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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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we can have industrial agriculture where the products that come out of agriculture are going to be converted. according to what mr. ghaznani said , it only has scale, our products from agriculture can be mass produced and the finished price can come down and be competitive. what should we do about this? if our agriculture industry is mechanized , don't leave the poor lands anymore. some of the poor lands are even necessary if we can join together
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. they will be in the hands of petrochemicals, where plastic parts like that are produced, or even agriculture and fertilizers, part of which is downstream of petrochemicals. go to the source this should be taken care of, that is, the petrochemical industry should be correct, the petrochemicals that we design should be produced in such a way that the circulation is in the right amount, so that it can give the right quality plus the right and competitive price. let's do it with all the economic problems we created for him. that the petrochemical material that buys oil from us goes to another country, for example, south korea , to make petrochemical raw materials from it, the price is competitive with the price of our own petrochemicals. that is, we have to go from the beginning of the value chain to the whole value chain and we have to look at it link by link, we have to correct this . and with a high price
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, we should bring a high-quality product at a low price. low quality and price are the basic principles of competition. now , what is the relative competition or the competition or the competitive position that we create? it has its own place, but for now we have to talk about the principle of production, which is definitely in our chains, let's say, in steel, in the metal industry, in our metal mines, if we can't harvest those mines with suitable machinery. the wear and tear that we have in the mining sector in terms of machinery is so annoying that the mineral that is being extracted is overpriced. we are very busy in supplying very old mining machinery . the wear and tear of new machinery cannot be provided due to the sanctions and the financial issues we have. we came and closed an internal embargo. we said that the mining machinery that we want to import must not be domestically manufactured, then one or two production sets. we have not enough production, we came to
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hawarz, we closed a customs gate for mining machines that we cannot bring out ourselves, they cannot find them, even if we want to do it, we closed the tariff in such a way that even the ones we can bring in, so all these obstacles should be seen as the entrance to the production department. let's do the raw materials in an order that will give competitive power to the production sector . we need to prepare a report, my friends. we will come back and continue the conversation with mr. kolahi about the same issue of supplying raw materials. according to industrialists and producers , the energy imbalance has spilled over into the electricity sector the industry is shutting down, industrial production is falling, or we do mandatory pricing once , then we remove the mandatory pricing, then there is a social tension, the government goes four steps behind, and this cannot be fixed anymore . they are one of the most important challenges of the country's industry. . the president-elect
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says this about energy : he says that we have 10.160 billion dollars, so we have an energy surplus, so we have to solve this solution by hand, he is against mandatory pricing , the market regulates itself, there is no need for me to interfere, that's what we have to interfere. let's not let people find problems with drugs and goods on the other hand, producers believe that the problems of the country's industry cannot be solved in recent years. the problems that the industry and the private sector have been dealing with can be solved, that is, it is not a problem for us to say this, for example, this is the responsibility of the sanctions. in my opinion, we can be successful , they say it is possible, and the solution is people's participation in the economy. from the perspective of the people, especially in the field
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of economy, from the activists of the economic sector and the specialized organizations that exist and have birth certificates, among the issues both the law mandates this and reason also dictates this. the senior managers of the future government should definitely have an agenda for this task so that they can make the right decision . at the very least, the field should be prepared for public participation and the participation of the private sector and economic activists . this is the most important point in my opinion. sima, yes, thank you mr. safari , editorial reporter of sanat, mr. kolahi, regarding the supply of raw materials, mr. khaleghi, for bringing up the materials . tell me, what should happen to solve this problem? by the way, i have the material of the raw materials, how and the price of the raw materials, which are mainly provided by state-owned companies or
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the quasi-government provision has been an issue for 8-9 years. the tax on the export of raw materials should be canceled. pay attention . canceling the tax exemption means canceling an incentive, not duties and fines, and the reason was that we believed that this was a double and costly incentive, and in addition , it is a distorted market, which means that it favors terrazo. the foreign buyer burdens, well, this has been done, the issue that mr. khaleghi also mentioned , even in the same chain of these raw materials of basic metals. polymer materials, etc., this is the first ring they are the production chain, unfortunately, despite the huge investment we made , we did not have a clear strategy in this field, for example, in the field of petrochemical polymers, which is also included in the chain of household appliances and auto parts, even in the
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food industry, we have a very large capacity of methanol. we created it, but now we don't have gas to give it, but the advanced engineering is either non-existent or very low. well, this is despite 80 billion dollars of direct investment in petrochemicals and maybe a subsidy amounting to 200 billion dollars in the last 20 years. why did we go this way? why did we go the way that ali despite all this, he spent. today, the difference in the price of our imported goods in the chemical and petrochemical sector is 3 times that of our exported goods, and the average price of our exported goods is 50. the percentage is lower than saudi arabia and it is almost one third of south korea. well, this is showing us what we have done. we should really have a medium-term and long-term plan for that area as well, which are the holes in that value chain carpet. let's fill the industry that i mentioned
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, two, we must have policies that these raw materials will be the driving force of the industrial development of the country, not that it will be exported to countries like china, etc. there. convert and buy again with a high added value. in a way , we colonized ourselves. this was exactly what british colonialism did in india or french colonialism in africa. we must have a plan for this. one of the policies that i i put a proposal package, the credit sale of raw materials and industry is low. well, right now we have a serious problem of providing liquidity in production terms . in the past year, the liquidity of the private sector and the industrial sector has decreased by 20%, while we have seen price inflation in most fields, and this financing the higher costs also increases the finished price, because many of
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our units are not able to provide sufficient financing, it prevents them from reaching their full capacity and the economic scale that friends said about, and this is especially in the markets. export is one of the main reasons for our lack of success in competing with regional competitors. and a market shape if we get it right, we will usually spend the cost of this on the next level actors, either industry, contractors, or consumers. they are final , they will be passed and in export markets, it can be a competitive lever for mr. ghaznavi, article 24 and 30 of the business spatial improvement law regarding creation and hourly circulars, anyway, we also have regulations that should not happen, what is the first blow
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tell me if it works and now this regulation has been able to help so far or not, mr. esnan , i read your answer a little earlier. our governments are generally corporate governments rather than they should pay attention to society and people, they should pay attention to business. because they were focused on business, they could not make a correct statement. it is not the duty of the organizations and private sector companies to build roads and lay rails for the economic sphere, these are the parts of the governance system. we are doing the work of the governance system, because it itself is concerned with governance. if our governance system is removed from corporate governance, it will sit in its own place. he is aware of how to manage the economy, he is now doing business, he is aware
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of how to sort the raw materials, how to sell them, how to sell them. how to exploit the commodity, how to manage the commodity to increase the profit, if it makes no sense in the global economy , leaving all this to the private sector, why can't the private sector compete, it doesn't want to invest because there is no space for it, the possibility of competing with the private sectors the government is not the price. it is in their hands , government facilities are in their hands, free land is in their hands, oil is in their hands , it is not possible to compete with these sectors, and until the governments plan to abandon these sectors , they will give up on the economy of the situation. we are what we are from we will not get out of this situation and once when they wanted to implement article 44, they said that the private sectors are not so capable that
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today, even if large economic projects are requested by the government, they will hand them over, maybe a private company does not have the ability to accept these companies. today, it is possible to form a consortium , they can partner with each other , we have worked on this issue for several years and we have learned, and it is possible to form a consortium with these large domestic companies, so there is no economic field that the private sector cannot take today. it is enough for the government to decide to go from this wrong path now we really have to accept this, finally we agree that this path was wrong , are we vulnerable in the economic debate or not, if we accept it , then let's change the path, this is the best time for me, because
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now this government has come to work with a different idea and a different power, and it is better that everyone should design the route right now, so until this route is not fixed , our situation is the same. regarding the raw materials , let me tell you what the raw materials are like . we don't get them in the stock market and in the queue, but they are in the open market, so they can be found. again, there is a problem here. my problem is returning to the way it was state economy, when we want to run a state economy, the same situation will happen, so you see, in terms of raw materials, our country is abundant and rich in raw materials, thank god. what do you want us not to have raw materials? unfortunately, this is due to the fact that our economy is a state, we have to pay more attention to profit and we want to sell raw materials, and here
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are our conditions for the people's directives. ok, the directives are not created and the amount is investment is going up. we have two decades of good experience. let me give you a diagram. there was one in the 40s and the decade between 76 and 86. economic stability prevailed in capital. you have increased, there is a ratio, so there is economic stability. anything that causes economic stability increases our investment . economic growth and investment have a relationship with each other. they are interdependent. anything that disrupts economic stability should be avoided. one thing is the issue of circulars, of course, friends. i correctly pointing out mr. khalegi and mr. kolahi, if the industrial policy package
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that was announced by the supreme leader two years ago and unfortunately did not go anywhere in the government, the education and research organization, which is related to the country's budget program organization, did not take any action. just chanting, saying today, tomorrow, today, tomorrow, and really putting the country's industry to work. as an urgent matter, which is in the 6 months of the 7th development plan, the budget plan organization should be obliged to formulate this industrial policy package with participation. heads and the private sector because it is the private sector that ultimately benefits them they should manage the economy and administration. this should be compiled. everyone should accept this package from the highest authority of the country. this should be announced under the policy of announcing the industrial policies that have already been announced. this should be announced with a so-called specific strategic plan. i think
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it will take three months. it doesn't need more time, we all help, just like the organization room with the group of entrepreneurs, they all help so that , god willing, this discussion will be formulated with the participation of the private sector, and we will really be able to move forward with an acceptable road map and the agreement of all the economic components of the country. economic development is one of the other issues before mr. khaleghi producers raise the question of energy imbalance . do you think that what should happen to this sector, should the producer come to produce electricity and help in the production of energy or not, other things should happen. energy considering the big gap between the energy needed in peak consumption and what is available and the existing capacity of the country , the gap is too big. we haven't made the right investment for many years to be able to meet the energy needs of our country as much as the development that we are even giving and we should
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reach it in the future we should stop the establishment and development because they need a difference, they need gas. well, when we are now helpless in supplying the existing capacity of the country, then we have a serious problem in order to develop. therefore, if we say that we want our economic growth to be 8%. yes , this should be seen in the economy and industry sector as well, it doesn't matter if we want to develop in agriculture too , we need electricity for our industry, that's why my mine needs electricity , we have all of this, and we don't have enough electricity in the summer, we don't have enough gas in the winter, gas in the winter we are running low on electricity. followed by low gas, the shortage of which increases it will be found that the duration of it will naturally affect the electricity or the air pollution. we have to go and have these problems to provide it. we are not solving the problem. we are only providing housing for the sake of providing energy. we have several reasons for the government to build trust in several cases. one is that
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its contracts should be approved by the private sector . privately , i want to build a power plant. when do i want to build a power plant ? i will do it when there is a shortage of electricity i want to put my own power plant into operation, how many months should i operate my power plant for 3 months? i have to make an investment that it will work for 3 months a year. this is not very compatible with economic sense. finally, the government must make these arrangements, which, as a rule, we have to do because the private sector come on, make an investment , this investment should be justified , it should have an economic purpose, this is one issue , it took months for the government to come to account for this, 6 months, a year, more than a year, if at the beginning of our month we receive our bills whether in the industry sector or in the household sector we don't see them cutting off our electricity, but the private sector
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is buying the electricity that the government has from this electricity producer. it is okay to say that i am going to invest in the energy sector , so a trust must be returned to the government. if the government wants to bring its own electricity into the circuit or use it for itself , it needs several supports . financial support should be given. technical support should be provided. does the embargo allow us to have modern power plants ? should we enter the country or not ? it's not that simple. we have to help open the way . we have to solve customs problems like that, especially if we can do this. you said that the private sector should enter . yes, it can, but what should we do to help? giving free power to a power plant like this is a small part of helping . is it an important issue to get the gas to the end of this power plant or not? are we going to give gas to these power plants at all? look , we have a big challenge. all these issues should be left aside. the private sector is my favorite. that loss of non-profit production of the private sector and industry
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now, there is no difference between private and government, the loss of the lack of profit in production . now you take it from steel and petrochemicals to the end of the chain, which have the industry, they produce one calorie in the market, that is, when the electricity is cut off, the loss of the lack and the benefit is a large number in the economy, with this lack of benefit that you the economy happened, we could produce enough power plants , but we didn't. we don't have a power plant, and we are suffering losses . now, how many days does the vacation of the industrial unit in a week reach? in your opinion, hassan khani, it was one day , it has become two days, it has been announced that it will be three days. it's coming, so it's 3 days a week, then i'm interested in one of them honorable ministers, i will not name you now. 2 weeks ago , we had the same electricity issue in the council, discussing the private sector. it was changing. well, on friday , josh, you can work . i need to see the product there . it's not that simple. let's say one thing. for example
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, take tuesday off, josh, work on friday. yes, i'll take tuesday off . i'll work on friday. is it possible on friday too? after all, our workers have lives too. very well, mr. kovalem , i just want to say that the banks are closed during this holiday , and the production unit is closed 3 days a week. banks are sitting on their profit for these 3 days, don't count it . sitting down to calculate the profit and taxes and it was late , they are taking everyone, the factory is closed, it is not working , but the bank is getting its daily salary. very well, mr. kolahi, what do you think about this energy imbalance in the short term, what measures can the new government take ? considering that we also have the problem of gas imbalance, so the fuel and fossil supply for the power plant itself is uncertain and under question, the only thing we can do in the short term is solar power plants, solar and wind , basically, big projects and projects that it cannot be implemented in the short term. you can implement it from 10 kilowatts to 100 megawatts
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, even more. well, we have adequate sunlight . the problem we had with solar in the past years was the instability and uncertainty in the government . why is it in a neighboring country? like in abu dhabi , we see that the price of solar electricity has reached half a cent per kilowatt hour, but in iran , no one is willing to sign a contract with 6 cents and 7 cents, because we have given so much unfounded uncertainty , the exchange costs in our economy are so high that the investor not even with multiple times the rate that in our neighboring countries are attractive to work here, so we must bring this stability and confidence back , we must give proper incentives to the industrial units that are now suffering from serious liquidity problems so that they can invest in the solar sector in the short term. why do i present the implementation of solar power
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? look, we have a consumption peak that is between 600 and 800 hours a year. we currently have a shortage of electricity. we see because there is only one power plant it has been working for a fraction of a year , the power plant's electricity price may reach 20-25 cents per kilowatt hour. the truth is, if we , especially with the relations we have with china, which is the leader of solar energy in the world today, if this time like what was done in the solar 60s and at the end of the war, the technology of the electricity industry was imposed in a logical , step-by-step and radical manner. it was transferred to the country to do the same thing in the field of solar energy , not the assembly system, and then we want to go with the tariff wall and the ban on imports from it. let's protect the root of technology transfer assembly i am really optimistic that we can very quickly bring the price of solar electricity in iran to the range of two cents. in the short term, when we don't have gas
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, we can have electricity without the need for fuel and fossils. in the future , we will not suffer from crimes and fines, and we will also prevent environmental pollution, and a little bit, the energy intensity of the economy. the construction of these energy settlements has started anyway, now i hope it will speed up. there is not enough volume at all. you can see in the vision program that we had in the next step the jcpoa was prepared, talking about 5,000 megawatts of renewable energy, and 5,000 megawatts of distributed generation , distributed generation can have very high energy efficiency, and will not burden the country's worn-out transmission and explanation network. confidence in one side of the equation, which was the government, was not formed. much, much
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less than these numbers. thank you, mr. klay . thank you, mr. kharghi. thank you very much, mr. ghaznami . thank you very much for accepting our invitation . it also has and producers usually deal with these problems in the reports we receive from them and broadcast. we will try to address these issues more in the next reports and programs. good time bye
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cyber. many people in the world today when they opened their eyes faced this scene . blue screen of death, in windows, it didn't matter if they were traveling or working for a news network . we are working with a major computer problem at abc 7 news network. tv stations all over the country are also facing this problem. as from america to australia , they were affected by this internet outage. but the big story we are facing is that we are following a major microsoft outage that has affected several industries, including banking, aviation, stock markets, telecommunications, news networks, and companies around the world.
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after the spread of these disturbances in the lines. he got the flight notification and the manual flight card was replaced for ease of work. microsoft explained the reason for this disruption. microsoft's windows systems use the kradstreak security software, which when updating this software the software has a security flaw. elon musk described this global disruption as the biggest it failure in history. this incident has affected various types of businesses. the ceo of microsoft said that this was not a security incident in iran. the deputy minister of communications said that so far we have not had a report of cyber disruption in the country . cyberspace users say that this global disruption was shown by the launch of the national network. how important is information? the national information network does not mean iran's withdrawal from the global internet.
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internet-based services such as banks and electronic government the electronic health of the intelligent judiciary should be placed on the internal infrastructure of the country, fatmeh sharifi , sed and sima news agency. in this program, we would like to introduce karen's sogand shoes. karen's sogand shoes are very soft and light and suitable for long walks and sports. they can be easily washed and
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number one to 100. send a text message 2:00 p.m.: senior member ansourullah yemen has a certain response to the zionist regime's attack on hodeidah port. nasreddin amer described yemen's position towards gaza as unchangeable and said that the operation supported by yemen in gaza will not be stopped. the ministry of health of yemen announced that one person was martyred and 88 people were injured in the attacks of the zionist regime in hodeidah. some sources announced that this attack was carried out in coordination between the united states and the zionist regime. in these warehouse attacks


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