the network and i invite you to contact us from khabar network if you are interested in watching this conversation. very well, sir , how do you see this process that was chosen for the selection of ministers, and obviously i want to see, sir, because some people have criticism anyway.
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some people are praising this incident. do you have a critique of this incident and what do you think will be the challenges that this council and this committee and working groups are facing? the internal letter of the parliament of mr. president, according to the internal regulation of article 202, they are obliged after their own inauguration ceremony. in 2 weeks, they should introduce their cabinet to the parliament. in fact , mr. khosravi's internal regulation has come, which is based on expertise and experience . well, our criteria, in the case of commitment, expertise, and experience , these three criteria can be used in the case of mullah, which is also practical. that's it for choosing the cabinet in the government. which can
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be the benchmark for us in the parliament as well as for us parliamentarians, well, as you are asking, after the introduction of mr. president to the cabinet in the public arena on the same day, the speaker of the parliament is obliged to announce the collection and submit it to the commissions. specialization of the parliament and this internal constitution was not like this before, it was later amended. one step before the representatives of the nominated candidates go directly to the court, they must attend the relevant commissions once. minister of roads he should go and defend himself and his plans in the construction commission of the majlis, there also in the specialized commission . the parliament has come, these are the points that
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if the government complies , we will comply with the government for months. i think we will have a simpler path, an easier path ahead. so what are the duties of the specialized commissions? control according to our upstream documents. now you understand that when we are the minister. who introduce mr. wazir, for example , his idea is that he should have a program for himself present the separation, if it is not the case , now you have the right to the law of the 7th plan , the country's direction for the next 5 years . this is the law of mr. khasavi's plan.
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if we want to change the rules of the program, it must be changed with the third vote, so the programs of this candidate must be matched with the upper documents , that is, with the law of the program with the upper documents , there is a law of the program, the vision document must be adapted, then the members of the specialized commission this minister has the right to accept as agree or disagree. in other words, in the public forum, the spokesperson of the commission announced that day that we saw in their programs that it was not transferred to baladasi's documents. in our opinion, we do not consider this minister to be a suitable minister for the cabinet. he defends his own plans. first , i don't want to deal with this issue . to conclude, after all, there has always
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been a standard in every government, it has not been like this that, for example, the president himself or four people sit around him, ministers or his cabinet. there have always been committees to transfer this mission from the previous government to the new government, but this time i see something different . so , that's why the whole society is involved in this choice. in my opinion, this is the right thing to do . if you have paid attention to the composition of the committees , first of all, the strategic council has been formed. now , for example, i see in the society that they are criticizing the members of the strategic council.
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in fact, those members are not actually members of the strategic council. i may also have objections to someone's true character. that's it. that the strategic council has come to have a task, one is to specify the selection procedure for the committee members , then the committee members will be specified, you will see the members of the committees. non -academic members are present. two people from specialized organizations are present. my representative of the private sector in the past courses, even here i would like to ask mr. mezikian, our good friend and colleague. i will do whatever they can , and by the way, they represent the private sector in their decisions
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. we should thank them for including the private sector in their committees for the first time. this is a waste, but paying attention to the opinions of the private sector is really one of my concerns. for example, we take a person from the chamber of commerce to sit there , we take a person from the cooperative room to sit there , we take a person from the snot room to sit there, but in the end we will go our own way. when we say, sir, 80% of our economy is government, we mean it we have no way to save this country, our economy is the economic basket. we have to make the government smaller in any case of the economy of this country, that's why we have to pay attention to the opinions of the private sector, and in the case of relatives, there are idiots, there are two people from the headquarters
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of the provincial centers. i would like to say , thank you very much for the points, in any case of weakness , thank you, mr. metafker azad, now, despite the criticisms that are raised, finally, an innovative movement of its own kind has started, for which i have defined a transparent process, and they are constantly reporting. that now for example, how is the work process? in general, how do you see this process, the process of forming the steering council and the mechanism during which the ministers will be elected ? what is your opinion? how many opportunities do you think it can create? thank you very much. elected president of etamad. the people of iran, and i hope, god willing, at the end of the presidential term, they will come out of this difficult test with pride, and we know that it is a difficult task to run
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the country. and we will reach the destination, god willing look at the instructions of the supreme leader. in my opinion , there are many merits associated with this decision. there are disadvantages, both in terms of form, implementation, and examples . naturally, he voted with a taste that people expect him to implement, so we should give this right to the elected president. to be able to form a cabinet based on what he wants to get output from for his government, this is the first point, this is one of their rights and the rights of the people, that the government that was elected, therefore , the government cannot be formed in such a way
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as to say, now, when it is formed, let's see what to do now, this does not seem very reasonable. this is the place where it should be said that finally a president with a vision and an idea voted and this should go forward. here , the formation of this composition and this steering council can be justified by the fact that the president says that now, with the taste that i have, let's arrange the government and the cabinet and move forward. of course, the president has a team and working groups are appointed. i remember that in the period of 1400 , the ministers of the martyred ayatollah had working groups. it has been announced that the components have been clarified. this is a good work . i think it is defensible. we may have a discussion about the authors, but the whole principle of the work. it is valuable. the second point is that finally, if
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we look at the story in this way, then we have a problem called that mr. president said in the election that i am not a member of a party, they were very upset when it was said that you are a member of a party, so then it is not possible to say that this composition was arranged for that model, it should not be arranged like this, it should be said to let it be itself, that is, as we saw in the imam's shrine, mr. president. tell me, how is this the property of such and such parties, when a loved one said that they were elected on our behalf, that this president should be a personality that is himself, that means we do not want to produce a radical face of the president, the president has voted, he himself rejected this. finally , in my opinion, mr. president himself is more reliable others who speak, i refer to the statements of mr. dr. al-badzikian, whose spirit i know. we
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had the honor of working with him for four years. i will use what he said as a criterion. i will say that he says that i am not a party. if this is the case, then this combination that they have arranged for the steering council, gentlemen, or for the committees, this order of mr. raisoor does not come out of it, this is a concern besides those positions should bring this criticism as well, he said the seventh program and the supreme leader's menus are in your memory. from this combination, neither the seventh program nor the leader of the revolution's menus will come out . that is, if you read it like this, then i really hope that mr. dr. mezikian himself will intervene in time with the tact that we know about them . they should make the composition a more social composition and modify it. no, there is a time, tell me, no, i am interested in the same party model, then this cannot be the place of our protest, it cannot be the place of our criticism, if this is their order. the body change that i know later is an honest person, i know that's how it is it is not, therefore, this is a forward looking view
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. i know that the authors that have been given are valuable authors. the indices that have been given are valuable indices . from the elections to after the elections , now there are discussions in areas that will harm the national unity or the like. these are indicators that the time of slogans does not belong to technical and expert discussions, it does not belong to governance, but many of these are adherence to the constitution. clean hand and honesty of national attitude without the tendencies of these things it is valuable, it means that the output of such an expert can bring peace and security to the country, or that he had a good experience. to have good technical knowledge , to have good bachelor's degrees, to believe in
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bachelor's work, these are very valuable things in these components, along with them , i think there are some parameters that can be criticized, along with some people who it can radicalize the face of the government. i will say this in parentheses. you see some people, for example, i was in the 11th parliament of the education commission. i was present. we used to have religious figures and periods in the previous government. now, of course, it is still the past . that our teacher training system has faced problems because of the lack of belief in this area
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, they are doing political work with that area, the result is that we faced the removal of teachers , we experienced a decline in education in the country, so these are the things that cause concern that they should not once upon a time, people who we expect to be experts from being in this group of experts, this one, the next criticism can be that usually expert decisions are made with a large number of people. expert decisions cannot be made , they are made with a smaller number. dear experts in the field of decision -making and management, they say that between 8 and 12 people can make an accurate decision for something. you went to ask for 40 people to study together, 30 people to decide , you will definitely face the confusion of the decision, so we hope that we will gradually see this concentration of work in these loved ones. see, we in the parliament, just like our honorable colleague mr. dr. allah, even said one we have a very valuable mechanism in the sense of
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expert evaluation of ministers' plans and interviews that ministers do in special commissions. it's basic , it's checked with the authors , it's checked with the upper documents, it's checked with the program, then it was the 6th, now it's the 7th, its compliance, the level of compliance , this minister's view, we expect a policy maker from the minister , we definitely want this from the minister, when i'm in the commission i ask the minister who comes , for example, i used to say like this , what do you know about the development in your area? if he goes, he says, "i will change such and such clause, this minister is definitely not a good minister." the opinion that the expert should do, he should come and tell me. what should we do in order to realize this, that is, we expect this from the ministers, so the expert council will certainly do it, but because we believe that governance is not a child's play , you can be sure that the islamic council will act firmly alongside the elected government in supporting the output and supporting the government. very well, thank you very much, mr. lahouti. now, the discussion of the composition of the working groups that have been formed
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is the same as what mr. metfekartu said, and others have quoted. now their criticism later is that there are more faces, such as names, that have come out their political profile, their expertise, or, for example , the shares that have been determined, for example, for the reform front or for the various groups that you mentioned to the headquarters, they believe that this may eventually lead to a share, but some of the faces of the reformists themselves their indicators are even warning you about these shareholdings , what do you think you will see. i would like to offer your service according to the discussion of mr. dr. motafkar, who said that i would like to point out one thing, mr. khosravi, first of all, we have a lot of parties in our country. we are countries that registered the highest parties , but our members are not really active. in
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other parts of the world, people do not vote for each individual. they say that looking at parties means that a party comes and presents its plans to the people. people vote for the party's plans, not for the individual's plan. unfortunately , now we are two political currents. now, let's define the people, mr. khosravi. let's say that all our people exist in the form of these two views, for example, because these two political currents have a view of excellence. islamic republic , but now some people believe that we are from this if we go to the path of excellence of the islamic republic , some of us will give this right to mr. dr. bizikian. well, dr. bizikian came from one of the programs from one point of view from my point of view . this is my opinion, so it is not his party's point of view, but his own point of view
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in the discussion. the economy has expressed its view on the issue of culture . let's say that our economy in the group is our political interaction with the world therefore, if we expect from mr. medicine , mr. medicine will make their own cabinet based on someone. if he doesn't accept this point of view, for example, his belief is that, for example, the story of political interaction, which he defined mr. mezikian , should have a different definition. they take names, but in my opinion
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, let's give this right to the president, the one who accepts them, the one who accepts their point of view. he can help him if someone who doesn't accept their look, let's say it now, mr. medical doctor adam he is independent, he is a party person. he is really the same character as mr. doctors. i worked with him for 12 years . i was a colleague with him . he is really an independent person. he is a clean person. he said that he accompanied them on this path, so we should give him the right to be in his cabinet, and say , now, mr. medical, if you, for example , find your way here, allow it. someone who until yesterday was, for example, the opposite of his highness , does not accept your view, now because you are an independent person it should be placed in your cabinet. in my opinion, this is an
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issue. the second point, mr. hossein, i said in the first part . yes, the real character of the people is possible. in general , i also have a problem with a certain person who is in a certain committee in the steering council. i also had iran, but the original . the case is correct. for example, the criteria i have set , i am submitting to you in the first part, the commitment, expertise , experience, the commitment that the five authorities do not need to pay attention to, even we in the parliament , often do not see us when the party passes the filter of the five authorities. to confirm his commitment, we should pay more attention to the issue of expertise and experience let's see how many criteria have been set by the strategic leadership council that we are criticizing. let me tell you, one of them said , sir, 60 cabinet members must be under 50 years old
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. this is really true. i think it is admirable that they believe that 400 cabinet members with the experience of people with experience, people who have a stronger experience, this is what the supreme leader of the revolution said many times in the discussion of youth. it was that, sir, we have the issue of youthism, but we should not leave out the experienced people. younger people, people under 50 years old, mr. khosravi, there is this pain in the country until we want to choose a minister, our mind. we will go to a certain number of people and tell them, sir, they can only be the president, the minister, otherwise , no one else can run the home ministry
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. if we want to elect a president in this country one day, we will reach 10 people by noon. if it's not really like that, then look, one criterion is 60% of people below five. the second point is that 60 people who have no experience in the ministry means that it is not necessarily compulsory to have a ministry, but look again in a elsewhere, there is another paragraph that says, sir, 60% of the people should be from the same ministry, that is , i am talking about the experience that i have . let's see how much to pay. for example, if you have a road engineer at the head of the ministry of agriculture in this country, a road engineer is an engineer who
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knows well about round bars, knows well about concrete, knows well about asphalt, so that's why. expertise and experience, that's why they came here to say, sir, 60% of us should come from the same let's get the ministry from the same organization. i am saying this, if in the future this committee or the strategic councils do not adhere to it, then that will be a separate discussion for us in the future. now the cabinet will be introduced. dear mr. mutafker azad, in the parliament , we will repeat all these indicators ourselves, or 20%. to say, sir, about women and ethnicities, well, you have an excuse, 50% of our population are women of our country , when we talk about it. women's management, we can leave the women aside. now let me thank you and we have maybe 5 minutes. one point is that some people believe that anyway this
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the governing council is actually providing a database of managers of the country that can be accessible to many people who can use this bank whenever needed. to what extent can this steering council, the committees and working groups that have been formed , overshadow the work of the parliament in the debate of the vote of confidence? is it possible that this will happen or will the parliament act completely independently? a wise person should have doubts about this, so we are here there is no doubt that the government of any government, especially the government of mr. eshon , should not be the doctors of the commonwealth of nations who now have some benefits . here, we need the expertise of the constitution and the sub-category laws that came later, like the internal inspection itself, the parliament is a partner in this
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determination of the future task. with the vote of confidence in the ministers, the country has given the right to the parliament to make expert opinions about the ministers and even make political opinions, to make other opinions, that is , to determine the duties of the cabinet interactively, so this idea should definitely not be put under pressure may the majlis happen, god forbid, it means that we should put the majlis in front of an act that has been done, and if he wants to give an expert opinion, he should say that you are standing in front of so many experts, while there may be a point of discussion in my expert's opinion or their point of view. it may be different, but this is important for us, as i said in the previous section , see mr. khosravi, we are running the country , the president is the president of 80 million iranians, surely this president needs help, surely we do not have the right to solve the problem. surely we have the right to support them the people want to support our leader's demands from the context and the rationality of our governance requires
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that he win. the success of the president-elect in the country is the success of the islamic republic of iran . anyone who doubts this should doubt his commitment . now, aside from his expertise, if the president is going to start something, he must hold fast and we must help him. whatever opinion the parliament has, the government has, and don't doubt that we will do this , god willing. it is my inner interest to get confidence from the assembly whatever help we can give them in the parliament , we will definitely and certainly examine the components that have come, just as the ayatollah said, after he came, we will also based on the criteria of the experts that the extensive experts of the research center and other experts are a set for us. we have some suggestions for experts, we have experts ourselves, we will check it, we will adapt and
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we will move forward towards cooperation, towards interaction, towards helping the government to succeed. i think this is a very valuable point that the people are asking for wise and rational cooperation , the people are asking us to see peace and tranquility in the rule of law, which is working, this ship has now found a so-called president, the leader of the revolution also emphasizes, they always emphasize that you support us so that we can go. i
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have a point in front of me about how to vote. in the previous period , some people like to look at the story ethnically . sir, if this is the case, the late martyr ayatollah raisi also has a good vote in khorasan. it is natural to have someone from a certain place there. it has more votes, this does not mean ethnicism, that's why i wanted to defend the valuable vote of the people of my country and the people of azerbaijan, we kiss each and every hand of the dear people of iran, especially those who want to come to the polls. we are in front of them that in the most difficult circumstances, after a president was martyred , they elect a president in less than 50 days, and this means that iran is facing a crisis of the country's sympathy. rouz comes from semnan , the president is the president of iran, and i wanted to say here that we should not analyze azerbaijan by ethnicity , scientific analysis requires the work of a scientific author, so we thank the people for coming to vote. thank you, mr. motfeker azad. thank you very much, mr. detti
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, for your honorable presence in the special news talk tonight. this issue will continue to be on the agenda of the special news talk. good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today in the first case of tonight's program, the bombing of yemen by the zionists.


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